Against All Odds: A Gripping Secret Baby Romance (Bad Boys After Dark Book 9)

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Against All Odds: A Gripping Secret Baby Romance (Bad Boys After Dark Book 9) Page 93

by Gabi Moore

  I suspected that amid those moans and grunting noises, Erol fancied that he could discern some secret language of the heart; as a matter of fact, I wouldn't put it past him. Chances are he was picking up something from all of that touching. I'm just not sure it was the quickest way to manage that information.

  Finding the daughter wasn't too difficult.

  There were giggles and the sound of splashing coming out from behind a closed door at the end of the hall. I figured that there might be more than one daughter in question, but that this was as good of a start as any. I also didn't feel like digging around in some rich brat's room, looking for a piece of jewelry that she either hid away or pawned off for club drugs.

  An entire dimension was dying. I just figured I had better things to do with my time.

  Of course the door was locked, but I felt like I was closing in on something so I didn't bother with the subtleties any longer.

  Locks in the Fae Realm are by nature more complex than their counterparts in the human realm. In a city full of fae, you need complex magical protections or at the very least, a hybridized security system with unique enchantments on your access key. In the Human Realm, they had no reason to use anything besides the most basic tumblers and deadbolts. What's worse is that most of the materials they use are magnetic, which means that a basic earth enchantment will do the trick most of the time.

  I placed my hand on the door, and spoke the words necessary to connect with the bar of steel that was being used to secure the door shut. A sigil burned into the fine oak surface of the door, and the lock twisted open.

  On the other side of the door, whoever was in the bath together was too busy getting randy to notice, or care.

  I let myself into the bathroom, and immediately cast an orb of silence around both of the humans in the tub.

  The spell was simple. All it did was set up a sound-negating barrier in a ten-foot radius around the target. . When I was satisfied that their screams could not be heard outside of the barrier I had erected, I stepped through the bubble myself, and began my own investigation.



  "She can't hear you. Right, now, it's just the three of us, so I suggest you relax."

  The man she was with at the time had been buried between her legs as I entered the room, but with some unceremonious squealing and thrashing around, the two had separated. I sat on the bathroom counter for a moment scoping out the situation. First, I decided to lay down some ground rules.

  "You move, or do something that doesn't suit me, and there will be unfortunate consequences. I've dealt with types much worse than you. However, if you help me out, all of this will go by quickly, and there won't be much for you to worry about. "


  I exhaled sharply.

  "You don't listen very well, do you."

  The man was obviously unsure of all of this, but his cock wouldn't back down, which gave me an idea.

  "We're going to play a game, " I began, hopping down off of the counter.

  "I'm going to need you to bend over, like you were, and I'm going to need you to fuck her. You can do that, can’t you?"

  At this affront to his sensitivities, the man spoke up and got out of the bath to confront me. I didn't feel like getting into a fight, so I walked past him, ducking and deflecting his clumsy punches as I did so. When I got over to the woman, I grabbed her hair by the roots, and then pulled hard.

  My hand left her scalp with several long strands of hair between my fingertips. Her boy toy got a solid hit on me from behind, and I fell onto the woman head first. She broke my fall, and the two of us went down together into the tub.

  The water was warm, and smelled like jasmine and vanilla. I was more than a bit irritated at being interrupted, but the water was so nice that it was hard to be crass about it.

  "Oh, I'm sorry," he stammered.

  Obviously this dude was pussy whipped, but it was clear enough that the apology was not intended for me.

  "She's fine," I said, shortly. "Have a seat."

  Using the strands of hair that I still clutched in my hand, I cast a spell of binding on the boy toy.

  First his legs, then his hands, and finally his mouth.

  He fell to the floor in a spectacular, wet slump, and remained laying down on his back. To my surprise, and disappointment, his erection had softened since our little scuffle.

  I turned to the girl who was watching me with horror in her eyes from above the surface of the water.

  "You... sit on his dick. Now."

  The girl started to protest, and I slapped her. I needed this to be quick, and I had already dealt with enough bullshit from the two of these people to warrant a total loss of patience.

  "Look at him."

  My voice was cool, but firm. I wanted her to give me her attention. She started crying for a minute, so I told her again.

  "Look at him!"

  She stopped.

  "Do you see how easily he was taken care of? I can do the same and worse to you, so why don't you just cut the shit, and do as I say."

  Cowering still, she walked over and sat on his lap.

  "That's get him hard."

  I reclined on the edge of the tub and watched the two of them for a minute. It was awkward, and unfortunate. I was making this shit up as I went along, and had not expected it to take a turn for the perverted, but sometimes that's how it goes. More likely than not I was acting out my own frustrations on the two, but it wasn't so bad... really."

  "Good, now put it in."

  I allowed myself to be aroused for a minute, looking at the two, but it didn't last, mostly because of the fact that they were both terrified.

  Fear doesn't really go well with my libido. I guess I'm a softie at heart.

  "Now, while you fuck, I'm going to tell you why I'm here. I'm going to make a guess that the two of you are some young couple, and you like to play around with one another... am I right?"

  The young woman nodded, while biting her lip.

  "Great. I'm very happy for you."

  "I'm also going to guess that your relationship is relatively new, is that correct?"

  Another urgent nod.

  "Great, now you can tell me where the engagement ring is for your previous relationship."

  This did not go over well. The bound man began twitching and bucking his hips. He tried to say something but the ropes were bound up in his mouth. I took a deep breath, and stared at the girl.

  "I didn't say stop."

  She kept going, but her movements had lost whatever momentum she had gained since they started fucking once more. This next part was difficult, but I didn't really mind the extra effort.

  I walked over to the woman and stood over her while she squatted down over her muted boyfriend's cock. Grabbing her head once more in my hands, I shoved her mouth into the crotch of my dress. While she was there, a few more strands of hair provided me with the cords necessary to bind her body to his.

  Moments later, the final spell was cast.

  The two were attached to one another, and the only way they were coming undone was if he shot off a load inside of her.

  She realized what was happening, as well as him. The two of them tried to stop moving, but at that point, there wasn't anything to be done about the fact.

  "Now. You need to tell me where this engagement ring is at, or I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that every one of those sperm is a dead ringer for your eggs. Are we clear?"

  She was scared shitless, and I knew I had one.

  I walked around the two of them for a moment, pushing on her occasionally so I could feel the sexual energy rise between them. He was doing everything in his power not to explode, and I didn't want to make things too easy for him either.

  "No more privileged single girl lifestyle. No more nights on the town. If I have my say, you'll have one child dangling off of each sagging tit for the next two years of your post partum depression.

  Her eyes grew wide, and she turned back to look at her man, commanding him not to cum, but all he could do was sweat in response.

  "Of course, I could go get Rita and bring her up here. I'm sure she'd love to understand where the engagement ring disappeared to..."


  She strained trying to push herself off, and then finally slumped back down on the cock, bringing a groan out of her boyfriend.

  "I didn't pawn it or anything."


  She glared at me.

  "It's in my room, under the ballerina statue. Code 0069."


  I had to laugh.

  "Be back soon."

  "Hey. Untie me!" HEY!"

  As soon as I passed through the barrier, I didn't hear anything. I didn't want to think about what might have happened if I had been wrong. Intuition told me to turn left right out of the bathroom, at which point I found the young woman's room. It was locked, of course, but that didn't matter. I was only in the room for a minute before finding the dancer in question.

  Lifting the statuette up from its place on the desk, I saw a tiny safety box, which hardly needed a lock at all. For formality and irony more than anything else, I entered in the code.

  "0 - 0 - 6 - 9"

  The lock popped open, and low and behold, there it was, a beautiful and ornate engagement ring. I let out a sigh, picked up the ring, and then walked downstairs.

  In order to retain the effect of the spells, I would need to continuously meditate on them for about as long as we were inside of the house. Otherwise, the bubble of silence would pop, and the two lovers would only have to deal with cum and hair stuck to their bodies.

  The part about the impregnation was a farce. I can't do that shit. Wouldn't even want to, if I could, but they didn't know that, and the drama had been interesting for me.

  Walking down the stairs, I decided I was curious to know what would happen if things just stopped. I let go of the enchantments, and immediately heard the sound of her boyfriend orgasm from the bathroom.


  The sound had also gotten the attention of Rita, who now stood at the base of the stairs with Erol.

  In a casual flip, I tossed the ring through the air to Erol, who to my surprise caught it without fumbling.

  "Took care of it Rita. Just make sure you pay my man all right. C'mon Erol, it's time to go."


  The woman was incensed, and had completely snapped out of whatever hypnotic state Erol had managed to put her in while I was upstairs. Just then, the girl came out with a towel wrapped around her breasts, crying.

  "Stop them!"

  Erol's eyes widened, and he shoved the engagement ring into Rita's hands. Rita was about to release her anger in our direction, and then realized that I had in fact found the object she was looking for. Being a quick woman, she turned that anger immediately to her daughter instead.

  "Samantha! You lied to me!"

  "Thank you, Rita. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I’m glad my partner could help you out. The money will be in your account by tonight, Erol. Good day."

  I smiled and took him by the elbow.

  "Time to go ... Partner."

  Poor bastard, I thought. Can't take care of shit if left to his own devices.

  We made our exit.

  Chapter 9

  “How did you do that?”

  The inquisition didn’t start until well after we had left the neighborhood. At least this time, Erol had the common sense not to stick around after a potential conflict. Sticking around at the scene of the crime, as it were, was not exactly the wisest thing to do for someone who wanted to get by unnoticed. I ignored him for a while, and thought about why this time he was so interested in leaving, but back at the laundromat, he had been so reticent.

  He stewed in his own bitterness for a moment, but I let him be.

  “You just show up, cause some trouble, and think you can slide by without an explanation?”


  The guy was getting on my nerves.

  “You know, I thought you would be less of a bitch.”

  “Wait, you thought?”

  “That’s right, I hoped you would be at least a little more forward with things, but it turns out you’re just a pandering coward who gets paid to feel up old ladies.”

  “What do you mean, you thought? Thought implies that you have been watching me; that you had some sort of precognitive observation.”

  “Don’t bother giving yourself too much credit. I might have been simply talking about a character evaluation based on the time I have spent with you since yesterday.”

  “That’s not what it sounded like.”

  “Are you one of those paranoid types too? Think that somebody is out to get you, and that you have some sort of secret that they are struggling to obtain?”

  “I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”

  “You are. Well, that’s nice.”

  “Look, why don’t you just tell me where you live, and I’ll drop you off at home. Not that I don’t enjoy being pushed into the threat of excitement every couple of hours, but I think we had better stop this before it gets any worse.”

  “That’s a real bitch thing to say.”

  That really got him.

  We were in the middle lane on a major thoroughfare. He cranked his head backward, straining to see if there were any cars passing though on the right hand side. The lane was blocked, and I could see his frustration building.

  When the river of traffic moved to carry us forward, I decided to lay off for a while. I lowered my seat backward in the car with a loud thump.

  “I’m hungry,” I announced. “I just saved your ass with that old woman, so why don’t you treat me to lunch?”

  He was still furious, but I had a point. Likely it would have been a couple of months worth of sensual massage before he uncovered any clues that would have lead him to the fact that the daughter was hiding there ring all along.

  “How do I know you aren’t trying to steal my client from me?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, Erol, she’s obviously mad for you. I’m not sure I’d be ale to provide the same services you offer.”

  I offered a smile from the seat, and propped my feet up on the dashboard once more.

  “I’m new to the area, so you should just pick some place out for us to eat, and take me there. Lots of hard work finding that ring, and I need some food before we continue.”

  He could have kept going, but I wasn’t going to encourage him in any way whatsoever. I needed food, and I needed some time to think.

  One of the main reasons I helped him out was because I knew we needed to be on our way. I didn’t have time for this guy to fuck around with Rita for the next three months, on the basis that he needed the money. There was no reason at all in my mind why we should have to go about delaying working on important matters, simply because he needed to get some cash.

  I didn’t have time to deal with that kind of shit.

  He cooled off for a minute, and I allowed my eyes to close. I didn't really care where he took me to get food, as long as it was edible, and we got back to business afterward. I tried to relax, and let some of the pressures of the future slip past my mind and out the open window of the car.

  The day was peaceful in spite of it all. If I let myself fall into it, the world around me on the Material plane was a pleasant place to be — at least it seemed like it might be if given a chance.

  My thoughts strayed back to the Fae Realm, and I felt guilt.

  It wasn’t that I was being inactive. Far from that, it’s just that I kept getting this feeling like people on this realm didn’t quite appreciate the fact that their existence kept moving right along. Surely, this planet faced struggles on par with the Fae world. Everything the scientists had been discovering suggested that it was the case.

  What got me more than anything else was how perfectly oblivious these people were to an
y problems outside of their own petty squabbles and relationships.

  I shook my head, still thinking about that brat back in the mansion.

  “What kind of world do you think she occupies?”

  “Who? Rita?”

  I hadn’t meant to speak out loud, but the words came unfiltered, and Erol met my contemplations head on.

  When I opened my eyes, I saw that we had passed beyond the edge of town. The strip malls and congested roadways had been replaced by thick stands of trees. In between the trees, long stretches of wild grassland seized every piece of ground except for the highway. The vegetation was thick, and wonderful.

  In my mind, I couldn’t help but think about the intense levels of competition and violence which were implicit in an ecosystem like that one. On the surface, it looked like such an idyllic place, but just beneath, there was a near endless chain of death. The grass choked out all but the most stubborn of wildflowers. The trees out shaded the grasses, or emitted sub-surface level toxins to prevent them from even taking root.

  The whole observation reminded me of the pain that our own realm was going through.

  I thought about the approach of the Void in terms of a larger perspective. It could be that our way of life was quite naturally supposed to be eliminated. If there was a reason that the Fae Realm could no longer support the life of the Capitol, why should it be personal?

  What right did we have to suck the life-force out of the Material Plane, like some vampiric parasite, desperate to maintain whatever half life had brought us to that position in the first place.

  A shade grew over my disposition, and just like that, the depression was back.

  “What are you so concerned about?”

  The question caught off guard.

  We had only been in the car for twenty minutes or so. He didn’t have that much time to get over whatever imagined chaos he had suffered at my hands back at his client’s house. I turned to him, my eyes still sour.

  “Some of your inborn sensitivities coming out?”


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