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Ride With Me

Page 5

by Joanna Blake

  The plane from Nashville to New York City was packed and stuffy. And this was just the first leg of her journey. Never mind the discomfort and expense. Never mind the shame of running home with her tail tucked neatly between her legs.

  All she could think about was the ache in her heart.

  She'd run out on Jake. Even if he was the sort to toss women aside after a tumble, she should have given him a chance. He did seem awfully taken with her after all. And she knew now without a doubt that she'd lost his heart to him.

  The band would go on without her- maybe even be glad to see her go now that she'd botched things with the biggest club owner in Nashville. That chapter was closed. It was too bad, but the heartbreak of it was nothing compared to what she was feeling over blue eyes.

  She looked up to see a stewardess standing over her seat.

  "Miss Gavin? Your seat has been changed."

  "What? Why?"

  "Please come with me now."

  Elle stood up, grumbling to herself. She was already starting to doubt her decision to run off. And now this trip was turning into a nightmare and it had barely just begun.

  Maybe her credit card had been declined and they were kicking her off the plane. That wouldn't be a shocker after everything else that had happened now would it? But maybe it would be a blessing in disguise. She could go back- try to explain...

  The stewardess led her to the front of the plane. They were already taxying to the runway so they couldn't be kicking her off now could they? Unless they planned to do it mid flight.

  Now that would be a proper ending to her failed trip to America.

  She almost laughed but the stewardess was showing her to a seat. In first class. A seat in first class.

  There was someone in the seat next to hers. A man wearing ripped jeans and a leather jacket. A man who was staring at her with a wry grin.

  Jake Bloody Delancey.

  "Please take your seat now Miss Gavin."

  She stared in shock at the gorgeous man staring back at her.

  "Sit down Elle."

  She nodded numbly and sat.

  "Enjoy your flight."

  She looked straight ahead. Jake was probably mad at her. She was afraid to look at him.

  "Put on your seatbelt Elle."

  Slowly she reached out and slid the buckle into place.

  "How is your father?"


  Then Jake shifted in his seat.

  "He's alright actually. He seemed to turn over a new leaf when I promised him I'd stay in Brentwood."

  She closed her eyes. She knew what a big concession that was to him.

  "Do you know why I promised him that Elle?"

  She shook her head. The plane was picking up speed as it taxied down the runway. The tip of the plane began to lift.

  "Look at me Elle."

  She turned her head sideways and stared into his beautiful blue eyes.

  "I did it because of you."


  Jake leaned over Elle's prostrate body. She was tied spread eagle to the hotel bed. The very, very large hotel bed.

  "So, how are you enjoying New York?"

  She moaned as he traced his fingertip down her body.


  He smiled at her and continued the teasing strokes. He'd been at this for over an hour. It was probably time to let her climax.

  But not yet.

  He leaned down, his breath fanning her skin with warm air. She was cool to the touch, thanks to the hotel's air conditioning. Slowly he stuck out his tongue, making a point. He dragged it across her skin, skimming her nipple.


  He kept going, sliding down her body, licking and teasing as he went. Then he started at her ankles again and worked his way up. She was shivering by the time he'd worked his way back up her body to her flushed face.

  "Had enough?"

  She nodded breathlessly as he started unbuttoning his shirt.

  "Hmmm… should I untie you?"

  "Whatever you want- just-"

  "Just what?"

  She moaned as he rolled her nipple lightly between his thumb and forefinger.

  "If I give you what you want, you have to promise me not to run away again."

  He stood and took his pants off. Her eyes were glued to his body. He grinned. Jesus, she was gorgeous. And very, very responsive.

  He'd never had more fun in his life.

  She whimpered in pleasure as he lowered his naked body on top of hers. He felt his cock jerk, eager to get on with it.

  Down boy, not just yet.

  "Elle. I need your word."

  "Yes. I promise - I -"

  He thrust into her, holding perfectly still while they both adjusted to the sudden onslaught of sensations.

  "That's all I wanted to hear."

  He thrust into her slowly, kissing her as she rocked helplessly against him. In minutes she was shaking, quivering all over his shaft as she came. He grinned and reached up to untie her hands.

  He didn't stop his slow thrusting as he reached down and untied one foot at a time. The moment she was loose, she tore into him, grabbing and holding and scratching.

  Jesus, she was a hellcat.

  His hellcat.

  After all, she'd put him through hell.

  He was going to make her pay for it. Maybe he'd tie her up again.


  He rolled onto his back and watched her ride him. She wasn't being gentle with his tender sensibilities. She was determined to make them both climax. Hard.

  He felt the room go dark as he started to cum, his vision narrowing as he grabbed her hips and bucked upward. He rolled her onto her back and drove into her again and again.


  She was writhing beneath him as he slowed down enough to let them both catch their breath. But he didn't withdraw. Her eyes widened when she felt him growing hard again.

  He grinned at her humorlessly and held her hands above her head, reaching again for the robe sashes he'd secured there. He pulled them tight, tying her hands to the headboard.

  It was going to be a long, long night for one naughty little runaway.

  He'd make damn sure she never wanted to run again.


  Elle rolled over, finding the bed beside her cool and empty.

  She looked around, wondering if he was gone. There was a shadowy form by the window. Jake was sitting in an easy chair in the dark. Watching her.

  Stark relief flowed through her body.

  He was still there. She hadn't dreamt what had happened on the plane. Or afterwards, at the hotel.

  He'd fought for her. Hell, he'd practically kidnapped her. And what he'd done afterwards… she blushed. He'd worked over her body to such a degree… he knew every sensitive spot she had now. She knew he wouldn't be afraid to use them to his advantage.

  Thankfully, they had the same goal in mind.

  Pleasuring each other until they were weak as kittens.

  "Good morning Elle."

  Oops. He was still mad. Really, really mad.

  "Good morning."

  "Come here."

  She stood on wobbly legs and walked across the room toward him. When she got closer the look in his eyes took her breath away.

  He wasn't mad. He was scared.


  She didn't move fast enough apparently because he pulled her down into his lap. He was fully dressed again. She was… not.

  His hands started to slide over her body possessively. But his eyes never left hers.

  "I meant what I said Elle. You are coming back with me."

  She stared at him.


  He squeezed her in approval.

  "No more running."

  "No more running."

  "Promise me."

  "I promise."

  That seemed to appease him because he smiled for the first time. But he wasn't looking at her face. His fingers were trailing over the hard tips of
her breasts. She gasped at the sensation.

  "Are you hungry Elle?"

  She was ravenous. But she wanted him more. And judging from the torpedo in his lap, he wanted her too.

  For always.

  She smiled at him.

  "I can wait."

  The serious look lifted from his eyes for the first time since she'd seen him on the plane. The cocksure smile was back.

  "Good. I'll try to take less than an hour this time."

  He lifted her up and carried her to the bed.


  "Easy boy. That's it."

  Jake eased the bridle off the exhausted horse. He was working with Thunder again this morning, just like he'd been doing every day since he got back from New York. He found that wearing the stallion out was the best way to teach him.

  He was sort of doing the same thing with Elle.

  No sort of.


  Each night he kept her up and busy until she fell into a satisfied slumber. He made sure she was too tired and sated to run. Of course, he ended up pretty satisfied too.

  Really satisfied. More so than he'd ever been in his life.

  He grinned and patted the stallion.

  It was a difficult job, but somebody had to do it.

  He was brushing Thunder down when one of the workmen he'd hired came to find him.

  "Mr. Delancey? It's ready."

  "Thanks Steve."

  He fed the steed an apple and followed Steve to the former tack shed. From the outside it looked like a hundred year old building. Well kept and serviceable, but old. But inside, it was something else entirely.

  Padded walls, low comfortable couches and a glass wall that separated the equipment and a small room set up with studio instruments.

  He grinned and slapped Steve on the back.

  "It's perfect."


  Elle bent over the figures, entering each into the software that Mrs. Garret had taught her to use. The woman was getting on and needed help with the household expenses. It was just one of the things that Elle had learned to do to help in running the estate. Jake had insisted on it.

  He insisted on a lot of things lately. Not that she minded.

  She looked up to see him standing in the doorway watching her. As usual, he looked supremely relaxed.

  "You're as sneaky as a cat."

  He just smiled at her, looking a bit smug. That was usual too. She adored her arrogant young man though. Just the way he was. Prickles and all.

  Elle picked up an envelope and waved it at him.

  "My papers finally came in."

  He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorjamb, his eyebrows raised.

  "Is that so?"

  She nodded.

  "I'm impressed. I think you've earned a reward."

  Now it was her turn to cock an eyebrow at him.

  "Not that kind of reward you naughty girl. How is that going by the way?"

  She sighed and leaned back.

  "Well, I certainly understand how to balance books down to the dime. Years of being dirt poor will do that to you."

  He nodded approvingly.

  "Come on, it's time for your riding lesson."

  "If you insist. I still have work to do here."

  "Buttercup will get lonely."

  She rolled her eyes. They'd given her the oldest, sweetest nag on the estate to learn on. The horse doted on her. It followed her around like a dog.

  The sweet old thing was ridiculous but Elle had to admit she was growing fond of the silly horse.

  "Alright, let's go."

  Elle stood and followed him. She was already wearing riding breeches and boots. Jake had insisted she be ready to ride at a moment’s notice. Plus, he said he liked the way she looked in the snug fitting pants.

  She smirked as she watched his ass move in his tight jeans.

  She liked the way he looked in his pants too.

  He didn't lead her right to the stables as usual though. She frowned and followed him. They passed the stable and walked toward one of the other old buildings that littered the estate. This one was set back from the rest of the buildings, with a pretty brick path leading to the door.

  He stood in front of the building with a big grin.

  "What's this then?"

  He just shrugged.

  "Open it."

  She gave him a distrustful look and reached for the door handle.

  "You know I don't like surprises."

  He just smiled wider.

  "You'll like this one."

  She stepped inside the building and stopped in her tracks.

  He was right. She did like it. In fact, she loved it.

  Just like she loved him.

  The darling man had built her a bloody recording studio.

  Six months later

  Jake sat at the bar with a prime view of the stage. Black Diamond was about to finish their second set. And at the end of the show, he had a surprise for the lead singer.

  He looked around the room, seeing Daniel and Jackson smiling and talking to other people in the club. The brothers had opened a music venue in the city, partnering with Albacus, an old family friend.

  No one was more surprised than he was that things had worked out so well. But there it was. Life was good.

  Life was very, very good.

  The crowd was chanting for an encore while he made his way up to the stage. He had something in his fist. He stopped the band from starting a new song and joined them on the stage. He winked at the guys and held out two fists.

  "Hello everyone. I just have a question for Elle that couldn't wait. I hope you will understand."

  The crowd roared it's response in the affirmative.

  He grinned and looked at his beautiful girl. As usual she looked suspicious. She didn't like surprises. He knew that. But he couldn't help himself.

  Elle gave him an odd look as he held out two clenched hands.

  "Pick one."


  He nodded and she gave him an exasperated sigh.

  "Alright Delancey, this better be good."

  She cocked her head and tapped his left hand. He opened his fist, holding it palm up.

  Her beautiful eyes opened wide when she saw what it was.

  It was a ring.

  He dropped to his knee.

  "Will you marry me Eleanor?"

  She was crying as she nodded. He slipped the ring on while the crowd went wild. Then she threw herself into his arms, laughing and kissing him over and over again.

  He wasn't surprised when she whispered into his ear, barely audible above the noise of the crowd.

  "What the hell was in your other hand then?"

  He shrugged sheepishly, pulling back to show her.

  "Another ring. I got two, just in case."

  She was laughing as he pulled her in for a kiss.

  "You're incorrigible alright. But I'll have you."

  He murmured into her lips.

  "Lucky me."

  We hope you enjoyed Ride With Me, the first book in the Delancey Brother’s Trilogy!

  Other titles By Joanna Davis:

  Wanted By The Devil on Amazon

  Still Waters on Amazon

  Safe In His Arms on Amazon

  Slay Me on Amazon

  Dare Me on Amazon

  Cover Me on Amazon

  The Biker Next Door (Joanna Blake Singles) on Amazon

  Joanna loves to hear from her fans! Please contact her at and sign up for her newsletter for special deals and upcoming releases!

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