Dragon’s Curvy Patient

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Dragon’s Curvy Patient Page 26

by Daniels, Mychal

  Positioning her lower body back on the bed, he took advantage of the new position’s leverage to increase the depth of his thrusts even more. Sabra welcomed him into her hot body with gusto, keeping in time to meet each of his quickening thrusts.

  Her body was the realization of his best desires, wants, and dreams, yet he wanted more and more. Onward he dove into deeper depths of her silky yet tight core. Relieved that her injury remained calm, Colson chanced moving her to her side to continue his exploration of her womanhood. When her response was more coos of pleasure, he re-entered her body with force, determined to have all that her sweet body offered.

  “F-u-c-k,” she moaned low and slow as her body clenched down on his engorged cock.

  The sensation of her internal contractions about his shaft upped Colson’s pleasure by too many iterations to measure. She was unbelievable in her capacity to arouse and satisfy his thirst.

  Gorging himself on the steady stream of sexual nourishment, Sabra willingly provided, Colson’s body rebounded in ways he hadn’t realized had been that depleted. His senses grew even more enhanced as a new level of awareness unlocked.

  His mounting climax whispered its impending arrival as Colson began to sense the benefits and effects of joining with his mate. His sensation became less about him and more about them. Her pleasure senses bloomed in his being to express themselves. She was about to tip over into pain if he didn’t do what he could to pull her back. Too much of the infernal fire of the power of their mating thrall could ignite searing pain throughout her body.

  He dared to implore his Dragon to give him the knowledge to lessen the intensity of her awakening. Still unable to stop his thirst and hunger for her and in turn stop their lovemaking, Colson grabbed hold of the images his Dragon broadcast and acted on them quickly.

  With the newly gained knowledge, what felt best for her was far from what he’d been doing thus far. Taking this new knowledge into consideration, Colson returned his mate to her back and placed a pillow under her ass to elevate her to the right angle. She watched in anticipatory silence with eyes full of dark passion, arousal, and a bit of pain. The latter hurt him to know she was to endure even more before their joining would be completed.

  Satisfied with the angle of her pussy and knowing it to be on par with the perfect angle for a proper medical examination of that region, Colson snatched another quick scan to make sure he stayed in tune with what would explode her pleasure. Like the petals of the flowers nearby, the essence of the answer floated into his senses and enlightened him on what to do next.

  He placed both of her legs against his chest, keeping them tight and close enough for her small feet to brush against his ears. Knowing her body well enough to proceed, he ran the tip of his cock along her wet seam and played with her swollen pearl long enough to bring her levels up to match his.

  They would climax together while he released his seed deep into her womb.



  Sparks of pleasure, barbed with the tinged edges of pain, ignited her core.

  What started out as amazing physical sex had transformed into a stunning journey. Sabra ascended into the unknown levels of a sensual extravaganza that only her Dragon could elevate her to. She rode the wings of Dragon might as she teetered on the edge of extremes—pain and pleasure. The higher she flew with her Dragon, more consciousness unveiled itself to grant her access to higher degrees of presence.

  Competing sensations awakened intense reactions within as she marveled in their lovemaking. Sabra needed a release valve. She had to manage the mounting pressure within. Sensual awareness stimuli streamed in from points too many to count. Without relief, she'd explode soon. Sabra’s breath caught in her throat. He’d warned her and Sabra had rushed into this mating, not taking his counsel to heart.

  Lesson learned.

  Too depleted to continue with this pace while producing the power to keep up with Colson’s needs, she searched for the answer to successfully complete her mating.

  Help me, please? I must get through this. I want this mating to be successful. I wish it for both of us. She asked for help from whomever or whatever listened and cared. Her top priority was to finish with a quality, strong joining with Colson—come Hell or high water.

  A realization that she was aware of the tug of the moon’s impact on the Earth’s rotational journey began to dawn. Sabra could swear she knew the exact positions of Mercury, Venus, Mars and the Moon as she became the center of the universe. They moved in elliptical arcs as she looked through the vortex that extended from her placement to see them. The celestial beings’ influence colored the atmosphere with complementary and opposing forces.


  Mercury’s energy moved fast, giving the interpretation to the happenings she managed to isolate. The attracting nature of Venus’s desire for pleasure connected and pulled at Mars. His forceful ram energy projected his force of will on Venus. The back and forth resulted in the sensations of pain and pleasure made manifest in Sabra’s body. The Moon’s close proximity to the Earth added in her ability to feel the exchange. Mercury’s influence of thought and communication drove her mind to process every instant as it unfolded.

  How she knew any of this was a mystery Sabra attached to the magical influence of her Dragon mating. As her intellect whizzed with new thoughts and never before accessed knowledge, streams of electricity that she could only explain as magic pulsated and throbbed through her mass.

  On their physical plane, Colson’s body drove into hers in long, artful strokes. He was immense in every way and completely filled her core. The room around them spun on an axis to mimic the rotation of the Earth. Another searing streak of pain-pleasure scorched her depths demanding attention to focus and stay in her physical embodiment in this physical realm. His next thrust erased the impact of the opposing force. A great duel progressed between Venus and Mars—played out in Sabra’s physical and etheric realms. Previous strokes of red-hot, poignant, pleasure-tinted pain gave way to a concentrated pool of deep-blue refreshing, rapturous water of pleasure. On and on it went.

  One moment what she thought was pain would morph into undeniable pleasure. Slashes from the whip of pain would give way to the feathery kisses of pleasure in a demented tango. To her frustration, Sabra was never able to pinpoint and lock onto one or the other. Did she really need to pee? Or, did her body play strange tricks why wreaking havoc with her senses?

  Do you want this joining? How much? Are you willing to fight for it?

  The mental taunt resounded in her head as a new round of warring sensations took their positions. It was then Sabra understood, nothing born of magic or man with any chance for success came easy. She opened her eyes to see the strain and exertion on Colson’s face. They were locked in a ritual with eternal consequences.

  Can you finish what you’ve started? The soul is willing but is your flesh too weak?

  Without having to reason it out, the intent of that question ushered in the next phase of their joining.

  Bring it on, Bitch! She allowed her thoughtful reply to fly in the face of whatever the ways of the Universe decided to fling her way.

  Mars’ moved into a position of dominance to exert a will to mate in their vigorous and rapturous joining. Stabbing jolts of energy poked and pushed from her inside out as more of the energy she’d taken in concentrated itself into these spears. To his credit, Mars guided her creation of a much-needed release valve. It seemed the aggressive, red one wasn’t as bad as his persona led her to believe. Sabra gladly accepted the help and obeyed his every inclination.

  She’d work out the energy through uninhibited movement. Instead of attempting to manage the force within, she’d embrace her natural ability to receive, magnify, and then release it. Sabra’s body arched and shook, allowing some of the pressure to discharge. Moans and little yips joined in to express out more of the volatile energy coursing through her meridians. A dance of undulating arches, swiveling hips, and gyrating counter-thru
sts mingled with her cries to dispel the electric passion Sabra received from her mate.

  Once able to work without the impacted energy driving her mad, Sabra’s body responded by demanding more of whatever it was they created.

  What. The. Fuck?

  She couldn’t help herself as she physically felt the magnetic pull her body produced to draw her mate into her. More and more, the mounting tug grew.

  This was Electromagnetism.

  Mercury’s power slid the knowledge of what it meant for opposites to attract—electromagnetism—to her knowing. Mars’ influence slammed it into her knowledge base. Sabra bucked with the impact of another download of information from the eternity code of all life.

  She was the negative energy of magnetism pulling Colson’s positive electricity to fill her. Their joining produced exponential power that she released into this realm. The essence of Ava’s prophecy moved at the speed of subconsciousness to weave the potential for Sabra to take in Colson’s seed and magnify it into a baby Dragonling. Too occupied with being in the moment, her conscious mind strived to keep up with the various happenings going on in the now.

  Sabra’s soul opened to receive all the subliminal messages the celestial forces implanted into her eternal records. Even if Sabra couldn’t readily access them, the event of her joining with her mate would be recorded and kept ad infinitum.

  The radiant power emanating from Colson pierced her to her most profound existence. Locked in the duality of extremes, she vacillated between wanting nothing more than for this exquisite torture to be over and wanting their joining to never end.

  Sabra’s fingertips pulsed and throbbed as the dominating energy she took into her body ached to explode through them. She grasped at her mate as he plunged deep into her again and again. Never had she experience sensation to this extent. Every minute detail of his member etched itself along the column of her womanly walls. Confident that Colson had branded himself onto her inner core, Sabra wasn’t prepared for the abrupt change in her sensual response to his movements.

  Her breath deepened and her voice refused to utter anything as her eyes took in the scene unfolding between her and Colson. Their intimacy had grown to the point of full exposure. There wasn’t any part of her Sabra was willing to hide from her mate. They’d come to this point where privacy was theirs together and not individualistic. Sabra’s body opened more to accommodate as much of his impressive manhood as possible.

  Venus’s nature and desire to obtain synchronicity smoothed out the rough collisions of their joining. Her influence promoted a harmony of their moving parts. Sabra found her rhythm that complimented her mates. Her breathing regained its center, and her thoughts reduced their barraging input to flow in a steady but simplified manner.

  Whew! Sabra settled down, finally able to enjoy and be in the moment—or so he hoped.

  Colson moved her onto her back where he proceeded to put Sabra’s legs in the air. Once her feet were close to his ears, he began to penetrate her in an almost delicate manner, taking time to draw out each movement. What had been a fervent ride of raw erotic stimulation melted into the polished progression of passion. Tensions in her body uncoiled and relaxed as the synapses fired off messages of ecstatic pleasure in a spray of excitement. Rapturous echoes of his lovemaking reverberated strong enough to rattle Sabra’s sense of self.

  This must be what it meant to be fucked senseless.

  Which way was up? How did she keep a steady rhythm in her breathing? On and on, questions revolved around actions usually relegated to her autonomic nervous system. Sabra could swear her heart rate ran in tandem with his—faster than she’d ever experienced. That idea gained traction as truth when she realized they both wore the sheen of perspiration as the garments woven through rigorous lovemaking.

  Would she survive their joining? She had to.

  Then it revealed itself—a mountain dedicated to hosting the best orgasm she’d ever known. The promised destination rested at the top of the summit—their sexual promised land.

  “Fuck, that feels good,” her voice sounded in the distance as Colson’s turgid member continued to move in and out of her quivering sex.

  He was her Sherpa leading the expedition to the top of that summit. She was the eager enthusiast following with blind faith in his ability. Her insides sizzled with fire as if clearing away anything but the mental image that formed.

  Flashes of a Dragon and a comparably sized fiery bird clashed and danced in an electric sky. Too awesome to dismiss as folly, Sabra loosened and relaxed the hold on her imagination to allow the spectacle to play itself out. Mercury and Venus worked together to mute some of Mars’ brute force. The vision sparkled with new clarity. Her pleasure provided the ease of acceptance Sabra needed to allow the scene to play out before her mind’s eye.

  The Dragon advanced while the fiery bird bit and resisted. The bird’s fire intensified into an explosion of fireballs as the Dragon remained close and held its position. Once exhausted from its impassioned show, the bird grew limp to the point of descending to earth only to have the Dragon scoop it up and take them both to higher heights. In the resurrection through the Dragon’s strength, the fiery bird shone brighter. No longer in need of the Dragon’s assistance to ascend, instead of pushing the Dragon away, the fiery bird joined with the Dragon in a synchronistic dance high in the heavens.

  The silhouette of the two beings burned an etching of their union into her memory. Whatever she’d witness, Sabra felt the weightiness of the message locked behind a wall that blocked her way to its meaning. She wrestled with the meaning for a second before the physical impact of a mounting orgasm demanded her attention.

  High up on the mountain, the rare air of her cataclysmic orgasm tempted and teased its approaching impact. Waves of tingling erotic energy thrust into her. Each wave promised more sensuous stimulation as the crest of the majestic peak drew closer. Her body moved on its own dancing with the electricity of the intense moment. A knowing that they were at the entry to their joining imprinted itself onto the records of her essential knowledge of all as a celebratory event. This knowing of the exact time and place of the moment she stood before the entrance to the rest of her life worked to establish itself as a fact and truth in the eternal annals of her life. The gravity of the situation settled over her understanding. This was it—the joining would be completed after this moment.

  “Bria look at me,” Colson’s sex-addled voice called out. “It’s time. I want to join with you looking into your beautiful soul.”

  Twin flames of Dragon-fire she’d witness when his Dragon greeted her before danced in his eyes. The sight mesmerized and cajoled her into relaxing to revel in their moment. A binding restraint dropped to the lower realms. Its release freed Sabra’s ability to let go enough of her constant need to analyze thing to move out of her head and into herself as an entire being. Sabra would commemorate this once-in-a-lifetime event with the proper awareness their joining deserved.

  Soft but definite, an internal pop deep within her body removed a vital barrier between Colson and her. Mercury was on his job elevating her understanding that the pop had been the opening of her root chakra. Represented by the Moon, that chakra’s wheel rotated to keep her tethered to this Earthly plane. With it open she’d know that she was provided for, loved, and supported in her union with Colson in this realm. She’d been reunited with her ability to be here.

  Every thrust, gyration, and sensation they shared evolved to heights of pleasure that dwarfed anything she’d ever experienced. Her hands pawed and tugged for him to come closer, deeper, and faster into her willing and wanton body. An insatiable hunger for him drowned out everything else. At this moment nothing existed but Colson in her world.

  Her legs moved down and around his narrow waist to pull him into her body as much as possible. Sabra locked her ankles and thrust up to meet his fast-paced tempo. With her mate in the tight confinement of her legs, he moved in ways beyond description. Colson’s smooth, powerful move
ments ushered her into a dance of souls as they drove a determined path to joining.

  “Look at me, Bria!”

  Sabra returned her focus to his as her body trembled and quaked with the mounting pull, she demanded of him. Colson’s eyes blazed with an internal flame she knew dwelled within both of them.

  “Are you ready?” he asked his voice heavy with vehement emotion.

  Her response was to nod, too overcome by the swirling effects of the mating to manage anything more. Could her body contain any more of his fire and energy? Would she exist after the coming explosion Sabra sensed coming? Shaking the questions away to experience the event, her fingers found their way to Colson’s nape where they tugged and stroked his thick locks. Another pop went off inside of her. This one was greater and more profound in its impact.

  The now familiar brush of Mercury’s communication filled her with yet another download of instantaneous information. This pop signaled the opening and rotation of her passion chakra. She had inhabited the right to feel. Sabra had claimed the right to healthy sexual expression, the ability to know passion, drive, and pleasure and to express it with a freedom void of shame and needless self-restraint.

  Governed by Mercury, the androgynous energy sprinkled more sexual expressive freedom on her soul through the third chakra as Sabra adjusted her thinking to accept the upgrade. Without having to ask, Sabra knew her other chakras had opened as well. She sensed Venus’s loving aspect of harmony in her solar plexus that housed the third chakra. The gift of being strong and stable washed away any doubt that she couldn’t endure the joining until the end.

  Vibrant greens mingled with the yellow of the third chakra to guide her into the fourth. Ruled by the steadfast Sun, it’s light filled her with joy and nurturing excitement for her future. She could love and be loved in abundance, and it felt great! Sabra’s attention was about to drift away when the firm grip of Mars introduced his domain over the fifth chakra of the throat.


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