Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 7

by Rachel McNeely

  “When you talk with him, remember how you felt. He may overreact at first. You’ve had time to accept the change in your life. Being a man, he may need time and reassurance.”

  “I know. I’d like to see Jackson now and tell him before anyone else notices and makes a comment.”

  “Can I drive you?”

  “No, I can do this myself.”

  Kayla finished her tea and ate a few cookies. “Now my baby and I are ready.”

  Caroline hugged her. “Call me afterward or come by our house, please. You don’t need to be alone.”

  “Thanks for the offer. We’ll see. I need to call my boss now, and make sure she’s all right with me taking this time off. I’m fairly certain there won’t be a problem. She knows Jackson and likes him.”


  The drive to Balboa never seemed so long. Luckily, the parking lot wasn’t as crowded as she expected. Kayla didn’t have to walk a long distance to the building. In the elevator, her nerves took over. She clenched her hands to keep them from shaking. Kayla took a deep breath and walked up to the nurse’s station. The nurse glanced around at her. “Can Jackson Langley have a visitor?”

  An angry woman brushed by her and then looked back.

  “Sorry,” Kayla said, although she didn’t think it was her fault.

  The nurse spoke up. “Yes, his room is across the hall, two doors down on the right.”

  Caroline turned and noticed the woman, who’d been so angry, stood by the elevator looking her way. Her stare made Kayla uncomfortable. She breathed a sigh of relief when the woman got on and the doors closed. Kayla shrugged off her uneasiness and walked to Jackson’s door. She tapped and heard him say come in.

  “Kayla.” He reached out his hand for her. “Did Caroline get in touch with you?”

  “Yes, she told me you’d arrived.” Kayla walked closer to the bed.

  “It’s nothing. The doctors insist on keeping me overnight to check me out. I’ll be released tomorrow morning or afternoon.” He put his feet on the side of the bed. “Sorry, I wasn’t able to call you before a few weeks ago. It’s been a long mission. My buddy is in the next room over. I stayed with him, or I’d have been back a bit sooner. We don’t leave our own, alone.”

  “I understand.”

  Jackson pulled her between his legs and leaned forward to kiss her. “We got our getting to know each other interrupted. I can’t wait to be alone with you at my home.”

  “You like to be by yourself the first day or two.”

  “True, but not this time. I’ll be visiting Jordan, and I want to see you.” He frowned. “You seem hesitant. Has something changed since I left?”

  “Yes. A surprise change I didn’t expect.”

  “Good or bad?” His hands tightened on hers.

  “Good, I hope. It’s good for me.”

  “Just tell me.”

  She took his hand and placed it on her belly. Jackson’s forehead wrinkled, then he moved his hand around.

  “You’re pregnant?”

  “Yes, we are having a baby.” Her throat tightened watching his expression.

  Jackson frowned. “You said you couldn’t have children.”

  “I was wrong.”

  “Ah, conveniently wrong. Did you want to get married so bad you had to trick me?”

  “How did I trick you? We used a condom every time.”

  “We hardly know each other, and this has never happened to me before. You’re saying my condom suddenly failed me.”

  Anger swept over her. She walked quickly to the door. “Yes, you jackass, it failed you and me.”

  She stomped out of the room. Jackson called her name, but she kept walking and entered the elevator as another person got off. In her car, the tears finally ran down her face. Kayla cried until she hiccupped. Thankfully, no one else was parked nearby. She rubbed her tummy.

  “It’s you and me, baby. We’ll tackle the world alone, but not completely. We have Cheryl and Mom. They’ll love you almost as much as I already do.” A rap on the window made her jump.

  Caroline and Wolf stood outside her door. “Come on. You’re coming with us.”

  “Where, how….”

  “Jackson called. He was worried about you and the baby. As he should be, the idiot,” Caroline said.

  “I’m fine. If you can drive my car home and see me in safe. I’ll go to bed and be all right.”

  “No, you won’t. You’ll worry all night long,” Caroline said.

  “And I promised we’d keep you with us until Bear gets discharged tomorrow.” Wolf smiled at her. “Men are stupid and stubborn at times. We need time to digest new information, especially some like you gave him.”

  “We’d love to have you stay in our basement, that’s been converted into a guest room, everyone stays there as needed.” Caroline added.

  Wolf opened her car door. “Come on.”

  Kayla looked from his face to Caroline’s. She was too tired to deal with them. Yet deep down she knew she didn’t want to be alone. Wolf helped her out of the car, took her keys, and handed her over to Caroline.

  “I’ll be right behind you. Don’t lose me.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Caroline said and saluted.

  “Wait until I get you home. You’ll pay for that smart remark.”

  Caroline winked at him. “I hope so.”

  Once in the other car, Kayla leaned back and sighed. “I envy you two. You’re so easy with each other.”

  “We weren’t at first. It takes time to get to where we are in our relationship. Time and love.”

  “And trust.”

  “Yes, especially trust. But you dropped a big surprise on Jackson. Give him a chance. He’ll come around.”

  Kayla glanced over at Caroline. “I don’t want him to marry me because I’m pregnant.”

  “I understand.”

  “I hope Jackson does.”


  Jackson put the phone down after talking to Wolf. They had Kayla with them at their home and would look after her.

  What the hell am I going to do? I’d just begun to consider marriage. Damn, children hadn’t entered my head yet. They should have. I was stupid and horny after returning from the previous mission. But, I have to admit Kayla wasn’t just someone to have sex with even from the first. Still, I don’t know my feelings clearly yet, and then she drops this bombshell about her pregnancy.

  Maybe she dated someone else while I was gone. Hell no, I don’t believe she’d hook up with another guy that quick. Or maybe I’m just a conceited asshole.

  “Here’s your medicine,” the nurse said, as she entered his room. “Do you need a pain pill?”

  “No, I’m restless to get out of here, but I don’t want one of those pills. They make you feel weird and not in control.”

  “All right. Call if you change your mind.”

  Jackson swallowed the one pill to stop any infection, and the nurse hurried off. He wouldn’t sleep. Too many thoughts swirled in his mind. Tomorrow, he’d go home and spend the day alone. Then he’d go over to Wolf’s house and talk with Kayla. Whatever happened, if it’s my child I want to be in his or her life.

  The night was twice as long as usual, or that’s how it felt. Thankfully, the doctor came in early and signed his release papers. Jackson called Wolf, who told him Kayla had insisted on going to her house to change and then go to work.

  “That’s good. It gives me today to be alone and think.”

  “I’ll come get you and take you home. Any idea of what you want to do?” Wolf asked.

  “Some. I’ll talk to you and Caroline about it later after I meet with Kayla.”

  “Sure, see you soon. I’ll call and explain I’m picking you up, so I’ll be a little late.”

  “Good, thanks.”


  Wolf waved good-by as Jackson unlocked the door to his house. Just walking inside brought Jackson a sense of peace. He turned on his music and stepped outside the patio doors. A cool breeze blew through the
trees. Jackson couldn’t stop himself from glancing at the spot where he and Kayla had made love. Was their child conceived then or one of the many other times they made love that week?

  He walked into the bedroom. In his imagination, Kayla’s scent seemed to linger in the room. Right from the first, there’d been a different connection between them. Still, marriage to him was forever, and it took a special kind of woman to deal well with his job. Kayla had trust issues. All day, he roamed around the house and yard seeking answers.

  At three, he called her at work. “Kayla, how are you?”

  “I’m doing fine. You don’t have to worry about me or the baby. I realize I totally surprised you, but people were starting to notice my baby bump. I preferred you hear about my pregnancy from me and not someone else.”

  “I appreciate that, really. I’d like to come get you around six. Can you eat pizza?”

  “No, the baby prefers more bland food,” she said and chuckled.

  “Then I’ll cook a roast and make mashed potatoes. How does that sound?”


  “We need to talk, but we’ll eat first.”

  “All right. I’ll see you at six.”


  Kayla put down the phone. She had mixed emotions about seeing him and talking. Better now, then later. The hands on the clock dragged slowly around to five. She straightened her desk and walked out to the car. Several friends waved at her.

  She got into the car and suddenly shivered. At the corner of the building, she’d swear she saw a figure, but when she looked closer, whoever or whatever had moved out of sight. This morning, at home, something similar had happened.

  It’s probably my lack of sleep. The days were getting shorter, and because of the trees in the yard, the house sat in shadows. Kayla put up the garage door and let it down before getting out of her car.

  I’m acting silly. This must be a pregnancy thing. I’d better shake it off before Jackson gets here. I don’t want him to think I’m losing it.

  Inside the kitchen, she locked the door and went to shower and change into more comfortable clothes. She’d bought larger slacks and a few looser blouses last weekend. Soon, she’d have to buy regular maternity outfits for work. Standing in front of her mirror, she turned each way studying her enlarging belly. As she did every night, she talked to the baby.

  “Momma can’t wait for you to get here. Soon I’ll know if you are a boy or girl, but it doesn’t matter. You are wanted.” She rubbed her tummy anxious for the time she’d feel the first movement.

  If only Jackson would feel the same way. That was her hope, but she tried to prepare herself for disappointment. Kayla finished her quick shower and had gotten dressed when the doorbell rang. He was early, perhaps a good sign?

  Kayla kept the chain on, but didn’t look out before opening the door. No one or nothing seemed to be moving, even the breeze had stopped. Kayla quickly locked the door and ran to put on her make-up.

  The doorbell rang again. Kayla grabbed the small gun she’d bought a few years ago. She yanked the door open. “If you keep…”

  “Wow, honey, please put the gun down. You might hurt yourself or me,” Jackson said. He reached for the gun, but she stepped backward and moved it away from pointing at him.

  “I’m a good shot. I keep this for protection.”

  “Why did you think you needed it tonight?”

  “I don’t know. I’m on edge. I thought I heard the doorbell ring just before you, but no one was there.”

  “Ah, then put it wherever you keep it and come with me. Bring some clothes. You can stay at my place tonight.”

  “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “You can sleep in the front bedroom. I can see you aren’t resting, and you won’t sleep well here, not tonight.”

  “All right. After I put on my makeup, I’ll grab some clothes for work. Give me a couple of minutes.”

  “Don’t bother with the makeup. You look good to me. Just get the clothes.”

  She decided to take his advice. After putting a few items in her overnight case and bringing a loose dress for work, she was ready.

  On the way to the car, she looked all around her yard. Next week she’d have the gardener cut the hedges lower. I know I’m acting silly, but my instincts are telling me to be careful.

  Jackson noticed. He put her items in the back seat and started the truck. “You’re scared.”

  “I am.”

  “I don’t see you as being the type of person to scare easily. Have other things happened?”

  “Nothing much. I thought I saw someone staring at me when I got in my car at work tonight and once before. When I looked closer, there was no one there.”

  Jackson glanced her way but didn’t make any comments. Once they were in his house, he had her sit on the sofa while he went to get drinks. She waited, curious to see what he’d bring her.

  He returned carrying a tray holding sugar cookies and hot chocolate for them. “I know pregnant women are told to not drink alcohol. The nights are getting a bit cooler, so I hope you like hot chocolate.”

  “I do. Let’s see if the baby likes it.”

  He lit the fire and sat beside her. “Have you been sick?”

  “A lot at first. I went to the doctor after it continued for several days. His diagnosis shocked and surprised me. I have to admit it also thrilled me. After thinking for years that I was never to have a child, and then to be told I was pregnant and healthy, it seemed like a miracle.” She rubbed her stomach. “Whatever happens with us, I will love my child and take good care of him or her.”

  “Do you think believing you’re seeing people or sensing someone around you is part of the pregnancy?”

  “I don’t know. It’s not like me. I’ve lived alone for years. I got the gun because it seemed like a good idea at the time.”

  “You took lessons to learn to use it?”

  “Yes, the instructor said I was one of his best students. But we need to be talking about the baby. Do you believe the baby is yours? You can always have a DNA check done after the birth.”

  “Not necessary. I believe you and condoms aren’t infallible. It’s never happened before, so after what you told me, it shocked me.”

  “I want you to be part of our child’s life in whatever way you want.”

  “Good, because I definitely intend to be part of our baby’s life. We haven’t had a chance to get to know each other. Not as well as I’d like for us too. We’ve made love, but the day to day experience of life is an unknown. I have a suggestion.”

  “What is it?” Kayla asked. She took another sip of her drink. “So far our little one seems to like hot chocolate.”

  “Let me check on the roast. I’ll be right back.”

  Kayla glanced around the room. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

  “Were you asleep?”

  “No, well I might have dozed for a minute.”

  Jackson grinned. “Dinner is ready. I saw you sleeping, so I finished the mashed potatoes and salad. Come to the dining room.” He helped her up and then held back her chair at the dinner table.

  “You are spoiling me. I’m not fragile.”

  “You are to me.” He pushed her chair in and sat next to her. He didn’t ask any questions but kept the topics light. Afterward, they put everything away and the dishes in the dishwasher.

  “Would you like to sit on the patio? No one will overhear us, and the fresh air might do you good.”

  “It’s cool out.”

  “I have a wrap.” He walked into one of the other bedrooms and came out with a heavy shawl.

  “Let me guess. You keep it here for Mrs. Terrell,” Kayla said, as he fastened the top button.

  “You’re right.” He ushered her out and pulled the cushioned chairs close together. Once they were seated, he took her hand. “I have a suggestion. Hear me out, and then you can say yes or no.”

  “All right.”

  “I want you to move in w
ith me.”

  She started to speak, and he put his finger to her lips. “Remember, wait, you’ll have your turn soon. As I going to say, it will give us an opportunity to see how we get along on a daily basis. Of course, you’ll be at work, and I’ll be at the base, but we’ll have the evenings and weekends. Also, I think you’ll sleep better knowing I’m around and will keep you safe. We don’t have to sleep together unless you want too.

  “If we enjoy being together and agree to marry, then our child will be born with two loving parents to bring him or her up. I’ve given this a lot of thought today. Before I left, we seemed to have something special.” He shrugged. “Maybe it won’t last. It doesn’t hurt to explore the possibilities.” He’d moved his chair to face her while he talked and studied her face. “I’m trying, but I can’t tell what you’re thinking.”

  “I’m stunned. I thought you’d just want to be involved as a single Dad.”

  “And I might if this test doesn’t work out.”

  “Can I sleep on it. I’ll give you an answer tomorrow or the next day.”

  “Fair enough. It is a big decision.”

  “You might want to consider it some more. You are reacting quickly after just finding out you’ll be a dad.”

  “That’s true. But as I’ve told you before, we’re trained to make quick decisions. I don’t believe I’ll change my mind, but if it makes you feel better, we’ll take a few days to decide.”

  “It does, and I’m ready to go to sleep.”

  “Come this way. I turned back the covers for you when you were sleeping earlier. I doubted you’d be able to stay awake very late.”

  Once at the bedroom door, he asked, “If hearing the music bothers you, turn this knob.” He showed her one by the light switch. “Each room can control the music up or down, on or off.”


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