Rock Hard Boss: A Single Dad, Boss Chef Romance

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Rock Hard Boss: A Single Dad, Boss Chef Romance Page 10

by Rye Hart

  I got a little choked up, although I tried my best to hide it from her. “That was very nice of you.”

  “I know.”

  I laughed. “Well, now that you’ve wished me good luck, I’m sure everything will go great today.”

  I almost believed it.


  We were in the middle of lunch service when the hostess informed me that the critics had just been seated.

  “All right, folks,” I said above the noise of the kitchen as I clapped my hands. “It’s show time.”

  I’d been worried about serving the critics, but now that the moment had arrived, the fear melted. It was replaced with that old thrill. I was in my element, doing what I was born to do.

  “Get ready to cook your asses off. I want to see tears in those critics’ eyes from how good your dishes are. I want every other chef in the world to cower in fear because they’ll know these critics have already had the best meal of their lives. Right here. Right now. At our restaurant.”

  My brigade responded in unison. “Yes, Chef!”

  The order for the critics’ appetizers came in. “All right, Danny. You’re on starters. Amber, I want you to help him.”

  Danny turned to me with an angry look on his face. “I don’t need help, Chef,” he protested.

  I was about to rain holy hell down on him for arguing with me, especially at a time like this. But Amber beat me to the punch.

  She sidled up next to Danny. “I know you don’t need my help, but if we work together, I know we can knock this out of the park.”

  Danny’s expression softened, and he nodded. “Yeah. Hell yeah. Okay”

  The two of them got working.

  I felt a surge of gratitude at Amber jumping in to soothe Danny’s bruised ego. My response would have worked, probably, but the moment she stepped in, I knew her way had been the right way. It was quick and efficient, with no need for added conflict.

  It was like she complemented me. She went positive where I would go negative. She was soft where I was hard.

  Emery had wished me luck this morning, but the real luck was having Amber here at my side. Danny was a fine chef, but he didn’t have that extra something to make him an exceptional chef.

  Amber did.

  It was why I’d asked her to help Danny. With Amber’s touch, I knew the plates would be perfect when they got to my counter.

  When Amber brought the plates up a few minutes later, I inspected every millimeter of each dish, making sure there was no room for criticism. The food was flawless.

  “Order up,” I called out, summoning a server.

  The girl took the plates out to the critics’ table. One course down, two to go, and for the first time since hearing that they were coming, I felt certain today was going to be all right.


  After the critics finished their meal, they asked to meet with me. This was out of the ordinary, but this whole situation had been strange. I said my hellos to them and sat down at their table.

  Tom Maddox was a thin, older gentleman who reminded me of Peter Cushing from the old Dracula movies. He spoke first. “Chef Harrison, I’d like to thank you for giving us the opportunity to dine at your fine establishment.”

  Sheila Grimes chimed in. “We know your dining room is booked solid for the next few months.”

  “Well,” I said. “You’re welcome here any time. Although maybe I should read your reviews first before I extend the invitation.”

  They all laughed.

  “Normally, we would make you wait to find out what we thought,” Kaitlin Owens said. She was a heavy-set woman, which I liked. I trusted a food critic that enjoyed eating. Skinny critics like Tom always made me nervous.

  “But we’ve spoken about our meal and we’re all in agreement,” Kaitlin continued. “The food was exceptional.”

  “Exceptional,” Tom repeated.

  A wave of relief washed over me. I’d been proud of the food we’d served them, but actually hearing them confirm my belief was like having a weight lifted off my shoulders.

  “I’m so glad you liked it,” I said.

  “We were hoping to ask you a few questions about your restaurant. So we could include some background information in our reviews,” Tom said.

  “Absolutely,” I said.

  I told them about how I’d started the restaurant a few years back. How I’d named it after my daughter. I told them about some of my culinary influences that inspired my menu.

  Tom broke in. “There is one other thing I’d like to ask about.”

  “Shoot,” I said.

  Tom looked down at his hands which fidgeted with his cloth napkin. “Well, it seems you have a bit of a reputation.” He paused, like he was trying to find the exact right words. “I’ve heard you’re, ahh, difficult to work for.”

  “You mean you’ve heard that I’m an asshole?” I asked.

  Tom looked up, eyes wide. I grinned back at him. Everyone at the table laughed, the tension behind the question diffused. “Well, yes,” he said. “That’s how some people would describe you. How would you describe the way you run your kitchen?”

  “It’s pretty simple, really. I expect perfection in every dish. My chefs have to meet my high standards of quality at all times. Yes, sometimes that means I push them hard, but it’s all about the food. I want every customer to walk in here and have the same fine dining experience as the guest before them and the guest after them.”

  “Fair enough,” Sheila said. “That’s all I need. Anything else?” She looked around at the two other critics.

  Kaitlin nodded. “I’m good. Unless there’s something else you’d like to add, Chef Harrison?”

  “There is. I want you to take special note of my new chef, Amber Foster. Things in the kitchen have really gelled since she came on board just over a month ago. I credit our success to her joining the team. She’s an amazing chef. A real rising star in the industry. You mark my words, you’ll be hearing her name a lot in the years to come.”


  Since things had gone well with the critics, I sent everyone home early again. They’d earned some time off after the performance they’d put on that day. The staff left happily.

  I went into my office to finish off some paperwork. As soon as I sat down at my desk, Amber walked in.

  “I thought you’d have gone home with the others,” I said.

  “Not tonight. I couldn’t leave without congratulating you on the big success.”

  I smiled softly. “Things did go surprisingly well. I’ve never had a critic compliment me like that, much less three at once. This place is going to blow up when they publish those reviews. I want to thank you again for all your help today. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “You’re welcome,” she said, and paused. “You know, I heard what you said to the critics about me.”

  “You were eavesdropping?”

  “Yeah, duh. I wanted to hear what they had to say. I just never expected to hear what you had to say about me. Did you really mean it?”

  “I did. I don’t know how I managed to run this place before you showed up. I’m quite lucky to have you.” I got up and walked around toward her, sliding my hands up her shoulders. She was beautiful even after a long night of slaving over a hot stove. Her hair was a mess, her cheeks pink, but all I could focus on was her soft wet lips. Fuck, she left me wanting so much more than I ever had before.

  Would she love me the way I needed to be loved? Would I be enough? Would she stick around to help me raise Emery? Did I want her to?

  Hell yeah, I did.

  She looked at me coyly. “Just in the kitchen?”

  I pulled her close until our faces almost touched. She inhaled sharply when I leaned in. I reached behind her to shut the door. Then I kissed her - hard.

  She pulled back after a moment. “What about your rule about keeping things professional here?”

  “Fuck my rule,” I said and kissed her again.


  Luke gazed down at me, his eyes burning with emerald fire. Something like a growl rumbled in his chest. It was a primal, almost animal sound, like he wanted me so badly he would devour me. It was intensely sexy.

  I was wet instantly.

  A second later, we were tearing off each other’s clothes. I don’t know what had come over Luke, but I liked it. He wasn’t rough exactly. More like insistent. Dominant. His frenzied desire was infectious. The fact that he wanted me so badly turned me on like crazy.

  And there was something extra thrilling about the fact that we were going at each other in his office. This place had been off-limits from the first time we got together.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this,” I mumbled against his warm mouth as he sucked my bottom lip into his mouth.

  I groaned and wrapped my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his hair.

  “I don’t care. I’m having you right here. Right now. And you’re not denying me anything.” He kissed me again.

  He was right. I wasn’t going to hold anything back. If he wanted it, it was his.

  Still, questions raced through my mind. What if someone came back to grab something? We’d get caught for sure. It was wrong. It was taboo. It was so fucking hot.

  Once our clothes had been stripped away, Luke crushed his body over mine, like he wanted to feel every part of him touching every part of me. His hand curled into the hair at the back of my head and clenched into a fist. He yanked my head back and I gasped, looking up at the wild desire in his eyes. He kissed me and I thought I would melt into a puddle at his feet.

  His hard cock rubbed against my stomach as he kissed me, his tongue dominating my mouth. I shifted my hips so his erection slid between my legs, not entering me, but just sliding along my silky folds. Teasing me to madness.

  I moaned into his mouth, overwhelmed by the feelings coursing through my body. All of my nerve endings felt like they were on fire. Sweet, delicious fire. I moved my hips back and forth, stroking his hard length over and over my clit.

  Luke groaned with pleasure. It sent a shivering thrill through me. I liked knowing I was making him feel good. It made me feel sexy. It made me feel wanted, the way I felt about him.

  Suddenly, he pulled away. His hand still gripped me by the roots of my hair, and he led me like that across the office. Something about the way he had total control over me had me dizzy with lust. Luke had never been this forceful. It was intoxicating.

  Then he bent me over his desk.

  Holy shit.

  My ass jutted out behind me, making me feel exposed, vulnerable, like he could do anything to me he wanted. Like I was his for the taking.

  I writhed over the desk in anticipation. Stacks of paper tumbled to the floor, but I didn’t care. I couldn’t have controlled myself even if I wanted to.

  “Tell me you want it,” he barked and I tensed up.

  “I want it,” I whispered.

  He popped my ass hard, and I yelped, the pain and pleasure was so delicious.

  “Louder, Amber. I want to feel like you mean it.”

  I jerked my head around, pulling against the hold he had on my hair and growled through gritted teeth. “I want every goddamn inch you have to give me.”

  “Of course you do, kitten.” He smiled, so fucking cocky as he slid the head of his cock along my slit, slicking himself in my eager juices. I ached to feel more of him, and I pushed my hips back against him desperately. It was a silent invitation, speaking louder and more fiercely than any words ever could.

  His strong hands gripped my ass firmly and he plunged his cock into my silky folds.

  I hissed at the exquisite feeling of being filled up. “God, yes.”

  Luke thrust inside me, in and out, in a steady, electrifying rhythm. I moaned so loud I thought the walls would shake. I didn’t care. There was no one else around tonight. I could be as loud as I wanted to be. No more holding back.

  My body shuddered with the intensity of his strokes. My hard nipples scraped maddeningly over the wood of his massive desk. He gripped me by the hair again, using it for leverage as he ravished my body.

  Wildfire surged in my veins. Every plunge of his cock inside me kindled the flames higher and higher, until they threatened to consume me, body and soul.

  Fiery pleasure roared through me as I came. My jaw clenched tightly, preventing me from making a sound. Even though I was screaming inside at the beautiful agony. Luke’s hips bucked against me. His cock spasmed inside me as our orgasms swept over us together.

  Finally, he pulled out of me and we collapsed on his couch in a sweaty tangle of limbs.

  Once I was able to catch my breath and speak normally, I looked up at him. “I have a confession to make,” I said.

  His eyes met mine. “Oh yeah? What’s that?”

  “It turns out I really like office sex.”

  He chuckled at that, a low, deep rumble in his chest that made my insides clench in a very pleasant way.

  “I have to agree with you on that,” he said, tightening his arm around me to pull me close. “That was amazing.”

  “Yes, it was.” I cuddled closer to him, slinging my leg over him. His cock stirred against my thigh. My eyes widened in surprise. “Already?”

  He grinned at me. “Don’t blame me. You’re the one being all cute and sexy right now.”

  The compliment embarrassed me a little, even though I was pleased by it. I obviously knew how he felt about me, but it was still nice to hear it. I ground my hips against his muscular thigh.

  “Keep talking like that, and we’re gonna have to go for round two,” I said, savoring the delightful pressure between my legs.

  “I’m all in,” he said.

  “Not yet you’re not.”

  I straddled his hips and kissed him. He thickened against me, hot and hard again. I groaned with satisfaction. If I was a cat, I would have been purring.

  “I can’t think of a better way to end this perfect day,” Luke said as he nuzzled against my neck.

  My body squirmed against his at the feelings rippling through me. “It was a good day, wasn’t it? We should go out and celebrate.”

  A look of disappointment fell over his face. “Right now?”

  I wiggled my hips back and forth. “No way. I’m not done with you yet. How about tomorrow?”

  “Tomorrow’s Saturday. You have the day off, but it’s one of our busiest days. Let’s do Sunday.”

  “You’re going to make me wait?” I asked, teasing him.

  He thrust up inside of me, eliciting a low groan from me.

  “Trust me,” he said. “I’ll make it worth your while.”


  I walked into work the next day with a spring in my step and a smile on my face. Memories of my evening with Amber danced through my head, filling me with warmth. It was not a feeling I was accustomed to, especially at work. But I wasn’t going to fight it.

  Danny seemed to notice right away. “Someone’s in a good mood this morning.”

  Part of me wanted to tell him to shut up and mind his own damn business. But I really was in a good mood. I didn’t want to spoil it by laying into Danny. He was just trying to be friendly.

  “What can I say, Danny? It’s a good day. The critics left happy. I think we impressed them. Their reviews should be great. The restaurant will be set up for the next year. I think that’s reason enough to be in a good mood.”

  Danny bobbed his head back and forth. “I mean, I guess. But you’ve been different for a while. Even before the critics. Like more relaxed. Happy even.”

  “Please, tell me more about how my happiness bothers you. Honestly, Danny, if you’re trying to put me in a bad mood, you’re doing a great job.”

  He raised his hands, palms out, in a placating gesture. “Whoa. Don’t get me wrong. I think it’s a good change. Whatever you’ve been doing, please keep doing it.”

  “Thank you for giving me your permission to live my li
fe however I want to. I feel so relieved.”

  Danny shook his head. “All right. I get it. There’s still some of the old you left in there.”

  I slapped him on the shoulder. “You better believe it. You’ve been doing a good job lately, but the moment that stops, I’m not going easy on you. On any of you.”

  “I know. And at the risk of pissing you off even more, I wanted to tell you. I’ve been talking to the rest of the crew. They’ve noticed the change, too.”

  I frowned. “Let me guess. They think I’ve gone soft. I guess today I need to remind them—”

  “No,” Danny interrupted. “They’re actually happier. I think they’ve been working harder. It’s a good thing, all around.”

  “And yet, you still seem troubled.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “Yeah, well. I told you there’s something wrong with me. I work better when you’re cracking the whip. I don’t know. I think it’s cause my father—”

  “Okay, enough. I’m not your goddamn therapist. Now get back to work before I kick your ass to the curb.”

  Danny grinned from ear to ear. “Thank you, Chef. I will.”

  I headed back to my office, thinking that I might have broken Danny somehow. I felt a twinge of guilt about it, but by his own admission, he thrived under strict supervision. Maybe I’d done him a favor. I’d have to think on it.

  “Yo, Luke,” a loud, baritone voice called from the back door of the restaurant.

  I recognized the voice immediately. “Colton?”

  He rounded the corner and stopped when he saw me. “Luke, you son of a bitch.” He damn near ran at me before embracing me in a hug. “It’s good to see you, man.”

  He squeezed me so hard I could barely breathe.

  “You, too,” I managed to say. “Now let me go, fucker.”

  He pulled away with a laugh. “Don’t be such a baby. It’s been a long time.”

  I nodded. “Too long. What brings you to my neck of the woods?”

  “The Food and Wine Festival. I was out there pimping my restaurant. I thought I’d see you there. But no, I had to track you down to this greasy spoon in the middle of nowhere.”


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