Unexpected Changes

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by A. M. Willard

  Unexpected Changes

  Chances Series #2

  A.M. Willard

  Booktrope Editions

  Seattle WA 2015

  Copyright 2015 Annelle Willard

  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

  Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).

  Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes.

  No Derivative Works — You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work.

  Inquiries about additional permissions should be directed to: [email protected]

  Cover Design by Addison Kline

  Edited by Lisa Gilliam

  Previously published as Unexpected Changes (The Chances Series Book 2), A.M. Willard and Misfit Toy Publishing, 2015

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to similarly named places or to persons living or deceased is unintentional.

  Print ISBN 978-1-62015-960-6

  EPUB ISBN 978-1-62015-991-0

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2015909272

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One




  About the Author

  End Note

  Also by A.M. Willard & More Great Reads

  For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.

  ~Judy Garland



  UNLOCKING THE FILE DRAWER in my desk, I pull out the dingy folder that hasn’t been touched for over ten years. When I tucked this away, I locked my heart and memories right along with it.

  I reach over to take another sip of my drink as I stare down at the pain in front of me. It’s an end to all for me, almost. I know once I open it, it’s going to be a Pandora’s Box: memories and pain that I’ve tucked away for years.

  Not allowing myself to heal or deal with this disappointment for one tiny little thing has caused me more heartache in the end.

  As I lean back into my chair, I slide the folder down to my lap and open it. One glance has my heart wrenching, and the pain resurfaces all over again.

  Taking out the faded black and white ultrasound picture, I stare into what I thought was going to make us happy, grow with the love that we shared, or make us even stronger than what I thought we were.

  I close my eyes and think back to the day we found out Bethany was expecting. I’d just graduated from high school and was planning to leave soon for college. She still had a year left before she’d join me.

  The night she showed me our baby’s picture, we sat out on the grass staring up at the stars. Plans were made for her to join me as soon as she could. We talked about the house that I’d build for our growing family and our future.

  Happiness and true love were what I thought we once shared, but in the end, the joke’s on me.

  No one ever said how she lost my baby; it was a simple call made to me one night while away at school. By that time, it was too late for me to move on.

  We’d been married for three months, and the deal was done. Being from the families we both were born into, we had a certain image to uphold. Rumors had already started to run rampant, and Mr. Edwards felt that me making an honest person out of her was for the best.

  Ah … the best for whom?

  “Was it for her?” I ask myself, as I touch the ultrasound and watch the others fall down to my feet when I move the folder.

  I know it wasn’t a wise choice for me in the end. Love can blind your decisions as it leads you down a path of no return. I’ve become a pawn to both our families. Did they even care about the unborn child that Bethany and I lost all those years ago? Who cares about the souls they’ve crushed over the years?

  I’ve sat silent over the last decade, and now I refuse to stay quiet. It’s time to fight back, and take what I desire. Tabitha is the one that speeds up my heart and causes my chest to restrict with each breath I take.

  Time has come for the truth, no matter whom it hurts in the end.

  Chapter One


  I JUST WELCOMED my best friend’s son into the world and was given the duty of being Godmother to the luckiest child ever born. Plastering a smile on my face for the events that transpired over the last few days has been extremely difficult. I’ve dug deep to make it unique for all, even though I prefer to cover myself with rocks. Well, if you make them sparkle I’ll bury down into them.

  Choosing to do as I have always done in the past, I faked a smile and organized the best baby shower I was allowed for Prince Graham.

  Secretly, I was hoping Angela would have a girl, but I didn’t get my wish.

  Graham is perfect and causes my chest to hurt each and every time I look at him. I yearn for what Angela and Logan have, hoping that someday I’ll find the one: the one who gives me his heart and graces me to be a mother. I never thought of myself as a parent, but with all the baby hormones floating around, it’s a desire that shocks the heels off me.

  Being the best friend that I am, I’m here to help spoil Graham before I fly back to California. Also I’m in search of some peace before going home.

  Jessica’s a bundle of something. She’s a great assistant, but Lord she is moody. Thank the stars above that I have her and Angela in different time zones. No way could I handle them both at once.

  We still have months to go with Jessica, but I’m happy to become an aunt again. I just take that issue one day at time.

  Understanding now why Angela worked the way she did, because I do the same, I’ve added more clients to my schedule as I try to get rid of one account. It seems that I can’t even pay someone to deal with Carter Northwood.

  Angela consistently has me working with his company, Georgia’s Inc.—still—and I’m not happy about it. Ever since that night in the ladies’ room, I try to avoid all contact with him.

  Years ago, I thought my ex Robert crushed me; joke’s on me now. Carter broke me and continues to do so. Each and every time I have to hear his voice on the line or see him on the teleconference, I break even more.

  He finally got the picture a few weeks ago when I had Jessica explain to him that I was not available, nor would I ever be.

  For days, Carter would call, send flowers, and text. Now I have it down to once a month when I have to touch base with him in regards to business. Excep
t for the text and calls, which still come almost daily.

  I’ve examined every square inch of the black and white legally binding contract, only to realize that I’ve no right to back out. Who would have thought that a business agreement wouldn’t allow you an out for a broken heart—one caused by the jackass who hired us?

  Pleading with Logan to allow Angela to handle it, I didn’t get very far. Now I suck it up and use my motto: suck it up buttercup. I explained to Cory that I should win an Oscar for how well I can fake my life.

  Hence, I’m thrilled to be in New York for a bit. I plan to escape the misery back home.

  It used to be Seth and Cory who picked me up when I fell. Now that I don’t see them, it falls on me to pick myself up. Seth is busy, and Cory has fallen in love. He won’t admit it, but I know it’s true.

  Deep down, I know I missed my chance.

  An opportunity for love.

  I might not have felt the same way, but maybe I could’ve grown to adore Cory, as he does me.

  For now, I’ll enjoy my vacation for the first time in years. I plan to do a little research, shopping, and sight-seeing. That is, if I can ditch the Godfather, William.

  For some absurd reason, Angela and Logan feel that he needs to be my tour guide. This isn’t going to go over well; I have heels and know how to use them as a weapon.

  With my special appointment this week, he doesn’t need to tag along. I’m not planning on telling anyone until the time is right, so if he follows, I’m screwed. It’s a simple thing to look into; I’m not getting any younger. No one will understand if I explain it, so research and more research is what I plan to do first.

  Refusing to allow a man to dictate my life any longer, I’m claiming it back. I’ll do as I please, and what I see fit for my future.


  Hell is where I’ve been for the last few months. If I thought it sucked before, it’s even worse now. Bethany has chosen to make sure of it. I can’t even look at her. She’s made certain that we currently reside with each other and makes it incredibly difficult to not smother her while she sleeps.

  We have separate rooms, but the pure thought of having to share the same air as her … kills me.

  Tabitha refuses to listen to anything I say unless it’s business. I’ll have to live with that for now, but not for much longer. Jack’s still retained as my private investigator and keeps me posted on her every move.

  Ever since I found out Bethany threatened her, I have Jack and his partner, Mark, working the case.

  Jack’s informed me that she doesn’t go anywhere except work, and once a week she still meets her friends for sushi. It breaks me every time I see another picture pop up in my email. Her personality is gone. When she smiles, it doesn’t touch her eyes like before.

  The sparkle is gone.

  The once blue ocean has turned into a dark cloud.

  I did that to her. Knowing she was fragile, I still pursued her. Taking all the blame for my actions, I promise her each day that I’ll fix it.

  I will correct my wrongdoings, and show her the person I am.

  Knowing she’s in New York for a while, I sit here alone in my home office twirling the brass key around and around. Tomorrow I plan to visit the Seattle Heritage Bank. Jack and I figured out where to go, and he’ll be here later this evening to tag along.

  He sent Mark to New York to keep an eye on Tabitha, and will continue to give us daily updates.

  Tomorrow will either lead me on another goose chase, or provide me with the information needed to finish this. I pray it’s the end and questions will be answered. I’m still not sure if it was Richard, but by the handwriting on the address label, we’re pretty sure it was him.

  Chapter Two


  TWO DAYS INTO THIS aunt role and I’m ready to throw in the towel. Who knew that all infants manage to do is spit up, poop, eat, and cry? Yes, I’m rethinking my whole research plan.

  What am I thinking?

  No, better yet, what the hell was Angela thinking?

  Watching her the last few days with Graham has cast a new light on her. She’s calm and a natural. I’d never have pegged it, but what a relief it is to watch her snuggle with him.

  “You are going to share him with me before I go?”

  “Where are you going? Is Will going with you today?”

  Reaching down to pick Graham up from Angela’s lap, I answer, “Just going out, and no, he’s not welcome to follow me. I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “You might not need one, but you need someone in this big city to watch out for you. I’m tied down with the baby and Logan would flip if I left right now.”

  “Oh, he would. Can we try that before I leave?” I ask as I move my eyebrows up and down.

  That statement earns me a glare before Angela responds, “No, we are not going to freak him out. You heard him last night when I went to shower.”

  “I did and it was awesome. I never thought I’d hear Logan Black whine like a girl. He does realize he won’t hurt him, right?”

  “He does, but he’s terrified he’s going to drop him.”

  “Baby steps, and Logan will be beautiful. Okay, take this monster back, I have to run.”

  “I wish you’d tell me what you’re up to. I’m not sure I trust you, and please do not bring another pair of shoes or anything else for Graham into this house.”

  “Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing and I’ll buy if I feel the need,” I say as I turn and grab my purse from the table. Waving bye to Angela, I question myself. Do I really know what I’m doing? If I choose this path, I don’t have to carry it out just yet. Research shows that you can freeze it for a while before it goes bad. Kind of like keeping ice cream in the freezer, you have to eat it before frostbite sets.

  Hailing a taxi, I inform the driver of the address and sit back to people watch. New York is full of exciting people; you have every walk of life in this town. I’ve been enjoying some alone time in Central Park; all I do … is watch.

  I sit on a bench and stare off. Usually thinking about the past and the future, but mostly, I just take it all in. It’s different than home, and I understand now why Angela loves it here.

  “Ma’am, we’re here.”

  Tossing up the cab fare, I slide out and step out onto the sidewalk. The building towers up into the sky, and as I step towards the glass doors, I get this sense of panic.

  My hand’s on the handle, ready to open the door, but I can’t move.

  It’s like someone has taken all the air around me and bottled it up. Sweat is beading up around my hairline, and my heart is racing.

  “Excuse me, are you okay?” I hear a man asking me, but I can’t respond to him. When I glance over, there’s three of him, rocking sideways.

  Not able to verbally respond, I shake my head from side to side.

  That’s the last thing I remember before I wake up in the back of an ambulance.

  “Can you tell me your name?”


  “Tabitha what?”

  “Tabitha Michaelson,” I respond as I look around at one man in a uniform and another in jeans and a shirt.

  “Where am I? Where are we going?”

  “Do you not remember what happened?” the gentleman in the casual clothes asks.

  “No, I had an appointment that I was going to. That’s all I remember.”

  “You fainted in front of the building; we’re taking you to County General. Do you have any family we can call to meet us?”

  “No, I don’t live here, but we can call my best friend. She’ll know where to go.”

  I lean my head back more and close my eyes, confused by what happened and internally freaked out. Angela is going to flip when they call her, and I’ll never hear the end of it.


  Jack and I are walking into the bank as I hear my phone going off. I look down and notice that Mark is ringing.

  Glancing over towards Jack, I announce, “It’s
Mark.” Then I answer. “Mark, everything okay?”

  “Just calling to let you know that Ms. Michaelson had a little event today, and we are on the way to the hospital.”

  “What do you mean, and is she okay?” I ask as I brace myself against the side of the brick building. The world is turning, and I fear the worst.

  “She is. I was next to her and called an ambulance after she passed out. I’m not family or anything so they won’t give me any information. Her friend is on the way though.”

  “Okay. Look, hang around for a bit, and see if you can find anything out. Let me see what I can do.”

  “Sure, I’ll keep you posted.”

  “Thanks, later,” I say as I disconnect the call and look over to Jack.

  “Guess we’re taking a road trip?”

  “Maybe, but first we have a box to retrieve, and then I’ll handle Tabitha.”

  Chapter Three


  STARTLED BY THE UGLY hospital curtain being ripped back, I flinch as I watch Angela step into my makeshift room.

  “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Angela asks as she walks over to the side of my bed.


  “Well, just so you know, I almost had one. Have they said anything?”

  “Sorry,” I respond quietly before I continue. “Something about the cold and exhaustion. This place is cracked out, and I need to go home.”

  “Let’s not tell Logan you’re getting sick. He’ll flip. What’s this about being exhausted? I told you to slow down; you can’t go at the pace you’ve been functioning.”

  “I’m all right,” I respond, but Angela cuts me off.

  “No, we’re not leaving here until you spill it. I know you aren’t sleeping. I’ve heard you every night in the kitchen or pacing in your bedroom. It’s time to come clean, Tabitha. It’s simple, you tell me, or we can play hardball.”

  Releasing the air that I’ve been holding, I stare off, up to the dingy ceiling tiles above me. Angela might sound calm, but I know she’s anything but.


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