The Last Empire

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by Serhii Plokhy

  23. Mikhail Gorbachev, Memoirs (New York, 1995), 649–651; Boris Yeltsin, The Struggle for Russia, trans. Catherine A. Fitzpatrick (New York, 1994), 108; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 317–319.

  24. Medvedev, V komande Gorbacheva, 205.

  25. O. G. Rumiantsev, ed., Iz istorii sozdaniia Konstitutsii Rossiiskoi Federatsii. Konstitutsionnaia komissiia. Stenogrammy, materialy, dokumenty (1990–1993) v 6-ti tomakh, vol. 2, 1991 (Moscow, 2008), 814–815; Yeltsin, The Struggle for Russia, 109; cf. Gorbachev, Memoirs, 647–651.

  26. Raspad SSSR, 916–920; Yeltsin, The Struggle for Russia, 109; “Blitsinterviu. Ter-Petrosian, predsedatel’ Verkhovnogo Soveta Armenii,” Argumenty i fakty, August 29, 1991.

  27. Raspad SSSR, 920–921; Korzhakov, Boris El’tsin, 118–119, 125.

  28. Bob Strauss to Secretary of State, “My Meeting with Boris Yeltsin,” August 24, 1991, 1–3, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, White House Situation Room Files: USSR Part 4 of 4 Moscow Coup Attempt (1991), no. 6.


  1. George Bush and Brent Scowcroft, A World Transformed (New York, 1998), 539.

  2. Ibid.; Joe Hyams, Flight of the Avenger: George Bush at War (New York, 1991); Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, George Bush: An Unauthorized Biography (Joshua Tree, CA, 2004), 101–114.

  3. Anatol Lieven, The Baltic Revolution: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and the Path to Independence (New Haven, CT, 1994), 82–85, 204–254, 374–384.

  4. Author’s interview with Nicholas Burns, Harvard University, June 15, 2012.

  5. Secstate to Amembassy Bucharest, March 22, 1991, Subject: CSCE: Handling Moldova in CSCE, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns and Ed A. Hewett Series, Russia Subject Files: 4.3.0—US Relations with Russia, Policy on the Debate over the Union; Nicholas Burns to Ed Hewett, “Response to the Soviet Embassy on the USSR Borders,” April 1, 1991, ibid.; George Bush to Mikhail Gorbachev, draft of August 27, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns and Ed A. Hewett Series, USSR Chronological Files: August 1991, no. 1.

  6. James A. Baker with Thomas M. DeFrank, The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace 1989–1992 (New York, 1995), 238; address by Jack Matlock at the Davis Center, Harvard University, October 25, 2011.

  7. George H. W. Bush to Mikhail Gorbachev, January 23, 1991, James A. Baker Papers, box 109, folder 9; Jack Matlock, Autopsy on an Empire: The American Ambassador’s Account of the Collapse of the Soviet Union (New York, 1994), 469–473.

  8. Edward W. Walker, Dissolution: Sovereignty and the Breakup of the Soviet Union (Lanham, MD, 2003), 55–178; Raspad SSSR: Dokumenty i fakty (1986–1992 gg.), vol. 1, Normativnye akty. Ofitsial’nye soobshcheniia, ed. S. M. Shakhrai (Moscow, 2009), 265–635.

  9. Author’s interview with Thomas Simons, May 13, 2013; George H. W. Bush to Mikhail Gorbachev, January 23, 1991; Robert M. Gates, From the Shadows: The Ultimate Insider’s Story of Five Presidents and How they Won the Cold War (New York, 1996), 528–529.

  10. Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 207, 223; Olgerts Pavlovskis, Chairman of Joint Baltic American National Committee to President Bush, June 13, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, White House Office of Records Management, Subject Files, General: Economic Summit, London, England, 7/15–17/91; Benjamin L. Cardin and 44 other members of the US Congress to President Bush, July 26, 1991, ibid.; letter from the leadership of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, signed by Senator Alfonse D’Amato and others, to President Bush, July 26, 1991, ibid.; “Points to Be Made for Meeting with President Boris Yeltsin” [[July 1991]], Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Nicholas R. Burns Series, Subject Files: POTUS Trip to Moscow and Kiev, July 27–August 1, 1991, no. 1; “Points to Be Made for Meeting with Chairman Leonid Kravchuk” [[July 1991]], ibid., no. 3.

  11. Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 533–534; Amembasy Moscow, to Secstate, Washington, August 25, 1991, Subject: Baltic Independence Initiative: Letter from Lithuanian President Landsbergis to the President, 1–2, r, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, White House Situation Room Files: USSR Part 4 of 4 Moscow Coup Attempt (1991), no. 7; Amembasy Moscow, to Secstate, Washington, August 26, 1991, Subject: USSR Supreme Soviet Special Session Begins with Endless Procedural Wrangling, ibid., Situation Room Files: USSR Part 4 of 4 Moscow Coup Attempt (1991), no. 9.

  12. Slade Gorton to George H. W. Bush, August 23, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, White House Office of Records Management, Subject Files, General: Russia; Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 538–539.

  13. Memorandum of telephone conversation, Bush and Vytautas Landsbergis, August 31, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Landsbergis.pdf; Bush and Arnold Ruutel, September 2, 1991, ibid.,—Ruutel.pdf; Bush and Anatolii Gorbunovs, September 2, 199, ibid.,—Gorbunovs.pdf.; George Bush to Vytautas Landsbergis, August 31, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, Jane Hall Series, Soviet Union, 1991; Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 539.

  14. Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 540; Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 526.

  15. Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 540–541; Michael R. Beschloss and Strobe Talbott, At the Highest Levels: The Inside Story of the End of the Cold War (Boston, 1993), 441, 444–445.

  16. Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 541–542.

  17. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 624–636; Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 541–542; Dick Cheney with Liz Cheney, In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir (New York, 2011), 231–232.

  18. Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 541–542.

  19. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 526–527; Gates, From the Shadows, 85–96; Mikhail Gorbachev, Memoirs (New York, 1995), 661–662; Vladislav M. Zubok, A Failed Empire: The Soviet Union in the Cold War from Stalin to Gorbachev (Chapel Hill, NC, 2007), 254–264; Anatoly Adamishin and Richard Schifter, Human Rights, Perestroika and the End of the Cold War (Washington, D.C., 2009).

  20. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 526–529; Boris Pankin, The Last Hundred Days of the Soviet Union (London, 1996), 115–122; JAB exchange of notes w/Strauss re: meetings w/Gorbachev/Yeltsin in Moscow 9/11/91, James A. Baker Papers, box 110, folder 7.

  21. Pankin, The Last Hundred Days, 53, 71, 106; Zubok, A Failed Empire, 140; Eric Shiraev and Vladislav Zubok, Anti-Americanism in Russia: From Stalin to Putin (New York, 2000).

  22. Pankin, The Last Hundred Days, 104–105, 113.

  23. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 526–539.

  24. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 532–533; Anatolii Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod. Dnevnik dvukh ėpokh, 1972–1991 gody (Moscow, 2008), 928.

  25. Khristina Lew, “Ukrainians Demonstrate Across United States. 5000 rally Across from White House,” Ukrainian Weekly, September 29, 1991, 1; Marta Kolomayets, “Delegation Representing Free Ukraine Arrives in US. Kravchuk Meets with Bush, Addresses UN Assembly,” Ukrainian Weekly, October 6, 1991, 1.

  26. “Meeting with Leonid Kravchuk, Ukrainian Supreme Soviet Chairman,” September 25, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Kravchuk.pdf; “Meeting with Soviet Foreign Minister Boris Pankin During the UNGA,” September 24, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Pankin.pdf; Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 543; Marta Kolomayets, “Kravchuk Delegation in US Capital Emphasizes Ukraine’s Independence,” Ukrainian Weekly, October 6, 1991, 1; author’s interview with Leonid Kravchuk, Kyiv, September 1, 201
1; Anatolii Zlenko, Dyplomatiia i polityka. Ukraïna v protsesi dynamichnykh heopolitychnykh zmin (Kharkiv, 2003), 239–240.

  27. Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 544–545; Telcon with secretary-general of NATO Manfred Woerner, September 27, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Woerner.pdf.

  28. “Address to the Nation on Reducing United States and Soviet Nuclear Weapons,” September 27, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Public Papers, php?id=3438&year=1991&month=9; Telcon with Mikhail Gorbachev, president of the USSR, September 27, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Gorbachev.pdf.

  29. Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 544–545; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 990; Pankin, The Last Hundred Days, 107; Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 547; “Telecon with Mikhail Gorbachev, President of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,” October 5, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Gorbachev.pdf.

  30. Gates, From the Shadows, 530.


  1. Telecon with Boris Yeltsin, President of the Russian Republic,” Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,; author’s interview with Nicholas Burns, Harvard University, June 15, 2012.

  2. “Mirotvorcheskaia missiia El’tsina i Nazarbaeva zavershilas’. Podpisano piatistoronnee kommiunike,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, September 25, 1991; Timothy J. Colton, Yeltsin: A Life (New York, 2008), 223; Anatolii Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod. Dnevnik dvukh ėpokh, 1972–1991 gody (Moscow, 2008), 997.

  3. Colton, Yeltsin, 223; Petr Aven and Al’fred Kokh, “El’tsin sluzhil nam!,” interview with Gennadii Burbulis, Forbes (Russian edition), July 22, 2010,

  4. Yegor Gaidar, Collapse of an Empire: Lessons for Modern Russia (Washington, D.C., 2007), 228–229.

  5. “Silaev protiv Silaeva,” Izvestiia, September 25, 1991; “Beseda glavnogo redaktora Valentina Logunova s chlenom Gosudarstvennogo Soveta Mikhailom Poltoraninym,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, September 26, 1991; “Silaev vyshel iz kabineta,” Moskovskie novosti, September 29, 1991.

  6. James A. Baker with Thomas M. deFrank, The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace, 1989–1992 (New York, 1995), 538–539; Sergei Stankevich, “Ia dumaiu El’tsin dolzhen prosto vybrat’,” Moskovskie novosti, September 29, 1991.

  7. John Dunlop, The Rise of Russia and the Fall of the Soviet Empire (Princeton, NJ, 1995), 261–464; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’. Belaia kniga. Dokumenty i fakty o politike M. S. Gorbacheva po reformirovaniiu i sokhraneniiu mnogonatsional’nogo gosudarsta, 2nd ed. (Moscow, 2007), 328; Aven and Kokh, “El’tsin sluzhil nam!”

  8. Yegor Gaidar, Dni porazhenii i pobed (Moscow, 1997), 1–259; Vadim Medvedev, V komande Gorbacheva. Vzgliad iznutri (Moscow, 1994), 219.

  9. Gaidar, Dni porazhenii i pobed, 253.

  10. Ibid., 256–259, 261–264.

  11. Aven and Kokh, “El’tsin sluzhil nam!”

  12. Ibid.; Mikhail Gorbachev, Poniat’ perestroiku (Moscow, 2006), 347.

  13. Georgii Shakhnazarov, Tsena svobody. Reformatsiia Gorbacheva glazami ego pomoshchnika (Moscow, 1993), 281–282; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 323–324.

  14. Shakhnazarov, Tsena svobody, 284–285.

  15. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 327–328; “Prem’er ne soglasilsia s ekonomicheskoi politikoi SSSR,” Kurs, December 15, 2011,

  16. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 992.

  17. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 323–324, 329.

  18. Shakhnazarov, Tsena svobody, 287–289; Boris Yeltsin, “Zamechaniia po proektu Soiuznogo dogovora ot 25 oktiabria 1991 g.,” Gorbachev Foundation Archive, fond 5, no. 3730.01.

  19. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 997; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 332–333; Medvedev, V komande Gorbacheva, 217–218.

  20. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 997.

  21. Ibid., 997; Boris Pankin, The Last Hundred Days of the Soviet Union (London, 1996), 244.

  22. “Telecon; with Boris Yeltsin, President of the Republic of Russia,” October 8, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Yeltsin.pdf.

  23. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 997, Medvedev, V komande Gorbacheva, 218; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 330–353.

  24. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 334, 353–354; Edward W. Walker, Dissolution: Sovereignty and the Breakup of the Soviet Union (Lanham, MD, 2003), 147; Dunlop, The Rise of Russia, 267.

  25. Gaidar, Dni porazhenii i pobed, 279.

  26. Ibid., 278–279; Aven and Kokh, “El’tsin sluzhil nam!”

  27. Boris Yeltsin, The Struggle for Russia, trans. Catherine A. Fitzpatrick (New York, 1994), 124–126.

  28. Aven and Kokh, “El’tsin sluzhil nam!”

  29. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 353–354.

  30. “Telecon with Boris Yeltsin, President of the Republic of Russia,” October 25, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Yeltsin.pdf.

  31. Boris El’tsin, “Obrashchenie k narodam Rossii, k S”ezdu narodnykh deputatov Rossiiskoi Federatsii,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, September 29, 1991.

  32. “My boialis’ shokovoi terapii, a poluchili shokovuiu khirurgiiu,” Izvestiia, October 29, 1991; “Samyi populiarnyi prezident nakonets-to gotov k samym nepopuliarnym meram. Gruppu kamikadze vozglavit El’tsin,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, October 29, 1991; “Rossiiskaia programma reform: reaktsiia v respublikakh neodnoznachna,” Izvestiia, October 30, 1991.


  1. James A. Baker with Thomas M. DeFrank, The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace, 1989–1992 (New York, 1995), 515; Gregory Harms and Todd M. Ferry, The Palestine-Israel Conflict: A Basic Introduction, 2nd ed. (London, 2008), 141–158; “The Madrid Peace Conference,” Journal of Palestine Studies 21, no. 2 (Winter 1992): 117–149.

  2. “Charter of Paris for a New Europe,”; Mary Elise Sarotte, 1989: The Struggle to Create Post–Cold War Europe (Princeton, NJ, 2009).

  3. George Bush and Brent Scowcroft, A World Transformed (New York, 1998), 407–410; Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 286–287, 316–317, 400–410; George Herring, From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign Relations Since 1776 (New York, 2008), 908–912.

  4. Boris Pankin, The Last Hundred Days of the Soviet Union (London, 1996), 195–223; Memorandum of Conversation, Meeting with Emir of Bahrain, October 15, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,[[2]].pdf; “Talking Points for Syria,” September 19, 1991, 1, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Files, Edmund J. Hull Series, Subject Files.

  5. Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 410, 548; Wilson D. Miscamble, From Roosevelt to Truman: Potsdam, Hiroshima and the Cold War (Cambridge, 2007), 203–204.

  6. Pankin, The Last Hundred Days, 230; “The President’s Press Conference with President Gorbachev of the Soviet Union in Madrid, Spain,” October 29, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Public Papers,

  7. Anatolii Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod. Dnevnik dvukh ėpokh, 1972–1991 gody (Moscow, 2008), 995–996, 1004; Pankin, The Last Hundred Days, 230–232.

  8. Mikhail Gorbachev, Memoirs (New York, 1995), 663; “Telcon with Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez of Spain,” August 19, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Gonzalez.pdf.

  9. Andrew Rosenthal, “Uncertainty on Gorbachev Gives New Twist to Meeting with Bush,” New York Ti
mes, October 28, 1991; T. Kolesnichenko and V. Volkov, “Madridskii marafon,” Pravda, October 29, 1991; Alan Cowell, “The Middle East Talks: Bush and Gorbachev in Spain: Let the Talks Begin,” New York Times, October 30, 1991.

  10. Luncheon Meeting with President Gorbachev, October 29, 1991, 12:30–1:15 p.m., Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,[[1]].pdf; Pankin, The Last Hundred Days, 232.

  11. Meeting with President Gorbachev of the USSR, October 29, 1991, 1:20–2:45 p.m., Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Gorbachev%20[2].pdf; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1004–8, 1012, 1016; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’. Belaia kniga. Dokumenty i fakty o politike M. S. Gorbacheva po reformirovaniiu i sokhraneniiu mnogonatsional’nogo gosudarsta, 2nd ed. (Moscow, 2007), 356–358; Gorbachev, Memoirs, 664–665.

  12. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1008–9; Pavel Palazhchenko, My Years with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze: The Memoir of a Soviet Interpreter (University Park, PA, 1997), 339–341; Pankin, The Last Hundred Days, 234; Pankin, The Last Hundred Days, 232.

  13. Amembassy Moscow to Secstate Washington DC, Subject: Clarification of Monday’s Speech by Yeltsin, October 26, 1991, 1–7, Bush Presidential Library, Presidential Records, National Security Council, White House Situation Room Files: USSR Part 3 of 4 Moscow Coup Attempt (1991), no. 14.

  14. Pankin, The Last Hundred Days, 224–235.

  15. Middle East Peace Conference, 1988–1991, James A. Baker Papers, box 106, folder 7.

  16. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 358–362; Pankin, The Last Hundred Days, 234; Gorbachev, Memoirs, 664–665; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1008–1009; Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 549–550.

  17. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 985, 1009–1014; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 362–365.


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