Visionary Awakened

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by Yumoyori Wilson

  Visionary Awakened

  Yumoyori Wilson

  This is work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Copyright© Yumoyori Wilson, 2018

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The publisher is not responsible for website (or their content) that are not own by the publisher.

  This eBook/Paperback is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook/Paperback may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

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  Cover Design by Crimson Phoenix Creations

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  Editing by Rachel Mowry

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  Format: Gina Wynn





  Host - Spirit Directory

  In the Beginning…

  Visionary Awakened Blurb


  1. Recovering From The Blaze

  2. Hesitation And Seraphim Angels

  3. Crystals Of Mother Destiny

  4. Crystal Of Dark Revelations

  5. My Heart Is The Key

  6. Revival And Destiny

  7. Mother Destiny's Plan

  8. The Race Against Time

  9. Elevator Tease

  10. Crystal Of Protective Souls

  11. Salvation And Niko

  12. Reminder Of Home

  13. Trust My Love

  14. Crystal Of Foreshadowing

  15. The Hunter or the Hunted

  16. Fear of Losing You

  17. Bloody Secret

  18. Confession

  19. Accept the Broken Me

  20. Cage Fights and the Crystal of Unity

  21. Love from Afar

  22. Confrontation

  23. Crystal of Forgotten Memories

  24. Invitation

  25. Dancing with the Enemy

  26. Blazing Destruction and Reclaim what is Mine

  27. Tie-Breaker and New Mission

  Taming the Storm Sneak Peek

  Taming the Storm Blurb


  About Yumoyori Wilson

  Books by Yumoyori Wilson


  Thank you for purchasing VISIONARY AWAKENED.

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  Thank you to all my amazing readers for supporting me on my writing journey.

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  Special thanks to my Cowifeys Tamara White, Vivian Quinn, Elle Cross. I love you three dearly and couldn’t ask for better friends.

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  Thank you to my amazing BETA team for so being so epic and lively. You make this journey A LOT easier and I’m grateful to have all of you in my life. Thank you for working extra hard this release and dealing with the schedule change.

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  Special thanks to my amazing editor Rachel Mowry. You made releasing this book on time a success and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you on my publishing team.

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  Special thanks to my amazing Mom for blessing me with the gift to write and supporting me in all aspects. I pray to continue making you proud as I strive towards success.

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  Finally, I thank God for giving me the strength to achieve my goals. Without Him, I would be nothing.

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  SOLACE: First six months of the year (Spring to Summer)

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  LUNAR: Second six months of the year (Fall to Winter)

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  CYCLE: Year


  Separate dimension (planet) within the galaxy, created by the Starlight Gods. Only ways of traveling between realms are through portal access, transportation ships or magical ability of teleportation.

  Realm ONE: Latelia – Starlight God: Deathpre (God of Death)

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  Realm TWO: Wintalyn – Starlight Goddess: Kurani (Goddess of Water)

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  Realm THREE: Feminara – Starlight God: Amaterasu (God of Fire)

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  Realm FOUR: Phentailia – Starlight God: Lucifer (God of Hell)

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  Realm FIVE: Minato – Starlight God: Risuki (God of War)

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  Realm SIX: Earthala – Starlight God: Jehovah (God of Rebirth/Judgement)

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  Realm SEVEN: Distala – Starlight God: Laviathan (God of Lightning)

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  Realm EIGHT: Heila – Starlight Goddess: Nightmare (Goddess of Destruction -Daughter of Death)

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  Realm NINE: Miolana – Starlight Goddess: Yuikimiru (Goddess of Life/Mother Nature)

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  Realm TEN: ArchAilennia – Starlight Goddess: Aphroditeee (Goddess of Prosperity/Beauty)

  Host - Spirit Directory

  Scarlet Sinclair

  Aurora- ???

  Serenity- ???

  Jaxson White



  Michael Moore

  Ezriel- ANGEL

  Junho Boom Suk



  Christian Ross

  Cyrus- DEMON

  Ethan Roseblade

  Onyx – FAIRY

  In the Beginning…

  Only the stars provided pinpricks of light throughout the galaxy. Overtime, the stars drifted together and collided, creating ten powerful beings – the Starlight Gods.

  The Gods’ purpose became to create life and light across the vast galaxy. Within the galaxy, they created ten separate realms, but began by creating life in only one realm. Cycles passed and their first creations – humans – blossomed and grew.

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  The Gods were pleased; however, they wanted more. So, they created spirits – angels, demons, fairies, animals and more – to bond with the human body, and the shifter race was born. They placed the shifters throughout the other realms.

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  Some realms were home to only a specific species of shifters, while other realms held an assortment of species – the shifters learned to coexist with each other in harmony

  The Gods created rules; a set for the human race to follow and a set for the shifter race. One rule was absolute…

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  “Thou shall not take upon the role of the gods. We bless you with thy protection, your purpose to defend not destroy. One shall be blessed with the number of spirits we bestow and commend. No creation shall be granted ultimate power over the species. Defy this law and you shall know nothing but catastrophe and everlasting despair.”

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  The Starlight Gods reside in the stars, having power and authority upon all beings. They can take any shape or form, whether human, shifter, animal or familiar. The shifter race looks to the Starlight Gods for power, strength, stability and hope

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  As long as the shifter believes, the Gods will always be there.

  ~In Stars We Trust~

  Visionary Awakened Blurb

  Objects can hold the deadliest of secrets- ones that can either make or break you.

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  Scarlet Sinclair didn't think her gift would lead her to a new position as the first female criminal i
nvestigator on Team Seven of Paranormal INC. She also didn't realize she'd fall to her death and manage to live to tell the tale.

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  With her newly acquired powers as a shifter and the special object within her beating heart, she must now learn about her secret past and embrace her new role as the Elemental.

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  But time is of the essence as a new group of criminals seek the Stone of Awakening and will do anything to rid the world of the Elemental's existence.

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  With PINC still recovering from the bomb and with cases coming in left and right, Scarlet must find a way to balance her professional life and her relationships with her men who are still dealing with the impact of her near-death experience.

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  Car chases, cage fights, and fire breakouts across the city, it's time for the Visionary Elemental to awaken and allow the elements to rain down on her enemies in order to thwart their plan of destruction.

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  Every person has a past. Every object holds a tale.


  I stood once again in the burning home, my eyes scanning around the vintage styled living room that was now being consumed by flames. The heat was unbearable, even in the state I was in: a bystander watching the world around me crumble as dark grey smoke gathered around the room, making it harder and harder to see.

  The sound of a child’s cries for their mom cut through my focus, hurting my heart. I could feel the agony, remorse and sheer fear from the one word that held more weight than anything in that moment. This child loved his mom with all his heart, yet based on the sound of the heartbroken voice, I worried that his mother might have been injured. Or even worse.

  My legs moved on their own, step by step, walking through the blazing flames which burned hot, but did nothing to harm me. I could feel droplets of sweat roll down my cheeks and the increase in my breathing as I walked through the house and up the stairs as the fire raged around me.

  I reached the top step, hearing the soft cries of the child, which urged me to move faster. He could have been hurt or trying to find a way out of this scorching hot place. It would only be a matter of time before the entire house collapsed, but I couldn't leave that poor child here to die.

  I walked down the hall to the master bedroom, the cries and whimpers growing louder and more frequent, making my eyes sting with my increasing agony. I reached the room, the door was already open and burning to shreds. I turned my head, my eyes landing on a horrible sight.

  There was the child, a little boy. His rosy cheeks were red and stained with tears and blood. He cried with his head held high, rocking back and forth as he held a woman in his little arms.

  The woman was beautiful, yet the tragedy of what had happened to her left her beauty tarnished with blood all over, deep wounds, and a pool of crimson beneath her. Her once bright orange eyes were dull, the life within them gone, even though they remained open. Her lips, which I could imagine had once been pink were now purple with hints of blood on them.

  The bruises on her arms and legs were horrendous. The deep cut to her throat and the large gash on her stomach were the culprits behind the immense amount of blood on the ground. Her long brown hair was a mess, some spots in her scalp missing large chunks of the brown strands.

  I was rendered speechless, unsure how to comfort the boy. I knew right away from the familiar facial features that this boy was cradling his dead mother as the home that he must have grown up in was burning down around him. If I didn't help, he'd perish along with it.

  I approached him, wishing I could do something, but a part of me told me I couldn't. This had already happened and all I could do was watch in horror and empathy for the little boy. He opened his tear-filled eyes to stare at me, their amber gaze almost matching the flames that surrounded him.

  He held back his cries while his shoulders shook, those big eyes which pooled with tears locked onto me. I could see his pain, but I could also see the hint of love in them. Even though he was in the worst situation anyone could be, he still held love in his heart.

  There was hope that he would heal, even though that hope seemed to be stolen from him at this very moment. I heard footsteps and I turned around to see Kendrick. Dad?

  He met the little boy's gaze and sadness blossomed on his face as he slowly approached the boy. The child looked afraid, tightening his hold on his mom, as if she could protect him from this new stranger who was so familiar to me.

  Kendrick smiled, blinking back his own tears as he crouched down, holding out his hand. The boy looked to be in shock, holding onto his mom and shivering in fear as he glanced at the proffered hand. Kendrick stood where he was, seemingly unconcerned that the house was already beginning to crack and wood was falling from the ceiling.

  It was as if, in that moment, nothing mattered except him and the little boy with those gorgeous amber eyes. Kendrick didn't care if he died in the blaze, as long as the boy knew that he was a good man and could be trusted to save him. The boy lifted his right hand, staring at the blood cloaking his little palm. He returned his gaze to Kendrick, who didn't rush him, smiling encouragingly at the boy as he waited patiently.

  Eventually, the boy put his hand in Kendrick’s. "Mommy. Can Mommy come?" he begged with a sob, tears rolling down his cheeks.

  Kendrick looked at the woman’s body, looking deep in concentration before nodding slowly. "Mommy can come. I'll carry her, and you lead the way. Can you make sure the fire doesn't hurt us?" he asked.

  The boy nodded quickly, looking more hopeful at the option now that his mother would go with them. I didn't know if he had registered that his mother was no longer alive, but Kendrick's willingness to carry the dead woman in his arms for the sake of the little boy's closure tore at my heart, prompting sobs to escape me as tears rolled down my cheeks.

  The boy moved back, allowing Kendrick to pick up the woman's body. It didn't matter what was left behind at this point. Vital evidence that could have helped solve who had done this would be destroyed once the whole house burned to ash, which would happen before anyone came to help.

  "I'll go first to make sure the hall is safe," Kendrick urged. The little boy nodded, watching Kendrick step into the hall while carrying the still form of his mother. I waited for the boy to move, but he stood there, taking a final look around the room, before his eyes landed on a dresser that surprisingly hadn't caught fire yet.

  His little legs ran over to the white wooden piece of furniture. He opened the top drawer and pulled a little box out. He opened it up, revealing a small bracelet with a bright red jewel hanging from it.

  The bracelet reminded me of a charm bracelet and the ruby red jewel had a mixture of orange and gold in it, looking even more similar to the flames. He ran to the doorway, passing by me, taking one last look around him.

  "Mommy, I'll find him...and kill him," he declared. The last three words sent shivers through me and his eyes glowed with rage; one eye was a bright orange and the other a dark navy blue, reminding me of two different individuals in one body. He stepped away just in time. The ceiling collapsed in at the doorway where he had just been.

  I remained where I was, watching the house continue to burn until it finally collapsed in on itself. I was left wondering one final thing as I was buried amongst the rubble, darkness enveloping me.

  Did the boy ever get his revenge?


  "Hmm?" I moaned, not wanting to wake up.

  I had to find out what happened to the little boy. I needed to see how it ended. I had the urge to draw the scene out, to sketch the way his eyes showed so many strong emotions. Pain. Grief. Anger. Determination.


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