Rebound (Washington Senators Book 1)

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Rebound (Washington Senators Book 1) Page 18

by Amber Lynn

  He pushed her back on the bed. Smiling, he started his exploration of her body by nipping gently on her left breasts just to the side of the nipple. Then he sucked the rosy button into his mouth.

  Willow’s torso arched off the bed as she let out a strangled scream. He smiled as he settled himself over her body, with a leg nudged between her legs. While he tasted and drew in her nipple, his right hand moved down to another button he hoped to have in his mouth soon.

  Whimpers left her lips as he ran a finger through her slick heat and used the liquid to start rubbing slow circles across her clit. Her hips thrust gently upwards as he shifted to give her other breast its due attention. His ministrations continued until her pants grew confused-sounding and frantic.

  The soft sounds were going to drive him crazy and probably keep him up at nights as he imagined them, but they also meant she was getting close. Brayden trailed soft kisses down until his tongue could take over from his fingers. He lapped at her juices, letting the sweet flavor of her linger on his mouth. She tasted like a fresh peach, with a little salt on top to draw out the flavor. He could spend a full day licking her, but they didn’t have a full day. If his earlier thoughts were true, they didn’t even have a full hour.

  So, instead of enjoying all the deliciousness he could take, he locked his lips on her swollen nub and sucked. Her pants became a wail as her trembling legs locked around his head and her hips thrust forward. Her climax rocked through her, while he continued to suckle and get his fill.

  When her body went slack, he made quick work of stripping his pants off. Her hazy gaze landed on his upturned cock and made it tighten even more, which shouldn’t have been possible because the damn thing was about to explode.

  He came back down on the bed, wishing he could kiss her lips. The flush of her skin would make it hard to hide what they’d been doing but tearing open her stitches would make it even worse.

  Instead of seeking out her lips, he settled for a spot just below her ear that seemed to be the most sensitive spot he’d found, at least above her neck. Her legs, even in their weakened, sated state, wrapped around his back as he lined himself up and started pushing himself inside her.

  His breath was heavy as he tried not to force himself in. His brain and body both wanted to thrust and claim Willow for himself, but he had to take this part slow.

  Apparently, Willow didn’t get that memo. As soon as he was a couple inches in, she thrust her body up into him, sheathing him fully.

  Oh. Fucking. God.

  They both stilled. Brayden was pretty sure he stopped breathing altogether, but his body and brain had disconnected. So, he had no clue.

  The warm tightness enveloping him was all he could think about. Not even the faint cry Willow let out made it to his head fully. It was all about her and her needs, so he should’ve been paying closer attention.

  Yeah, and he should’ve realized she wouldn’t let him take it at an appropriate speed. She needed time to get used to him, open herself up for the intrusion. But no, Willow, being Willow, just jammed him in there.

  “That wasn’t so bad.”

  Her voice made it through the haze, causing Brayden to look down at her. He almost expected to see some tears in the crooks of her eyes, not her wide eyes and smile. He’d thought it before, but her happy satisfied look erased any doubt that Willow would be the death of him.

  He took a deep breath and inched himself out of her, feeling her muscles ripple around him. Any thought of stamina was long gone. He was lucky he hadn’t lost himself the second she pulled him inside.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  He pushed back in, trying to establish a pace that wouldn’t totally embarrass him. She’d already stated that sex was just a few thrusts and it was done, but he wanted to show her that the art of love-making had nothing to do with the mating habits she’d read about. What animals did was similar to the human version, but between them, it would never just be rutting.

  She nodded. Her body thrust up into his, asking without words for more. He picked up his pace and let out a curse as he felt his balls tighten. Slamming his body to hers, he let himself go. Somehow, surprising the hell out of him, her body convulsed at the same time, and he felt her gripping his dick as he poured himself into her.

  It wasn’t until that moment that he realized he hadn’t put on a condom. No wonder it had all felt so damn good. Not that being with Willow alone wouldn’t have driven him mad. But he hadn’t been with a woman without protection ever. From a young age, before Brayden even figured out what to do with a woman, his father had ground the importance of wearing a condom into him.

  Willow literally made all his sense disappear. She’d become the most important thing in his life, and he hadn’t bothered to protect her. Chances were she wouldn’t immediately understand what he’d done, but he wasn’t going to hide it from her. He started to pull out and tell her he was sorry, but her words stopped him.

  “Don’t pull out yet. The chances of insemination increase if you stay locked in place. At least that’s how it works in some animals.”

  Okay, maybe she did understand.

  Chapter 33

  Brayden stared down at Willow. A look of confusion replaced the panicked look she’d seen on his face for a second. She felt full, like her body would explode at any second, and he’d almost looked grief-stricken. With the emotions rolling over her, grief didn’t seem right, but maybe it was different for a guy.

  “You want to get pregnant?”

  The confusion she thought she saw on his face echoed in his voice. The question made her brow furrow.

  “That is what happens when two species copulate? You did know that, right? With all the talk about whether I knew what I was asking for, I figured you did.”

  He’d mentioned graduating from college and had one time been engaged. How could he not know the outcome of sex? Willow’s expression was sure to match his as he leaned back and slid out of her.

  She hadn’t been counting, but she figured he’d been in there for about a minute after she’d felt him ejaculate inside of her. That would have to do. Her stomach warmed at the thought of his seminal fluid swimming inside of her. In just a couple of weeks, she’d know whether the insemination was successful.

  While she wasn’t sure if she would ever see Brayden again, she’d at least be able to have a part of him. That was why she’d had to get away and see him. The thought of him touching her and seeing where the heat they’d started before was part of it, but she needed the chance to take a small piece of him with her.

  Judging by the look on face, he hadn’t thought it through. She could read some emotions on him, but whatever he thought about her assertion was something new.

  He shook his head as something rumbled in his chest. “I’m well aware of what can happen during sex, Willow. It’s not all about having babies, though. Maybe in other species it is, but for humans, some of us like the pleasure that comes along with it.”

  Willow nodded in agreement. She hadn’t imagined how otherworldly it would feel. Her whole body felt like it came alive when he licked her. And when she felt him inside her… She felt her body warm just thinking about it.

  The whole thing was beyond words. Eventually, she was sure she could describe it, but her body still held the heat and sweat from the coupling.

  “I can see why. I never thought creating a life could feel like an out-of-body experience.”

  It wouldn’t have surprised her if Willow at one point floated above herself. She scooted up on her elbows to take a look at Brayden’s whole body, most importantly the part of him that had given her so much satisfaction.

  She’d tried to catch of glimpse of him as his pants flew off, but her mind was a little preoccupied. The red appendage with moisture, some of hers mixed with his, surrounding it looked just as swollen as she’d felt behind his jeans earlier. She wondered if the state was usual or if it relaxed.

  In animals, she knew it did, but she didn’t have a lot
of experience with human anatomy in that sense. The books she read over the years had generalities when it came to the male organ. Until now, she’d been fine not knowing more. Seeing him in that state, as it strained up to his abdomen, made her want to learn everything about it.

  “Please stop staring at it. I’m trying to convince it that isn’t happening again until we have a very long talk.”

  Her eyes moved up, a questioning look in them. Did he mean her staring at him was some how effecting it? Was it supposed to go down, but couldn’t with her looking at it? That didn’t make any sense. She conceded that he knew more about his body than she did, but it still seemed odd.

  “You want it to happen again?”

  There was no question she did. The reason she looked down, along with her general curiosity, was that she wanted to know if he could do it again. The likelihood of conceiving had to go up the more you did it.

  Of course, he didn’t seem to understand that the goal was to make a baby. She’d thought beforehand it would be a once in a lifetime chance, and his quick confusion had only punctuated that.

  “Yeah, I figured it would happen plenty of times, not today, obviously, but this was never going to be a one-time thing.”

  His mouth opened to say more, but Willow interrupted him. She wasn’t sure she’d heard him right.

  “You want to do it again, in the future?”

  When she hadn’t been able to find him between the police station and the hospital, Willow had convinced herself Brayden washed his hands of her. It didn’t make any sense, but nothing was making sense, so she went off where her mother directed her. The longer she stayed away, the more she knew she had to see Brayden just the one last time and try to convince him to have sex.

  It had been easier than she thought it’d be, but she wasn’t about to question that. Now he was talking like they’d see each other again and her chest hurt. The pain differed from the one when she thought she wouldn’t see him again. It was similar to the explosion she’d felt brewing as he licked between her legs. Well, sort of. She didn’t have a lot of emotions and feelings on record to describe them accurately.

  “You didn’t honestly think we’d have sex, and then I’d show you the door, did you?”

  The confusion returned to his face, not that it really ever left. His hand reached over and cupped her face.

  “You thought I’d have sex, potentially getting you with a child, and never see you again? You don’t have to answer, because I can see it in your eyes. Are you crazy?”

  His face changed again to a look she wasn’t sure about. Maybe hurt, it was sort of a combination of the confused one and the disgusted one she thought she’d seen on Greg’s face before.

  She didn’t have an answer for his question. Over the years, at least the ones before she was kidnapped, she heard the question many times. Some people didn’t even bother making it a question. She was different, so that clearly meant she was crazy. At least she didn’t feel the same hurt she had before when someone asked. Brayden’s words meant planned on seeing her again.

  “Don’t answer that either,” he quickly added. “Willow, if I would have just had sex with you and pushed you out the door, I’d be using you, and that’s not who I am. I agreed to have sex because I want to build a relationship between us. It was stupid of me not to spell that out, but if you were just hoping I’d get you pregnant and walk away, we have a lot of talking to do.”

  As a smile spread across her face, Willow winced at the pain stretching her lips caused. Hoping wasn’t the right word, but it had been expected. He wanted more. She didn’t know how more worked, but she was willing to learn.

  “I think we need to talk.”

  Starting that conversation was totally up to him. She watched shows were people had “relationships,” but she didn’t know how to go about them. Most of the nuances surrounding them seemed unnecessarily confusing.

  It didn’t matter if they made sense to her. If Brayden wanted to try, she’d do her best.

  He opened his mouth to say something, but a pounding from the other room stopped whatever words were about to come out. He cursed under his breath as he stood up and started grabbing clothes.

  She got up as well. He threw her clothes in her general direction as he stepped into his jeans. She caught them but tossed them on the bed.

  “You need to put those on, Willow.”

  The pounding grew louder, making Willow jump. It had been sort of muffled, but the insistent noise grew.

  “What’s going on?”

  She didn’t move to get dressed. She wanted to continue whatever talk she and Brayden were starting.

  He looked over at her, his clothes all on now. Shaking his head, he walked closer and grabbed her shirt from the bed.

  “If I had to guess, I’d say your parents have figured out where you’re hiding. And they aren’t too happy about it.”

  Willow’s eyes widened. He thought that noise was coming from her parents? The thump, thump, thump sounded like a log hitting something, not a person’s hand on a door.

  “Are you sure?”

  Since she made no motion to dress herself, Brayden worked her shirt over her head and put her arms in the holes. Even if it was her parents, couldn’t they just ignore them. What was going on in his bedroom held much more importance than her parents looking for her.

  “Yes, Willow, and I wouldn’t doubt it if they brought the police with them. So, we need to get out there and show them I haven’t kidnapped you.”

  The idea made Willow laugh. It shouldn’t, because she remembered a time when she feared him taking Connor away from her, but that was different.

  “It’s not funny. At least not to them, sweetheart. You’ve been missing for fifteen years, and then runaway the second they got you back. After that stunt, I doubt they’ll let you out of their sight ever again.”

  He grabbed her underwear from the bed and held them out for her to step through. They repeated the process with her jeans. The clothes scratched against her skin, even though the shirt at least was soft cotton. She wanted to be naked again, just her skin against his. According to him, that wouldn’t happen any time soon.

  She was ready to stand her ground right there in his bedroom, but his hand closed around hers and pulled her from the room. No amount of dragging her feet stopped his trajectory. She realized that quickly and stopped trying. She hoped he was wrong about who was at the door. Trevor had been there, maybe he forgot something.

  Before opening the door, Brayden turned her and smoothed her hair. He didn’t seem to like what he saw, judging by the sigh he let out, but he stopped fussing over her and swung open the door as the force outside shook it enough that Willow was sure it would break soon.

  She groaned as she saw the ever-unflappable Pauline Jamison standing in the doorway. She’d seen her tear up on the television and in person when they were first reunited, but that wasn’t the woman she remembered. Willow remembered the woman in front of them, her eyes glowing with something Willow had never put her finger on.

  “Willow Bethany Jamison, what the hell do you think you’re doing here?”

  Chapter 34

  The urge to slam the door shut was hard to shake. Brayden didn’t like the look on Pauline’s face, and her tone downright pissed him off. He knew Willow needed protected, but she was a grown woman, and he trusted her to make decisions. Or at least he did before he found out she had every expectation that he would get her pregnant.

  He still thought she could make her own decisions, but they had to talk them out before they took action to make sure they were on the same page. As far as having a baby, Brayden needed some more time to think about it. Not that he would hate if they had just made a child. He just hadn’t seen kids in his immediate future.

  “I needed to talk to Brayden,” Willow said, a hint of defiance clear in her voice. “He’s going to Minnesota tomorrow, and I wanted to verify when he’d be back.”

  As a habit, Brayden didn’t think W
illow lied. Yes, there was the whole pretending to be Laura thing, but he’d observed her doing things because they made sense to her and not really caring what other people thought. He wondered if the question of when he’d get back would really have popped up if her mother hadn’t shown up so soon. He doubted it, since they’d gone over his travel plans before. It was only a few hours ago that she had been part of them.

  “It doesn’t matter when he’ll be back. We'll be back in Henderson in a few days. We need to get the decorators in to make changes to your room.”

  Brayden imagined the room hadn’t been touched in fifteen years. He kind of wanted to take a peek at it and see what ten-year-old Willow considered her sanctuary at the time. Pink and dolls everywhere wasn’t something he even considered. She probably had her own lab set up in there. Beakers and test tubes more than likely sat on a table with whatever other equipment she could convince her parents to buy.

  “Where’s Connor?” Willow asked instead of commenting on the move.

  Pauline looked only surprised by the subject change for a second. It was a little astonishing she let even that much slip out.

  “He’s downstairs with your father. They found some statue he liked in the lobby and stopped to talk about it.”

  Chances were she’d commanded them to stay down there, but Brayden wasn’t going to correct her. He hadn’t even met her husband, and from what he heard, that wasn’t a shock. While Pauline stood in the spotlight when it came to finding her daughter, Nicholas Jamison threw his money around trying to find anyone willing to talk about who took Willow.

  After a little research, Brayden found out that Nicholas was a self-made millionaire. Some gizmo he invented twenty years ago that was still put in every plane that went up in the air. Brayden hadn’t dived in to what exactly it did, but clearly some people considered it important. And if that wasn’t enough, Willow’s mother came from old money. She probably had a huge trust in her name by the time she was born.


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