05 Laid Open

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05 Laid Open Page 3

by Lauren Dane

  “Beautiful.” Erin slowly turned in a circle.

  “Not as beautiful as you.” Ben moved to her, grabbing her hair and yanking it back, exposing her throat to his mouth. Todd leaned against the doorjamb and watched the two of them. Watched as her eyes fell halfway closed. Saw the moment when her muscles gave over entirely to Ben.

  Watched as Ben brushed away the last bits of her anxiety and replaced that with their connection. Incredible that Todd shared that with them.

  Ben’s gaze sought Todd’s and he nodded. “I think we should have some of this champagne and then head for the water.” Ben indicated the bucket waiting for them, already chilled.

  It was best if they didn’t bring it up or ask her how she was feeling. It only frustrated her, made her feel less than whole.

  Erin smiled, reaching her arms up to stretch, knowing they watched her. “Mmm, yes. After eleventy hours on planes and in airports, an ocean frolic sounds lovely.”

  She’d shifted from all her other roles, to being theirs. Todd put her bag on the bed. It was a small bag and one she was capable of handling herself without a problem. But he liked doing the heavy lifting. Liked making her life easier in all the ways he could.

  And he really liked that she allowed it.

  For a long time he hid what he was. He was ashamed of what he liked. What he craved. The whole time it was Erin who was the key. Erin who kicked his self-imposed walls down.

  Erin, who’d been everything and continued to be.

  She looked up from the bag and caught his gaze, smiling. “Should I be worried about that face you’re wearing right now?”

  He laughed, pulling her into his arms and kissing her. “Only in the best kind of way.”

  Her smile kicked up a few thousand watts. “Good.”

  While her bag was a small one with a few bikinis, little dresses and a toothbrush, his was bigger because he’d brought a number of new toys he wanted to use. Toys she could enjoy at whatever volume she wanted.

  “Any preferences?” She tipped her head to the bed, where she’d laid out several bathing suits of varying shape and color.

  “The pink one Ben got you.”

  He stepped away before he forgot all about the walk and took her right then and there. They had time. Lots of it. He wanted to draw the pleasure out. Plenty of opportunities to gorge himself of her and Ben both.

  Ben changed into a pair of trunks that had Todd second-guessing his choice to not fuck right then. But Todd headed to the champagne, watching as Ben tied the bikini top for her, pausing to slide his hands all over her back and around to cup her breasts.

  They were beautiful together. His man, cherishing their woman.

  She looked back to Todd. “Are you sure this isn’t too skimpy? I’m not twenty-two anymore.”

  Todd poured them all a glass of champagne. “Darlin, come here so I can rub some of you all over me.” He held out a glass and she came to him, taking the glass and getting in close.

  “You look hot. Sexy. And if you recall, I knew you in your twenties. You’re just as gorgeous now. Hell, more so. We’re nearly all alone in the middle of nowhere with sand and sun. I’m all for this bikini.” He kissed her again. “My beautiful artsy freak.”

  She nodded at his endearment. “All yours.”

  Ben moved in behind her. “And mine.”

  “And yours too.” She tipped her head back, resting it on Ben’s shoulder.

  “Damn, there’s so much I have planned to do to you both I don’t even know when to start.” Ben winked at Todd, who grinned back.

  “We have ten days. Plenty of time to make you scream.”

  She smiled as she paused to sip her champagne. “Ready, willing and able any time you want. I’m always amenable to being made to scream by either of you.”

  “And you do it so well.” Todd nuzzled her neck. She sighed, melting into his touch.

  They stood like that for some time, just being with each other and enjoying it.

  “Come on, you two. Let’s go for a walk and watch the sun go down.” Ben drained his glass.

  Todd smiled. “Be back in a sec. Need to change.”

  “Let me get a cover-up.” Erin bent to grab a gauzy, floaty thing she pulled on over her head.

  Ben could hold her hand there. And Todd’s as well. No one was going to care, and if they did, he sure didn’t. This was the first vacation they’d had where they could all be open about who they were to one another. That, in and of itself, made the time and money it took to get there totally worth it.

  Here, so far away from everything, there was no need to be on guard.

  Erin returned to them both, taking their hands with a smile. And that smile was already less shaky than it had been even an hour before.

  She put a hand on his chest and rested her cheek there a moment. “I’m all right.” She knew exactly what he was thinking. Amazing to be known so well.

  “You’re more than all right. You’re perfect.”

  She hugged him tight and he breathed her in.

  “Love you.”

  “Goddamn, me too, beautiful, me too.” Ben kissed the top of her head. Holding her was all he needed. Her body against his never failed to comfort, even as other parts of him were far more excited.

  Todd came into the room wearing shorts and no shirt. His gaze snagged on Erin and then Ben. The heat between them was something Ben still found himself thrilled by. He’d never planned on Todd. Or Erin, for that matter.

  It hadn’t been easy. Sometimes it had been lonely. But every single day Ben found a hundred reasons to love his life. And two of the biggest ones were right there at his side.

  She turned, grabbing Ben’s hand and tugging. “Let’s go. I want to get my toes in the sand.”

  Todd took up on her other side once they got down the stairs from their bungalow to the sand. The weather was perfect. June in Seattle was still cool and rainy, but the weather there was gloriously warm. The breeze kicked up the hem of her skirt, giving him a glimpse of her upper thighs from time to time, and he remembered back to when he’d first met her.

  “You’re thinking. Should we be worried?” Todd winked at Ben.

  “I was remembering one of the first times I’d met Erin. At your place. She had a little dress on, nothing tight or revealing, but when she bent I caught little flashes of the skin at the back of her thigh. She was yours. I tried to remind myself of it. But it was difficult. You made her come in the hallway right behind where I was sitting. Christ.”

  Todd laughed. “I had her wear the egg and a harness on her clit. I played with her pussy all night long.”

  “You got off on doing it where he could hear.” Erin sent Todd a look.

  “So did you.”

  She glanced up at Ben, a smile on her lips. “I did.”

  “A lot has happened since then, but every time I see some secret part of you, just a little forbidden slash of skin like just now in that dress, I remember that. I remember wanting you and Todd both and thinking it would never happen.”

  Erin squeezed his hand and then brought it to her mouth to kiss his knuckles. “It was meant to be. And here we all are, hand in hand in hand, walking on the beach and watching the sunset.”

  “Life is damned good.” Todd breathed in deep and turned with them as they faced the majesty of the sun setting over the water, the sky a riot of purple, peach and blue.

  The breeze ruffled Erin’s hair as she tipped her face up just a little. “I love it here. It’s warm and it smells good. No sound but birds and water. I feel so totally and utterly free.”

  Ben squeezed her hand. “We figured Fiji would be gorgeous. But it’s even more beautiful than I could have imagined.”

  The water lapped against their bare feet and then retreated. The color was a pale and yet v
ivid blue, and against the champagne-colored sand it was only more breathtaking.

  Seduction on every level. Just standing there was foreplay.

  “Makes me wish I had a private island of my own. We could put all our friends and family on it, have a school and all that stuff and just live unbothered in the middle of the ocean, far away from any annoyance.”

  “Can’t say I find much to complain about with that idea.” Ben squeezed her hand.

  Todd paused to pick up a shell, handing it to Erin, who took it with a smile.

  She stopped to pull the dress off and tossed it to the sand behind them, placing the shell on top. “I want to go in. Do you mind?’

  “Seeing you wet and frolicking in a bikini? What am I, Satan?” Todd waded in first and she followed with a laugh before getting out far enough to duck under and flip to her back, swimming lazily. Ben made his way to Todd before he jumped in and began to swim alongside her a moment, and then he pulled away, needing the exercise, needing to burn the stress of travel from his muscles.

  Yes, he could totally do this.

  Chapter Four

  Todd looked to where Ben had finished his laps and left the water. He lazily swam over to follow. Erin had gone back to the bure to read and be alone. It gave him time alone with Ben, which he knew was also intentional on her part. She liked to watch like the beautiful freak she was, but they all three tried hard to give each other some time alone as a twosome. It was good to keep those relationships strong and healthy.

  And right then he wanted to get strong and healthy with that well-over-six-foot-tall mass of gorgeous looking at him like he knew exactly what Todd was thinking.

  Considering how long they’d known each other, and their well-matched sensual appetites, he probably did know exactly what Todd was thinking.

  They met on the blanket they’d set out that morning, tangling fingers as Ben pulled him down to where he lay. Skin to skin, the water beading against their flesh did little to ease that heat. Ben’s free hand went to Todd’s hair, bringing his mouth where he could get at it.

  His taste roared through Todd’s mouth, the scent of sun-warmed skin only adding to the whole experience. The muscles on Ben’s chest bunched and eased as he moved, pressed against Todd as he pushed, wanting to be inside, wanting to touch all he could.

  There was no one anywhere near. No one to see or hear. No one to interrupt Todd as Ben shoved his trunks down and grabbed Todd’s cock, all while still kissing. Todd groaned when Ben took a bite as he kissed his way down Todd’s neck. He hissed in pleasure as Ben licked over the spot.

  “I think you need to suck my cock,” Ben said, rolling to his back with a very smug look.

  At first the sex between them had been hesitant. They’d been best friends for most of Todd’s life. But the foundation of their friendship, together with Ben’s bold acceptance of what they’d had and the potential for what they could have, had given Todd a safety net as he’d opened himself up to Ben’s appeal—outside the bedroom and most definitely in it.

  He couldn’t remember any particular moment that he’d looked at Ben and found him ridiculously desirable—not as a man, but as his man.

  Todd was the more dominant of the two, but when Ben ordered him to suck his cock? It sent a blast of heat through him.

  Todd licked his lips. “Yeah?” He kissed down that rock-hard belly, shoving the swim trunks down Ben’s legs to expose his cock. Todd kissed the head, licking around the crown, and then fisted him at the root, swallowing as much as he could.

  Ben must have approved. He thrust his hips forward, his fingers in Todd’s hair.

  The sun on Todd’s back warmed his skin as he rose and fell, licking and kissing that monster cock until he knew Ben was close. Todd pulled off long enough to get his fingers wet and slid his free hand back, stroking over Ben’s asshole.

  The stroking gave way to a slow push, seeking, slowly stretching. Todd wanted Ben to think about it, about how he’d have that ass before the day was through. The pulse in Todd’s cock beat, throbbing over and over as he found Ben’s sweet spot and began to stroke it in time with his mouth on Ben’s cock.

  “Yes, baby. Suck me, that’s it. God, god, god.” The strain in Ben’s voice tore through his system as need beat at him.

  When Ben came just moments later, he sighed, his fingers in Todd’s hair loosening as he urged Todd up to kiss him.

  The kiss was slow, lazy. Pleasure-drunk.

  Todd flopped to his back with a happy sigh as Ben got his breath back.

  “Gimme a minute. I came so hard my teeth are tingling.”

  Todd laughed. “Oh, no, baby. I’m saving mine for later. Because your ass is mine. I’m going to fuck you until you beg. Maybe I’ll enlist Erin to help tease you.”

  Ben hummed his pleasure and they closed their eyes, remaining side by side as the sun finished drying them off.

  * * *

  Candlelight flickered over skin he’d be tasting in a short while. That was the only thing that kept Todd in his seat as they finished dinner. Erin smiled at him over the rim of her glass.

  “I’m going to have coconut cream pie. I’m just saying. I’ll happily share though.”

  Ben took her hand. “I want to dance with you first.” He stood and she followed.

  Todd watched as they moved, as Ben pulled her to him tightly. Knew from the way her head rested on Ben’s chest that she’d given over to him. Knew her heartbeat would have slowed.

  He liked to watch. That much hadn’t changed. He watched, knowing Ben’s cock grew heavy and hard against her softness. Knew she grew wet, knew her nipples hardened. Knew, too, the way she felt against his body.

  Erin simply fell into Ben’s embrace as they swayed back and forth. He was warm against her skin. He was hard, his cock burning into her belly, teasing her. She knew he’d be using it on her at some point that night.

  “You’re wet, aren’t you?” he murmured into her ear.

  She nodded. “I’m thinking about this.” She brushed side to side over his cock. His fingers on her waist tightened, sending a thrill through her. She leaned back and he kissed down her throat. That’s when she noticed.

  “Todd is watching us.” That made her hot too. The way Todd’s focus sharpened on them was a near-physical touch against her clit. He was a voyeur, which made their triad even hotter.

  “He told me earlier that he was going to fuck me and enlist you to help.”

  They turned so she faced Todd, a smile on her lips as she imagined just what he’d order her to do.

  He sat at their table, sipping champagne. His hair a little bit wind tousled and sun lightened. So big and strong. Both of them so big and strong.

  “Suddenly I think my pie should be for later. We can get it to go.”

  “No.” He twirled her as the song ended and then led her back to their table.


  “I love that pout in your voice. Is Ben denying you something?” Todd pulled her chair closer, his hand resting on her knee.

  “I was suggesting we get pie to go. You know we could eat it. After.”

  Ben looked her over. “I said no. I’m not ready. Yet.”

  Oh. Well. She shivered at the command in Ben’s voice. He clearly had plans, and she was a-okay with that.

  She lowered her lashes, nodding.

  Ben licked his lips and shook his head. “Goddamn, you are a test to my will, gorgeous. Especially when you do that and let yourself be mine.”

  Todd’s fingertips drew circles just inside her knee.

  There weren’t very many people around, and once the sun went down out there, it got really dark. Even so, the thrill of being seen with this man’s hand on her thigh made her soft.

  Ben shifted, pouring her champagne. The server brought the pie and coffee
and then left them alone again.

  Todd sipped and sighed. “Go on. Eat your pie. You’ll need your strength.”

  She fed Ben a piece and then took a bite herself.

  Then Todd’s hand slid higher, his thumb brushing, just barely, against her labia.

  “So hot.” He got in close, speaking quietly as every single cell yearned to hear whatever he was going to say next.

  “When we get back to the bure, I’m going to eat your cunt.”

  She stuttered a breath as that hand slid up just a smidge more. This time the pressure of his thumb slid her skin, wet, slick, against her clit, sending ripples of pleasure outward.

  “Then, I’m going to have Ben suck my cock until he gets me nice and hard. While you watch, of course. Then I’m going to fuck him until he begs. While you sit in front of us. I brought a harness and the egg. For old time’s sake.”

  She struggled to keep eating her pie as he spoke.

  “I’m going to play with you both. While he watches.”

  She turned her head in time to catch such a wicked smile on his face, she dropped her fork.

  “You’re not done with your pie.” Todd tipped his chin toward her plate.

  He was so totally dominant right then she nearly fell out of her chair into a puddle of goo. So. Fucking. Hot.

  Ben held the fork up and she leaned forward, letting him feed her. Todd stroked her hair, his other hand still on her thigh, that devilish thumb of his still brushing against her pussy.

  It was just enough to make her ache, and not enough to make her come. Just as he’d planned.

  “And then,” Todd spoke again as she took that last bite, “and only then, will I let you come. Then Ben can have what he’ll be begging for.”

  “Can I help?” Her words were thick.

  “Oh, gorgeous, you’re so fucking hot you can barely talk. I’m so hard just watching you. You’re wet and starving for my cock, aren’t you?”

  She nodded and Ben groaned. “She’s not the only one.”

  Todd moved his hand and she had to bite her lip to keep from whimpering at the loss of the heat of his palm. He signed the check and stood. There was no hiding his hard-on, right there at her eye level. She looked up into his gaze and licked her lips.


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