Home > Other > BE MY BRAYSHAW > Page 32

by Meagan Brandy


  Mallory is hesitant with her backward steps, but just then he slips inside with confidence.

  He’s with her right now?

  My hand flies to my chest as he wastes no time pushing against her, his hand grabbing at a piece of her blonde hair he seems to love so much.

  “Now I want to hear you beg.” He leans in and as his mouth slides across hers, a metal taste coats mine. His hands slide along her collarbone as he tips his head. “You know how much I loved that… you begging.”

  Oh my god.

  I try to look away but can’t.

  My eyes refuse to leave the pair who match so perfectly, a cloud slipping over my sight as Captain lifts her chin, his strong gaze holding hers.

  The mother of his child.

  The girl he believed over me.

  He leans down, placing his lips on hers, in a slow, gentle kiss that turns the blood in my organs to acid, burning my soul as it eats away at my insides.

  Her hand comes up, her fingers lacing into his on her face.

  “I need to feel you, Mallory. Show me how bad you want me, remind me what it’s like to have a girl like you.”

  As if a blow from a world-class boxer slams into my chest, all the air in my lungs is forced out with a single, harsh, burning breath, leaving me gasping.

  You really do want her.

  He wastes no time, tugging his shirt from his body, and walking her backward.

  They disappear from the screen, showing up in the next little box as they make their way through what must be her house.

  “Where are we going?” she asks him.

  “Outside, on the patio.”

  She attempts to stop his forward advance. “Why?”

  “So your neighbors can see what I’m about to do to you.”

  Mallory gives a hasty nod, but then her eyes cut left, and suddenly they’re staring right into mine through the monitor.

  My muscles freeze as my head tugs back as I realize she knows I’m fucking watching.

  You little bitch.

  She’s in with Mike, but who manipulated who?

  “Wait,” she suddenly whispers, pulling away, and then she grips his hands, shifting and leading him to the right. “I have a surprise for you, Captain.”

  He yanks her into him. “You’re the only prize I want.”

  Hot, angry, dumb girl devastated, tears fill my eyes, but still I can’t look away.

  “Trust me,” she dares to say, and I want to strangle her where she stands.

  But the anger is nothing compared to the rip of my organs as he places his lips on hers, and whispers back, “I do.”

  I fall onto my ass, staring at the stupid black and white screen and wishing for a sudden power outage, because there’s no way I can turn it off.

  As her dress slips from her arms, my tears follow, falling with the same amount of ease.

  She kicks the fancy material to the side, left standing in nothing but a matching bra and panties, and soft pink heels to match.

  “Open the door, Captain. Take me inside, and then we can go outside if you’d like.”

  He makes no move at first, and then a tight nod follows, his eyes closing as his hand comes around her waist, pulling her closer, his other wrapping around the door handle.

  I squeeze my eyes closed.

  And then a lock turns.

  It happens so fast.

  The sound of a door clicking open hits, but I realize it’s not coming from in front of me, but behind me.

  My eyes fly open, my body leaping upright in the same second as my attention stays glued to the wreckage.

  Cap and Mallory stumble inside the room I’m locked inside.

  I shuffle back, the lack of air in my lungs forcing me to bend at the ache’s will.

  Something behind me falls, crashing to the floor, but the impact is nothing compared to when his eyes lift, locking with mine.

  His arms tighten, but around her, as he tilts his head, his mouth gaping open only for no sound to come out.

  “Surprise,” Mallory whispers, grabbing his hands and pulling them from around her body.

  He stands there, frozen in place, his eyes flying across the room, landing on the screen on the small table.

  They narrow on the screen as he pieces it together.

  I watched every move made, heard his every desire.

  “No,” he breathes, shaking his head franticly.

  He darts forward, but Mallory slips in front of me first.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” he asks, but his voice is just above a whisper.

  I’ve lost, that’s what.

  He stands still as a statue as Mallory turns to me.

  Wild, crystal blue eyes meet mine as her clammy palm flattens on my cheek. “Mike thinks he knows what you want.” She leans forward, sliding her lips across my cheek until they meet my hair. “But I know you better, don’t I?”

  “What the hell are you doing?” I whisper brokenly.

  Her soft chuckle fans across my skin and I force myself not to shove her back. “You made me think you cared about me. You pretended to be there for me. You lied to me, Vee, and for what, him? He’s not worth it, he doesn’t deserve you. Look how easy he gave you up.”

  “You’re a crazy bitch,” I hiss.

  Captain frowns, unable to hear our quiet words, and unease creates heavy creases across his brows.

  Mallory grips my chin in a hard hold, forcing words past clenched teeth. “You gave me no choice. I am controlling this party, Victoria, so play along.” Her voice is so low, there is no way he can hear, but she might as well be screaming in my ear when she says, “Play along, and take what you want, Vee, because this will be your one and only chance to have him.”

  My only chance.

  Because he chose her.

  My chest caves as I stare at Captain, and even more so when his focus switches to the beautiful, near-naked blonde in front of me.

  Maybe she’s right...

  Despite what anyone wants, I have no intention of leaving this place, no matter the girl on his arm or the obstacles that may follow.

  This is my home and it will stay so, and she’s making it clear in case it wasn’t, that no matter what she does, she’ll always have a part of him I won’t, and she plans to use it as a tool against me, because I’m the enemy now.

  She’ll always stand in my way, even when she doesn’t want him if it means keeping him from me.

  With that thought, I stand perfectly still as her hands lower to my jeans, and when she unbuttons them, I allow her to push them down.

  She bends over, picking them off the floor and spins on her heels, resting her ass on me, nothing but the thin line of her G-string and my thong between us.

  She tosses them to Captain, who catches them with a tight frown.

  Mallory grabs her hair in her hands and drags it all to the opposite side of her, tilting her head, and like a robot, I give her what she wants.

  I shuffle closer and press my lips to her shoulder.

  Captain’s eyes follow the movement, and slowly my pants fall from his hands.

  “Come here,” she whispers to him.

  Of course, he listens.

  My pulse beats heavy in my throat, vibrates deep within my ears, and only grows louder with each slow step closer he takes.

  “She’s gorgeous,” Mallory says to him, and his features tighten, gaze flying between mine only to cut to hers. “Isn’t she?”

  Her fingers suddenly slide along my outer thigh and he follows the contact as he gives an almost unnoticeable nod, and they dip beneath the band of my underwear.

  It takes everything inside me not to wrap my arm around her neck and choke her on the spot, but then I’ll have to sit back and break a little more as he comes to her rescue.

  So, as she begins to pull them down, pushing them along my thighs, I allow it. They fall to my feet.

  Captain’s eyes fly to mine, a twisted expression taking over his face.r />
  She blocks my exposed body with her own, and asks him, “Are her eyes on yours?”

  His features pull, but he nods, and then her hand slides behind her.

  I grind my teeth together, fighting back tears as she violates me and right here for him to see.

  Her hand slides along my center, and shame colors my neck and cheek as my body reacts to the sensation. My core heats without permission, and I can’t stop the shuddered exhale from escaping, but it helps hide the slight cry that slips out in the same second.

  Mallory’s chest inflates with a heavy inhale, proud of her piece of shit self, and her blue eyes lock with mine over her shoulder. A wicked glint glares into me as she lowers her hand, now cupping me completely.

  Her smile is slow and then she quickly spins to grip me better, still hiding me completely. She brings her lips a fraction from mine, and my eyes fly over her shoulder.

  Captain doesn’t stop her, but why would he?

  He didn’t come here to sleep with me.

  He came for her.

  “Grab me, Victoria,” she commands in a quiet purr.

  Fear and fault make for a heavily polished shield within his eyes.

  If I can’t kiss your lips, Cap, I’ll settle for the travesty of tasting you on hers.

  My hands lift, landing on her naked ribs, and I yank her to me, wishing it was her throat I was squeezing instead.

  Her eyes fire with a taunting gleam, a low, purposeful “yes” following.

  I take her mouth as he did, and when she moans into mine, my heart cries.

  I tear away from her, swallowing back pitiful waterworks that threaten to expose me.

  I’m strong, but not this kind of strong.

  Mallory’s palm finds my outer hip, squeezing as she grips the hem of my shirt, and begins dragging it up.

  “No, wait!”

  We both freeze when Captain finally speaks, and in a loud, panicked tone.

  One that gives him away.

  Gives us away.

  Slowly, Mallory pulls back, her eyes falling to the floor, shifting to him in the next second.

  “So you have touched her body,” she says quietly, my shirt still tight in her grasp. She looks to her finger, at the proof she touched me staring back at her, and glides it along her lips. “But have you tasted her?”

  Captain’s eyes snap to mine, widening, and then narrowing in the same second as he realizes the girl standing between us, the one he once loved, isn’t after him, but me.


  If I could speak, I wouldn’t know what to say.

  Mallory and Victoria.

  The girl I thought I loved, and the girl I now know I do.

  I look into Mallory’s eyes, at the burning jealousy staring back and for the first time, I realize she’s not doing this in a deluded attempt to ‘win’ me.

  She’s jealous of me.

  All of this, the lies, the manipulation, her trying to slide back into my life, our daughter, it had nothing to do with me or us, or Zoey.

  It was about Victoria, and the ache losing her leaves behind, a feeling I know good and fucking well.

  I look to her, and everything shifts into place.

  My life, all the ways I was tested as a boy, as a man, and father, all led me here. To her.

  She came into my town to ruin my family but felt a moral obligation in her gut to save it instead. She turned her back on all she ever knew, the man who gave her a chance at life, even if it wasn’t a good one, for me, a guy she’d never even spoken to, but felt inclined to help.

  She convinced the girl I so frivolously loved to give my daughter the gift of life, forever changing mine in the process.

  Victoria was born, raised, and ruined, all so in the end, she’d be right here today.

  Five feet from me, staring into my eyes with such fervor, a heavy burning need and not for what Mallory is promising, but for her king, happy to be nothing more than a peasant when she deserves a crown of her own.

  Willing to share with a girl she thinks I’ve chosen over her if it means she’ll have a single piece of me, if only for a moment.

  She came here and protected our name without being asked, without permission, and without pause.

  With selfless intent and a pure heart.

  My Beauty.

  My Brayshaw.

  I watch as Mallory gently nudges Victoria, my eyes glued on her as she scoots back on the mattress, lying flat on the plush pillows, her lower half bare.

  Mallory climbs up beside her, laying at her side, her fingertips running along Victoria’s thigh, and Victoria tenses.

  “She deserves more than she’s been given,” Mallory whispers, her voice cracking with emotion, and my eyes tighten, darting to hers and quickly back to Victoria’s. “Doesn’t she?”

  “Yes,” I rasp instantly, and Victoria’s features twist, but I lose her when Mallory’s hand comes up, forcing her face and attention toward her.

  I want it back.

  “Let us have you,” she murmurs, but the edge of her eyes crease. “Say goodbye, have closure.”

  I don’t want closure.

  I want today, tomorrow, always.

  But then Victoria’s eyes meet mine, no hesitation shining within them, and damn if it doesn’t fucking sting.

  She wants this?

  I swallow, my lips flattening.

  How can I deny her a single thing after the shit I’ve put her through?

  I can’t.

  I have to give her whatever she needs, and then I’ll take her home and give her more.

  So when Mallory calls me over with a crook of her finger, tugging on my arm, I climb onto the mattress, lowering my body on Victoria’s free side.

  “Taste,” she whispers, and my eyes fall to the glistening sheen on her lips.

  My gut twists, but when Victoria’s hand finds mine on the mattress, I take reprieve in her touch, lacing my fingers into hers and lean across her body, locking my lips on Mallory’s, tasting Beauty on her, and a low rumble settles in my chest.

  Mallory smirks against my mouth, slowly pulling away.

  She leans down, preparing to kiss my girl, but I can’t take it and nudge Mallory’s shoulder.

  I want her away.

  She doesn’t get angry as I thought she might, but a smile covers her lips and she glides her hand along Victoria’s thighs until she can grip around the back of her leg, holding onto it as she falls beside her on the pillow.

  She’s opened her for me, and when I look to Beauty, she silently begs me to take my place, so I don’t hesitate slipping between her thighs, my arms at her sides, shielding her. Guarding her.

  There’s a heavy strain between her eyes, one that only gets worse when Mallory’s hands slide between us, and we allow her to unclip my belt, pop the button on my jeans and unzip them. They fall open.

  Mallory’s hand glides across me, and the muscles in my back clench.

  I’m about to snap, tell her to get her fucking hands off me when she pulls away on her own.

  “Let her feel,” she whispers, lying back again.

  She watches Victoria watch me.

  I lower my body, applying the slightest pressure to Victoria’s center with mine and she gasps, but she doesn’t touch me, and fuck, I wish she would.

  I want to feel her hands on my skin, I need to feel her hands on my skin.

  Her warmth.

  Her forgiveness.

  Her heart.

  But right now, I’ll settle for her heat if it’s what she wants.

  Anything for you, Beauty.

  I take my knuckle, feathering it along her panty line, and straight down until I meet her clit. I barely touch her, the smallest shortest of grazes, but still she gasps, those thick red lips parting.

  Mallory hums beside her, her own hand disappearing between her legs. “She likes that.”

  “I know what she likes.”

  “So show her. Give her what she needs, Captain.”

  My body shake

  Victoria’s hands on me shake.

  Do we shake in rage or fear or more?

  Am I really about to fuck the girl I’m in love with for the first fucking time with the girl I thought I loved right beside us?

  “She’s ready for you,” Mallory whispers, her shuddered breath fanning over us both.

  Anger builds in my chest.

  Who is she to tell me?

  Victoria is mine, not hers as her twisted mind is trying to convince her.

  A shadow falls over me, one that seems to blanket Victoria the same.

  “Go get us drinks,” the command flies from my mouth before I can stop it, and everyone freezes.

  My eyes meet Mallory’s.

  Ever so slowly her frown slips in place, her body pulling away from us both as a gauged gleam slowly fills her eyes.

  “Please,” I force the word out, doing my best to keep my tone calm when I’m about to lose my shit.

  I can’t do this. I fucking can’t.

  At my side, Victoria squeezes, and then lets go of my hand and my attention snaps to her.

  A dark, tortured demand of acceptance she’s granted herself burns in her eyes, one that has me holding my breath.

  Victoria’s left hand slides into Mallory’s hair, tugging her close.

  White, hot jealousy threatens to blur my vision as Victoria’s tongue, a tongue I haven’t thoroughly tasted, disappears into Mallory’s mouth. With each passing second, a heavy tension carves deeper and deeper into her forehead until she finally pulls back to meet Mallory’s eyes, a dead look in her own.

  “Make us a drink?” she whispers.

  Her approach is much different than mine, and more effective.

  “You want a triple, Vee?” she asks her.

  Victoria nods and just like that, Mallory stands from the bed and walks out.

  It’s us now.

  Me and her.

  My eyes fly to hers, and I open my mouth to speak, but her hand quickly comes up to cover it.

  “Not a sound,” she rasps my own stupid, fucked up rule, sadness lining every inch of her.

  Instantly, I feel like even more of a piece of shit.

  As far as she’s concerned, I gave her so little of me and took even less of her. I touched her, but only if she was quiet.

  She touched me, but my lips were off-limits

  I took away as much emotion as I could.


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