Cast Out (The Red Enchanter Book 1)

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Cast Out (The Red Enchanter Book 1) Page 12

by Mary Swift

  He sighed. “All right, I’ll do it.”


  “When do you want it done?”

  “The sooner the better.” She pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top of him. “Now tell me that you like my red hair.”

  He coughed as though he was gasping for air. “I like your red hair.”

  Chapter 43

  Finnegan felt himself slipping deeper and deeper into trouble. He didn’t want to hurt Lucy, but the offer of a mortal soul was almost irresistible. He could cast a power spell, something that would make him respected, like his father used to be. He had become a lawyer thinking that people would look up to him, but instead they mostly showed him their distrust. If he was powerful he could take the robe back, it was his in the first place.

  He would just have to do it. Lucy was after all just one young girl, there were plenty more out there just like her. The world wasn’t going to end if one girl was lost. His mind drifted to Killian, the brother he had hated for so long, now other feelings were cropping up.

  Maeve had told him how Killian’s first wife had abused him. At first Finnegan had been amused. He had heard of men beating their wives, but not the other way around. But the longer he thought about it the angrier he became. By the time he met Talia he was seething. He had just watched her punch his little brother inside of his own home. Then she had the nerve to walk up to him on the street and introduce herself.

  “Talia Hartsell.” she said offering her hand. “I’m Killian’s former wife. I believe he’s a friend of yours.”


  “I just paid him a visit.”

  He looked up and saw Killian watching them. Finnegan offered his arm and they strolled out of sight of his brother. “I saw you hit him.”

  Talia smiled. “I see you do have a thing for the redhead.”

  Finnegan tried to control his emotions. “I hear you have quite a temper.”

  “I like to control things, including people. Besides, he likes it when I abuse him.”

  Finnegan pulled his arm away. “How can someone like it? How would you like it if I smacked you about?”

  Talia’s eyes lit up. “Try it and find out.” He started to walk away. “Wait.” She grabbed his arm. “Why are you so concerned with what I do to Killian?”

  “I’m not.” He started to leave again.

  “He told me not to talk to you. He said you were dangerous, he’s worried for his daughter.”

  Finnegan turned around, he felt as though his plans for Lucy were written all over his face. “I’m just trying to make friends, and besides isn’t she your daughter too?”

  Talia shrugged. “She’s mostly his. She looks like me, but she takes after him.”

  “And what’s wrong with that?” he heard himself saying.

  Talia smirked. “He doesn’t get too many admirers in this town.”

  “I’m not an admirer.” he said hotly. He didn’t know why he was getting so defensive. Killian was the root of all of his problems. Finnegan had hated him all of his life.

  “If you’re not an admirer then don’t leap to his defense.” Talia said. “Just be glad I’m around to keep him in line. I once broke his leg just because I could.”

  Taking Lucy would be doing her a favor if her mother was this nuts. Maybe he was saving her from a life of abuse. If Finnegan believed that he could justify what he was about to do.

  Chapter 44

  Lucy was in the backyard reading the mortal history book her father had bought for her when Finnegan came strolling along with his hands in his pockets. “Hello Miss Cramer.” he said casually. “What are you reading?”

  Lucy closed the book and looked up at the house. She knew her father wouldn’t want her talking to him.

  “Oh it’s all right.” Finnegan said. “I was actually coming to see your father. We’re good friends.”

  “You are?” Lucy didn’t believe it. Killian didn’t have any close friends.

  “Yes, we get along great.”

  Lucy stood up, something didn’t feel right. She started to call for Killian when Finnegan rushed at her and clamped his hand tightly over her mouth. He began to drag her away. She dropped her book and started pulling at his arms, digging her nails into his skin.

  “Stop it.” he whispered in her ear.

  Lucy’s heart was racing. She tried kicking his shins. They were getting close to the back gate, she had to do something. She grabbed at the hand over her mouth and bit Finnegan’s little finger. He let go of her.

  She started to run but she didn’t get far. There was no way Lucy could have known what was in Finnegan’s pocket, a rag soaked in chloroform. He held it to Lucy’s face. She blinked and then suddenly her world and everything she knew was gone.

  Chapter 45

  Killian finished installing new shelves in the front parlor. He had done the first three with the pen and then the rest himself. He enjoyed the work and he didn’t mind the sawdust shavings in his hair and on his skin.

  His stomach was growling. He decided it was time to take a break and make Lucy and he some lunch. He crossed to the other side of the house and looked out of the window at the backyard. She wasn’t there. The history book he had bought for her was lying on the ground; next to it was one of her shoes. The back gate was open.

  Killian told himself not to panic. Maybe she was in the house, she had to be. He looked in each room, all the while calling her name. She wasn’t there. Lucy wouldn’t have left the house or the yard without telling him. Someone had taken her.

  He rushed out of the front door and across the street. He burst into the cafe. There were two customers sitting in the front window sipping from dainty cups. Allison was behind the counter staring blankly into space.

  “Where’s my daughter?” Killian shouted.

  The door at the back opened and Maeve strolled out wearing a short red wig. She smiled when she saw him. “What is the matter Mr. Cramer?”

  “You’ve taken my daughter. I want her now.” He could feel tears coming to his eyes.

  Maeve ran her fingers through her new hair. “Do you like it?”

  “Where’s Lucy?”

  “Don’t you recognize it?” she asked smoothing the wig.

  “Where is my daughter?” Killian grabbed her shoulders and shoved her against the wall.

  “What’s the meaning of this?” shouted one of the customers. “Unhand that woman.”

  Killian glared at him. “Get out of here or you’ll be next.” The man hesitated and then took his wife’s hand and left. Killian pinned Maeve against the wall. “Where’s Lucy?”

  “Your daughter isn’t here.”

  “What have you done with her?”

  “What makes you think I’ve done something with her? Girls her age run off all of the time.” Maeve looked at Allison. “Lock the door.”

  Allison did as she was told.

  Killian dug his fingers into Maeve’s shoulders. He would squeeze the answer out of her if he had to. “Tell me where my daughter is or I’ll tear you and this place to shreds.” He wrapped his fingers around Maeve’s neck. He was applying more pressure with every second that passed.

  “Don’t you remember the ring I wear?” she gasped.

  He had forgotten about her ring, one touch from that would render him unconscious. From behind him he heard someone trying to open the cafe door. “Tell me where Lucy is.” He let up a little. Someone was banging on the door.

  “Let me go Killian and I’ll tell you about your father.” Maeve looked over his shoulder and scowled. Suddenly there was the sound of glass breaking.

  “You’re lying.”

  “I can tell you where you come from. I can tell you everything you want to know, including where to find your daughter.”

  Killian let go of her. He didn’t know what to believe.

  Maeve raised her hand; the gold ring glinted in the light. She suddenly looked behind him and shook her head. “Some people never learn.”

Killian felt someone touch his arm. It was Nora, she was standing next to him. “Don’t you dare hurt him.” She pointed a finger at Maeve.

  “And what are you, mortal, going to do about it?” Maeve asked angrily.

  Nora grabbed Maeve’s hand and yanked the ring off of her finger. “I’m going to do what I was made to.”

  “You bitch.” Maeve cried as she lunged at Nora. Killian pushed her away and she crashed hard against a nearby doorframe.

  Nora put the ring down the front of her dress. “That will do for now.”

  “Lucy’s missing.” he said desperately.

  “I’ve been trying to reach you for almost a week.” She looked at Maeve who was holding her head. “There’s nothing this old bag of bones can do for you now.”

  “She’s behind it. I can make her talk.”

  Nora took his hand. “Come on. I have a car waiting outside.”

  They stepped through the glass that Nora had broken to get inside. As soon as they were gone Maeve’s body slid to the floor. She was dead.

  Chapter 46

  Finnegan wasn’t sure what to do next. Taking Lucy was easy, getting rid of her was another thing. After kidnapping her he had shoved her in the backseat of his car and sped off. A few miles outside of Wildbush he stopped and tied Lucy’s hands and legs together. He threw a blanket over her and kept driving.

  Maeve had suggested that he take Lucy into the woods and hit her over the head with a shovel. Once out of Wildbush he came across many wooded areas, abandoned houses, and other waste spaces that would be perfect for disposing of the girl. A couple of times he started to slow the car but thoughts of Killian and how much this would hurt him kept creeping into his mind.

  Instead he drove north. From the backseat he heard Lucy moan. He had more chloroform but he was reluctant to use it. She started kicking the back of his seat and then suddenly she sat up.

  “What are you doing?” she screamed. Maeve had advised him to gag her, now he understood why.

  He looked over his shoulder. “It’s all right Lucy.”

  “Don’t you dare tell me it’s all right. Let me go.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Stop this car.” She tried rolling herself into the front seat.

  Finnegan pulled the car off the road.

  “Why are you doing this?” she cried.

  Finnegan grabbed a coil of rope and crawled into the backseat. Lucy was trying to get the door open with her feet. He grabbed her legs and spun her around. “If you don’t stop that I’ll have to gag you.”

  Tears ran down her face. “Why are you doing this? What have I ever done to you?”

  As she cried he was reminded of his mother. “I’m sorry.”

  “No you’re not. If you were sorry then you wouldn’t be doing this.” She started to sob. “Please take me home.”

  Finnegan hesitated. Maybe he should take her home, he wasn’t a killer. But if he returned to Wildbush he would have to face Maeve and he would lose the chance to cast another spell and be respected again as an enchanter. The thought of Maeve watching him return Lucy to her father was unthinkable. She was out of her mind; she would take matters into her own hands and do away with Lucy, Killian and himself.

  “I have to do this Lucy. I’m sorry.” He wrapped the rope around her head, shoving it into her mouth as he did. She tried to resist, but with her hands and feet tied there was little she could do. He reached into the front seat and grabbed the bottle of chloroform. He doused the rag in his pocket and put it to her face. It was a relief to watch her terrified eyes close. As soon as she was unconscious he covered her with the blanket.

  Finnegan climbed back into the driver’s seat. A line of sweat was forming on his brow. He had to come up with a plan. The only thing he could think of was to drive further north and dump her somewhere in the woods before she woke up. If she found her way home then he could tell Maeve that he thought she was dead when he left her. He still had three quarters of a tank of gas, plenty to take Lucy as far away as possible.

  Chapter 47

  Nora brought Killian to Tom’s car. “This is my brother.” she said. “You can trust him.”

  “So where’s Lucy?” Killian asked.

  “I don’t know. Can’t you use your pen to find out?” Nora asked.

  Killian stared at her. “You don’t know? Then why did you drag me out here? What are you doing here anyway?”

  “I’ve been trying to contact you, to warn you about Lucy. When I couldn’t I convinced Tom to drive me up here. We were just at your house when I saw you in the cafe with Maeve. I was afraid she would hurt you.”

  “I don’t care what she does to me. She’s taken Lucy!” he yelled. “So you have no idea where she is?”

  “No, but-” Nora started to take Dante’s map from her pocket.

  “Then what use are you?” he cried.

  Tom got out of the car. “Listen, I know you’re upset but there’s no need to talk to my sister that way.”

  “You can just shut up.” Killian pointed his finger at Tom. “My daughter is missing; I’ll say whatever I like.”

  “It’s all right Tom.” Nora said.

  “I have to talk to Maeve.” Killian went back into the cafe.

  “But-” Nora followed him through the broken glass. Maeve was slumped against the wall. Allison was standing nearby staring straight ahead. Nora touched her friend’s arm. “Allison?”

  Allison blinked. “Oh, it’s you Nora.” She looked over Nora’s shoulder and smiled. “Tom?”

  “Yes it’s me.”

  “Talk to her.” Nora told him.

  Killian was crouched next to Maeve holding her wrist. He was shaking. “She’s dead.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He glared at her. “She doesn’t have a pulse Nora. Do you want to check for yourself? She must have hit her head. I killed her.”

  “It was an accident.” She tried to touch his arm.

  He pulled away from her and stood up. “She was the only one who knew about Lucy. How am I supposed to find her now?”

  “What about Allison?” Nora asked.

  “She’s under Maeve’s control. She won’t know anything.”

  “But now that Maeve’s dead-”

  “She won’t know anything!” he screamed.

  “Maybe we should call the police.” she suggested.

  “No, I told you that enchanters never use the mortal police.”

  “But they can help you find Lucy.”

  “And they can arrest me for murder. I have to get out of here.” He took out the pen and wrote a few lines in his notebook. The cafe door was suddenly repaired, the broken glass disappeared. “The mortals who were here, and any mortals who might have heard you break the door, or saw us come out won’t remember. But I can’t bring Maeve back to life. I have to leave here, even with the spell I just wrote they’ll suspect me.”

  “Come with us. We have the car.” Nora said.

  “And go where? I don’t know where to look.” Killian’s face was twisted in pain. “I don’t know what to do Nora.”

  “Are you sure that you can’t use the pen to bring Lucy back?”

  “Not unless I know where she is.”

  Nora took out Dante’s map and unfolded it. “I brought this, I thought it could help.”

  “That’s an enchanters’ map. Where did you get it?”

  “It turns out my husband was one of you. This belonged to him.”

  “He was enchanter?”

  “Yes.” Nora said. “I think I know where you’re from. It’s the same circle Maeve is from, and-”

  “We should probably get going.” Tom said suddenly. “I think there are some customers coming.”

  Nora looked up and saw two women crossing the road; they appeared to be heading straight for the cafe. She grabbed Killian’s arm and dragged him away from Maeve’s body.

  “Are you leaving?” Allison asked.

  “Yes, but we’ll be back.” Nora said regrettably
. She opened the cafe door just as the two women were coming in.

  “How was it?” one of them asked.

  “Delicious.” Nora said.

  The three of them stepped outside. Tom got into the driver’s seat of his car while Nora pushed Killian into the backseat. She climbed in after him and shut the door.

  “I’ve never ridden in one of these.” Killian said.

  “You better hold on then.” Nora said. “Let’s go Tom.”

  Her brother stepped down on the gas just as they heard a scream from inside the cafe. They sped down the main street, past the gate of the Wildbush circle and into the unknown.

  Chapter 48

  Finnegan finally saw the perfect place to leave Lucy, a stand of pine trees bordered by a barren field. He wasn’t sure where he was, he hadn’t brought a map, but he knew he was far enough away from Wildbush that it would take her a long while to get back.

  He waited for a truck to pass going the other way and then pulled off the road. He cut the engine and got out of the car. As he opened the backdoor he could hear Lucy moaning. He debated whether to give her more chloroform or to just dump her and go. He was hesitant to knock her out again; he wasn’t sure how much was too much. As he tried to pick her up she rolled off of the seat and onto the ground.

  “Damn it.” Finnegan muttered. He was struggling to lift her up when he felt something poke him in the side.

  “Don’t move, let go of the girl and turn around slowly.”

  Finnegan automatically put his hands in the air. He turned around and found a man pointing a loaded crossbow at him. Finnegan knew immediately by the way the man was dressed that he was a Firesea ranger. He should have used a map; he hadn’t intended to come near the circle.

  “Put your hands together.” the ranger said. Finnegan knew the drill. He held his wrists together and felt the invisible bonds wrap around them. The ranger blew on a whistle. “What are you doing with this girl?”


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