Breaking My Chains: A virgin and her dominant bodyguard (Protect Book 3)

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Breaking My Chains: A virgin and her dominant bodyguard (Protect Book 3) Page 5

by Chloe Fischer

  Lance led her into her bedroom, where she saw that he had already set up some things….some of them were things that Sarah had seen when she was watching that illicit site that Vikki had shown her. Some of the things……she didn’t even know what they were. She recognized the soft supple whip, the cuffs, and holy hell - a vibrator. But, oh God, was that a butt plug?? Her pussy clenched hard, creaming even more. Somehow, all of them turned her on. She was in a haze, reaching a pinnacle of sensation that she had never experienced before – and Lance had barely even touched her yet.

  As Lance advanced on her, she felt her breasts swell in anticipation, and her breathing became short.

  “Strip.” He ordered.

  His commanding voice was like a lash, and she jumped to obey him. When she stood before him naked, he led her over to the foot of her bed.

  “Bend over. Elbows on the bed. Back arched,” he bit out.

  When she was in position, nerves started to overcome her again. And embarrassment! He could see her. See all of her! What if her he could tell how turned on she was!

  “Beautiful,” she heard him whisper, “Absolutely stunning. You have the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen, Sarah.”

  Then she felt him behind her, on the floor, pulling her legs apart. He attached something to her ankles that kept her feet spread. Oh God, now she was dripping for sure!

  She felt his breath on the back of her thighs, and whimpered into the bed covers. She needed him to touch her! She squirmed her backside around a bit, trying to get some friction where she needed it most.

  A hard smack came down on her exposed bottom.

  “Stay still,” Lance growled. “I’m having a hard enough time keeping control as it is.” She heard him mutter.

  “God, Lance, please….” She cried.

  “Maybe one little orgasm before I teach you a lesson about listening to my orders,” Lance said. “You seem to have a problem with that, don’t you, Sarah?”

  Then he plunged his fingers into her core, making her scream out in pleasure.

  “Yes! Please…please…god, that feels so good.” She needed to come now. She was dying to find the release that would free of her of this torture, this building pressure in her body.

  “You’ll come so easily,” Lance groaned, lifting her higher, working inside her, reveling in the wet heat of her cunt. “Your pussy’s so tight around my fingers and creaming so sweetly.”

  She was dying, panting, moaning with the need for release. On the verge of exploding already.

  And then she heard a sharp crack, a moment before she felt the sting. And a streak of fire burned straight from her ass to her aching clit, making her pussy clench so hard around Lance’s fingers that he hissed. “So fucking hot. So beautiful.”

  She turned her head on the covers so she could see him. He stood behind her, with the fingers of one hand buried inside her pussy, holding a whip in his other hand.

  “You’re going to come for me now, Sarah. Do you understand? You’re going to come harder than you’ve ever come before.”

  And he slammed his fingers deeper into her core, making her scream, at the same time that the whip came down on the other cheek of her ass. He worked her this way, the strokes of his fingers combining in tempo with the strokes of the whip lashing her bottom, the pleasure pain in her ass causing her clit to clench in rapturous pleasure. Her pussy was being impaled by his fingers deeper and deeper until she couldn’t climb any higher, she couldn’t take any more, and she shattered into a million pieces. She kept shattering, until she didn’t know if she could put herself back together again. A final cry broke from her lips and her legs gave out. She didn’t know when Lance had removed the spreader bar from her ankles, but she curled her legs onto the bed, still experiencing the slight tremors, the euphoria that had her in its grip.

  Lance gathered her into him, and pulled her up higher onto the bed, turning her until she lay on her back.

  “Shh…” he whispered. “That’s right, that was so beautiful, love.”

  Sarah started to come back to herself and turned her face into his chest. She opened her eyes and took a deep breath. Wow. Was that possible? Did other people ever have sex like that? Holy cow, I could get used to that!

  “Thank you,” she murmured to Lance.

  “Don’t thank me yet, baby, we’re not done,” he chuckled. “Now comes the punishment for disobeying me last night.”

  He clasped her wrists in both of his, lifting them over head. Her heartbeat picked up, and her breasts swelled. How could she be ready for him again so quickly??

  He reached over her head to grab something off her bedside table. She couldn’t see what it was and he didn’t show her.

  “For this part, I’m going to use a toy that you’ll never forget,” he promised, “And you’ll never come again without thinking of me, Sarah,” he vowed.

  Sarah braced herself for what she knew was about to come -- absolute, near indescribable, pleasure.

  PROTECT HER, an exciting new bodyguard story by Chloe Fischer is now on sale from Amazon.

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  Check out Chloe Fischer’s newest series about 4 brothers who all have a special sixth sense…this series is HARD.

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  Turn the page for a preview of the story…



  It watched from the dark shadows provided by the thick, dense wooded area it was hiding in. It watched and it waited. Two bright, blood-red eyes blinked slowly from beneath a low branch of a large tree. A long, snake-like tongue emerged from its mouth, licked its upper lip and then receded back into a large, fanged mouth.

  The dim light of the new moon cast a pale glow over the shimmery silver paint of the Silverado pick-up truck that was parked nearly 50 feet away from where it was standing. It watched the young couple in the open bed of the truck patiently, attentively, and intently.

  The young curly-haired brunette was stretched out on her belly, lying on top of a thin green blanket. The blonde-haired young man was lying next to her sipping light beer out of a small can.

  “I thought you said you had, booze, Bryan!” the young woman said, reaching across the young man’s back and grabbing a can of beer from behind him.

  “Beer. Booze. Same fucking thing, Kelly,” he stated bluntly, before taking another long sip.

  “Well, when you said booze, I figured you’d swiped a bottle of your stepdad’s whiskey from the locked liquor cabinet in his den,” the young brunette replied, rolling her eyes at her date’s nonchalant attitude.

  “Naw, the bastard hid the key in a different spot, this time,” Bryan explained. He let out a long, loud belch.

  “Gross!” the brunette sputtered, fanning the air in front of her face. Bryan laughed as he set his beer can down on the edge of the truck bed.

  “What movie is this again?” he asked as he draped his arm around Kelly’s bare shoulders. He was asking about the movie, but his eyes were looking at the way his date’s large, pert breasts were squeezed together in her tight pink halter top.

  “Grenade’s Revenge, I think,” Kelly replied and gulped down a mouthful of beer. She turned her attention back to the large outdoor movie screen.

  Bryan began to nibble on her neck. She started to giggle and tilted her head back a bit. He moved the hand that had been resting on her left shoulder and slid it beneath her, cupping her left breast in his hand. She giggled again and turned her head to kiss him on the mouth.

  She let out a soft moan as his tongue entered her mouth and intertwined with hers. They kissed passionately and Bryan moved his hand beneath her top and ran the tips of his fingers across her nipple. His mouth muffled Kelly’s moan as her nipple hardened against his

  “Mmm, Kelly, you’re so sexy,” he mumbled against her lips. He moved his hand from beneath her halter top and slid it slowly down the small of her back until it found the curve of her ass, covered by the thin, sheer fabric of her yellow silk skirt. He gave her left buttock a squeeze and then attempted to slide his hand under her skirt. That’s when Kelly suddenly stopped him.

  “Come on, Kels! We’ve been dating for almost a whole entire year! How much longer are you gonna make me wait?” he pleaded.

  His hand was still on her upper thigh and her hand was on top of his, preventing it from sliding any further up her skirt. Kelly sighed and pushed his hand away.

  “Bryan, we had this conversation already. You know how important my virginity is to me. I want my first time to be…special, you know? And I want it to be with someone who loves me.”

  “You know I love you, Kelly. I’ve told you a million times!”

  “I know, Bryan, but, I just want things to be…you know…right.”

  Bryan, clearly annoyed, let out a defeated sigh of disappointment and sat up.

  “I’m gonna get something to eat. You want anything?” he asked dismally.

  Kelly shook her head and reached for her can of beer. She didn’t even bother to watch as he started walking toward the area where the other vehicles were parked. They had purposely parked further back than the rest of the cars because they had snuck alcohol into the drive-in and didn’t want any of the other patrons to notice.

  Suddenly, Kelly heard a weird noise, like a low growl coming from a dark corner of the wooded area to the left of where she was parked. She sat up quickly and looked over in the direction of the sound.

  Was that some kind of animal, she wondered silently. She held on to the side of the truck bed and peered over the side. Again, there was a low growl.

  It has to be some kind of animal. A wolf? A coyote? Squinting her eyes into narrow slits, she swore she saw something move under one of the trees.

  Hear heart started beating faster and she began to wish that she’d gone to the snack bar with Bryan. Or perhaps it could be Bryan over in the woods playing some kind of sick joke?

  “I-Is someone there?” she called out, stammering over her words. A shiver of uneasiness ran down her spine.

  Humans! Such a waste of life, the creature thought.

  Its bulbous eyes glowed with its hatred toward humankind as it glared at the young woman. It realized that an opportunity had finally presented itself and it moved swiftly and purposefully, closing the distance between itself and the bed of the pickup in less than two seconds. The young brunette named Kelly didn’t stand a chance against the creature’s superhuman speed and herculean strength. She barely had a chance to open her mouth to scream before it was immediately muffled by a huge, almost beast-like hand that closed around her neck with almost enough brute force to snap it half. Kelly’s body went limp and her doe-like brown eyes closed. She was snatched from the bed of the truck and dragged off into the night.


  Kelly opened her eyes groggily, and struggled to adjust to the dim light of the room she was in. She immediately realized that she was completely naked and that her hands and feet were bound. She was tied to some kind of weird contraption and she could barely move at all. Her mouth was tightly gagged with some type of restraint that all but stifled her whimpers and cries of utter terror.

  Immediately, her heart began to pound so hard it felt as if was about to explode from her chest. Tears of panic started filling her eyes and goosebumps spread across her completely exposed body.

  A grizzly, guttural, evil-sounding laugh filled her ears and she turned her head to the left. What she saw caused her eyes to widen in horror.

  “That’s a good girl,” it spoke with a deep, gruff, croaky voice. “I wanted you to be awake for this. It’s so much more enjoyable when you struggle.”

  The creature was draped in a long, dark hooded cloak. It stood nearly seven feet tall, staring down at her with the largest, blood-red eyes she had ever seen. She couldn’t make out the rest of its face in the darkness, but she knew there was no way this thing could possibly be human.

  Her tears overflowed her eyelids and began to stream down her trembling face. She was trying hard to speak, to beg for her life, but no words would come and the gag was suppressing every sound she attempted to make.

  The creature moved in closer to her and a long, green forked tongue slid slowly out of its fanged mouth and slid across the nape of her neck. Her large brown nipples war pert and erect, but it was from the cold temperature in the room, not from any sort of sexual arousal.

  “Ahh, delicious,” it whispered evilly, as the red color of its eyes deepened. The creature sucked its tongue back into its mouth and bared its huge, sharp fangs.

  Kelly struggled as much as she could, panicking at the horrifying sight. The creature’s breath smelled of rancid brimstone as it lowered its hooded head to the base of her neck until she could feel its jagged fangs scraping against her skin.

  Kelly fought with all of her might, but her struggle was for naught. The creature’s fangs pierced her skin and sank deep into her neck. She felt her skin rip open as the blood began to gush into the creature’s hot, scaly mouth. Almost immediately, the color and vitality began to drain from her fragile body and everything around her went black…

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