Until Then

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Until Then Page 16

by Delisa Lynn

  “We’ll be on baby duty.” She smirks. “Isn’t that right, little man? Mommy, Aunty Kathy, and Aunty London will take care of you while Daddy and your uncles work their tails off.”

  “His bag is ready. Are you ready to have our night out? The movie starts at nine, so that gives us a few hours to eat. Or maybe act like two horny teenagers, in the car.” I ended up with a new truck, same as my old one. But we’re thinking we need to invest in a SUV, just in case our family starts growing anytime soon.

  “Yes, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. And believe me, you’ll get some attention from your lovely wife. I thought that, after we drop Koby off, we could swing back for a quickie.”

  “You’re too good to me.” I kiss her. “Let’s go.” We haven’t been intimate since she had the baby. Of course, we’ve messed around, but she was under strict orders of no intercourse for six weeks. Although it’s been long enough, I know she’s been tired lately; when I come home, she hands our son to me and heads to bed.

  “You know I’ll always please you the best I can,” she teases as we make our way to the truck.

  “I know you will, baby.” I secure Koby in the back and help my wife into her seat before making my way to mine.

  Now let’s see if she can go through with our date, or if we’ll be spending it with my sister.

  “Are you nervous?” she asks, looking at her makeup in the mirror.

  Placing my hand on her leg, I tell her honestly, “No, but if you don’t want to do this, we can cancel the movie and take him with us for pizza.”

  “No, we don’t have to do that. I’m okay. I trust them. I just hate that he’s so little, and I worry he may need me. I made sure I had pumped before we left too, so I shouldn’t need to until we get home.” She had some issues breastfeeding at first, as Koby didn’t want to latch on. But after a few attempts and then trying the soy formula, we were finally able to get him to.

  Roe’s breasts are still larger than they were before she was pregnant. She’s hoping they stay that way, and I can’t lie—I love that they’re larger. But hell, what man wouldn’t?

  I swear leaving your child with someone for the first time is the hardest thing ever. I tried preparing myself for this moment and I still almost backed out, but I miss being with Kole, just the two of us. And I know my husband would like some adult time as well. I really do too, and I’m excited that I can have one-on-one time with him.

  Pulling into the driveway at my sister-in-law’s, I feel my stomach drop. I say a silent prayer that I don’t freak once we leave.

  “You ready, love?” Kole squeezes my leg.

  “Yep, we got this. I know they’ll enjoy their Koby time, and I’ll enjoy my time with you.”

  “Good, I’m glad you’re feeling better about this. Here they come.” I look up and see that both Kathy and Brutus are almost to the truck, with Lopez in tow.

  “So glad you all are here. I miss my nephew.” Kathy hugs me. “Now, give me my baby.”

  “Please call us if he’s fussy or you need anything. I wrote down his feeding schedule, along with the pediatrician’s number.” I feel like I’m rambling.

  “We got this, y’all go out and have a good time. You know we love this little guy, and we’re thrilled that we can help. If you decide you want to take the whole night, then we would love to help out. You two have been busy the last few months. Go be adults, let us take over for a night.” Lopez kisses me. “You know we’ll call if he needs you.”

  “All night? I… I don’t think I can do that.” I look to my husband, who is smiling, so I let out the breath I held when they mentioned all night. “I will consider it while we’re out, though.”

  “Let’s go, babe, they have everything they need. Give him some loving real quick,” Kole says, his arms around my waist. I lean in and kiss my little baby, telling him I’ll see him soon. He helps me back in the truck, and I hurry and wipe the tear that slipped down my cheek. “You okay?” he asks as he slides in the driver’s seat.

  “Yes, I’ll be okay. So, movies?” I ask, and I watch his smile go ear to ear.

  “What would you say if I told you I reserved us a room at Layton Inn?”

  “For the night?” I ask, panicked. I can feel my pulse racing. Can I leave my baby overnight?

  “Only if you want. We don’t have to stay all night. I just wanted to do something nice for you. Here’s the key,” he says, pulling it from his pocket. “Kathy decorated it, and dinner is there too.”

  “You’re so good to me. I’ll stay as long as I can. I know Koby’s in good hands. Did you pack extra stuff? I’ll have to pump again.”

  He reaches behind the seat. “Gotcha covered, babe. I packed you a bag and put it in here while you were showering.”

  “You did? And you have my pump?” I’m surprised he pulled all this off.

  “Yep, I did. So, what do you say? Would you like to attempt this night out with your old man?” he teases.

  “Yes, I love my old man. He’s pretty damn sexy for his age.” I giggle. “You know you’re a DILF.”

  He slaps his hand on the steering wheel. “Why the hell do I know what that means?” He shakes his head and pulls onto the road. “I think you’re going to enjoy what I have planned, so don’t shoot me down or underestimate me just yet.”

  “Deal, I’m down. Will there be wine involved?” I haven’t drank much, since I’ve been breastfeeding—only a few sips here and there occasionally, from Kole or London’s glass.

  “Yes, you can pump first then drink some wine. I wasn’t sure if you’d want to, but I read up on it. If you pump before and then after, and just discard the few after, then it won’t be in Koby’s milk.”

  “You just have this all planned out. I like it,” I tell him, although I won’t drink much. But it’s nice to know I can enjoy a night with my hubby while our son is being taken care of. “So, dinner’s at the hotel?” I say, overly excited.

  “Sure is. I liked the idea, and I know you’ve been really tense lately. This is going to be a great night for the both of us. We can call and check on Koby as often as you want, so don’t think we won’t.”

  “Good, you read my mind.” I shoot Kathy a quick text.

  Me: How’s my son? Your brother is kidnapping me for the night, so you get to keep your nephew all night.

  Kathy: Glad he talked you into it. You’re going to love the room. I won’t spoil it, but I know what my sister likes.

  Me: Thank you so much. Kiss Koby for me, please. <3

  Kathy: Already kissed his little face off. I promise to call you if we need you.

  Me: Thanks, sweets. It means a lot to me.

  Kathy: No worries, we got this. Enjoy your evening.

  I slide my phone back in my purse and see my husband watching me. “What?” I asked, confused.

  “Oh, nothing. Did you text Kathy?” He laughs.

  “Yeah, I did. She said the baby is doing well, and she’s kissed his face off.” And I’m sure she has.

  Walking into our suite, a tear slips down my cheek. It looks beautiful. The bed is lined with rose petals, there are love songs playing, and dinner is already set on the small table. I watch my husband’s face as he skims over everything. Walking into the bathroom, I see that the oversized jetted tub has an ice bucket on the side with a bottle of Cabernet—one of my favorites.

  “This is perfect.” I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him softly. “You’re too good to me.”

  “You deserve this, and much more, you know that. Come on, let’s eat then the tub.” He carries me to the table before setting me down. “I got your favorite.”

  Staring at the place settings, I see the plates are full of chicken parmesan from Franchetties. “This looks amazing. And you remembered the extra dressing for my salad.” I kiss him again. “Wait, how did you know when to set this all up? The food is still warm.” I place my hands on my hips, eyeing him. The large grin across his face makes me giggle.

  “I have my connections, Mrs. Ha
rris.” He winks as he sits across from me. “I called in a few favors. Then, after we left my sister’s, she let them know the plan was in motion. I saw Alonzo leaving as we pulled in. He’s the one who set up the food. Kathy decorated the room, and I’m sure she chose the music.” He chuckles.

  “I know her love for Kane Brown, so I’m sure she did.” Taking a bite of my salad, I hear my phone chiming.

  “My phone. It may be Kathy.” Jumping up, I grab it from my purse. It’s actually a text from London.

  London: OMG… Abbott asked me to move in with him. What are your thoughts? I mean, we’ve been together over a year now.

  Walking back to the table, I blurt, “Oh, wow. Did you know Abbott was asking London to move in with him?”

  “Not really. I know he’d mentioned it a few weeks ago,” he states.

  “What? You never told me.” I toss a piece of lettuce at him. “I think it’s about damn time.”

  Me: That’s fantastic! Heck yeah, do it. You’ll be happier. I know you hate when y’all are apart. Kole and I are having an adult night. I’ll text you in the morning.

  London: About time you two let someone else keep my nephew. Kathy said she was watching him. I spoke with her earlier. I just wanted your input. Have fun, call me as soon as you can tomorrow. I’m off, so maybe we can meet up for lunch.

  Me: I sure will, but just move in with the man.

  London: We’ll see. <3

  Setting my phone down, I look at Kole. “I think they should move in together. Hell, I’m surprised they don’t have ten kids by now, the way they’re always all over each other.” I laugh, and Kole almost spits his drink in my face. “What? Is she pregnant? Do you know something I don’t?” I drop my fork. “Kole Allan, you better spill it.” I flick some water at him. “Tell me what you know, mister.”

  He holds his hands up in defeat. “You know I’m breaking man code by telling you what I know, right? Shit, woman, I can’t deny you a damn thing. No, they aren’t expecting. Well, not that I’m aware of, but he did just purchase an engagement ring.”

  “Are you serious? He did? She’s going to be so happy! Did he say when he was going to pop the question?”

  “Don’t say anything. And no, but he said it’d be soon. Asking her to move in was first on his agenda. Do you think she will?”

  “I think so. She’s been hinting about it for months. She’s so in love with that man. He’s changed her a lot; she’s done a complete one-eighty since they’ve been together.”

  “Yeah, I think it’s a good idea. Now, I love the two of them, but this is our night, sweetheart, so eat up. I have some plans for you in the other room,” he says, biting into his chicken. Noticing my expression, he cocks his head to the side. “What? Do you know how long it’s been since we had real sex?”

  “Yes, I do. I’m full, and I’m ready for whatever you have in the other room.” I stand and slide the plate over. “Unless you want to just take me right here, on this table? I’m quite okay with that too.”

  “I’m not opposed to making love to you right here. I plan to make you come all night, baby.”

  “Yes, please. Take me now,” I murmur, sliding my blouse over my head.

  Five Years Later

  We’re celebrating Kole’s parents’ anniversary—they’ve been together forty-six years today. I pray that my husband and I can be as happy as they are. I watch as he mingles with the crowd, Kandace on one hip and Kadence on the other. They just turned three. Koby’s almost six, and I’m expecting Kale, baby number four, in two months. My son is really happy that he’ll have a brother. He loves his sisters, but the poor thing is the only boy around.

  London and Abbott have a little girl, Paris. Yeah, who didn’t see that coming? She just turned four, and she’s a little sassy thing, just like her momma. Kona is Kathy and Lopez’s daughter, who is a little over two. They adopted her from Korea, and she’s beautiful with her jet-black hair and dark brown eyes. She could pass as their biological child for sure. They’d tried for so long to have their own, but after many failed attempts they started the adoption process. London and Abbott were married two months before Paris was born; they had a small ceremony in Kathy and Lopez’s backyard.

  Which is where the party today is. They love entertaining.

  My dad moved here about three years ago, a few months before the twins were born. He found a woman, and much to my surprise they’re planning to marry in the fall. It was a little odd at first, considering that it’s Tammie, Sherrie’s mom, but she’s always been a part of our lives. Since I first met her, she’s constantly been so accepting of Kole and my relationship. Then she met my father, and they’ve been joined at the hip since that summer day.

  If you’d asked me ten years ago where I would be right now, I would’ve never imagined having this amazing life. Moving here after Lucas was the best thing I’ve ever done. I love my husband more and more every day.

  Is our life perfect? Not always, but it’s damn close to it. I never went back to work, and Kole is still with South Layton as a Lieutenant. He loves his job, but he cut his hours back so he can spend time with the kids and me. Koby just started kindergarten, and he’s the spitting image of his daddy. He’s also the best big brother and such a big help.

  As for Lucas, I never heard from him again, and I’m okay with that. After I found out what he and his parents had done, I actually thanked the good Lord that they treated me the way they did. It led me to the life I was destined to have, here in Layton, Ohio, and I couldn’t be happier.

  “Babe, are you doing okay? Koby and Paris are in the pool; did you pack the twins’ swimsuits? I promised them I’d get in the water with them. Do you think it’s a little too warm out here for you?’ Kole asks as he wraps me in his large arms.

  “Yes, their bags are in the house. I’m okay; I’ll go in if I get too warm.” It’s August and almost eighty degrees out, so I made sure I wore the thinnest summer dress I had today. I wanted to look cute, but comfy at the same time.

  “Mom is watching the girls. Come inside with me while I grab their things.”

  Rolling my eyes, I take his hand. “Come on, Mr. Overprotective.” I waddle behind him. “I’m getting my tubes tied after our son is born,” I tease. We’ve talked about it, but we love our family—the bigger, the better—so, as of now, we’ve decided against it.

  “You say that now, but you’ll be ready for another one in the next year.” He knows me all too well.

  “Bite me, ass,” I tease.

  “Oh, baby, I’ll bite you all right,” He leans in, pressing his mouth on my neck.

  “Stop, we can’t do anything here,” I say, pushing him away. “What if someone sees us? Plus, our children are outside.”

  “Come on. Everyone’s outside. Mom’s watching the kids. They’re fine.” He slides his hands up my thighs. “Don’t tell me you don’t want me to touch you here. Your pussy is on fire, my love.”

  “You know I come the moment you touch me.” My breath is heavy, full of want. “Right there,” I moan into his neck. “So close,” I say as he circles my clit, then glance at the door handle. “Lock the door.” I swear I feel like a teenager hiding from my parents.

  “It’s locked. Come on, bend over. I have to have you, babe,” he says as he pulls his swimming trunks down. I slide my panties down my legs then lean over the chair next to the shower. “See what you do to me?” Kole asks as he fists his cock.

  “Mmm, come on. My stomach is larger than normal; I can’t hold this position long.” He doesn’t give me time to finish the words before he’s filling me. His cock thrusts inside me as he hits the spot that has my walls pulling him deeper. “Yes,” I groan.

  “So fucking good, babe. I love the way you squeeze my dick. You okay?” he asks as he slows his rhythm.

  “Yes, faster. I need faster,” I pant. His pace picks up, and I feel his grip grow tighter. I lean further into the chair, spreading my legs more. “God, yes… I’m coming, Kole. Right there!” I scream.r />
  “Fuck,” he grunts, pouring his seed into me. “Love this sweet pussy so much.” I feel every ounce as he steadies himself.

  “I love you,” I tell him as he helps me up from the chair.

  “Here, lie back, and I’ll clean you up.” He turns the water on and waits for it to get warm before squirting some hand soap on a washcloth and sliding it under the faucet.

  “Kole, that was a decorative towel,” I scold him.

  “We’ll buy them another one. As much as I’d like for you to walk around with my cum on that sweet pussy, I can’t let you do that.”

  “Thank fuck.” I laugh. “But still, Kathy is going to ban us from being in the house.” I think back about three years ago, right after I’d had the twins, and we were here for a get-together. She caught Kole and me in the pool house, but she couldn’t be mad for laughing. I was riding Kole when she walked in and saw all my lady parts. She laughed for months. It was funny, but kind of embarrassing.

  “She’ll get over it. She loves us.”

  “Babe, love has nothing to do with it. How would you feel if you caught her and Pez doing what we just did?”

  “They’re adults, and it’s their home,” he says cleaning himself off.

  “No, what if they were at our house, in our bathroom?” I slide my panties up my legs. “And you walked in and caught them. You wouldn’t like that.”

  “Are you saying you didn’t want me, sweets?”

  “Well, no, I wasn’t saying that.”

  “I didn’t think so. Come on, before they start looking for us,” he says, opening the door.

  “Jesus, can you two ever contain yourselves?” Kathy asks as she crosses her arms, glaring at us.

  “Hey, sis. I’ll buy you some new towels.” Kole kisses her cheek and walks away.

  “Not my zebra towels?” She narrows in on me.

  “Hey, it was all him. I’m just pregnant and horny. Sorry, sis.” I pat her back and waddle into the kitchen. “And hungry,” I groan as I grab a handful of pretzels. “Do you need me to help with anything?”


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