Code-5 (Adventures of a Baby Boomer Book 1)

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Code-5 (Adventures of a Baby Boomer Book 1) Page 21

by Thomas Shaw

  The audio speaker in Dr. Merrill’s office came to life, “Ed, we’ve got a problem. Get down here immediately,” was all Dr. Goodman said in an urgent voice.

  Dr. Merrill was on a dead run when he entered the control room. All eyes turned to him with the most solemn expressions he had ever seen. The flat monotone sound he heard caused him to look up at the overhead monitors where he saw the “flat line” on Jim Peterson’s heart rate.

  Without a second thought…“Get our agents in there immediately and clean it up,” ordered Dr. Merrill. He turned to the rest of his team and with fire in his eyes he said, “I’m only going to say this one time and it better stick… This project Code-5 never happened, this Jim Peterson guy never existed… do you understand what I’m saying?”

  He turned abruptly and walked back to his office. Without turning on the lights he made his way to the chair at his desk and sat down. He leaned back and was trying to get a grip on his project, which seemed to be spinning out of control… when the light on his private line began to flash.

  “I have an emergency call for you,” was the quick response from SAM.

  “Who is it?” Ed said with little enthusiasm.

  “It’s Dr. McLaughlin from MIT; he was one of your instructors in grad school,” SAM added.

  “Hello James,” Dr. Merrill said trying to sound a little more upbeat. “How in the world did you track me down to this number?”

  “Surely you remember that I’m the guy that taught you how to hack into systems like yours,” James said with a laugh.

  “I haven’t heard from you in years,” Ed said trying to keep it short. “I’m sort of busy right now but how can I help you.”

  “You might say this is your lucky day but I need an answer… fast. I just snagged a government grant for a million bucks…cash. It’s one of those no questions asked and best of all, no follow up. I like to call them Black Opp’s Specials” James said in a rush. “I thought you might be able to use it with some of your projects.”

  “Let me see if I’ve got this straight. You want to give me a million dollars cash with no strings attached,” Ed said sensing there was a punch line in here somewhere.

  “There is one caveat to this deal,” Dr. McLaughlin said sounding much more serious. “I need to know who you are working with on the Computerized Behavioral Modification technology.”

  There was a long pause… “You know these projects I’m working on are classified, there is no way I can give you any names,” Ed said in a stunned voice.

  “I can assure you this is for our national security. Let me ask it in another way,” James added. “We’ve narrowed it down to four names. All you have to do is say yes or no and the grant is yours.”

  Dr. Merrill didn’t respond.

  “Is it MacQuiston?”… No.

  “Is it Wilson?”…No.

  “Is it Goodman?”… pause, pause, no response.

  “You can pick the money up at the Hyatt Hotel in the Reagan National Airport tomorrow morning,” McLaughlin said, anxious to end this phone conversation.

  “I want it in two briefcases with TSA locks,” was all Dr. Merrill said as he hung up.

  “SAM, get me in touch with Mike Duncan with SEAL team 6,” Ed was speaking into a pitch black room.

  Fifteen minutes later his phone rang.

  “Mike I need your help,” Ed said, in a serious voice. “SAM is on the line with us and will fill you in with as much information as we have… by the way this will be a Code blue mission.

  “Are you sure it’s Code blue,” was all Mike said.

  “I’m positive,” Ed responded.

  Four hours later two black Humvees were heading south on Interstate 95 for their non-stop trip to Miami, Florida.


  Quantico, Virginia…

  Ed woke early in the morning and headed for the mess hall before SAM was scheduled to wake him. He looked around for Dr. Goodman and assumed he must still be asleep but noticed his technicians had started to break down the equipment that was being shipped back to California. After grabbing a cup of coffee he headed into the control room where he found Steve and Larry disassembling the sensory deprivation chamber.

  “Dr. Goodman must be sleeping-in this morning,” Ed said, in a strained voice.

  “He caught the Red Eye last night and is probably already back in California,” Steve responded dryly.

  Ed simply shook his head in acknowledgement. “Steve I need you to pick up a package for me at the Hyatt Regency Hotel at the Reagan National Airport. SAM will set you up with a driver to take you there where you will be picking up two briefcases. Just go to the check-in counter in the lobby and give them your name, they’ll know what you want.”

  “When do you want me to go?” Steve asked.

  “Around noon will be fine,” said Ed.

  The strained atmosphere in the control room didn’t lend itself for any chit chat so Dr. Merrill headed back to his office.

  “SAM, get me the head of our FBI group in the bay area in California. I need to setup surveillance on Dr. Goodman’s activities.”

  Three hours later…

  “What do you mean you can’t find Goodman? He should have arrived at his house several hours ago,” Dr. Merrill was starting to get that sinking feeling again. “Do whatever it takes to find him. Bug his house, setup a 24/7 surveillance, I want to know the minute he or anyone else puts a foot in that house.”

  Ed had just finished having lunch and was walking back to his office when he saw Steve, also heading toward his office with a briefcase in each hand.

  Ed scanned his hand on the bio-reader and the door instantly opened. “I’ll take it from here,” Ed said taking the briefcases from Steve. “By the way, let me know the minute you hear from Dr. Goodman, I have some information for him.”

  Ed closed the door behind him and set the briefcases on his desk. He retrieved the TSA key from one of the drawers and opened the first one. He was looking at 250 packets of hundred dollar bills. Each packet held 19 one hundred dollar bills with the 20th bill folded in a special way as to make a band that held the packet together. Ed wasn’t surprised to see the packets banded together like this as he had seen it many times before because this is the way the CIA bundles money. Ed opened the second briefcase to find a duplicate of the first one. Each case held half a million dollars in US currency.

  Ed turned out the lights and leaned back in his leather chair as his mind drifted back over the events that had created more stress in his life than he had ever known.

  He had used people without their knowledge; he had coerced his friends to help complete a project that proved to be fatal for more than several people. He felt like he was losing control over everything. His daughter desperately needs his help; then out of the blue his old MIT instructor offers him a million dollars cash if he will turn over the name of one of his best friends… and now he’s missing.

  Exhaustion had finally caught up to Ed as he must have fallen asleep when he heard the private phone line ringing. A quick glance at the clock surprised him as it read 2:45 pm.

  “Hello”, he said trying to sound alert.

  “This is Carlos and this will be the only call I’m going to make. If you want to see your daughter again you will have the money and meet us in the old Edison high school gymnasium. This meeting will be at 10 o’clock tomorrow night. If you don’t show up Marta gets a one-way ticket to Cuba.”

  “Let me talk to my daughter,” Ed demanded.

  The line went dead.

  “SAM, get me in touch with Mike Duncan… immediately.”

  Five minutes later Ed’s secure line begins to flash. “Hello” was all he said.

  “This is Mike… what’s up boss.”

  “The meeting is set for tomorrow night at 10 o’clock in the old gym at the defunct Edison high school. I’m taking the Gulfstream to our special hangar at Homestead Air Force base. Meet me there at 0900 tomorrow. SAM will fill you in on the location of the gym, see you th
ere,” and hung up.

  Ed picked up his cell phone and punched the speed dial number for his ex-wife.

  “South bay real-estate”, this is Gwen”.

  “Hi Gwen; it’s Ed,” he said trying to sound upbeat.

  “I should have known. You are the only one that my caller ID can’t figure out… imagine that,” she said with sarcasm.

  “Have you heard from Marta recently?” Ed said quickly, knowing this conversation could go south at any minute.

  “She called me a couple of weeks ago asking for more money so I told her to call you.”

  “Did she tell you anything else,” Ed said trying to keep the conversation going.

  “She did say she had a couple of more finals which should finish out the year but that’s about it. You know she doesn’t talk to me anymore.”

  Ed hung up the phone feeling guilty that he hadn’t spent more time with his family. It seemed like his job had made more demands on his time than his personal life but that was about to change. “SAM, I want you to schedule the Gulfstream for an early departure tomorrow morning for Homestead Air Force base in Florida. We need to be there by 9 o’clock in the morning. I also want you to have one of our best doctors and a nurse on the flight; we may have a medical emergency on our hands.”

  Twenty minutes later SAM had taken care of all the details for the trip to Florida and advised Dr. Merrill that he needed to be at the private airstrip no later than 0500 for its departure.

  Ed made an effort to say good-bye to the last of the technicians as they finished packing and made ready for their return trips back home. He also wanted a break after weeks of non-stop effort to finish his latest project.

  He left the ice-plant and headed for his house to pack some clothes and get ready for this next mission.



  Ed arrived at the private airstrip fifteen minutes early to find the hangar buzzing with agents while all he was carrying was two leather briefcases and a backpack slung over one shoulder.

  A man about his size with silver gray hair and glasses approached him out of the crowd of people. “My name is Dr. Spenser,” he said holding out his hand. “SAM tells me we may be dealing with a drug overdose victim so I’m bringing some special equipment and a nurse trained in drug induced trauma.”

  “The victim is my daughter,” Dr. Merrill said dryly.

  Minutes later all members of this flight were strapped into their seats as the Gulfstream turned onto the taxiway and headed for the active runway.

  Three hours later their wheels touched down at Homestead Air Force Base which is located about 30 miles southwest of Miami, Florida. The Gulfstream taxied directly to the private hangar where it pulled in next to two high performance helicopters that were painted midnight black.

  Mike Duncan was waiting for Dr. Merrill as he stepped off the plane. “I hope you are rested because we have a lot to do in not a whole lot of time.”

  Dr. Merrill handed Mike the two briefcases.

  “Here’s the money, let’s make sure we don’t lose track of it.”

  Mike lead Dr. Merrill to the back corner of the large hangar where there was several chalk marks drawn on the floor.

  “This is a simulated drawing of the gym where you will be meeting with Carlos,” Mike said as he pointed to the chalk lines on the floor. “This high school is abandon and there is no electricity in the gym area. These lines represent the double doors in the front of the building and this line is the back door. We bolted all the other doors shut yesterday with our undercover construction crew that is now in position about a block away.”

  Two other FBI agents joined Mike and Ed to start the process that would create all the possibilities they might encounter with their meeting with Carlos and his gang. They started practicing the different scenarios over and over until one of the agents said, “Let’s break for lunch.”

  Forty-five minutes later they were back at it for another four hours.

  “I’m done,” Ed said holding up his hand. “We’ve gone through so many different possibilities of what might happen my head is spinning. All I want to do is get this over with.”

  Mike agreed and with a couple of quick words of instructions to the FBI agents, they turned and left the hangar.

  Mike turned to Ed, “We’ve got one more thing to do before we break for dinner. One of my technicians is going to put a micro transducer in your ear so we will be able to hear everything that goes down with your meeting tonight.”

  After a quick dinner Ed laid down on a sleep number bed and adjusted the ear-phones so the volume was just right for the mood music he would be listening too.

  Sleep didn’t come easily but he must have dozed off because he was surprised when he realized Mike was shaking his shoulder. “Wake up Dr. Merrill... We just received information that Carlos and his boys have just arrived at the gym. We need to get going.” Mike was talking slowly to make sure Ed was awake enough to understand what he was saying.

  “I’m ready,” Ed said as he slowly got to his feet. “What time is it?”

  As they climbed into the Cadillac SUV Ed asked if they had conformation that his daughter was with them.

  “Nothing yet but we’ve got eyes on everything that comes and goes at the gym,” Mike said.

  They rode in silence the 35 miles from Homestead to the South Miami area where the abandoned high school was located. About ten blocks from the school the SUV pulled over and Ed moved the two briefcases to the trunk of a waiting rental car. He then drove by himself to the designated meeting place. On the short drive to the gym his ear-piece crackled to life. “Your daughter has just arrived and is coming into the gym through the backdoor,” It was Mike’s voice, “it also looks like scenario delta” and all went silent.

  It was about 9:45 in the evening when Ed pulled into the parking lot in front of the gym. He parked about 20 yards from what looked like the entrance and noticed two figures standing on either side of the double doors. It was dark so he could not make out what they looked like. He opened the trunk and removed one of the brief cases and headed for the doors. As he approached the two men he realized they both looked like they were of Cuban descent.

  “Hold it right there,” one of the Cuban’s said as he pulled a handheld metal detector from his pocket and quickly scanned Ed’s upper and lower body. The unit made a buzzing sound as it moved over his pocket. Ed immediately reached into his pocket to show them it was simply his car keys. When he looked up both men had drawn their weapons and were pointing them directly at his head.

  “Take it easy boys, it’s only my car keys,” Ed said, holding up one hand with the keys dangling from his finger.

  “I’ll take that case,” said one of the men.

  “No you won’t,” Ed said sharply, “not until I see my daughter.”

  The other man reached in his pocket and pulled out a small handheld radio. He pressed the talk button; “He’s here,” was all he said.

  “Let him in,” was the simple reply.

  Ed entered through the doors which were immediately closed behind him leaving him in complete darkness. He stood there for several seconds; there wasn’t a sound anywhere. Suddenly a high powered spot light hit him directly in the face causing him to turn his head and instinctively closed his eyes. Ed held up the briefcase to shield him from the powerful light.

  “Hello Dr. Merrill,” it was Carlos’ voice. “I’m glad to see you made it.”

  The spot light went out and a couple of seconds later another light came on showing two chairs sitting in the middle of the gym. Ed’s heart skipped a beat as he realized there was a person sitting in one of the chairs. It must have been Marta but he couldn’t recognize her because her head was slumped forward and her long blonde hair was covering her face.

  “Here’s your daughter,” Carlos said in a smug voice, “now show me the money.”

  Without a word Ed opened the briefcase and showed Carlos the packets of money. Another one of Carlos’ ga
ng members stepped out of the darkness and took the briefcase, setting it on the floor and started counting.

  A few minutes later, “There’s only half of it here.”

  Carlos leaned into the light, “Dr. Merrill you disappointment me, you said you would bring a million dollars cash to trade for your daughter.”

  “I want to make sure my daughter is all right before I give you the other half,” Ed blurted out trying to control his rage.

  “Well let’s see if this will help you make your decision,” Carlos said as he jerked Marta’s head back by grabbing a handful of her hair.

  Ed could clearly see she was in a drugged stupor from the vacant gaze and dark circles under her eyes. It brought tears to his eyes. Before he could react he felt two pairs of very strong hands grab him, slamming him into the vacant chair beside her. Within seconds his legs and arms were bound to the chair with heavy duty tie-wraps like those used for construction.

  “Isn’t this about the time you say, please, please take me but let my daughter go,” Carlos said mockingly.

  “Look Carlos, I’ve done everything you’ve asked me to do. Now it’s your turn to be a stand-up guy and let us go. I promise we will never…”

  Carlos cut him off. “Oh please, save me the bleeding heart bull shit, do you really think I’m that stupid?”

  “You guys are all the same. That’s exactly what the other two fathers said. How long do you think it would take before you are talking to the police and looking through their photo album? Ooo that’s him right there, as you point to my picture,” Carlos said with a smirk. “Get his keys and go check his car, I think you will find the rest of the money.”

  One of his goons fished through Ed’s pockets finding the keys and immediately walked toward the front doors with a flashlight in hand.


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