Make That Man Mine

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Make That Man Mine Page 4

by Shelley Munro

  Jack froze. If he were a superstitious man, he’d think someone was trying to tell him something.




  The ingredients were all there. All he needed to do was stop fighting and go with the flow.

  Then he heard a scraping noise, soft and totally out of place. He prowled into the center of the room, trying to isolate where the noise vibration had originated.

  Emma sat on the corner of the bed and bent to slip off her strappy black shoes. The soft sigh she made when she wriggled her toes pulled his cock tight and tented his black trousers.

  Surreptitiously, Jack searched the room, looking for anything out of place or remotely suspicious. Feet shuffled and it sounded as though someone fidgeted. Jack cocked his head, listening for the slightest vibration but couldn’t pinpoint the sound with accuracy. It came from near the bar. Nothing seemed disturbed yet the back of his neck prickled insistently. He snarled beneath his breath, allowing his taniwha senses free rein or as much as he could with a human in the same room. Gradually, he filtered out the small sounds made by Emma as she removed her jacket and kicked her shoes out of the way. He sauntered over to the minibar.

  “Would you like a drink?” Jack continued to scan the area, his gaze skimming a large mirror that hung on the wall near the bar. Standing this close to the mirror, two dark shapes were discernable within. Behind. Jack tensed then forced himself to relax. A two-way mirror directly in line with the bed.

  “No, drink for me, thanks. I thought you were going to the bar.”

  “Soon.” The distinct crackle of wrapping paper momentarily shifted his attention. “What are you doing?” To his critical ear, his voice sounded harsh and a touch defensive. Damn, he was losing his grip on this assignment and he didn’t like it one bit. All he could think of was sex. He winged a glare at the mirror. Now a bloody two-way mirror to complicate their case. Aware his famed control was starting to unravel, he took a deep breath and fixed himself a whiskey. He tipped back his head and let the alcohol slide down his throat. Although the peaty flavor of the whiskey tasted good, it didn’t do a thing to soothe his irritation.

  The two watchers remained, and Jack couldn’t decide whether they’d lucked out and scored a room specially set up for voyeurs, or if their cover was blown and they were under surveillance for more sinister reasons.

  He poured another finger of whiskey and stared into the amber depths in broody silence.

  “There are six different types of condoms in here along with two types of lubricant,” Emma said. She sounded breathless as if she expected him to react.

  And dammit all—he wanted to react.

  Perhaps that was the solution. They could reassure the voyeurs by having hot, sweaty sex. Just one bout, he told himself. He glanced at Emma and found her exploring the contents of the package she’d won at dinner. She’d tried to do it before but he hadn’t given her the opportunity. His mind grouped sex and Emma in the same sentence too often as it was without looking at visual props.

  “Ohhh.” Her small breathy sigh snared his attention, mainly because it reminded him of sex. But then everything reminded him of sex when Emma was around.

  “Do people really use these?” she asked, extending something in her palm for him to see.

  Two pastel-colored hearts lay in her palm. Each bore a suggestion.

  Lick my pussy. Suck my cock.

  Both temptation and the taniwha roared at him to grab her up quickly and hammer into her body until they were both satisfied. Jack glanced away to study the dregs of whiskey in his glass. Sex with Emma. He flirted with the idea and the possible repercussions. The taniwha clawed for sexual appeasement, and Jack knew he’d have to give in or shift and scare the living daylights out of Emma and their silent watchers. George Taniwha & Co. couldn’t afford the publicity—that was for sure. The hand holding the glass started to itch insistently. When he glanced down, Jack saw the sheen of forming scales. That settled it.

  They’d have sex.

  He was a professional. He could do this—remain detached and get the job done. Sex was only an exchange of bodily fluids.

  Decision made, he swallowed the last mouthful of whiskey and placed the glass on the bar top with a decisive click. His hands went to the buttons on his shirt. He unfastened them rapidly then shrugged from the blue cotton shirt and tossed it aside. He stepped out of his black trousers and chucked them in the direction of his shirt.

  “What are you doing?”

  She didn’t sound scared. A good thing, but he didn’t intend to force her. He’d show her the goods and gauge her reaction. Then he’d give her one last chance to say no.

  Jack slid his fingers under the elastic band of his black silk boxers. A growl of excitement escaped the taniwha. Emma’s eyes widened at the low, rumbling growl. Jack pushed the boxers over his fully erect shaft. Her mouth dropped open as she continued to stare at his groin. But at least she hadn’t screamed and run from the room.

  Jack sauntered closer to the bed. “What does it look like I’m doing?” The entire room throbbed with silence. Even the two watchers had stopped their fidgeting to concentrate on the action in the bedroom. Jack hoped they were enjoying the view of his bare ass.

  Emma licked her lips. “Ah, getting ready for bed?”

  “Full marks for the lady,” he said in a husky voice. Damned if this strip tease wasn’t winding him tighter than a spring. Turning him on. “Thought we might use some of those condoms you won,” he added casually.

  “Condoms?” Emma cast a nervous glance at his erect cock then at the box full of condoms. She plucked a bright orange packet from the box and waved it in the air. “Do they make them big enough to cover you?”

  “It will fit with no problem,” he said, coming to a stop right in front of her.

  She eyed his cock with misgiving, staring so hard he twitched. “But will you fit?” she blurted.

  For the first time in longer than he could remember, Jack wanted to laugh about sex. Grinning, he leaned over and cupped her face in his hands. “I promise that by the time I’ve finished with you we’ll fit perfectly.”

  Emma had no idea what had made Jack change his mind about sex. She’d been pretty sure he didn’t want her after he’d refused her advances earlier on. But she wasn’t about to object now that he was naked and sporting an impressive hard-on. She’d fantasized about this moment for months. Heck, longer than months.

  Emma stood ready to unzip her dress and shimmy out of it before he changed his mind. Then she’d jump him.


  Emma froze. Wait, as in stop, he didn’t want to do this? She lifted her head, trying to read his expression. Yeah, right. A book with blank pages contained more information.

  “I want to undress you.”

  “Oh.” Emma nibbled her bottom lip while she thought about it then gave a decisive nod. He might as well see all of her straight off. Her body wasn’t catwalk model material, but with her height she’d look stupid with tiny bones and no padding. Emma didn’t believe in pretense. “All right.”

  “With the light on,” he added with distinct challenge.

  In answer, Emma turned her back on him to present the zipper of her little black dress. Her heart raced while she waited for the first step in her master plan to take off. She wanted to grab. She wanted to touch the serpent tattoo on his biceps and see if it was still hot to the touch. And kiss. Fondle. But she did none of these things because she didn’t want him to change his mind.

  The zipper whined downward. No fumbling or cursing, just masculine competence that boded well for the actual act. The material slithered downward and caught on her hips until he maneuvered the fabric safely over the obstruction. Before Emma could move, he swung her off her feet and dropped her on top of the mattress. She hadn’t even stopped bouncing when he was on her, pressing her body into the mattress.

  “You need to wear more clothes,” he muttered, running his hands around her naked bre

  “Frightened I’ll catch cold?” God, his hands felt so good on her bare skin.

  “I’m going to wonder each time I see you.” He plucked at one nipple, hard enough that it should have hurt. Instead, the sensation traveled straight to her achy clit. Emma arched her back, silently pleading for him to do it again. “Think about your underwear,” he muttered.

  Instead of repeating the nipple tweak, he kissed a trail across her rib cage, pausing to circle his tongue around her belly button. Emma groaned, her body a sudden mass of writhing nerves. He could do whatever he wanted to her. It all felt good. She’d exert her rights to explore him later.

  “No bra,” he whispered, his warmth breath feathering across her lower belly. “Panties that are so brief I don’t know why you bothered.” His tongue darted out to trace along the lacy elastic band that held her panties in place. Along her lower abdomen then from her hip to inner thigh. “And then there’s the stockings. Man, they make me hot.”

  “I like them,” Emma murmured. She was dying here, so close to losing her cool. She stirred restlessly, the urge to beg him to rip off her panties and lick her, trembling on the tip of her tongue.

  As if he’d read her mind, Jack tugged her panties down her legs, but left the thigh-high stockings where they were. His fingers felt callused on her legs and feet, even through the sheer stockings, as he edged the lacy material away. He reared up to a kneeling position beside her, parted her legs and looked his fill.

  “Yeah,” he murmured. “Stay just like that. So pretty.” He skimmed a finger across her labia.

  Emma felt the flush of arousal that swept the length of her body. She felt wanton. She felt beautiful and feminine. And she wanted him desperately.

  He grabbed a fistful of condoms from the box that still lay on the corner of the bed and dumped them on the wooden bedside cabinet before dropping the rest on the floor at the foot of the bed. The plastic wrapping crackled as he opened the packet. Emma watched with fascination as he rolled the bright orange condom onto his penis. Anticipation danced through her stomach and moisture gathered between her legs. He hadn’t done much more than finger her and she was a quivering mass of desire.

  Jack’s hand slid in a long, luxurious stroke down her body. He combed his fingers through her pubic hair then drew a finger along her dew-slick cleft. Emma started, the zing of excitement almost too much to bear. Jeesh. She wondered if there was such a thing as female premature orgasm. Because if she wasn’t careful, it was going to happen to her. What was the man dithering for? Did he want a diagram? A schedule of instructions?

  “You’re wet for me,” he murmured.

  Well, that was pretty obvious. No point denying she wanted him. “Yes.”

  He parted her legs even farther and moved into the space between. “But not wet enough. Can’t wait any longer,” he muttered almost to himself. Taking his cock in one hand, he rubbed it across the mouth of her pussy, coating the tip of his penis in her juices. Another surge of excitement swept through Emma. Reaching over her, he grabbed up a container of lubricant. He broke the seal and pumped the bottle several times before a colorless gel squirted into the palm of his hand. With a soft grunt, he smoothed the gel in rough strokes along her cleft. Coolness hit her first, tickling and bringing laughter then warmth, intense and pleasurable as the lubricant coated her clitoris and pussy. Jack smoothed the rest of the gel along his erection. He probed her cleft, sliding one finger into her cunt. Emma groaned as he withdrew his finger then slowly pumped two fingers inside her vagina, stretching and preparing her for his entry.

  “Better,” he muttered as he pushed his fingers inside her for a third time and slowly withdrew them. He replaced his fingers with the thick head of his cock and thrust inside her. His groan echoed in the silent room.

  Emma bit her lip, wanting to groan too. Desire kicked hard as he pushed his cock deeper into her womb. She felt stretched and still Jack kept up the pressure, thrusting then retreating until he was fully seated.

  “You okay?” Jack’s glower was downright scary.

  Too bad. She was enjoying the experience, Emma thought dreamily, fit to bursting with happiness. It could only get better with an orgasm. “Yeah,” she murmured in understatement. “I’m fine.”

  “Good.” He upped the pace, thrusting and withdrawing in a steady, powerful rhythm that made the bed creak.

  So good. Her mind hazed with pleasure as she rose to meet each thrust. Her pussy was on fire. So close to exploding. His hands traveled up her body to cup her breasts then he flicked his thumbs over sensitive nipples. Emma moaned. He squeezed one distended nipple between finger and thumb, timing the pinch to coincide with a slow thrust of his cock into her pussy. The sharp nip sent frissons of excitement skipping through her veins.

  “Jack,” she murmured in a thick voice she scarcely recognized. The sensation built higher and higher. She clung to his broad shoulders, arching her back and meeting each hard thrust with a swivel of her hips.

  Deep shudders shook the strong shoulders beneath her clinging hands. Each successive thrust moved Emma up the bed until her head banged on the padded headboard. Jack withdrew again and slammed home. She burned for fulfillment. Burned. Then the next thrust sent her over the edge into a world where sensation ruled. Jack thrust once more and froze. Deep inside, Emma felt the pulse of his cock as semen jetted from him. His arms wrapped around her tight, tucking her firmly against his chest.

  He sighed loudly, right near her ear. “You okay?”

  “Oh yeah.” Emma brushed a lock of hair off his forehead, then gave into temptation and traced his mouth with the tip of one finger. “What’s next?”

  Jack snorted a sound that might have been a laugh. Emma wasn’t sure since she had trouble reading him, which was a damn shame since he was a mystery she was desperate to solve.

  Chapter Four

  Like any good private dick, Emma started her investigation of Jack in small increments and proceeded with caution. She wriggled from beneath him then took him by surprise and pushed him back on the bed. She wanted to explore every inch of his body then she intended to entice him into play. Emma didn’t expect to leave Mahoney Resort without trying out some of the toys and sex games she’d won.

  Jack removed the condom and discarded it. He opened his mouth and looked as though he were going to tell her to stop. That wasn’t going to happen. Distraction. She needed one now!

  Emma bent and grazed her teeth over one flat, masculine nipple. She plucked at his other one with her fingers exactly the way she liked him to do it to her. Emma slid her mouth across his flesh, tasting salt and smelling a hint of soap. Heady. Addicting. Very yummy. Her busy hands cupped his shoulders then explored further afield, delighting in each new discovery—firm abs, bulging biceps, the mysterious dragon, flat belly and an erection that leapt beneath her questing fingers.

  A huge erection. She ran her fingers along the silky skin, feeling the inherent strength beneath. Jack was like that, she thought. An iceberg. The man kept a tight lid on his emotions, never letting anyone close enough to get a glimpse of what he really thought. A man like Jack was a challenge. He made a girl want to explore, to discover what made him tick. Emma strummed her fingers along the underside of his cock. For the first time in her life, she wanted to try oral sex. She wanted to hold him in her mouth. Taste him.

  A growl rumbled through his chest, but instead of alarm or fear, exhilaration swept through Emma. She lowered her head, the desire to taste and explore, a siren dance through her veins. She cupped his balls in her hands, squeezing gently then licked the length of his cock from base to tip. Jack groaned a dark, needy sound, his hands tangling in her hair. Encouraged, Emma opened her mouth and took the very tip of him between her lips. She swiped her tongue over the slit at the end and a salty taste exploded in her mouth. His hips jerked at her touch, thrusting upward, and an incredible sensation of power filled Emma. He liked what she was doing to him. With renewed confidence, she relaxed her jaw, opened her m
outh wider and took more of his erection inside. Jack thrust again, slowly and with more control this time. Emma swirled her tongue then sucked, drawing on his cock and treating him like a sweet—something delectable and delicious to savor.

  “You can be a bit rougher,” he murmured in a husky voice. “But don’t bite,” he added hastily when she opened her mouth wider still and introduced the slightest scrape of teeth.

  Emma smirked as much as she could with a mouthful of cock. Pleasure coursed through her body as he massaged her head with his big hands. He set up an easy surge and withdrawal, each successive thrust going deeper into her mouth. His cock had been big before but now it filled her mouth and she loved it. Her breasts felt swollen and needy. A simmering sensation, half pain and half pleasure tortured Emma. Juices surged between her legs. So wet. So desperately needy for his cock to fill the emptiness.

  He pulled from her mouth without warning, taking her by surprise. “Did I do something wrong?”

  Jack barked a laugh. “Hell no! Any more right now and I’d come. I’d rather come inside your pussy.” He levered up on his elbows then leaned over to grab a condom off the bedside cabinet.

  “I want to put it on.” Emma held out her hand.

  “I’ll put it on.” He ripped the packet open with his teeth and rapidly rolled the condom onto his member. “Ride me,” he murmured, his dark eyes glowing with promise.

  “Oh, a challenge, huh?” Emma straddled his hips and grasped his cock in her right hand. She couldn’t resist stroking his length and feeling the power of him.

  “Don’t torture me, Emma. Or else I’ll take matters into my own hands.”

  Humor surfaced inside Emma. She was tempted to tease, but his hands locked around her forearms in a silent bid for obedience. She placed his cock at the mouth of her cunt and eased down, closing her eyes to savor the stretching of internal muscles, the slide of their bodies as they joined and he pushed deep.


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