Love At The Bluebird

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Love At The Bluebird Page 6

by Aurora Rose Reynolds

  “I need to go. I know I gave you the day off, but let’s meet at my place in two hours to discuss my travel plans before I have to get to the studio.”

  “Seriously, now I have to meet you on my day off? Some boss you are.”

  “Go pick up lunch on me from your favorite sushi place and meet at my place,” I tell her to soften the blow of having to work on her day off.

  “I can do that,” she agrees, and I chuckle.

  I tell her goodbye and immediately dial Aly to check in with her. Since she’s at work, I probably should’ve just sent her a text, but I want to hear her voice and know she’s okay.

  “Hey, sorry I didn’t call you when I got into the office,” she says when she answers. “I was bombarded by my boss as soon as I stepped through the door.”

  “I just wanted to make sure you got to work okay, baby,” I respond, then frown when the phone goes silent. “You still there?”

  “Yeah,” she responds quietly.

  “What was that about?”


  “Me?” Worry fills the pit of my stomach.

  “I’m just not used to being called ‘baby’ and ‘darlin’.’”

  I smile. “Start getting used to it. I have more good ol’ Texas terms of endearments up my sleeve, sweet cheeks.” My smile broadens as her whimsical laughter fills my ears.

  “We’ll see,” she says, sounding serious after her laughter dies down and she clears her throat. “My boss told me there are photos of us from breakfast all over the Internet already. Did you know about that?”

  “Sosie just called to tell me. I’m really sorry about that. I wish we could’ve eaten in peace. Is that what your boss bombarded you with?”

  “Yes, the photos were sent to him by one of our marketing assistants, who follows country music gossip. They didn’t mention my name, but she recognized me and emailed the link to him.”

  “You’re not in trouble, are you?” The last thing I would want is for her job to be in jeopardy because of her association with me.

  “No, I didn’t get in trouble, but do I need to be concerned that this is going to happen every time I’m out with you?”

  My intuition on her not liking the attention was obviously spot on. Fuck. I grip my steering wheel harder, hating the worry in her voice.

  “I’d like to tell you this won’t happen every time we’re together, but I can’t control when people take our photo and post it to social media,” I tell her, wishing we weren’t having this conversation less than twenty-four hours after we just met. “Listen, I’m asking that you take a chance on me. I want to get to know you and spend more time with you. I know you’re hesitant about me, but I also know you’re feeling this insane chemistry we have.” Hearing her little sigh, I continue my argument. “I want to properly date you, and we can go at whatever speed you’re comfortable with. Just know that whenever you’re with me, I promise I’ll keep you safe,” I vow, hoping she believes me. I understand the consequences of dating someone in the spotlight. I just hope she thinks I’m worth the risk.

  Silence fills the line for a brief moment before I hear her whisper, “Okay.”

  “Okay,” I say, smiling like a fool. “I’ll see you tonight, darlin’. Call me if you need anything.”

  “I will. Later, Gavin.” Her tone is breathy and seductive, and I hope I get to hear that again when I’m close enough to kiss her.

  I reluctantly hang up and shake off the images filling my mind. I grab my workout bag, exit my car and head into the gym, needing to exert the adrenaline that thoughts of Aly provoke.


  I drive across town agitated, because I’m late and pissed that my time with Aly will now be limited due to work. My session with Bruce was productive, but we still need a couple more hours to finalize the song we’re working on. Knowing I had to be somewhere, everyone agreed to take a two-hour dinner break and come back to finish up. It sucks that it’s going to be another late night, but seeing Aly will make it worth it.

  I pull into the parking lot behind the building and walk up to the bouncer sitting at the back entrance. Aly texted earlier to thank me for the flowers and to tell me she went ahead and put me on the VIP list, just in case I had trouble getting in. I’ve been to the Exit/In numerous times and know the manager, so I could probably get in on my own. But this is Aly’s gig, so I decide to follow protocol. I show the bouncer my ID, and he places a band around my wrist then opens the door to let me in.

  Like the Bluebird Cafe, the Exit/In is a small, intimate venue rich with history. Famous musicians from all types of genres have performed here, and it’s another Nashville musical institution. Unlike the Bluebird Cafe, being loud is encouraged here, as it’s a true rock n’ roll concert venue with zero seating. The stage is elevated high, so there isn’t a bad view no matter where you stand.

  I walk through the small hallway and arrive at the back of the stage. The place is completely packed, and the crowd is dancing along with the music. I look around and spot Aly leaning against the wall on the side of the stage, watching who I’m assuming are her clients. My heart pounds as I walk toward her, and when she spots me, she smiles, stealing my breath away. It takes every ounce of willpower not to grab her hand and find the nearest closet to devour her in. Instead, I engulf her in a tight embrace and nuzzle my nose into the crook of her neck.

  The smell of her floral perfume sends my senses into overdrive, making my jeans uncomfortably tight. I pull back to look at her and am rewarded with a sheepish grin that showcases a small dimple I want to kiss. I reluctantly let go of her when she turns in my arms to introduce me to one of her co-workers. The band is so loud, I can barely hear what the girl’s name is. Aly holds up her cell phone and motions for me to grab mine so she can send me a text message.

  Aly: It’s so loud in here. Let’s go next door and grab a bite to eat.

  Me: Great idea, I’m starving!

  She smiles as she reads my text then waves at her co-worker and mouths, I’ll be back in an hour, before grabbing my hand and pulling me back out the door I just walked through.

  “Is next door okay for you?” she asks, looking up at me once we can finally hear each other talk. “I can’t be too far away, since I need to be back for their finale.”

  “I don’t care where we go, as long as I’m with you,” I answer, watching her cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink.

  “Okay.” She ducks her head in shyness, making me smile.

  I give her hand a squeeze then lead her to the restaurant next door that is owned by the same owners of the Exit/In. We’re seated immediately despite the crowd of college students mixed with young professionals who occupy the bar. The waitress comes by with waters and we both order a beer while looking over the menu that consists of mostly burgers and Americanized Mexican food.

  “Have you eaten here before?” I ask, wondering what her favorite food is. I’m hoping I can get a clue of where I should take her for our first official date.

  “Anytime we have a show here, I stop in and get the nachos. They’re delicious.” She closes her menu and smiles at me.

  “I’m assuming by your gorgeous smile that you’re getting that again?” I grin as she nods like an excited child waiting for her favorite ice cream. “Is Mexican your favorite kind of food?”

  “Yes, but I just love food in general.” She shrugs, causing the wide neck of her sweater to droop down the side of her shoulder.

  My eyes lock on the small glimpse of her smooth, beautiful flesh and I suddenly wonder how her skin would taste and what her reaction would be if I ran my tongue up her shoulder to her neck. I silently groan and adjust myself underneath the table. Focus, I tell myself and force my eyes back to hers.

  “Have you been to Texas? Tex-Mex is the best outside of having food in Mexico.”

  “I haven’t been to Texas… or out of the country yet.” She laughs at the surprised look on my face. “The only place our parents ever took us to was Disney World,
and I don’t even remember that. My sister and I always talk about taking off work and backpacking Europe together, but we haven’t had the chance yet.”

  “We’re definitely going to rectify that. You tell me when you can get off and we’ll go to Texas. I am due for a trip home soon. Maybe we can go somewhere out of the country before my tour starts.” My mind starts racing at possible dates when I notice her looking at me funny.

  “Do you always bring strange women that you just met home?” she teases, but I don’t miss that flash of concern in her eyes.

  “I’m hoping you won’t be a strange woman by the time you meet my family,” I tell her, watching intently to see how she reacts to my words. If things progress with us, would she even want to meet my family? Tori was never interested in going to Texas with me. She always had an excuse anytime I brought it up, so eventually, I stopped asking.

  “You’re kind of intense,” she says quietly after a long moment, not giving anything away with her expression or tone.

  “Does that scare you?” I question with a raised brow. Obviously, I don’t want her scared, but I want her to know how serious I am.

  “No.” The word is soft before she starts biting her bottom lip. “I actually kind of like it.”

  Fuck, this woman is going to make me take her to my car and see how far I can get with her in the backseat if she keeps staring at me like this. Thankfully, the waitress shows up with our drinks and breaks our trance. We place our food order and once she leaves, I decide to change the subject so I don’t look like a madman carrying her out of here.

  “What else do you have to do tonight for work?”

  “Besides making sure the band doesn’t trash the dressing room, nothing much,” she jokes with a smile. “I just need to check in with the band to see how they felt tonight went, talk with the manager about final ticket sales, and then report in with my boss tomorrow. Normally, I wouldn’t need to stick around, but one of our newer employees is with me tonight, so that’s why I need to get back before the band ends. I’m sorry you have to hang with me while I work.”

  “I’m not sorry.” I give her a reassuring smile. “Did you always want to work in the music industry?” I’m always curious why people choose this business. Sure, it can be made to appear glamorous on TV or in magazines, but most people who work on stage or behind the scenes know you work like a dog in an attempt to make a name for yourself.

  “I’ve loved music since I was a child, but I can’t play an instrument or sing for the life of me.” She laughs, captivating me with the sparkle in her eye. “When I had to decide what I wanted to do when I grew up, I thought combining music and taking care of people would be the perfect job, but I don’t think being an A&R assistant fits that description.”

  “It’s not easy getting into this business, so obviously, you impressed your bosses. Don’t sell yourself short. You’re in the perfect job, because you do help artists with their career.”

  “Thanks, but lately it just hasn’t felt very satisfying. I don’t know…” She looks away. “I’ve just been questioning if I made the right career choice.” Understanding the lost look in her expression, I wish we were sitting next to each other so I could hold her, but instead, I do the next best thing and reach for her hand to squeeze it.

  “One hundred percent, you made the right career choice. I mean, are you or are you not sitting here with me now?” I joke, hoping to see that sparkle back in her eyes.

  She smiles then rolls her eyes. “I guess you’re right.”

  “I know I am.” I lift her hand and kiss her fingers then ask, “Are most of your clients in the rock genre?”

  She casts her eyes down and gives me a shy smile while peeking at me through her lashes. “Even though I listen to all types of music, classic and indie rock are my favorites. My boss likes to keep me happy, so he lets me take care of our clients in those genres.”

  “Do you like anyone in country music?” I release her hand and sit back to cross my arms over my chest, narrowing my eyes at her in a teasing manner. Her eyes follow my movements and linger a little bit on my biceps before moving up to my face.

  “Some,” she says hesitantly, making me question if she really does or if she’s just saying that to amuse me.

  “Name them,” I challenge and bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing out loud at her exasperated look. I can see the wheels in her head start to turn as she attempts to name someone, and I know in that instant country music is probably her least favorite genre.

  “Keith Urban!” she says loudly in excitement, pride shining in her eyes for remembering his name.

  “Do you only know of him because he’s married to a famous actress you like?” I question, trying not to laugh.

  “No, I actually like him. One of my favorite songs by him is ‘Somebody Like You.’ It also helps that he’s cute and Australian. Accents are kinda my thing.” She winks, causing me to swallow down the uncomfortable pain I’m in from how hard she’s got me. Thank God the waitress arrives at that moment. We both eye each other’s order then dig in, picking off one another’s plate while we continue talking. Before we know it, the hour is up and it’s time for us to leave, so I pay the bill, grab Aly’s hand, and escort her out of the restaurant.

  “I had a really great time tonight,” I tell her, bringing her small hand up to my mouth to kiss her knuckles as we stroll back toward the Exit/In.

  “Me too.” Her smile is small and shy as we walk in silence. I glance down at her, noticing that pink has spread up her cheeks as the sexual tension radiates between us.

  “Are you leaving?” she questions when I stop next to my truck. I nod, and disappointment screams from her eyes, making me feel like a fucking asshole for having to leave her.

  “I have to go back to the studio tonight. We didn’t get to finish the song we were working on. We’re close, so it should only be a couple more hours.”

  “You weren’t done working?” Her gaze fills with surprise. “Gavin, you didn’t have to meet me tonight. We could have met up tomorrow.” She attempts to let go of my hand and tries to take a step back, but I refuse to let go of her. I grab her wrist and haul her up against me, wrapping my arms around her so she can’t escape.

  “I didn’t want to wait until tomorrow to see you again.” I feel her arms close around my waist, her touch sending warm sensations up my spine. I can’t help the low groan that escapes when I watch her gently bite her bottom lip again.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I murmur while memorizing the shape of her face and those warm eyes of hers that I know will haunt my dreams. I push a piece of her hair behind her ear and lightly caress her cheek. Her eyes lock on mine, and I can tell she’s searching for something—for what, I don’t know, but whatever it is, I want her to find it within me. I feel her squeeze me tighter, and listen to her breath coming out faster as her gaze travels down to my lips.

  “Kiss me, Gavin,” she demands in a whisper, her pupils dilated and filled with desire.

  I growl my approval and don’t hesitate, snaking one of my hands up her spine, grabbing her by the back of her neck, and crashing my mouth onto hers. This kiss is the opposite of soft and slow; it’s rough and hungry, our passion for each other undeniable in this moment. Hot waves of desire roll through me every time her tongue touches mine, making me crave more. She’s my new drug of choice and her high is one I never want to come down from. Her hands move up my chest to my hair, tugging and pulling as we try to get as close to each other as possible. When she moans, I groan in response, the sound of us devouring each other filling the air around us, drowning out the music coming from inside the building.

  A very small part of me is screaming to stop, reminding me that we’re at one of her events and anyone can find us out here behind my truck. I start to slow our kiss down, and eventually, I find the strength to break away. But I can’t resist trailing kisses down her jaw to her neck, nipping and licking every inch until I reach that patch of deliciously exposed ski
n at her shoulder I’d been eyeing at dinner.

  “I knew you were going to taste this amazing, baby. I can’t wait to explore and try the rest of you,” I whisper against her ear before nibbling on her lobe. I feel her shiver as she moves her head back, urging me to reclaim her mouth. As soon as my mouth touches hers, her lips part and our tongues dance together in what feels like pure ecstasy. Her little moans only stoke the fire still burning, and I’m once again lost in the abyss that is Alyson Dawson.

  I force her to walk backward until her back hits a car that’s not mine. She opens her legs and wraps her arms around me, like she’s trying to mold her body to mine. My hands start roaming down those dangerous curves of hers, stopping over her delicious ass. Before I can stop myself, I hoist her up and she automatically wraps her legs around my waist. The heat of her rubs against my cock through our clothes, and the car I have her against begins to move.

  Fuck, I can’t get enough of her.

  I can’t stop kissing, tasting her, touching her.

  Her moaning gets louder, her breath coming out in little pants. I know if we keep this up, she’s going to come from the friction against her clit. The selfish bastard in me wants to put my hand down the front of her pants and rub her until she screams out my name. I’m about to listen to my wicked inner voice when someone else makes the decision for me.

  “What the hell? Get off of my car!” a man shouts, breaking our spell. I put her down and she immediately buries her face against my chest.

  “Sorry about that, sir,” I say as I grab her hand and walk to the back entrance of the building.

  “Crap, I gotta go. I think the show’s over.”

  She’s probably right, since I can’t hear the band any longer and more people are now exiting the building. I pull her in for a hug and swiftly kiss her lips.

  “Call me when you get home tonight,” I demand, and she nods slowly, still in a daze. I smile at her smugly, enjoying seeing those swollen lips and heated cheeks, knowing that came from me. “You better get going before I continue what we started in front of all these people.”


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