Visionary Awakened

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Visionary Awakened Page 29

by Yumoyori Wilson

  Of course, they did that before they saw the sleeveless, chest-exposing dress. I could only imagine what Kendrick would have thought if he actually saw what Cece had picked out. She'd shown him a completely different dress and once he'd left the reins in her hand, she completely changed the order. Sneaky best friend for the win.

  I wore a set of red heels that added to my height and were comfortable enough to run in if I needed to. I had a gun strapped to my right thigh and a special headset in my ear, that was once again hidden by my Swarovski crystal earrings.

  Aside from that, I didn't wear any other jewelry since the overall ensemble made enough of a statement. Adding the extra accessories would just make it too much.

  I wore dark red lipstick, which was close to a plum color and Cece made sure that my contour, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and brows were perfect. Add the little bit of height and I could have been on the 200th Season of America's Top Model.

  My normal green-blue eyes were now a dramatic lime green, having decided to wear contacts to mask my normal eye color. Even if I wasn't necessarily disguising myself, I looked very different than my everyday appearance.

  Aside from Xerxes, no one else would know exactly who I was and seeing as we were the main PINC team allowed within the building, none of my coworkers would notice.

  I walked down the hall and entered the main room to see Jaxson, Michael, Christian, and Ethan in black suits. Each guy wore a different silk dress shirt. Jaxson wore orange, Michael was in gold, Christian in lavender, and Ethan in lime green.

  I noticed Michael's eyes were on Jaxson, who wasn't paying attention. I mentally squealed at the way Michael's gold orbs were clearly checking Jaxson out. Oh, I have to get them to kiss one more time.

  They all turned to look at me. Ethan and Michael stopped laughing, their eyes growing wide.

  "Damn..." they said in unison. I smirked before my eyes landed on the girl gawking at me. It was my turn to be surprised, my heart skipping a beat at Junho, who was clearly now a female.

  She was a little shorter than Junho's normal height, looking to be about 6'5” with her heels on. She wore an extravagant turquoise blue dress with gold rhinestones all around it. The silky belt around her curved waist was gold and transitioned from gold to a navy blue. Her brown locks were in loose curls and shifted from dark brown to navy blue.

  Her makeup was on point and her lips were cloaked with a pink gloss that had little hints of gold. Her cheeks were rosy pink which complimented her pale complexion and sculpted oval face.

  Her skin was flawless and helped make her enchanting brown eyes stand out. Her dress wasn't as revealing as mine, but was still low enough to show her cleavage. She had the perfect set of breasts which were accentuated by her trimmed waist and curvy hips.

  "Fuck, Junnie... you're hot as fuck," I whispered, using Junho's nickname from before.

  "Junnie?" the others asked at once, turning to Junho, who blushed and glanced away.

  "Don't ask, and thank you, Scarlet. You look amazing," she commented, shyly glancing back to take another good look at my appearance.

  Totally didn't think I'd be turned on by being checked out by a female, but boy had I been proven wrong.

  "I think it would be hot if both of them hooked up," Ethan whispered to Michael, who nodded.

  "Totally hot. I'd watch that."

  "I'd probably join," Christian mumbled and Jaxson rolled his eyes.

  "You all can make a waitlist. Scarlet, who ordered that dress?" Jaxson asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

  "Uh...Kendrick and Cece." I grinned innocently.

  "Lies," he huffed and I giggled.

  "Admit it, she looks fucking sexy and is gonna catch everyone's attention the moment she walks in," Junnie declared.

  "Probably," Jaxson replied, walking up to me. He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss. "You look beautiful, Scar baby." I smiled, my heart beating fast against my chest at the appreciative expression on his face.

  "Thanks, baby," I whispered, wishing we could kiss some more without ruining my makeup.

  "Jeez, he just slid right in there," Christian mumbled.

  "That's something you would do, admit it." Junnie rolled her eyes as she walked towards us, her heels clicking against the brown wooden floor.

  Ethan laughed. "No, that's something YOU would do, Ms. Steal Your Girl."

  We all laughed before getting down to business. "Everything is set up and ready to go," Ethan declared. "I'll be watching everything happening inside the venue and around the area. I have cameras set up on the roof and in the basement. We have five teams outside the premises as back up if we need it."

  "Everyone has their guns?" Jaxson asked. The guys nodded before turning to me and Junnie, staring down at our dresses skeptically.

  "Please don't tell me your guns are in those pockets you guys are obsessed with," Christian asked.

  Junnie giggle and lifted the side of her dress to show two handguns strapped to her leg followed by three knives and four little katanas.

  "I'm good." She winked.

  Christian blushed. "Ugh, you're dangerous," he muttered.

  "Junnie is gonna make all the politicians swoon," I hummed, lifting my dress to show I had my gun on me. "And I'm armed."

  "Junnie? Is that going to be Junho's female name?" Michael asked.

  "I kinda like it," Ethan offered.

  "Me too," Christian added.

  "Junnie it is," I declared.

  Junnie sighed. "Sure. Can't think of anything else anyways."

  "Alright. Let's make our way over. If Xerxes tries to leave using the methods we talked about, try to stall him. The basement is a little risky for him, so I have a hunch he'll use the roof as an escape route," Jaxson explained.

  We all exchanged glances and nodded. "What if he does? Who should go where?" I asked.

  "I'll head to the roof. Michael, you’re backup and Junnie and Christian, take the basement. Ethan, you keep an eye and try to track Xerxes’ movement if he slips through us and tries to head into town," Jaxson ordered.

  I crossed my arms, raising an eyebrow at him. "And your beloved Elemental?"

  Jaxson blinked for a moment before he blushed. "Scarlet, also the roof."

  "That sounds more like teamwork." I hummed.

  Junnie laughed. "Ah, I love Scarlet. C'mon, beautiful. We’re going to be stopping traffic and giving people heart attacks."

  "So confident." Ethan shook his head but walked up to Junnie and offered his hand. "Let's go, water princess."

  "Water princess." Junnie rolled her eyes.

  Christian grinned, walking over to Junnie's left side. He presented his hand. "That's kinda what you look like with the gold and blue theme. All you need is a gold trident."

  "Hah, very funny. Let's hope I don't kill myself in these heels," she grumbled, but had a smile on her face as she took their hands.

  She gave me a wink before the three of them moved down the stairs, leaving Jaxson, Michael, and I.

  Michael walked over to me and smiled, leaning in to give me a slow kiss. "You do look gorgeous, Scarlet. Make sure you’re careful."

  "I'll be good," I reassured him, sliding my left hand into his right one. Then I turned my head to Jaxson and slipped my right hand into his left.

  "Ready to kick ass?" I asked them.

  "How are you going to move swiftly in that dress?" Jaxson asked. Michael and Jaxson took another long up and down look at my outfit and I smirked with fearlessness.

  "It's a magical dress. It can become short if I say a magic word," I revealed.

  "Well then." Michael nodded in approval.

  "Guess we are ready to kick ass." Jaxson grinned.

  I looked at the two of them and my smirk turned into a grin. "So...before we go, shouldn't you two complement each other?"

  I watched them both blush before they looked away. I giggled. "Admit it! I saw you checking Jaxson out, Michael." I revealed.

  His face grew bright red. Jaxson slowly turned to look at
him. "He was?"

  "Fuck, Scar, why you gotta rat me out like that?" Michael whined.

  "Because I want to see you two kiss," I said in a matter-of-fact tone. They both groaned, shaking their heads. I pouted. "One kiss? Just one. Please." They both glanced at one another.

  "Just a peck?" Jaxson mumbled.

  "A kiss. K-I-S-S." I spelled it out.

  Michael shook his head. "Scar, you have an addiction."

  "An addiction to my two men kissing? Yes, because it's hot, especially with you both in suits. Stop stalling!" I huffed. They smirked before they locked eyes.

  "Jeez, what we do for you Scar." Jaxson sighed.

  "Agreed," Michael added, slipping his hand out of my grasp. He took a step forward and raised his left hand to brush lightly across Jaxson's cheek. Then he leaned in and kissed Jaxson firmly on the lips.

  I grinned happily and felt something brush my feet. I looked down and pulled my hand gently out of Jaxson's. I lifted my dress to see Moonlight sitting next to my leg with my phone in his mouth. Risuki, I love you!

  "Of course you do. I'm brilliant." Risuki praised himself. I quickly pressed the button for the camera, aiming it at the two, who were deep into the passionate kiss.


  It took everything to hold back my giggles as the sound seemed to pull them out of their daze. Both of them turned to look at me and the camera in my hand. I quickly glanced down to see Moonlight was gone and I let out a nervous giggle.

  "Pictures last forever," I declared, hiding the phone behind my back.

  "Where did she even get that?" Jaxson grumbled.

  "Remember what Scar said was a woman's best friend?' Michael remarked. I laughed, moving to wedge myself between them.

  "Pockets!" I announced and lifted my phone up, changing the display of the camera to selfie mode. "Now, group picture before we go."

  They both grinned and Michael reached out to hold the phone up. "Your arms are too short to get us all in."

  "Not my fault you guys are tall as fuck." I huffed.

  "What does being tall have to do with anything?" Jaxson asked as he slid his left arm around my waist. His shoulder pressed against mine so he could fit in the frame.

  "You don’t usually see tall people with short arms," I explained.

  "Get ready, you two. We only have time for one."

  "Two," I countered.

  "Then smile, silly." Michael chuckled, aiming the camera so all three of us fit in the frame. He clicked the button and another click went off.

  "One more!" I said cheerfully.

  Michael shook his head and seemed to exchange a look with Jaxson in the camera. "Fine."

  We smiled again and with the snap of the camera, I realized Michael and Jaxson were kissing each of my cheeks at the same time, Michael on my left and Jaxson to my right. I blushed when Michael took an unexpected picture before they moved away.

  "Got it," Michael announced, tapping the screen of my phone a few times.

  "Ah...that...that's cheating!" I huffed.

  Jaxson laughed, moving over to pat Michael on the back. "Send it to our phones before she tries to delete it."

  I rolled my eyes, but smiled watching them look at the image before they turned to look at me. "Now she's smiling like we gave her chocolate," Michael whispered to Jaxson.

  "More like alcohol and chocolate," Jaxson amended.

  "And a whale doll!" I added before walking up to them. I leaned up and gave Jaxson a quick kiss, then turned and leaned up to give Michael a kiss as well.

  "Let's get this over with so we can have alone time tonight." I purred. They both looked at each other and grinned, their eyes showing hints of lust from my words of motivation.

  "Let's catch Xerxes," Jaxson declared.

  "I have eyes on him," Ethan announced through our headsets.

  I continued sipping my cocktail as I listened to Junho talk about the economic exchange in Russian with the two individuals on our left before he translated his words to the three Japanese leaders on our right.

  I finished my cocktail and gently placed my hand on Junnie's back before bowing my head to the other politicians. "I'll be right back. Please carry on," I said in Japanese before stating the same in Russian to the other two individuals who smiled in approval. Junnie raised an eyebrow at me, looking just as shocked. I grinned confidently as I moved away from their group.

  I lifted my hand to my ear. "I'm on the move. Where is he?"

  "Near Jax on the ballroom floor. Michael's furthest from Jax, but is making his way over there. Christian is setting up extra security in the basement, seeing as three bulletproof vans went down there. Junnie is keeping the politicians busy. Those are the ones Xerxes most likely needs to talk to. From the info I've gathered, he needs something that would only be in the possession of the clan leader from Japan. Keep an eye out," Ethan instructed.

  "Got it," I announced, making my way over to where Jaxson was quietly drinking a beer after dismissing what looked to be an acquaintance.

  As I made my way there, I bumped into someone, which almost made me lose my balance. An arm slipped around my waist and supported me as I regained my footing.

  "Thank..." I began, but then my eyes locked onto a pair of mismatched ones, their green and blue orbs made me trail off. "Wow," I whispered.

  The man grinned as I took a closer inspection of his familiar dark blue locks and 6'5” frame. "'re...I mean..." I trailed off, blushing at the fact I just gave myself away. The man grinned and leaned in to whisper in my ear.

  "You did a good job at hiding in the bush. My colleague is an ass and can't sense shit, but you did pretty well there. If I wasn't as observant, I wouldn't have noticed either." He hummed. I knew he would catch the other guy’s attention and potentially fuck up the plan if I didn't wrap this up quickly.

  "So, A for effort?" I hummed with a smile.

  He chuckled. "A for effort. I only sensed you at the last minute when you seemed shocked that I stood next to where you were hiding. Make sure your concentration doesn't waver," he lectured.

  "Who are you?" I lowered my voice so the conversation was just between us.

  He grinned. "An ally having fun on the other side of the spectrum," he answered in Japanese, his mismatched eyes looking over to his left. I followed his gaze and noticed Xerxes was in front of Jaxson, a sickening grin on his face. I quickly glanced over to Jaxson, who had a dark expression that was filled with anger. I narrowed my eyes to see his amber orbs begin to flicker between bright orange and black. OH FUCK!

  "Your boyfriend seems to be lacking in the anger management department." The man sighed before lifting my hand and placing something in it.

  I looked down at the blue device in my hand, unsure what it was. I looked up to meet his soft smile. "What's this?"

  "My instincts tell me you'll need this. Press the button and it sends a signal of where you are. It also creates a bubble of water that acts as a shield for thirty minutes," he explained.

  "What...why are you helping me?" I asked. I was unsure why I'd need such a device but wouldn't reject an offer of help, even if I didn't know who this person was.

  He smiled. "Call me Tatsu. That's all you need to know. I think the Starlight gods will let us meet again. Who knows, maybe you'll even be able to help me find someone who's dear to me? Tell Junho I say hello." He bowed his head and turned my hand over to give the back of it a kiss.

  "Scarlet?" Ethan's voice rang through the speaker, but I ignored it, staring straight into Tatsu's eyes. I knew one thing was for sure, he wasn't evil. He genuinely wanted to help me, which made me curious, but I didn't have any more time to linger on the subject.

  "I trust you and yes, I'll tell him," I whispered. Tatsu nodded in understanding before he released my hand . He took a cocktail from a waiter that was passing through and gave me one final wink before walking away. I returned my attention to Jaxson and Xerxes. I took a deep breath, putting on the confident mask and locking my fear away. Time to
face my worst enemy.

  I walked over to where they were and put on my best smile. "Jaxson, there you are," I announced. Jaxson and Xerxes turned their attention to me.

  Jaxson had to blink a few times before his eyes returned back to their normal amber shade. Xerxes, on the other hand, looked completely shocked, an expression that made me so happy it boosted my confidence even higher.

  I slipped my arm around Jaxon's right one and leaned up to give him a soft kiss, feeling Serenity in the back of my mind as power flowed through my body. Keep calm.

  I felt the soothing power move between our lips and I noticed Jaxson's rigid posture loosen up. I pulled back and smiled at him.

  "I looked all over for you. I was having an intriguing conversation with a few of the Japanese and Russian leaders. They're so friendly and are really working towards peaceful tactics for shifters alike. You shouldn't have wandered off earlier," I scolded.

  "Ah...sorry, Scar," he apologized.

  "I forgive you. Seriously, it's hard to find anyone in this place with this many shifters. Who's this?" I asked, turning to look directly into Xerxes' red eyes.

  "Ah, you wouldn't know. Xerxes Aspen. He's of royal heritage. I know you’re still new to all of this so I haven't been able to explain," Jaxson admitted and I nodded.

  "Ah. Scarlet Sinclair. A pleasure to formally meet you, King Aspen?" I asked.

  "No, not King. He's the King's brother," Jaxson corrected me. I nodded in understanding and noticed the glint of anger that flashed in Xerxes' eyes at the reminder.

  "Oh. He had a brother? Why isn't that in the textbooks? They always leave people out. Well, it's nice to meet you," I greeted.

  Xerxes put on a fake grin as he presented his hand. "My apologies, you looked like someone I used to know," he suggested before he half bowed. "Xerxes Aspen. Your boyfriend is correct. I'm the brother of King Aspen. His past is rather tragic and good for history lessons."

  I placed my hand in his, giving him a firm shake as we stared at one another. That was when the classical music began to play and everyone began to partner up. I noticed Jaxson look at me, but Xerxes turned to Jaxson.


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