Fallen Darkness (The Trihune Series Book 2)

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Fallen Darkness (The Trihune Series Book 2) Page 1

by Austin, RB

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55

  Chapter 56

  Chapter 57

  Chapter 58

  Chapter 59

  Chapter 60

  Chapter 61

  Chapter 62

  Chapter 63

  Chapter 64

  Chapter 65



  The TRIHUNE Series: Book 2



  New York




  Cover Design by Melody A. Pond

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, business establishments, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

  The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

  Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  Published in the United States of America by

  Soul Mate Publishing

  P.O. Box 24

  Macedon, New York, 14502

  ISBN: 978-1-61935-914-7


  The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.

  To those in need,

  the darkness in your life doesn’t define you.


  To Pam. For your awesomeness with all things writing. For reading my story with a fine red pen even through the cover-your-eyes parts. For your plot whisperer skills—I bow to your superiority. For your encouragement and fine wisdom of, “If it doesn’t make you happy, then don’t do it.” (Guess what? It really makes me happy. Does that mean I’m crazy?)

  To Skye. I love you more.

  To Brian. For understanding when I hole up in my writing room for days at a time. You’re truly the better half.

  To Michael and Alex. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life.

  To Debby, my wonderful editor Cheryl, and the rest of the SMP family. Thank you for making me sound better, look amazing, and instilling confidence. Maybe I can make it at this writing thing.

  Definition of Trihune characters and words

  ach Brother.

  adohn Term of respect, means lord of the house or ruler.

  ADM After Dawn Meeting.

  Alexandros A Woyr leader of the east region.

  amohsea Term showing subservience, means master.

  bahshrett A Trihune member’s true equal, the other half of their soul.

  BDM Before Dusk Meeting.

  Behnshma Supernatural beings created by the Sonh to be protectors to the Followers. There are seven

  Behnshma Septs, or divisions, around the earth.

  Benjamin A Behnshma from Sept Seven Alaska. He has the ability to astral project.

  Caderyn A Behnshma leader of Sept One Oregon. He has the ability to read minds and erase long-term memories.

  choghen Priest.

  Drew A Behnshma from Sept Seven Alaska. He has the ability of psychometry.

  ebhed A servant employed by Trihune members.

  Enyo A Woyr from the north region.

  Fallen Dead beings created by Apollyon. They consume souls in order to survive.

  Followers Humans.

  Gabriel A Behnshma from Sept One Oregon. His attractiveness is considered his ability.

  John A Behnshma leader of Sept Two Greenland. He has the ability to sense others’ powers.

  Lars A Behnshma from Sept Four Norway. Fights with knives, always hits his mark.

  Lucas A Behnshma from Sept One Oregon. He’s an empath.

  nheqeba Female.

  Nikomachos A Woyr leader of the north region.

  pnachum A ritual used when a Trihune member severely wrongs another member.

  Sarid A Behnshma from Sept One Oregon. Houses a demon called the Other.

  Semyon A Behnshma from Sept Three Russia. Doesn’t discuss his ability.

  Shaydes Supernatural beings created by the Holyspiryt. Shaydes guard the gate between the heavens and the underworld.

  Thomas A Behnshma from Sept Seven Alaska. Strong martial arts fighter.

  Trinyty Comprised of the Fathyr, the Sonh, and the Holyspiryt. Created by the Creator to be His guardians and confidants. With the Creator, they are one, sharing his innermost thoughts, and He theirs.

  Trihune Comprised of Behnshmas, Woyrs, and Shaydes. Created by the Trinyty to be the true sacred defenders of the Creator and His Followers.

  William A Behnshma from Sept Four Norway. Has the ability to move so fast he appears to be teleporting.

  Woyrs Supernatural beings created by the Fathyr. Woyrs appear human but show their true form when near Apollyon or his Fallen.

  zakaar Male.

  When one who has traded sides is shown, the end has begun.



  Trust in one another.

  Do not break apart.

you are stronger.

  It is time for separation to end.

  For forces in like to join.

  Gather your brothers.

  Gather those born from the Fathyr.

  Some will die.

  Some will be lost.

  In the end, all will be saved.

  This was why you were created.

  The Creator has given you the power to serve Him.

  Do not fail.

  Do not disappoint.

  A map has been foretold.

  Its key long lost.

  Find the key.

  Find the way.

  Find the truth and triumph.

  Chapter 1

  “What the fuck were you thinking?”

  Lucas ignored Gabe. Easy to do when the bullet lodged deep in his deltoid commanded his attention; his shoulder throbbed with every step down into the basement.

  Not so easy to ignore was the constant thud of his heart from Gabe’s worry. Especially when mixed with the roar of rushing water in his ears that said his brother was super pissed as well.

  Since birth, Lucas has had the ability to read others’ emotions. Anger. Joy. Hunger. Exhaustion. Pain. The symptoms would emerge in Lucas. The emotion would become Lucas’s.

  It sucked. Big, hairy balls sucked.

  “I told you to wait until I checked the first floor rooms,” Gabe continued.

  Another wave of pain ran through Lucas’s shoulder ending with a thud of his heart. He grimaced. At least the waterfall sound had eased. “A Follower’s life was on the line.”

  “You walked into the middle of gun fire!”

  Aaand the water was back. “It wasn’t the middle.” They passed the gym and a zap hit Lucas’s spine followed by a volatile rush of fear, anger, and pain.

  Sarid was near.

  Another wave of the Sept brother’s emotions ran through him. Normally Lucas could deal, but today it was like being shot with a taser.

  He stumbled.

  Gabe reached out and steadied him, inadvertently pressing against his injured shoulder.

  Lucas hissed as pain rippled through him.

  “Are you all right, adohn?” Michael, one of the HQ’s ebheds, asked from behind.

  “Fine. Thank you.” Lucas managed through clenched teeth. He moved away from Gabe’s touch and continued toward the infirmary near the end of the hall where Martha stood inside the doorway. She, Jeeves, and their two sons, Andrew and Michael, were the Sept One ebhed servants. Lucas brushed past her, easing out of his jacket as he headed toward the stretcher.

  “Bullet wound. Left shoulder,” Gabe reported. “Idiot walked into the middle of gun fire.”

  Lucas grunted in pain as he removed his cashmere sweater. It was stuck on his skin where blood from the wound had dried. “It wasn’t the—son of a bitch!”

  Martha had donned a pair of gloves and was prodding the hole the bullet had left. “Sorry, adohn,” she murmured, before moving around to his back.

  “Shall I have these mended and cleaned?” Jeeves picked up the jacket and sweater.

  Lucas began to shake his head, then inhaled sharply when Martha poked him again. She stepped away, speaking quietly to Michael.

  “They’re toast,” Lucas told Jeeves. It was a toss-up what was more annoying; the bullet in his shoulder, his cocktail of worry and anger that still pulsed through him, or the fact that his jacket was trash. The piece had cost him three grand. He wasn’t happy about the damage to his sweater either, but that was only half the cost. Plus he had two more in different colors.

  “As you wish, adohn.” Jeeves bowed and left the room.

  Martha gently pushed against his uninjured shoulder and Lucas complied, swinging his legs onto the bed and easing back.

  Lucas met Gabe’s gaze and tried to dispel at least one of the emotions running through him. “I’m sorry, brother.”

  Gabe opened his mouth—

  “I thought we solved this problem?” Cade’s voice thundered through the room.

  Everyone froze.

  The water in Lucas’s ears that had been slowly fading rushed back as if a damn had suddenly become unblocked.

  Great. Just what he needed. Lucas glanced at the Sept One leader. Then the words Cade spoke registered. His jaw clenched, hands fisting. For the first time he welcomed the pain that ran down his left arm. “This has nothing to do with that.” Though right now, he wished it did. At least then, he’d still have his emotional buffer.

  Two months ago Gabe had lain on the concrete bleeding out. Lucas had attacked what he assumed was a normal Fallen enemy until he’d brushed against the thing’s skin.

  Pure, undiluted evil.

  Lucas’s empathic ability, always heightened with touch, had sucked in the demon’s essence. Rage had consumed him. Hatred. And a need to demolish the demon that had almost killed his brother. Lucas had no desires, no reactions, but his own. Oh, he still received readings, just didn’t give a damn. It’d been too easy to dismiss those around him and concentrate on his own wants. For the first time, he’d been able to escape the burden of carrying everyone’s emotions, but his own.

  Gabe scowled. “He walked right into the middle of gun fire without waiting for back up.”

  A low growl erupted from Lucas’s throat. Seriously, does Gabe have nothing else to say?

  Cade whipped his head around.

  Lucas cut the growl, clenching his fists again. “A Follower’s life was on the line.” His voice rose, gaze swiveling from his boss to his partner. “Gabe is making more of a deal than necessary. It’s not the first time one of us has been shot, and it certainly won’t be the last. Everything worked out. The Fallen was eradicated and we were able to get the human Follower help before she died, which she would have if I hadn’t intercepted when I did.”

  Martha put a gentle hand on Lucas’s uninjured arm. Blood streamed out of his wound and ran down his shoulder. “Relax, adohn,” she said softly.

  Lucas unclenched his hands and willed his upper body to sink into the bed. The room was silent, filled only with Martha’s quiet commands to her son as they worked over Lucas to extract the bullet.

  Cade moved forward until he filled Lucas’s line of sight. “We’re not to take unnecessary risks. It’s why we patrol in pairs. To rely on each other for survival in order to ensure the success of our mission.”

  “I know this,” Lucas answered through clenched teeth, wishing he could palm the metal star in his pocket, hoping Cade thought his brusque tone had more to do with pain instead of rising anger. Most of it, his own.

  Cade studied him for a long moment. “Good. Then it won’t happen again.”

  “Of course not.” Lucas forced a smile that turned into a grimace when Martha tugged the forceps from the wound, a small bullet clutched in its grasp.

  Cade nodded. “We’ll debrief in the Conference Room in thirty minutes for the ADM (After Dawn Meeting).”

  “I’ll be there,” Lucas said.

  Gabe didn’t follow Cade out, just leaned against the wall and watched as the ebhed finished. His emotions were blessedly silent.

  Few minutes later Martha stepped back, snapping her gloves off. “No stitches. The wound began to close as soon as the bullet was removed.”

  Lucas sat up. Rolled his shoulders. His left muscle felt tight, but there was no pain. In an hour it’d no longer be stiff. Sweet relief. “I don’t know what we’d do without you, Martha.”

  The ebhed harrumphed. “Just try not to get shot again.”

  “I’ll do my best.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  Tsking, she waved her hand. “Go on with you. Get cleaned up for the ADM.”

  Gabe fell into step as Lucas headed out.

  I’d appreciate it
if next time you come to me with your worries before airing them in front of the Sept,” Lucas said.

  “Give your word then. Promise you’ll stop making stupid decisions that could end your life.”

  His heart thudded. Once. Twice. Some of his irritation at Gabe diminished. He placed a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Please. Stop worrying.”

  “You’re family, Lucas. Worrying comes with the territory.”

  “Do I still act like a crazed person?”

  “I’ll admit you aren’t all juiced up about killing that demon anymore. But you’ve changed, Lucas. Ever since that night.”

  Lucas shook his head. Anger rose again. Trickling water that could quickly turn into a gusher. His or Gabe’s?

  They passed the gym. Lucas received another hit of rage then terror.

  Sarid was still inside. When not patrolling, the scarred brother could most often be found punishing his body on the treadmill or weight bench until exhaustion, or mealtimes, forced him to relent.

  Thankfully this time around, Lucas was able to manage the swarm of feelings coming from Sarid. He frowned. Was the intensity of his brother’s emotions growing steadily worse? Or was it Lucas’s inability to deal? Hopefully not the former. The whole HQ would be in for a world of hurt if Sarid couldn’t get himself under control. “How about some ball? After the ADM? We can ask Sarid to play third.”

  The lines in Gabe’s forehead grew more pronounced before relaxing. He sighed. “Sure.”

  At the top of the stairs on the main floor they parted.

  “Don’t think I didn’t realize you haven’t promised to stop acting the hero.” Gabe stepped toward the kitchen.

  Lucas paused halfway up the stairs to the second floor. “We’re all heroes, Gabe. That’s our job.”

  Chapter 2

  Kate tugged on the ends of her black, pleather gloves making sure they were still in place.


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