The Izzy and Seb Collection: The Evermore Series Books 1, 2 and 2.5

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The Izzy and Seb Collection: The Evermore Series Books 1, 2 and 2.5 Page 30

by Rachel De Lune

We wander out of the park and take a different path back to the hotel. We pass more shops, closed for Christmas. The windows look sad with the lights off, nothing sparkling or moving in the displays. After a few twists and turns, we arrive in a small square dominated by a brick church. Its strong lines and brickwork are beautifully set against arched windows. It’s beautiful—old and new at once.

  “Did you get married in a church, Izzy?” Seb’s question interrupts my appreciation of the building.

  “No, why?” He doesn’t respond, but pulls me gently forward, clearly wanting to move us along.

  “Well, it’s a lovely church,” he murmurs as we leave the area, following a few small streets this way and that. His question has me thinking, though. Perhaps it’s just trying to know me more. Having talked about divorce earlier and ending up in front of a church makes for a logical explanation, surely.

  I’m sure we must be close to the hotel. My hands are now small blocks of ice, despite being thrust into my pocket or wrapped in Seb’s hand. I think we’re about to turn the corner to it, but instead, we appear in front of another impressive building. It’s not a church this time, but a gothic building dominating all of the others with its majesty. The complete mix in architecture on our short walk has surprised me—the old and the new, modern with traditional. Will Seb have to be here for long? I push the thought away and focus on what I want. Warm and comfy. “Are we nearly back yet?” I sound like a whiney child and I don’t care. “Nearly, Izzy, nearly. Come on.” He’s laughing at me again.

  “When will you be back in Bath? How long is your job going to keep you in Manchester?” Seb and I are back in his room, spread out on the sofa, curled up and drinking wine. You could call it a perfect end to a wonderful Christmas Day, but I can’t keep the dark from creeping into my mind.

  “I’m due to be here until the end of January, so a few weeks.” My heart sinks at the daunting stretch of time. We were only apart a few days and I went mad with loneliness.


  “Don’t worry. I’ll work something out. I don’t want to be away from you for the next four weeks.” He smiles down at me and squeezes my hand.

  “Can you do that? I mean, you have a job.”

  “Yes, and I’ll work something out. Don’t worry. It’s not going to be tomorrow, but I won’t be away for long.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Don’t think you’re getting off that easy, though. There are definitely some benefits to being away from you as well.” He’s casually wrapped his legs around each of mine, securing me to him on the sofa. “Yes, I’m going to give you some instructions that I’d very much like you to follow. I know how good you can be at doing what you’re told.” My heartbeat spikes and I’m definitely interested in what he wants me to do. He nips at my ear, licking the outer shell while pushing his now hard cock into my lower back. “Have you finished your wine, Izzy?” Wine? Oh!

  “Um, yes…” I place my nearly empty glass on the sofa table.

  “Good. I want you in my bed. Now. Go.” He sits me up and smacks my bum, encouraging me. “One more evening together, sweetheart. I intend to make it count and ensure you can still feel me in you for the next week. I want you naked on the bed when I come in. Do you understand?” I’m frozen at the door to the bedroom, listening to his rich voice enticing me.

  “Yes.” His mention of only having one night left sours my mood, but I shove it aside. I won’t let that ruin what time we have left. He’s already got me desperate for him. His words alone are the best aphrodisiac.

  “Good girl.”

  I wake up and stretch. My deep slumber hasn’t repaired my achy muscles, but stretching them out certainly makes me feel better. Seb promised that I’d be feeling him for a week, and I’m sure I will. Right now, though, I want to cuddle up to him, and as I have the opportunity, that’s exactly what I do. I curl up to him and weave my leg over his hip and between his, securing me as close to him as I can get.

  “If you keep moving like that next to me, I won’t be responsible for my actions.” His usually rich voice is tainted with gravel this morning.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, sweetheart. Are you going to behave?” Am I going to behave? Something inside of me doesn’t want to. Perhaps it’s the contented feeling that Seb’s brought out in me, the feeling of being safe and happy in his arms, but suddenly I don’t want to be quite so innocent and submissive. I want to be naughty.

  “Well, it depends on your definition of behaving.” I trail my fingers across his chest and down his stomach, stopping perilously close to his cock.


  “Shh, let me please you. I want this.” I climb onto him and start kissing and licking his chest. I’ve got one goal in mind. Until he can come home, I want him to remember the feeling of my mouth wrapped around his cock. I pump his thickening cock in my hand before gently kissing the tip. I open my lips around the head and slowly tease him, dipping him inside my mouth and pulling out only a fraction of the way. He’s hot and hard, and as I taste him a surge of determination spurs me to make him feel me the way I want him to. I’m desperate to ingrain the feeling of my mouth on him. I tongue the underside and lick around and around.

  His hips flex. He wants more. Give him more, Izzy. Show him how badly you missed him.

  I settle back on my heels and open my mouth wide for him. I take him as far to the back of my throat as I can, and then pull up, slurping as I do. I ignore my inhibitions and suck harder, longer. I adjust to the encroaching feel of him in my mouth, taking him a little deeper each time. His groans are the encouragement I need to continue with added vigour. I release the base of his cock and see if I can suck him to the back of my throat. I inch him down but feel my muscles tightening at the intrusion and swallow to try to relax past my urge to gag.

  “Fucking… Jesus Christ, Izzy. Again.” He grips my head in his hands, clearly signalling for me to stay in position. I pull in air through my nose and calm my rising panic and aching jaw. I descend on him once again. This time, I anticipate the feeling. I want to cough but I swallow frantically to stop it.

  “Izzy, I can’t. Fuck, I’m going to come.” His warning is quickly followed by his hips surging forward, and his hands grip hold of my head, effectively fucking my mouth. The restriction is uncomfortable, but knowing that I’ve driven Seb to come this passionately allows me to push past my discomfort.

  Warm liquid hits the back of my throat and I swallow it quickly before drawing my lips up to release him. I’m pleased with myself, or rather, with Seb’s apparent pleasure. His inability to hold back has done a marvellous job making me feel good about myself. He pulls me against him and releases a big sigh.

  “We’re going to have to work on a few things.” His tone kills my happy feeling instantly. Perhaps I didn’t do it right? “One, you need to learn self-control and patience. We’ll start like we did before, and being away will help with that. And two, I’m going to have to stop myself from shoving my dick in your mouth every time I see you. Fuck me, Izzy, that was intense. Thank you. This is the only time I’m going to thank you for doing something I told you not to do.” His admonishment is hidden within his praise, but I’m only interested in the praise.



  We finally drag ourselves out of bed, happy to lounge in our little bubble. After the heat from my show of affection earlier, we’re now relishing the warmth of one another.

  “Why aren’t you spending Christmas with your family? Why are you working?” Now that I’m on surer footing with Seb, my curiosity leaks out.

  “My mother and father live in the US. New York City. They moved there about fifteen years ago. We don’t see each other much, maybe once, twice a year. I don’t have any brothers or sisters, and the friends I do have, I see when I choose. Christmas isn’t a big deal for me. You said yesterday that you weren’t seeing your parents. Do you normally?”

  “My parents live in Canterbury. Phil
and I moved down to Bath for our jobs years ago. We wanted to be on our own so I don’t see my parents too often, although I normally would go home at some point over the holidays. They’re okay with ‘no plans for this year but I’ll see them soon’.”

  “You aren’t close to them?”

  “I wouldn’t say I wasn’t close to them, but I’ve lived my own life for so long it’s just the way we are. We talk on the phone occasionally as well. I’m probably closer to my dad than my mum.”

  “And you see Jess’s family?”

  “Yes, Jess and I have been best friends since we met in Bath. Her family live just round the corner from her, so I see them often, usually over a Sunday lunch. It’s nice.”

  “Hmm.” Seb pauses and I wait for another question. “Right, we need to get up. It’s past one already and you’ll have to head back soon.” The little glimpses of Seb’s life and of mine we’re sharing are novel. I’ve been with the same person for so long now that getting to know the somewhat mundane things about Seb is shiny and new, and because it’s Seb, I’m happy to provide the information in return. I’m desperate to ask more about his parents and find out more information about the man I love. And about New York, but I know I’ll just get all excited. Another day, Izzy.

  I shower and change while Seb orders some lunch. Time seems to be against us, and before I know it, I’m packing up my bag. The time in our bubble hasn’t been nearly long enough, but it has certainly mended my heart.

  “So, when will I see you next?”

  “Not until after the New Year. I have some commitments that will be hard to get out of. Come January, it will be easier.”

  “Oh, okay, um… that’s fine.” I purposefully check my bag again to distract from the tears glistening on my lashes.

  “Sweetheart, I’m sorry. You have New Year’s to celebrate and then we’ll get the details firmed up. It will be something to look forward to, I promise.” He pulls my face up and wipes away the lone tear with the pad of this thumb. “Don’t cry. This time apart will only be a few days. Come on now. This hotel will forever be special to me. For the first time, you and I have been able to spend time together freely. I got to take you out and hold your hand with no guilt and no time limit. This hotel is where you and I began. That will always be precious to me.” His eyes radiate warmth, and the tears fall as happy tears after his words. He cradles me against his chest and gives me a minute. “Now, have you got everything?” He pulls me through the hotel suite before pausing at the door. “We’ll have a lot to talk through when I’m back, I promise, and thank you for not giving in to your curiosity. I know you have a hundred questions, and I do as well. We’ll get to them soon.” He slides his hands around my neck and pulls me in before taking my lips. His kiss is slow and deep and tells me everything I need to hear. “This isn’t a goodbye. It’s a see you soon.” I smile up at him a little more confidently now.

  “Hello?” When I arrive back at Jess’s, a dark and still hallway greets me as I swing the door open. All the lights are off, so I don’t expect an answer. It’s just after 7:00 p.m. Although I’ve only been gone two days, it feels like a lifetime. I put the kettle on to heat and take my bag up to my bedroom before returning to make the tea.

  I slump on the sofa, weary from the drive. I snuggle in and clasp the hot mug between my hands, the heat radiating through my skin, and marvel at the comfort that a good cup of tea can conjure. I text Seb to let him know I’ve returned safely. Amazingly, my mood hasn’t taken a nosedive.

  I’m taking control of my life. I’m making decisions and following them through. That is a huge accomplishment for me. Plus, Seb is in my life.

  Work is a welcome distraction from thinking about Seb, and the office is quiet with the lull between Christmas and New Year. Normally, I wouldn’t be working, but I can’t complain given the amount of time I was MIA before Christmas.

  I lock my phone away so I don’t spend every five minutes texting Seb. It doesn’t help that he checks in with me every couple of hours. Sometimes it’s just a quick hi; other times it’s more… explicit.

  I’m thinking about how good you taste when you come on my tongue. S

  I don’t think I’ve heard you beg enough, Isabel. Be prepared to beg. S

  Are you still frustrated? Can you still feel my fingers in you? S

  It’s only been a day and I already ache. I squirm in my chair and try to rid my mind of the sinfully erotic images dancing across it. They’re completely unsuitable for work, but there isn’t anyone here to notice my blush.

  I love the texts, but can we save them for after work? You’re very distracting. Izzy

  I am determined to get through these couple of days before New Year. I know that Seb and I are going to be together. Just a few more days until I see him again.

  At home, I retreat to my past fantasies, browsing my Tumblr blog feed and some of the other BDSM sites. Since Seb, the pull of these has lessened. Now I know how the bite of the crop feels against my flesh. Now I know about the heat and pain that flash before the dull, lustful ache takes over.

  The visual stimulation is a poor substitute for the real thing, but it keeps my mind occupied.

  My phone wakes me from my deep slumber and I reach over to silence the alarm before realising that it isn’t my alarm, it’s my phone. “Hello?”

  “Good morning, Izzy.”

  “Good morning, Seb. It’s early. Is everything alright?”

  “Yes, I just wanted to check in on you, and I wanted to hear your voice.”

  The sentiment warms my heart. The little things he says are slowly rebuilding my faith in love. “It’s nice to hear yours as well. What are you doing today?”

  “I have meetings all day, which leads me to the other reason I called. What are you wearing?”

  “Um, a camisole and knickers. Why?”

  “I want to imagine you lounging in silk and lace while I sit around all day at a board table going over contracts.” I can hear the annoyance in his tone and I’m happy about it. He doesn’t want to be away from me anymore than I want to be away from him. “I have a plan for later tonight. It will require you to do as I say.” His tone has dropped to that sinfully deep timbre that sends excitement pulsing in my veins.

  “Okay,” I breathe.

  “I want you to be naked in your bed when I call you at 9:00 tonight.” He pauses. “Isabel?” he growls, and it warms every part of my body.

  “Yes, yes, I will.”

  “Good girl. Now, you need to get to work. I’ll call you later, sweetheart.”

  Phone sex. Seb’s conversation from earlier can only mean phone sex. That thought has made me hot and fidgety all day. The hands on the clock don’t take pity on me and creep around at a painfully slow pace. Luckily, Jess is out when I get home, so I don’t have to worry about making an excuse for an early bed.

  I snuggle under the covers just before nine. Anticipation thrums through my limbs, but it isn’t enough to keep me warm, so I wrap the duvet around me. I’ve been thinking about all the different things Seb might say to me or tell me to do, and I know if I dip my finger between my thighs, I’ll be damp. The dirty texts seem to have stopped after I asked Seb to tone them down, but that doesn’t mean I don’t re-read them before I go to sleep without him.

  The phone buzzes and Seb’s voice brings my body to attention.

  “Good evening, Isabel. I trust you’re suitably prepared. Are you naked for me?” God, his voice!

  “Yes, Sebastian.”

  “Good girl. Now, I want you to follow my instructions, just as if I was with you in the room. I want you to listen to my voice. Put the phone on speaker so you have both hands free. You’re going to be touching yourself, and I don’t want you to worry about the phone.” I tap the button and slide the phone onto the bedside cabinet.


  “Good. Start slowly and imagine that I’m standing at the bottom of the bed watching you—watching you make yourself come at my will. Don’t talk unless I a
sk you a direct question, but I expect you to acknowledge and tell me you’re following. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sebastian.” My pulse quickens and I push the duvet off and slip down into the bed. I lie on my back, and my eyes focus on my imaginary Seb. He stands over me at the foot of the bed.

  “Slowly start to caress your beautiful skin, Isabel. Run your hands over your stomach, your hips, and up to your breasts. Feel your skin, the warmth from it.”

  “Yes.” My skin pebbles with goose bumps as my fingers follow his orders. My touch replaces my memory of Seb’s and my stomach tightens in anticipation.

  “Open your legs wide. I want to watch your pussy get wet for me. Spread your legs and keep them there. Keep touching your skin. Run your hands down your thighs, but don’t get greedy. Have you done that, Isabel? Have you spread your legs for me?”

  “Yes,” I pant. Frustration floods me, turning my slow burn of longing into a blaze. My pussy aches for his attention, weeping in protest. “Good girl. Start playing with your nipples. Pinch and roll them between your finger and thumb. Start slowly. Play. Find what feels good. I want you to pinch harder, then release. Pinch and release. I know how you love me playing with your beautiful pink nipples. Imagine I’m teasing you. I’m squeezing them hard and making you squirm under my control.”

  Small moans break free of my lips at his words.

  “I can hear that you like what you’re doing. Keep doing it, Isabel. I want you to be glistening and wet for me. I want to see your desire running out of your pretty pussy for me. Are your legs still open for me to watch you?”

  “Yes, yes, Sebastian,” I pant. My body writhes from the pent-up desire he pulls from me. I’ve never had phone sex before, and rather than the lukewarm pleasure I feel when I masturbate alone, my body reacts wantonly to Seb’s orders. I feel sexy, alone in my own bed, yet I’m not on my own. Sebastian commands my actions, and that’s what makes this experience so heady.


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