Shadows and Shade Box Set

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Shadows and Shade Box Set Page 79

by Amanda Cashure

  “I win,” I exclaim.

  Killian rumbles, and Seth has a surprised-confused crease on his brow.

  “Win what?” Pax asks.

  “I’ve been watching you all pull faces,” I say, twisting to look Killian in the eye.

  “We don’t pull faces,” Roarke mutters. “I think we should stick to her wearing our clothes. That was working fine.”

  “Nope,” I announce. “My clothes, my decision. I like these.”

  Which is mostly true, I leave out the fact that I also like claiming their clothes, but surely they don’t want some girl ruining everything they own. Because the reality is, if I wear it, then they can pretty much say goodbye to it.

  Pax’s eyes glow, and maybe he’s about to say something – I don’t know, because I get in first.

  “Did you want to take them off me?”

  Correction, my mouth gets in first.

  Oh, chuck.

  Not what I wanted to say – at all.

  “That’s okay,” Seth says, jumping over the back of the couch. “I can deal with the scent thing.”

  “Wow, no, no. Back up,” I shout, pushing myself away from the couch.

  But I’m too slow and only manage to push myself into Seth’s chest, where he wraps his arms around me and locks me in place.

  He wraps his arms around me in a big, exaggerated movement. Like a kid trying to smother their favorite teddy to death – well, a kid who’s very aware that his favorite teddy has a broken arm.

  “Help,” I gasp at the nearest Elorsin – Killian – as he walks past with two jars of dried fruits.

  He smiles, walking right past me. Not even pretending to care.

  “I think your faces are cute,” I say.

  “Not sure cute is ever Killian’s goal,” Seth says – half the words lost to the fact that now he’s rubbing his chest all over my back, with his arms bear-hug tight around my middle.

  “We’re hunting as soon as the rain stops,” Killian says, passing one jar off to Pax, then sitting heavily on one of the single chairs with the second jar in his hands.

  He has no intention of helping me at all.

  “What was that?” Seth asks, tightening his arms around me. “Hug you harder?”

  “Roarke?” I gasp.

  Roarke ignores me, feeding another piece of wood into the gentle flames.

  “Help,” I beg.

  I’m not sure if Roarke is pretending not to hear me or genuinely lost in thought. Either way, he crosses the room and relaxes back in the other single couch without offering any help or even advice. I guess the fire’s going now, so his job is done.

  “More?” Seth asks.

  I would beg for Pax’s help, but I can barely breathe at this point. What other options does a girl have? I’m already begging – what comes after begging?

  Pax sits on the couch next to me and grips my sleeve.

  Apparently, the move means ‘let her go’ in guy body language code because Seth grumbles, “No fun,” then unwraps himself from me.

  Pax pulls me across the couch, and almost freedom, until I’m nestled against his side – and damn, he smells good.

  I should possibly think more about the fact that his arm is wrapped around me, and I’m pretty sure I’m not actually allowed up right now – but vanilla is the only real thing on my mind. Warm, comforting, sweet vanilla.

  Seth pulls the blanket from where it had become tangled in his legs, drapes it around me, then starts tucking it into place around my cold toes. I really need to see if any of Eydis’ boots will fit me.

  His calloused fingers wrap around my ankle and coax my legs up onto his lap. I don’t argue – it’s comfortable. I lean back, watching the slow drizzle of rain down the big bay window, and the occasional distant flash of lightning along Ximena.

  A dried apricot is tossed up then plummets straight into Roarke’s open mouth, followed by a sheepish grin at his own skill.

  “Me, too,” Seth says, then opens his mouth wide.

  The big guy tosses an apricot at him, which lands in Seth’s mouth with minimal head movement required – followed by four others.

  “Yes,” he mumbles around a mouth so full that he’s struggling to chew.

  I didn’t realize this is a thing people do with food? Obviously only people who have always had enough to eat.

  He starts massaging the ball of my foot with his thumb, pressing along the sides with his fingers, and squeezing my toes together.

  Bralls, I almost moan out loud!

  Then he moves on to my other foot. I sigh, relaxing into Pax even more.

  An apricot appears in front of my face, and I open my mouth to let Pax feed me. The sweet flavors make my stomach growl in appreciation.

  Pax chuckles, then offers me another one. Then another, I don’t know, twenty, one at a time as they discuss ways they think Logan’s potion was trying to meddle with their magic.

  My eyes droop shut just a little. Being knocked unconscious doesn’t count for sleep. Ever.

  “It’s almost been ten minutes,” Killian says.

  I feel Pax shift, nodding.

  “What’s ten minutes?” I ask.

  “Ten minutes since you told Pax he can take your clothes off,” Seth says.

  Pax just grumbles. Or maybe it’s the wolf side of him that grumbles. That was a very wolfish sound.

  “I don’t understand,” I press, rolling onto my back so I can look straight up at the hard lines of Pax’s face.

  I might be about to launch into some argument about needing him to trust me, or treat me as part of the team, but he hooks a finger into the collar of his shirt and pulls it across to display a sigil.

  “The prison was empty, and I couldn’t risk another…” He stops to clear his throat. “Unfolding like at Lackshir. So we took precautions.”

  As he speaks, I shuffle up and practically sit myself in his lap. Which I’m pretty sure crosses boundaries, but he doesn’t push me away. Doesn’t stop me from straddling his legs and pulling his shirt open so I can inspect the gold circle with its six sharp lines cutting through a swish and swirl. I run my finger over the raised edges. Sigils hurt like bralls – I should know, I’ve had the pleasure of wearing one.

  His chest vibrates, his hands sliding to grip my hips and pull me deeper onto his lap. My knees press into the back of the couch. It’s harder than I realized, trying to stay focused on a conversation when my body fits so perfectly into his.

  I look into his eyes. “I am a little offended that everyone else here seems to know what’s going on, and I have no clue.”

  “Don’t worry,” Seth says, a chuckle hidden in his tone. “I think you’ve got what’s left of his ten minutes to corner the information out of him before one of us is going to have to separate the three of you.”

  I hadn’t realized Seth’s inability to add one and one together was so bad, but the magical mark on Pax’s chest is more important right now.

  “One minute, Pax. I’m giving you one minute,” I say, my fingers stilling over the sigil.

  His gaze settles on mine, with an almost calculating look. It makes the gold of his irises swirl and pulse.

  One second. Two seconds. Three seconds.

  Screw this.

  I jab my finger into the center of the burn. “Spill.”

  He rumbles, his hand wrapping around mine and tugging it away. But he doesn’t let it go. Our hands are frozen in the space between us. Poking him in the chest really pisses him off, and I almost smile at his predictable reaction, even though I know I’m misreading it. I don’t really have any control over this conversation – which is highlighted by the fact that the gold in his eyes pulses bright for two shared heartbeats.

  “It restricts my impulses for ten minutes,” he says, the words slow – apprehensive.

  Like he’s prepared for me to be pissed off at him.

  “Impulses? Like ducking to save your own life in a fight?”

  “I might get the first duck in, but once the
adrenaline kicks in, I’m mellowed into walking and talking. Anything I want to do in that time has to be preplanned.”

  I push off his chest, launching myself to my feet. “That sounds stupid!”

  He stands, slowly. “People could have died in Lackshir,” he says, his tone deep, troubled.

  “You could die!”

  Killian grunts behind me, and I have no idea if it was an ‘I agree’ noise or ‘I can protect him.’

  “I don’t care how many brothers you have. Lithael wants you guys dead! He has sent killers after you. Xylon and Daryan were BeastSeeds – they weren’t just hunting you; they were going to use you. Gartil could literally shake things to pieces with his power, had a freaking lip-ring, and tried to cut your head off. And Sromma, he could take your power and mimic it,” I shout, my voice high and shaking – and my hands starting to do the same.

  The motion sends a dull ache through my broken arm, and I find myself pacing back and forth across the rug, while hugging my arm to my chest.

  “He can’t do this,” I declare, turning to face Killian with fear and anger rolling off each and every word.

  “It’s short-term,” Roarke offers, and I spin sharply to face him in the armchair behind me.

  “You knew, you all knew?”

  Roarke nods. “I can read sigils, but he told me when he arrived.”

  “Yes, with books and research – and you were in your chuckin’ braies!”

  “This one isn’t too complicated. Adrenaline goes up – ability to react goes down. And all sigils are temporary.”

  “About a week,” Seth adds.

  “I don’t care!” I shout.

  It doesn’t make sense to me. Yes – Lackshir was horrible, and it felt like a really close call, but we’re at Eydis’ little hidden cottage now. If anything happens to make Pax lose his shit, it will be a danger that has come to find us. And now he won’t even be able to save his own ass.

  “Beautiful, the prison was empty,” Pax says, like that should explain it all.

  It doesn’t.

  “No, Pax, you’re not making any sense. Why would you risk your life like this?” I demand, sending a thrum-thrum of blood and Allure-induced pain through my ears and down my spine.

  “Because Thane is too unpredictable, and he’s growing too strong. He’s growing strong because of you. We agreed – to keep you safe; otherwise, we were both going to hunt the last living Hyll and destroy her before she could get near you, but you’re in a bubble, and we need to remove it before our Release Seals dissolve.”

  “I don’t understand. My bubble isn’t worth your life. Why would you?” I almost choke on the word; it feels raw and somehow sharp.

  “Because I need you,” he declares, and I blink back black spots in my vision.

  “Because I’ll always stand between him and his pain,” Killian adds, and my world tilts a little to the left.

  “Because Pax values his pack more than his own life,” Seth says, his words ringing and echoing.

  “Because being able to hide from your pain is an Elorsin privilege,” Roarke finishes.

  “Undo it. Find a way,” I demand. I need him to, I need him to be safe, and I don’t care about this other stuff.

  “Kitten, he can’t,” Roarke says, and as soon as the words are out, Pax pushes me off his lap and advances on my AllureSeed.

  Roarke throws his hands up in submission. “It was her,” he says, but the room topples, and I don’t quite see anyone’s reactions.

  “Shade,” Pax growls.

  He wraps his arms around me at the same time as my legs give out and I lean into him, waiting. Trying to breathe through the pain. Unable to make sense of his words.

  “Don’t. Use. Allure,” he growls.

  For a long moment I can’t make sense of anything. The guys arguing. Pax is breathing hard – more arguing. Using Allure is worse than being hit in the head by something big and hard. Problem is – I don’t even know I’m doing it.

  I try to sift through their conversation, but only one little bit has stuck in my mind – Thane.

  “Who’s Thane?” I whisper.

  “She did that? She’s that strong?” Pax asks over the top of me, like he’s forgotten I’m here.

  “At first, I thought my power was using her – but I’m pretty sure she’s using my power.”

  “What makes you so sure?” Seth asks. “She looks like she’s going to pass out.”

  Something is pressed to my lips, and I drink greedily. Roarke’s fingers slip under my shirt, his palm flat to the small of my back. His touch makes the pain seep away.

  “Because if my power was using her, then it would be trying to get what I want. That question was completely for her benefit. But you can’t force Allure. It’s like sleight-of-hand – an art, not an axe. Pushing this power through anyone’s body like that is going to hurt.”

  Pax hooks an arm under my legs and carries me to the couch, which makes Roarke’s fingers slip from my skin.

  I grumble, then realize my eyes are shut, sleep tugging at my mind.

  “No,” I groan, trying to sit up and press myself away from Pax.

  He holds me tighter, settling onto the couch with me on his lap. I hug my aching arm to my chest, my other hand pressing to my temple like I might need to hold my head in place or the thing will fall off.

  “Thane – now,” I insist.

  Pax’s eyes are instantly aglow. His skin ripples with the distinct outline of the wolf beneath before settling back into man-Pax.

  “Thane,” a decidedly wolfish voice says.

  “Your wolf has a name?” I gasp, the sudden intake of air making my head swim all over again.

  “I have a name,” the wolf responds.

  “Why didn’t I know this?” I demand, my heart nearly pumping out of my chest.

  Seth settles the blanket around me again, then vacates the couch. Roarke slips into his place, smelling like aged paper and jasmine. I inhale slowly. The smell is better than chocolate. His fingers find my ankle underneath the blanket and begin to draw circles on my skin; each stroke pulls me further and further away from the ache. But with the pain goes the last few tendrils of energy inside me.

  I manage to mutter out the word, “Thane,” before sinking into Pax’s chest.

  “Is she asleep?” Pax asks.

  Killian grunts, nods, then gets up from his chair – clearly he’s had enough. “Hunting,” he says.

  He pulls his boots on with rushed precision, grabs his throwing knives and recurve, then leaves the house. The door makes a quiet click behind him, and his descent down the front steps is hidden by the rain.

  “What do we need to do?” Pax asks, settling Kitten to lay on the couch between us, her head on his lap. He gently pulls her right arm out to rest on his leg, the break supported. Which catches my attention, because the guy hasn’t even asked if it’s healing properly – he appears to be ignoring it. But he’s not.

  He tucks the blanket over her other arm, covering the scar left from her childhood in chains. That scar stands out, stark white and ragged against her tanned complexion. He’s not insisting she cover it every minute of the day, but he can’t handle looking at it. For half a second, Thane’s claws descend, ripping three short gashes into the blanket over where he just tucked in her wrist. Then they retreat so quickly that I would have missed it if I weren’t already looking. Shade doesn’t stir, so he didn’t hurt the girl.

  Pax takes a sharp, deep breath and starts stroking her hair.

  I draw in a long slow breath myself.

  The impossible – that’s what we need to do. But even the impossible can be broken down into a task list. Order of importance. Order of difficulty. That sort of thing.

  “We need to search for any reference to the potion Logan used. The only thing Seth remembers is that it created a blue mist and used a rare ingredient from the Potion Master’s locked cabinets – I think it was the water from the Origin Spring,” I stop to slip a stray strand of my
hair back behind my ear, using the moment to search for some clarity before continuing. “Finding the original recipe is our best option. Once we exhaust her notes and journals, creating a new potion that will hopefully reverse the effects is our second best option. Either way, we need to find that spring.”

  I run a hand down my face, already feeling drained at the weight of the task. I’m not normally the one responsible for things.

  For people.

  “I’m not a Potion Master, so I can’t guarantee any recipe I create will work the way it needs to.”

  “Then we get sure. Who do we need to kidnap?” Seth demands.

  “The nearest Potion Master is at the Fire Spring, somewhere between half and a full day’s ride away,” I say. “That’s if he’s alive, and if he’s going to be on our side. I’m the only one who can get into his domain, the same as Eydis’ – meaning no one will be working on fixing Kitten’s bubble in the meantime.”

  “We can be quick,” Seth says, stretching out his shoulders like he’s suggesting we run there, right now. “I’m up for a kidnapping. Haven’t done one for a while – not since that time with the rope merchant, and that was pretty much by accident.”

  “No, Seth, Roarke’s right. Fire Spring potions have been used a lot by Lithael. There’s a strong chance the Potion Master will put Shade in more danger. Jada and the triunes are on their way here,” Pax says.

  I nod. “They should be here tomorrow, followed by the others. Putting plans into place with them should be easy – dealing with Tanakan is not going to be.”

  “We need to take the White Castle first. We need to control the Sabers’ assignments without Lithael knowing, and to do that we need to suck the poison from within its walls.”

  Pax looks at the palm of his hand, where the Release Seal sits dull over the creases of his life. “We have about two days before it begins to be an issue. Once we’ve dealt with this bubble and Jada, we’ll bring down the domain walls and wait for them to attack. And they will. I’m willing to bet they’ll keep attacking – we’re the only real threat against Lithael. We can make our stand here and take down as many of the monsters from Tanakan as possible. When we can’t hold out any longer, we’ll return to the White Castle and find a way to keep Shade out of the arena. There is no law saying every member of a team must compete in tournament. We should be able to lock her in a cupboard somewhere.”


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