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Indebted Page 4

by Sharon C. Cooper

  She wrapped her hands around her wineglass and he could feel the tension bouncing off her.

  “What’s wrong? Are you in trouble? Is it a case? Because whatever it is, I know it’s bothering you.” He touched her hand and she looked at him. “You can trust me. Tell me what happened.”

  “Laz, I could lose my job—or worse, be disbarred if I say anything right now.”

  Okay, so this is serious.

  “Is there something I can do to help?” he asked quietly. If she was in trouble, there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do. He couldn’t explain his possessiveness when it came to her. He wasn’t even sure when his feelings for her had grown so strong.

  “Be careful of the people around you,” she whispered, staring at her wineglass.

  He stiffened. The words were spoken so quietly, he almost didn’t hear them.

  “So this is about me?” he asked cautiously.

  She gave a slight nod of her head before turning her troubled gaze in his direction. His heart squeezed. Not so much for himself, but for the worry he saw in her eyes.

  “I can’t tell you anything more yet, but for now, Laz, just…watch your back.”

  Chapter Five

  “What do you mean he kissed you? And you’re just now telling me?”

  Journey pulled the cell phone away from her ear, smiling when her sister Geneva screamed. She was the only person in the world who knew about the crush Journey had on Laz. Now, based on the number of questions her sister was firing off, maybe she should’ve kept that bit of information to herself.

  “Geneva, it’s no big deal. It’s just something that happened.” Journey leaned her hip against the counter in her office’s break room and ripped open a sugar packet, pouring it into her black coffee. She’d been at her desk for five hours straight and hadn’t accomplished anything thanks to thinking about Laz. That’s why she called her sister, hoping she could take her mind off of him.

  Clearly that wasn’t going to happen.

  “Journey, this is a big deal. That kiss means your feelings for each other are mutual. Why the hell are you guys fighting this attraction?”

  “We sorta work together and it would be weird on too many levels if we got together,” Journey whispered into the phone, not knowing when someone would walk in. She didn’t bother telling her sister that getting with Laz would also be a bad idea because of his reputation. She had worked too hard to get where she was today to let poor decisions taint her efforts. And Laz would definitely be a poor decision. At least that’s what she kept telling herself.

  He was bad for her, but boy, did she want him. The kiss they’d shared the other day had rocked her, making her want so much more. How many times had she fantasized about what it would be like to be with him, cradled in his strong arms as they made love? That sampling the other day, when he’d kissed her senseless, assured her they’d be great together.

  She hadn’t had sex in almost eight months, not since Tony, and her vibrator wasn’t getting the job done. Laz would be the perfect candidate to scratch the itch her equipment couldn’t reach. Would he think her too forward if she propositioned him? It could be a win-win situation since neither of them were the serious relationship type. At least she didn’t think he was. Then again, she really didn’t know all that much about him.

  “Okay, sis. We’re not done with this conversation, but I have to go. My client just showed up.” As a hairstylist with a high-end clientele, Geneva stayed busy. Meaning with her own hectic schedule, they rarely saw each other.

  “All right. I need to get going, too. I have to be in court in a couple of hours. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Don’t talk to me, Journey. Talk to him! You know you want to.” Her sister disconnected before Journey could respond. As usual, Geneva was right. Journey did want to talk to Laz, but she would much rather kiss him again.

  Journey noted the time on the microwave that was sitting on the counter next to the sink. She still had almost two hours before she had to be in court, but needed to do a little work on another case before leaving. Still thinking about the conversation with her sister, she topped off her coffee, wondering if she should make a play for Laz. Letting a man know that she was interested was something her sister would do, but for Journey, that was way out of her comfort zone.

  She shook her head in an effort to lose the thought. What she needed to be focused on was work. Besides, if Laz did have anything to do with mishandling the Monsuli case, the last thing she should do was get involved with him.

  So what if I can’t stop thinking about him. He’s off-limits.

  Journey stepped out of the break room and almost ran into her paralegal, Casey.

  “Oh, there you are. I was getting ready to put these in your office,” she said, holding a beautiful flower arrangement. “They just arrived for you.”

  Journey frowned. “For me?” This was the second time in only a few days that she had received flowers. Before then, she couldn’t remember the last time someone sent her anything.

  “Yep, and I can’t wait to find out who they’re from.”

  Thinking the same thing, Journey accepted the crystal vase and really took notice of the arrangement. After a few moments, a smile threatened to break free. No way had he sent her a large bouquet of orchids. He being Laz.

  Or had he? she thought turning the crystal vase slightly in search of a card as she and Casey headed to Journey’s office. After hearing Laz explain why red roses didn’t fit her, she couldn’t help but wonder, and almost hoped the flowers were from him.

  “Ooh, those are gorgeous.”

  “I wish someone would send me flowers.”

  Some of the office staff said as they passed them in the hallway. Journey knew the grin on her face was probably larger than it needed to be, but she couldn’t help it. The orchids were exquisite and smelled divine.

  “Is there a new boyfriend on the scene or is Tony trying to win you back?” Casey asked the moment they stepped into Journey’s office. She leaned against the desk and rubbed her palms together, anxiously waiting to determine the identity of the mystery sender.

  She and Casey had worked together for the last three years and hit it off from day one. In her mid-forties, with long strawberry-blonde hair, blue eyes, and a sunny disposition, Casey was sharper than some lawyers. For years Journey had tried to get the woman to pursue a law degree, but Casey always waved her off claiming she preferred being in a support role.

  “No new boyfriend, and Tony really wasn’t the flower-sending type,” Journey eventually said. Plucking the small envelope from the bouquet, she pulled out the note card.

  Now these are more like you. Delicate. Soft. Sweet-smelling.

  Journey laughed. The words weren’t exactly poetic, but the thoughtful gesture let her know that Laz had the potential of being a romantic. Who knew? A big, bad guy like him clearly hiding his softer side.

  “Hmm…” Casey said, narrowing her eyes. “They might not be from a boyfriend, but whoever they’re from must be a potential boyfriend if that grin is any indication. And are you blushing?”

  Smiling harder, Journey shook her head and moved items around on her desk to make room for the vase. “Have you ever seen a black person blush?”

  “Can’t say that I have, but if I’m not mistaken, I do see a reddish tint painting your cheeks.”

  “Okay, maybe I am blushing a little, but these are from…a friend.” She couldn’t really say that she and Laz were friends, but if she was honest with herself, she did consider him a friend. He was trustworthy, fun to be around, though a pain at times, and more importantly, he had come through for her when she needed him the most.

  Casey pushed away from the desk and stood to her full height. “Do I know this…friend?”

  Journey’s shrug was noncommittal. “Maybe, but maybe not.”

  “Mmhm. I’m going to be watching you, Missy. I have a feeling you’re not being on the up-and-up with me, but that’s okay. Keep him a secret. You know I
’m the research queen,” she said as she headed to the door. “If I really want to know who this mystery man is, I have my ways.” Journey laughed at the way Casey squinted and pointed at her.

  “I know, I know, but there’s nothing to research here. He’s just a friend. If ever I get a boyfriend again, you’ll be the first to know.”

  “Damn straight I will, but for now, I’ll let it go since you need to prepare for court. Chop, chop.”

  She was right. There was just enough time to double-check that she had everything she needed.

  But first…

  Journey dialed Laz’s number.

  “Well, what do I owe the pleasure? Let me guess, you’re calling to chew me out about another case,” he said by way of greeting, his voice low and sexy.

  “Though I’m sure you’ve probably screwed up yet another one,” she joked, “I’m actually calling to thank you. You’ve made my day. The flowers are lovely.”

  “Glad you like them, and it’s good to know I could make your day.”

  If only he knew.

  Journey wasn’t starving for a man’s attention; actually, she didn’t have time to be concerned about the opposite sex. However, she had to admit that it felt good, even if it was platonic, to have Laz’s attention. With his good looks and swagger, she was sure he wasn’t hurting for female companionship. If anything, women were probably throwing themselves at him.

  “Well, that’s all I called for. Thanks again for the flowers.”

  “My pleasure. What do you have planned for the rest of the day?” he asked.

  “Actually, I need to be in court shortly, so I guess I should get off the phone and let you get back to whatever you were doing.”

  “All right, baby. Good luck in court. Give ’em hell.”

  “Thanks,” she said, smiling and disconnected the call.

  Journey held the phone to her chest, feeling a little giddy. How silly was it that him calling her baby could illicit a warm and tingling feeling inside of her? That short conversation reminded her of how much she missed having someone pulling for her, someone outside of her sister or parents. A man. A strong, virile, sexy man who made her hot and bothered with little effort.

  Cool it, girl. Don’t forget he might be involved in planting evidence.

  Journey sighed and set her phone on the desk. She liked Laz, a lot, but jonesing after him was a bad idea. A very bad idea.

  She’d do good to remember that.

  Chapter Six

  Hours later, Journey grinned as she stuffed files into her briefcase, unable to keep the elation she felt deep down inside from showing on her face. The day just kept getting better. She had just won a murder case for the state that she’d been working on for over a year. One of the most challenging cases of her career and she couldn’t stop smiling.

  After accepting several congratulatory praises from people filing out of the court room, she headed for the exit.

  “Nice job, counselor,” someone said to her left. She glanced over at the row of wood benches and her smile grew.

  “Why thank you, David.” She and US Attorney David Lassiter had attended law school together. While she worked at the state level, David worked at the federal level and was one of the best lawyers she knew. “I didn’t see you sitting over there. What brings you here?” she asked after they exchanged a hug.

  “I had some business in the area and heard about your case, figured I’d stop in and see you in action.”

  They talked for a few minutes, reminiscing about old times and friends they hadn’t seen in a while. After promising to meet for lunch one day soon, they went their separate ways. Since it was almost five o’clock, there were only a few people milling around the courthouse.

  Journey shook out of her suit jacket and draped it through the handles of her briefcase as she strolled through the hallway past another courtroom, feeling as if she’d won a million bucks. She’d won her share of cases, but this one was special. Even now her heart ached for the homeless teenager who had died of a drug overdose. Whether the kid was a regular user or not, he was still a victim. If she had her way, every drug dealer alive would be behind bars or six feet under, and she was glad she wasn’t the only one who felt that way.

  The detectives on the case had been relentless. They had followed the trail to two small-time drug dealers and had arrested them months after the kid’s death. It had been a long shot, but her office had been able to successfully prosecute the two men for murder.

  Reflecting on the case, she couldn’t help but think about Laz, who was one of the arresting detectives. His strong testimony weeks ago, as well as his partner’s, had definitely helped the trial. Laz had tracked the two criminals like a man possessed, claiming there was no way they could let them walk after a young man had lost his life so senselessly. Journey knew his passion for justice in this case had more to do with his past loss.

  “So, you won another case. I guess you’re feeling proud of yourself.”

  And there went her good mood.

  Journey kept walking, hoping her nemesis would disappear into a big black hole, but Gabe fell in step with her. She stopped and moved off to the side of the hallway.

  “What do you want? Because I’m sure you’re not here to congratulate me on my win.” She adjusted the shoulder strap and moved her bulky bag in front of her. Gabe was a little too close, but she refused to back away. With his height and build, he might’ve been able to intimidate some of the people in the office and witnesses on the stand, but he didn’t scare her.

  They had crossed paths in the office, but hadn’t had words since their encounter at the police station over a week ago, and she’d planned to keep it that way.

  “Yeah, congratulations,” he said flatly.

  “You know what, Gabe, I don’t have time for your pettiness right now. I have some celebrating to do.” She actually planned to head back to her office and get some work done before leaving for the day. With Monday off, she looked forward to the three-day weekend. Vegging out in front of the television and binge-watching some legal thrillers, with wine and junk food being a part of her celebration.

  Journey turned toward the stairs that would take her to their offices, but Gabe grabbed her arm, his hand firm with his keys digging into her skin.

  “Ow,” she flinched, stunned by his aggressiveness. “You’re hurting me. Let go.” When he tightened his hold, panic raced down her spine.

  “I didn’t like you when you first started in the DA’s office, and I like you even less now.”

  “I suggest you release me or—”

  “Or what? You’ll call your boyfriend?” The menacing tone in his voice and the wicked leer in his eyes sent chills through her body. “I don’t give a damn that you’re sleeping with the cop, and I don’t care that you’ve got the boss thinking that you’re Ms. Perfect. You just need to know that I will destroy you if you get in my way of getting what I want.”

  Her initial shock now turned into anger. “Let. Me. Go,” she ground out, wincing in pain as she twisted again in his grasp. “I said, let me go!” She lifted her knee toward his groin and just before making contact, Gabe blocked her movement with his free hand. His grip slacked enough for her to get out of his hold, but he didn’t back away.

  “You better be careful. You’re starting to act more and more like your man. If you keep hanging around with scum, you’re going to lose everything you’ve worked for.”

  Breathing hard, she rubbed her arm. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I bet you’d like it if I failed, wouldn’t you? Since you can’t become lead prosecutor on your own merit, you’d be next in line if I fall from grace.”

  “Now you listen here. I—”

  “No, you listen,” she hissed, so mad she felt like slapping him. Instead she jabbed his chest with her finger, ignoring the attention they had attracted.

  “Don’t you ever step to me the way you just did. And if you put your hands on me again, you’ll be the one needing a lawye
r. Keep harassing me and the restraining order that I’m thinking about filing against you will be the least of your problems. Now stay the hell away from me.”

  Journey walked away on shaky legs, but with her head held high. No way would she allow him to see how much the encounter had shaken her. She had threatened him with a restraining order, but now that he’d gotten physical, she might have to see the threat through.

  When she made it back to their suite of offices, Journey stormed past her assistant Casey and headed for her office, still in shock at Gabe’s behavior. She’d had just about enough of him and was thinking more and more about filing harassment charges. But she didn’t want to come across as a crybaby, screaming harassment so soon after being appointed assistant district attorney.

  No, there had to be something else she could do.

  “Can I talk to you?” Casey asked as she followed closely behind Journey.

  “Not now, Casey,” Journey responded more harshly than she intended, but didn’t stop to apologize. She marched into her office and slammed the door behind her.

  Dropping her bag into one of the guest chairs, she paced the length of the room, her heels silent against the cheap carpet, her pulse pounding loudly in her ear. She should be celebrating a win; instead, she was trying to calm her frayed nerves and figure out what to do about Gabe.

  She glanced down at her arm where he had grabbed her. Even with her dark skin, the area was red and a key imprint stood out like florescent pink against a brown backdrop.

  “He’s going to regret putting his hands on me,” she ground out and went back to pacing. Her heart was still pounding a staccato rhythm when someone knocked on her door before it flew open.

  “Journey, I’m sorry, he just barged passed me saying he needed to see you about a search warrant,” Casey said after Laz walked in as if he had a right to do so. Casey’s eyes shot daggers at his back, but Laz didn’t seem to care. His piercing eyes bored into Journey like scorching rays from the sun, pinning her in place as warmth spread through her body.


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