Catch A Tiger By The Tail

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Catch A Tiger By The Tail Page 14

by Charlie Cochet

  Dex eyed him in return. “What kind of favors do you not want it to mean?”


  Too many weird coincidences lately. Dex looked unimpressed.

  “You and Sloane, man. I am not looking for a foursome.”

  Calvin hummed. “Well, the evidence is kind of stacked against you.”

  “No sexual favors. I can’t believe I have to clarify that,” Dex said with a sad shake of his head. He turned on the shower and tested the water’s temperature. “Favors like, I don’t know, pick up your laundry or something. We’ll figure it out later. So do you think you can do that for me?”

  “You really want me to design your tattoo?” Calvin couldn’t help how stupidly happy that made him. He’d designed tattoos for plenty of people but never for a friend.

  “Yeah. Hobbs keeps going on about how awesome you are, and we both know he’s not one to bullshit. Anyway, if you’re interested, I’d love to run some ideas by you. It would mean a lot to me.” Dex stopped to put his hand on his arm, the one carrying Sloane’s mark. It was pretty much all healed up, the scars from Sloane’s claw marks prominently displayed for all to see. “It’s for me, but really, it’s more for him. Something to remind him I’ll always be here when he needs me.”

  Aw, Dex was such a sappy romantic. Calvin couldn’t help his smile. “Wow, that serious, huh?”

  “Yeah,” Dex replied, his wide grin almost shy. “It’s kind of scary how much I love him, and this mark… it’s weird. It’s like when he’s not around, I can still feel him, and I miss him like crazy. Like everything I felt before has been amplified. Does that make sense?”

  “Makes sense. I don’t know much about Therian marks, especially on Humans, but I know it’s pretty powerful stuff on Therians. That’s why you don’t see a lot of it happening. No offense, but I’m surprised Sloane went through with it. That’s pretty much as committed as you can get. It’s more binding than a marriage, which isn’t even very binding these days.”

  Dex cocked his head thoughtfully as he rinsed off. “I’m still kind of surprised too. My dad was all up in arms about it because of what happened with Hudson and Seb.”

  Calvin sighed. “Yeah, that’s messed up.” Marking was for life. These days there wasn’t a whole lot that was permanent. Tattoos could be removed, cosmetic surgery could repair and replace, but Therian marks? That shit went deep. Even if surgery fixed the scar, the mark was still there, under the skin. It was so uncommon it was still being studied and researched. A Human marked by a Therian was very rare.

  “I can see why your dad would freak. I mean, if a Therian mate is no longer with their partner, it’ll be tough to find another mate, especially Therian. But they could still potentially be in a relationship with a Human. For Human mates, that list of potential partners drops even more. There’s a lot of stigma surrounding Humans who are marked. Not everyone is so open-minded. Mainly they tend to think it’s some kind of kink.”

  “That’s because there’s still a lot of stupid out there.”

  “Preaching to the choir,” Calvin grumbled. He’d been dealing with anti-Therianism most of his life.

  Dex rubbed at his eyes and blinked. He stepped out from under the water and dried his face before rubbing his eyes again.

  “You okay? Getting a little emotional?” Calvin teased.

  “Fuck off,” Dex said with a laugh. “Dick. No. My eyes are itchy. I think I must have gotten something in them at some point. They keep itching.”

  “You might want to get them checked out just in case. You know we’re always walking through gross shit out there.” Calvin cringed at the thought. Sometimes he didn’t want to know what they were stepping in or walking through when they were called out to Greenpoint. Their equipment could only protect them from so much. Suddenly he felt the need to use a little extra shower gel.

  “Yeah. It started a few weeks ago, but it’s been getting worse. It’s not unbearable or anything, just annoying. Sloane looked, but he couldn’t see anything. It’s fine.”

  “Okay, then. So tell me about this tattoo.”

  Dex’s cheeks flushed, and he let out a shy laugh. “This is probably going to sound cheesy, but when he’s feeling uncertain, or the world’s coming down on him, I want him to look at my arm, see the artwork, know what’s underneath, and know without a doubt that I’m there to guide him back home.”

  “That’s not cheesy,” Calvin assured him. It was incredibly sweet. “How about we hang out sometime soon, you pick a day, and we can get together to discuss ideas and styles. Then I can come up with some sketches, see what you think. Are we talking black and white, or color?”

  “Color. I’m thinking something kind of old-school. From my wrist to my elbow.”

  “You do realize that tattoos can get addictive. Once you’d have one, especially that size, you might want another.”

  Dex held his arms out and wriggled his eyebrows. “I got plenty of room.”

  “Okay, that’s way more than I needed to see,” Calvin said with a laugh. “I’d love to design your tattoo.” The more he thought about it, the more excited he got. “This is going to be awesome.”

  “Thanks. And let’s keep this between us. I want it to be a surprise.”

  Dex turned off the shower, and Calvin finished up. He joined Dex in the locker room just as Sloane and Ethan came trotting through the doorway. Ash and Cael most likely were already in the Therian changing rooms being helped with PSTC. Calvin got dressed, swatting at Ethan when his boyfriend swiped a paw at his butt.

  “Hey, watch it, mister.”

  Ethan chuffed and sat down, his tail swaying and thumping cheerfully on the floor. Sloane had to get his scent all over Dex, rubbing his face against his partner’s legs and circling him. Dex didn’t even bat an eye anymore. It had freaked him out a while back. Now he went about his business while his lethal jaguar Therian partner rubbed up against him, purring like a big house cat. As soon as Calvin was back in his uniform, he opened Ethan’s locker and removed his uniform, along with his duffle bag containing his boots, socks, and underwear. He threw it over his shoulder and turned to give Ethan’s ear a playful tug.

  “Come on, you.” He waved as he walked out of the locker room, calling out behind him. “See you guys in a bit.”

  As he neared the Therian changing room, Ash and Cael were walking out. Ash narrowed his eyes at Calvin and thrust a finger in his face.

  “I know you put him up to that.”

  “Me?” Calvin blinked innocently. “I would never.” It’s not like he didn’t know Ethan could get away with it. Next to Cael, Ethan was the only one who wouldn’t get his ass kicked by Ash.

  Ash moved a menacing finger to Ethan. “That’s sad, man. You are so whipped.”

  Ethan licked Ash’s finger, and Calvin had to bite down on his bottom lip to keep himself from laughing. The scandalized expression on Ash’s face was too much.

  “You’re a dick.”

  Ethan chuffed, and Ash grunted as he walked off, Cael chuckling beside him. Calvin turned to Ethan and held his hand out.

  “Low five.”

  With a mew, Ethan smacked Calvin’s hand with his huge paw. Calvin was in a good mood, despite knowing they’d be attending yet another one of Sparks’s training sessions later today. He was looking forward to working on Dex’s tattoo. The fun part, aside from the actual designing, was finding the right style. For Dex, something old-school would look great. Something vintage maybe.

  Calvin stood to one side of the empty changing station and waited for Ethan to go in before he followed and pulled the curtain closed. There was a little kitchenette-type station on one side with a small fridge and supplies the THIRDS kept stocked. The THIRDS might not be perfect, but they made sure to provide their agents with all the essentials, and that included keeping changing stations stocked with Postshift Trauma Care kits and supplies.

  As Ethan began to shift back, Calvin collected the supplies he’d need. A bottle of Gatorade from the fr
idge, some protein bars from the cabinet, along with hefty beef sticks. He flinched instinctively at Ethan’s pained screams as he changed. He’d never get used to that. By the time Ethan was done, Calvin had set out everything they needed, and he’d hung up Ethan’s uniform.

  Ethan sat on the bench, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands as he waited for the wave of dizziness to pass. Calvin sat next to him and placed a kiss on his boyfriend’s shoulder. Ethan raised his head and smiled.


  Ethan’s smile was beautiful, and it reached his bright green eyes. He leaned in to Calvin and placed a kiss on his lips.

  “Hungry?” Calvin asked him.

  Ethan nodded. With a quick kiss, Calvin stood and grabbed the Gatorade and some of the beef sticks. He handed the beef to Ethan and tilted his head back, holding the bottle for him as he drank. When it was all gone, Ethan ate his snacks while Calvin fetched the protein bars. They’d head off to the canteen to get Ethan some real food as soon as his partner was able. Of course, as soon as his partner was able, he had a different hunger in mind.

  Calvin was clearing up the small counter when Ethan slipped his hands around his waist, something hard poking into his back. Well, now. What’s this? Okay, so he had a pretty good idea of what it was, but he really hadn’t been expecting it. Ethan nuzzled Calvin’s temple, his soft words in Calvin’s ear.

  “I might need a little more care.”

  Calvin turned in his arms, groaning when Ethan thrust his hips forward. “Is that so, Agent Hobbs?”

  Ethan nodded. “And you’re the only one that can give it to me.” He took hold of Calvin’s hand and moved it onto his hard dick. A shiver went through Calvin, and he all but melted against Ethan. Man, he was so in trouble. With a brush of his lips, Ethan walked to the bench and sat down. He leaned back on his hands and spread his legs, his pupils dilated as he watched Calvin. Damn, he was gorgeous. Powerful, muscular, yet so incredibly sweet and gentle, it took Calvin’s breath away.

  Calvin stopped in front of Ethan and stood between his knees. He bent down to kiss him, his tongue slipping between Ethan’s lips as he explored and tasted every inch of his mouth. With a wicked smile, he got down on his knees and palmed Ethan’s erection. It was a thing of beauty, much like the rest of Ethan.

  “We can’t be too long,” Calvin told him, receiving a nod in response. He brought Ethan’s cock into his mouth and swallowed it down to the root. A gasp escaped Ethan, but other than that, he was completely silent. Calvin did his best not to moan as Ethan huffed and writhed underneath him. Ethan clutched onto the edge of the bench until his knuckles were white, resulting in Calvin doubling his efforts. He loved driving Ethan crazy, loved watching the way his muscles tensed, the look of absolute ecstasy on his handsome face. Calvin drew back to the tip before plunging back down, his lips tight around Ethan. He sucked, licked, and laved when Ethan slipped his fingers into Calvin’s hair with a quiet strangled noise. Calvin nodded, and Ethan came, folding over Calvin as he spilled himself inside Calvin’s mouth.

  Calvin swallowed, his fingers digging into Ethan’s thighs. When Ethan was done, Calvin pulled off him, letting out a low moan as Ethan kissed him, tasting himself on Calvin’s tongue. Calvin could have stayed here all day, but they’d already spent far too long here. Someone might come looking for them. A horrific thought struck him. He stood and grabbed Ethan’s boxer briefs.

  “You better get dressed before Dex shows up.”

  Ethan blinked at him before bursting into laughter.

  “I’m glad you find that funny. He’s already caught you once with your pants down.”

  Ethan stopped laughing and nodded somberly. He stood and pulled on his underwear before taking his pants from Calvin. As soon as he was dressed, they headed upstairs to the canteen so Ethan could have his favorite Therian-sized burger, cheese fries, and strawberry milkshake. As they took a seat, Sloane slid in next to Calvin.

  “Hey, Cal.”

  “Hey. Are you looking for Dex, because I haven’t seen him since the locker room,” Calvin said, pilfering one of Ethan’s fries. Ethan narrowed his eyes, but Calvin knew he didn’t mind. Of course, he wouldn’t recommend anyone else try it. Not unless they wanted to lose a hand.

  “Yeah, I know. Sparks called him into her office to discuss his training schedule. I figured it was the perfect chance to come see you.”

  “Everything okay?”

  “Are you designing his tattoo?”

  “Um….” How did Sloane know that? Then again, Dex had seemed interested in their tattoo discussion that night at Dekatria when Bradley brought it up.

  “Never mind,” Sloane said waving a hand in dismissal. “I know you are. Dex isn’t exactly subtle. Anyway, when the design is finalized, could you show it to me?”

  “Well, he’s got his heart set on surprising you.” This meant a lot to Dex. Calvin didn’t want to do anything to disappoint his friend, even if it was Sloane asking.

  Sloane seemed to think about it. “Okay, how about this. When you finalize the design and you know exactly what he’s going to get, can you let me know? Not what it is, just that he’s set on something. I want to run something by you.”

  Calvin nodded. “Sure. I can do that.”

  “Thanks, man.” Sloane clapped him on the back as he stood. “Don’t tell him I spoke to you about it.”

  “Got it.”

  With a wink at Calvin and a wave at Ethan, Sloane was off. Calvin shook his head in amusement. Those two belonged together. They were each as crazy as the other. Calvin had an idea what Sloane wanted to run by him, and he was looking forward to it. It was sweet, how in tune they both were.

  Ethan stuffed a couple of fries in his mouth before running a hand over his arm.

  “Yeah, in the showers before you and Sloane showed up, Dex asked me if I’d design him a tattoo. Something special for Sloane. You should have seen the way his eyes lit up when he talked about it.”

  Ethan smiled that dopey grin of his and made a heart shape with his fingers. Calvin chuckled. “Yeah, those two have got it bad.”

  Calvin chatted as Ethan finished his colossal meal. They were on their way back to their office when Dispatch put out a call for a Threat Level Orange. A shitload of teams were called in, including Destructive Delta. There was a demonstration that could possibly turn hostile. Calvin and Ethan hurried toward the armory to find the rest of his team already there, including Maddock. They suited up in full tactical gear while their sergeant filled them in.

  “All right, team, the HPF and the THIRDS have been monitoring a small group of protestors, which has now tripled in size. The HPF will also be on scene, as there are some Human citizens protesting along with Therians. No feral Therians yet. We’re going in for crowd control. You know the drill. Firearms stay in the truck, nonlethals only. Grab your batons. Letty and Ash will have the control rounds.” Maddock turned to Ethan. “Hobbs, the second you see things are turning ugly, you get in the truck and shift. Hopefully it won’t come to that, but if it does, maybe a couple of roars will get them to back off. Cael, you’re running surveillance. Rosa, keep your medical kit on hand. Dex, I want you up front and monitoring the situation. Everyone be safe, and let’s try and do this as low-key as possible.”

  Calvin secured his baton to his utility belt, when he caught Sloane’s gaze. “Everything okay?”

  Sloane looked uncertain. He turned to Maddock. “Sarge, maybe Calvin should sit this one out.”

  Shit. Calvin closed his locker. “This isn’t a regular callout, is it?”

  Maddock shook his head. “It’s about the Ruiz case, and that’s a negative on benching you. I already ran it by Sparks. She wants you out there. We can’t hide every time we make a tough call, or people will believe we don’t have the balls to stand behind our decisions. You’ve gotta be seen.” Maddock’s gaze was intense as he placed his hand on Calvin’s shoulder. “Whatever happens, remember you’re a damn fine agent, son. You keep this city and its citizens sa
fe, even if at times they don’t see it that way.”

  Calvin nodded. Lately, it felt like those times were happening more often than not.

  Maddock gave him a hearty pat before turning toward the parking garage. “Let’s move out.”

  By the time they arrived at Times Square a huge mob had gathered. The majority were Therians, but there were Human protestors in the group as well. HPF was keeping its distance, but at least they were on scene. Beta Ambush and Theta Destructive were already there, with three more teams on the way. They stood close together between the US Armed Forces Recruitment Station and the HPF kiosk, visors down and shields in hand. Taylor and Seb approached Sloane. Seb’s expression was grim as he spoke.

  “This isn’t looking good. The numbers have tripled in a little over an hour. There are roughly sixty-eight citizens, with a few instigators getting them riled up. The ones with the animal masks. A couple of the troublemakers are Human, and three are Therian, from what I can tell. I don’t think they give a shit about what’s going on. They’re here to watch it all burn. Insults are the only things they’ve thrown at us so far.”

  Sloane nodded his understanding. “Okay. Let’s secure the perimeter and keep this under control. Ash, Hobbs, keep an eye on anyone who looks like they might try to shift. Last thing we need is someone in their Therian form hurting anyone. Let’s have Recon try and get the crowd moving along. If it goes sideways, we get in there.”

  They all verbally acknowledged Sloane’s orders. Destructive Delta’s Defense agents joined Seb’s and Taylor’s Defense agents in formation with their shields up, while Taylor, Seb, and Sloane stood to one side to keep an eye on the situation. Each team’s sergeant monitored from their respective BearCat, ready to call in backup should things take a turn for the worse. Their arrival wasn’t welcome. Although no THIRDS agents carried firearms—a sure way to escalate things—their presence was enough to put people on edge. Some of the crowd chanted; some held up signs. Calvin took a deep breath and released it slowly through his mouth. Recon seemed to be doing a good job of getting the crowd to dissipate little by little.

  The peaceful protest quickly went to hell when Ruiz’s wife appeared. She marched straight through the crowd to the front lines where THIRDS agents were positioned. From the corner of his eye Calvin saw Sloane tense. Some of the protestors had started to leave, but Calvin knew things were about to take a turn. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, and his stomach felt like it was full of lead.


  Mrs. Ruiz marched up to him, and Calvin felt his teammates inch closer. Sloane, Seb, and Taylor were busy keeping the crowd under control as the mob pitched forward under Mrs. Ruiz’s exclamation.

  “Asesino!” Mrs. Ruiz stopped before him, her nose almost touching Calvin’s visor. He stared straight ahead, his gaze beyond the mass of citizens screaming for his blood. He couldn’t focus on them. Couldn’t look at the Therian woman with tears streaming down her cheeks telling him how worthless and evil he was. Calvin swallowed hard, his jaw clenched tight.

  “You’re a murderer! You deserve to be dead! I hope you die, pedazo de mierda. You are a Human piece of shit!” She spat at his helmet, but he barely flinched. He didn’t move, simply stood there with his shield held firm in his grip as the saliva ran down his visor. She was in pain. He understood that. Her pain was focused on him. He’d killed her husband. She hadn’t been told at the time he was the one who’d pulled the trigger. Protocol stated the officer visiting the victim’s family was given only the necessary information until the report was written, confirming all the details of the incident. It would be shared with the necessary parties and used in court if he was summoned. Whether she recognized his name from the report her lawyer had presented her with or from his face plastered all over the news, thanks to that damned piece-of-shit article, he was the source of all her pain.

  “How can you stand there after what you did? Like nothing has happened? You should be locked up with the other killers. He was a good husband and a loving father. How could you?”

  She cursed him out in Spanish. He understood most of it. The rest he was glad he didn’t.

  Would they really be satisfied at seeing his blood spilled? Was that what they wanted? An eye for an eye? Did it matter that someone else had died at Ruiz’s hands? That another Therian was in the hospital fighting for her life, that several more were badly injured? All they saw was a monster who’d taken a life and not the man who’d saved seven others. Calvin wasn’t looking for praise. Hell, he wasn’t even looking to be acknowledged. He wished there wasn’t a need for his position, but the sad truth was that there was a need.

  Someone would come and calm her. Or at least attempt it. He couldn’t speak to her. That would only fuel her anger. There was nothing he could say that she’d want to hear. Another Therian woman appeared with a little Therian girl and passed her off to Mrs. Ruiz, who held her up to Calvin.

  “Look at her! You took her father away! Murdered him like an animal.”

  Mrs. Ruiz’s grief had consumed her. Understandably so. Calvin wished he could do or say something to help, but he was well aware there was nothing. Her rage and anguish wouldn’t allow anything else in. He was a heartless asshole hiding behind a badge.

  The little girl’s wailing was like knives in his ears. She was clearly terrified and didn’t understand what was happening around her. Was she screaming because her mother was yelling at the man who’d taken her daddy away? Did she understand why her father was never coming home? Had it been explained to her? Had she been told about the monster playing good guy?

  Calvin cracked. “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re sorry? Pendejo!”

  She placed the little girl on her feet, holding onto her while punching Calvin in the shoulder with her free hand. His teammates made to move forward, but he held a hand up. If they restrained her, she’d struggle, and her little girl might get hurt. All it would do was escalate the situation and possibly cause more harm.

  “Hijo de puta! Sorry won’t change what you did!”

  He was doing his job, trying to keep the citizens of his city safe. This was his city as much as theirs. He’d been born here, grown up in a neighborhood where being out at sundown meant risking his life. Where refusing to be swept into the gang life had left him in the hospital more times than he could count. Where being friends with a Therian had left him with permanent scars. He’d bled for this goddamn city, and yet he loved it. They wouldn’t take that away from him.

  Ethan suddenly appeared beside them, and Calvin swallowed hard. His expression was stern yet pensive. Ethan? Ethan put a hand up in front of Mrs. Ruiz, who remarkably stopped short. She glared up at him and opened her mouth, when Ethan pulled down the throat guard of his tactical vest. He pointed to his classification.


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