FEARLESS: Standalone

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FEARLESS: Standalone Page 6

by Simone Elise

  So I had to make a decision. I had to admit it was a huge turn on thinking of him fucking me, while his girlfriend slept at the end of the hall. I guess that showed more about my character, but I still believed I wasn’t rotten to the core.

  My mind snapped back onto what was happening, as he had successful nearly pushed the straps completely down.

  Taking my hands from his hair, I braced his shoulders, slowly pulling my lips from him. Running my hands down his arms. I saw his confusion as I withdrew my lips from him completely. But before he could say a word, my hands were undoing his belt. His hands went to me, and I knew what he was about to do, lift me up and thrust into me. But that wasn’t going to happen.

  Cause I knew come morning he wouldn’t be able to handle that. But I also knew I couldn’t leave him in this state, or me for that matter. I needed to take this to another step.

  So I lowered to my knees and before he could stop me, I had him in my mouth. His hands went to my hair and I knew he wanted to fuck me, but he was going to have to settle for this.



  It was early. Impossibly early. I couldn’t sleep. Not after what Alexis did. I knew I had feelings growing for her, but last night, when she became submissive to me, letting me just lose control and have no consequences. She gave me a taste of freedom last night. But more importantly she gave me a taste of her.

  Now…. I was scared what I would do to fulfil my sudden addiction to her. My hand landed on the door handle to the bathroom. Was it wrong that I didn’t feel guilty? I didn’t feel a bit of guilt. The only thing that I was feeling was disappointment of not getting to see Alexis’s body, I was so close to seeing the body I had been fantasising about since she arrived on my door step.

  Only to score the worlds best blow job but robbed of being able to worship her body, or even get to see it—completely naked.

  I opened up the bathroom door. I didn’t know if the guilt would kick in when I saw Danni, but I was ready for it. Then my eyes went to the shower, only Danni would be up this early.

  Then my eyes widened.

  I knew immediately I shouldn’t fucking be in here and I was seeing something that was forbidden.

  The foam of the shampoo was running down her back, her hands in her hair. My eyes ran down her body. So fucking perfect, it out did every fantasy I had of her. Then I watched as her hands ran down her arms, as the water washed over her flawless skin.

  My eyes couldn’t get any wider and I couldn’t fucking look away. Then my grip on the handle tightened when she bent over, picking up the body soap and giving me the ultimate view, at least I thought that was ultimate view till she turned around, her eyes locking on mine.

  Fuck. I didn’t know what to say. I was standing here watching her shower naked! I couldn’t even say I was sorry, cause I wasn’t.

  Her eyebrows arched, her eyes still locked with mine and I knew that was my cue to exit. I stepped out of the bathroom shutting the door.

  My breathing was sharp, honestly it felt like I had just done a round with a UFC fighter.

  “Tyler, what are you doing?”

  My eyes snapped to Danielle. She was standing at the end of the hall.

  “Alexis is in there?” She frowned her eyes still on me.

  I took my hand off the door. “Lucky you said that cause I was about to walk in.” I lied, and I lied fucking perfectly. I headed towards her, I expected guilt- I expecting a feeling to fulfil me, but nothing came. Perhaps it was because I knew she had met up with a doctor last night. Or perhaps it was because I was a cold hearted monster.

  “You’re up early.” Danni walked into the lounge, and I followed.

  “Um yeah.” I couldn’t say I could barely sleep after Alexis gave me the worlds best blowjob. And I had blowjobs from porn stars and Alexis’s blow job out did theirs by miles.

  “So is Alexis, I expected you two to be asleep for most of the day.” Danielle sat down on the couch. Her eyes were on her phone and I was thankful cause I didn’t really know how to explain why I was up early- well I couldn’t tell her why.

  As for Alexis being up early- that fucking shocked me. She drunk enough to sink a tank last night. But when she looked in my eyes, just before she went down on me- I knew she knew what she was doing.

  “So do you want breakfast?” Danni’s eyes were off the phone and on to me, her smile was what got me.

  “What’s do you want?” I crossed my arms. I knew that smile, it appeared when she wanted something. Usually it would result in us arguing or me doing something I really didn’t want to do.


  My attention immediately went off Danni and onto the goddess who was weaving webs in my head.

  “Morning Alexis.” Danni chimed, sounding semi nice.

  My eyes were still on Alexis, she hadn’t looked at me yet. Was she regretting last night? Was she pissed off about before? Just as I started to panic her eyes were on me, fuck those eyes. The one thing I didn’t see in them was regret—or anger.

  “Morning.” I forced out, trying to force down the image of her in my shower. “You heading to the club?” I asked, and the sooner I could get her away from this house and Danni the better.

  “I was.” And she pulled out a ringing phone, frowning seeing whoever it was calling. I see the debate in her eyes, as if she was going to answer but thought twice about it. Before answering. “Vex?” She said into the phone, and my expression dropped.

  I recalled the time I saw her phone, a message from Vex, implying she was his in-town booty call.

  Suddenly had a new reason to hate the man.

  “Tyler?” Danni called my attention, but my eyes were on Alexis, as she was frowning, listening to whatever Vex was saying.

  “Yeah?” I snapped at her, and she noticed, arching her eyebrows. “Sorry.” I added.

  “Vex I don’t understand.” Alexis said into the phone, and my eyes went back to her. She rolled her eyes. “Look I’d love to but I’m not in town.” She then lets out a long sigh. “I’m at Tyler’s Hunter’s chapter.” Her eyes went to mine. “Yeah I’ll be here for a while.”

  Thank fuck for that. Then it sent my alarm bells off, what if he came here?

  “Yeah I should be back by then.” She said into the phone and right now it occurred to me. Alexis isn’t going to be staying in town. Only now does it flash in my head, that one day she will leave.

  “Tyler?” Danni called for attention, and I looked at her. “What’s your plans for today?” She asked that as if I’d spend it with her.

  Alexis hung up and my eyes were on Danni but out of the corner of my eye, I saw concern on Alexis’s face. So naturally I look away from Danni, and see that concern I thought I saw on Alexis’s face, well it was painted across her features.

  “Everything okay?” I asked. Ignoring Danni.

  Alexis forced a smile. “Fine.” I knew she was lying, but do I call her on it? She turned and walked out the front door, closing it softly behind her.

  “She is not fine.” Danni said and I glanced at her, and she has a frown on her face. “You should be nice and go find out what upset her?”

  I had every intention on doing just that. I was already heading for the door when I paused, “You wanted something?” I said over my shoulder.

  “It can wait.”

  I nodded my head and opened the door, walking out and seeing Alexis about to get into her hummer.

  “Alexis?” I said and caught up with her. “You alright?” My hand landing on her door keeping it open. I saw it in her eyes, she wasn’t okay. “What did Vex say?” I knew she was fine before his phone call, and now she isn’t—so he fucking said something to upset her.

  “Don’t do it Tyler.” She said and I see her walls are up. I frowned not understanding. “Don’t care.” Her words are tight, and she went to get into the car. “It’s easy if you don’t.”

  But I do care and I can’t fucking switch that off—even though she was asking me to. “So you w
ant to pretend like nothing happened?” I snapped at her.

  I was the one with a girlfriend the one who should be regretting it. I should be the one to be pretending like nothing happened! She was single, could do what she wanted. Yet here I was the one with strings, asking why she was acting like nothing happened.

  “So what was I meant to say?”

  “I don’t know!” Maybe that’s what frustrated me the most! “Not nothing!”

  She stepped in to me, her mouth going to my ear. “How about how you left me to take care of myself last night?” Her voice was a seductive swirl. “Now pretend like you aren’t turned on or fantasizing about how all the ways you could have finished me yourself. Cause your girlfriends eyes are on us.”

  How did she know I was second away from pushing her against the car after hearing that? I had never felt so frustrated as I let Alexis step away from me. Why the fuck did Danni have to be watching? But then again I was starting to think, did it really matter if she was?

  Alexis must have realized that exact thought ticked through my head cause immediately she shook her head.

  “Play it smart Tyler.” She warned me taking another step away from me. “See you at church,” She climbed into the car and wasn’t till she pulled away that I realized she changed the fucking subject on me.

  Watching her pull away, I knew then- I was in a fucked-up situation.



  I normally didn’t crash church meetings. It was a time where the club members all came together and talked business. Outsiders weren’t welcome. And I knew the boys really didn’t want me in there meeting.

  Last time I crashed one of their meetings I was bleeding and had to give a lecture— one they didn’t want to hear.

  The doors opened and Ethan actually gave me a smile and nod to join them. Only had to wait half an hour, for them to cover business in that short amount of time, clearly they didn’t have a heavy agenda.

  I walked in carrying a black coffin bag.

  Tyler’s eyes were on me immediately as soon as I stepped in. He nodded for Andy to get up, I’m guessing he wanted to offer me a seat. Which would insult every other member at the table, who had earnt their right to sit at it.

  “I may be a girl but I can stand.” I stopped it from happening. The last thing I needed was to give these guys another reason to hate me.

  I walked to Tyler, and I saw his eyes running up and down me. I wanted to laugh but at the same time— I was here for business and business only. I dropped the bag on the table. Causing Tyler’s eyes to go off me for once since I stepped in this room.

  “That is what I owe you.” I looked at the bag I would admit it, this part was always hard, cutting the club in. “The full percentage for earning on your territory.” I wasn’t a member and I wasn’t a known business friend. So I always paid the full percentage.

  Ethan opened the bag, and then looked at me. “Is this from the cigars?”

  “It’s from business. Business which was done in your charters territory.” I stated facts, looking at Ethan and then glancing around the table. “That’s what I owe. Now I’ll leave you boys to it.”

  I went to walk away but a hand wrapping around my wrist, forced me to a stop. I slowly turned around to look at Tyler.

  “Who did you take this off? Did you steal this from people in our territory? Causes that brings heat on us. I won’t have the Mother Chapter earning at the risk of my chapter.” Tyler was speaking, well more like rudely telling me off.

  I pulled my hand from his grasp. “The Mother Chapter isn’t putting your chapter at risk. The Mother Chapter isn’t even cut in. Like I said. I did business on your territory.” Did I have to spell it out. I acted on my own! “That money I owed you. That is it.”

  “How much?” Tyler crossed his arms. “And at what percentage rate did you go off?”

  “Twenty six percent and just over a million. It’s in hundreds because I like hundreds the buyer knew that. Any other questions?” I was trying not to disrespect him but he was dancing on the line, where it was normal for my bitch side to come out.

  He was still staring at me not accepting what I had said. Did I have to spell it out for him! I ran my own interests!

  “So is that why you really are in town?” Tyler’s words had an edge to it, like I used him. “You just here because of a deal?” God his tone was enough to send a shiver down my spine. But with my upbringing not even him speaking to me like that would have me buckling in fear.

  “No. The buyer came to where I am. Consider yourself lucky it was at your chapter.” I didn’t want to explain anymore. I couldn’t risk my business connections. Dad knew I earnt my own way. I have since I got off the drugs. I knew I would never be a nine to five worker. I knew I would never earn straight. I also couldn’t become a member and earn through the club so I took the only option I had.

  I earnt on my own.

  “Those cigars Tyler. Told you they were gold.” Ethan was smirking at us, while pulling out ten thousand bulk loads of cash. “You know though,” Ethan’s attention went off the money and on to me completely. “Usually people don’t pay up till they are about to leave.”

  He had me there and by the look on Tyler’s face, that reason of why I would be paying now, hadn’t run through his head yet.

  “Just tying up loose ends.” I shrugged. “Sorry for interrupting your meeting.”

  Tyler was staring at me, but not saying anything.

  “You should have given us a bag of cash when you arrived then maybe we would have been nicer to your mood swings.” Andy winked at me.

  “I’ll remember that next time.” I couldn’t bring myself to look back at Tyler, so I turned and left, this time he didn’t stop me.

  I was beginning to think it was time to move on. I couldn’t find any dirt on any of Tyler’s members or associates. I think it was time Dad and I sat down and tracked the patterns again. See if there is, any other chapters that pop up.


  I sighed. How did he get out of that meeting so quickly. I turned around to face Tyler. What reason did he have now to stop me? He had to know that what happened last night meant more to me than it should. I could do a one night stand but if I had feelings for someone— I was fucked.

  That essentially was the core to my problem now. One I should have recognized last night. I had developed feelings for Tyler. I didn’t know what sort yet. I didn’t do emotions. But I knew whenever I fell for a guy— it didn’t end well.

  Look at me and Vex.

  I could see the anger in Tyler’s eyes. It was that clear even I could read that emotion.

  “I need to pick Danni up. You’re taking me.” He walked towards me, speaking to me with a tone, basically saying – he wasn’t letting me off the hook that easy.

  I sighed nodding my head. Well this wasn’t going to be awkward at all. Picking up his girlfriend, after hearing him tell me off for even touching him last night. I knew the lecture was coming. How dare I do what I did. How he felt nothing for me. How I can’t expect him to leave Danielle. Blah. Blah. Blah.

  I already knew Tyler didn’t want anything serious with me. Cause well I’m me and not just that, why would he give up miss perfect?

  This morning when he told me off for ‘pretending like nothing happened’ I knew he was just expecting me to act like a jealous one night fling come morning. Maybe even yell at him, scream at Danni that I crossed a line with her boyfriend. But with neither happened— he may have started panicking thinking I was expecting him to leave her.

  I pushed open the clubhouse door. Well this was just going to be joyful.

  Why the fuck did I always fall for men I could never have? This was just like my drug addiction. But instead my new addiction was to men— that would only hurt me in the end.



  My Dad never had good timing. I swear if you didn’t want to be contacted, or were in a situation that needed your attention— you can guarant
ee Dad’s going to call. So when my phone started ringing as soon as I got in the car, I was surprised.

  Usually Dad’s phone calls caught me at bad timing, but this timing was perfect- because I really didn’t want to talk to Tyler. I could see Tyler’s frustration as soon as I put the call through the Bluetooth.

  I had told Dad, Tyler was in the car. So unlucky for Tyler but lucky for me, Dad turned his phone call to me, into Tyler’s monthly report call.

  I has never been so pleased for Dad to be calling. By the time I pulled up to the hospital, Tyler and Dad were still talking.

  I parked out from of the hospital in a loading zone.

  “Look I’m going to have to pick this up another time Revenant.” Tyler eyes were on me. Suddenly I realised I didn’t know what time Danni was finishing. What if he had made us leave early— making sure we had extra time to talk.

  I wanted to complement him on being such a genius but I also, didn’t want to have the conversation he planned on having with me.

  “Don’t be silly I can, go get her.” I unbuckled my seat belt. “You keep talking.” I gave him a smug look, getting out of the car and heading into the hospital. I had no idea what area of the hospital Danni worked in and I had no plans on going to find her. I just took a seat in the foyer, picking up a trashy magazine.

  Dad and chew Tyler’s ear off and I can get some peace and quiet.

  I had really lost touch with the news of celebrities. According to these magazines my style was in, which made me want to change what I was wearing immediately. How could faded tops, leather jackers and black jeans be in style?

  That wasn’t a style— that was a lifestyle.

  “What are you doing here?”

  My eyes snapped up. Right. The reason I had been waiting here to begin with. I knew Tyler had lied about what time Danni knocked off, because it had been over half an hour, and it looked like now, Danni had just finished.


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