Fallen Darkness (The Trihune Series Book 2)

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Fallen Darkness (The Trihune Series Book 2) Page 20

by Austin, RB

  Panic reared. “You can’t leave the HQ. You need to rest. To—”

  “I meant my room. I need to go to my room.” She made it one step before listing to the side.

  Lucas had less than a second to make a decision because Kate wasn’t even trying to catch herself. “I’m sorry.” He swept her up just before she hit the ground. She didn’t protest. Made no noise. Her face had lost all color, lids squeezed shut.

  Lucas lowered her on top of the bed.

  Her body relaxed, but her arms were stiff, hands clasped tightly over her stomach.

  “I’ll go get your gloves.”

  “Thanks,” she said on an exhale, not lifting her lids.

  The gym was empty when Lucas stepped inside. He scooped up Kate’s gloves from the treadmill and was back in his room less than two minutes later. She hadn’t moved.

  She was still too pale. Her breathing grew shallow as she slid her gloves on, then bracing her hands against the mattress, sat up.

  “Should you be doing that?” he asked.

  “I can’t sleep here.” But instead of rising, she leaned against the headboard, her eyes drifting shut again.

  “It’s fine, Kate. Just sleep. I’ll leave you alone.”

  “If I slip, accidentally touch something, I’ll have another vision,” she mumbled.

  “So what do you need? How can I help?”

  “My jacket. From my room.”

  He paused at the doorway. “It’s okay if I touch it? Should I wear gloves?”

  She licked her lips, shaking her head. “No. It’s fine. I never get a vision from the same object more than once.”

  Lucas walked across the hallway and into her room. Her jacket lay on a chair in the far corner. Her bed was unmade. She was messy. It was something he hadn’t known about her. Then he noticed the comforter and pillow missing. He frowned, rounded the bed.

  She was sleeping on the floor? Why?

  He grabbed her jacket and after one more glance at her makeshift bed, left the room. Kate was still sitting up, head against the board at an uncomfortable angle.


  She took the jacket from his outstretched hands. With slow deliberate movements, twisted and laid the jacket over his pillow. Then as if all the energy suddenly left her body, flopped down, lids shutting, face resting against her jacket.

  Lucas startled, striding forward, but slowed when deep, even breaths filled the room. Sleeping. She was just sleeping.

  I never get a vision from the same object more than once.

  Did that go for people, too?

  What happened to Sarid? Is that what happened when she touched people? Could she have killed his ach? Sarid’s pale, lifeless form flashed in his head. With one last glance at Kate he left the room. Lucas felt the zap, thump, and brush along his spine as he neared Sarid’s room. Everyone was present. The door was open. Cade stood just inside. He turned when Lucas walked up.

  Lucas braced himself for Cade’s wrath. For demands that Kate be removed immediately. They never came. Warm breezes of concern didn’t waft through his veins either—thanks to the gang members—but Lucas read the look on his Sept leader’s face.

  “How is he?” He stepped over the threshold to see for himself. Sarid lay in the middle of his bed, two mattresses stacked on top of each other. No bedframe. No pillow. No comforter or blanket. Just a black sheet pulled up to his waist. The rest of his room was just as bare. No dresser. Nothing on the walls. No windows. No other furniture. No closet.

  His ach’s eyes were open. Breaths even. But his coloring hadn’t yet returned. Gabe sat on the edge of the bed, his wrist over a gold chalice Lucas recognized from the Ceremonial Chamber. The smell of blood was in the air. If Sarid was well enough to refuse Gabe’s blood at his wrist, to insist on drinking from a cup, he must not be so bad off.

  Sarid’s gaze lifted. “I am well. How is the nheqeba?”

  “Sleeping.” Lucas stopped a few feet from the end of the bed. Gabe held the cup out to Sarid, while licking the cut along his inner arm to seal it.

  “Did he tell you what happened?” Lucas asked, looking first to Gabe and then Cade who had walked up beside him.

  Cade nodded, face grave. “I’ll need to speak with the nheqeba when she wakes.”

  Lucas frowned. “Kate. Her name is Kate.”

  Cade studied his face for a moment before nodding.

  “Why do you need to speak to her? She didn’t do it on purpose. She’s not at fault here.” He paused, realizing how that sounded. He glanced at Sarid. His ach was watching him as he drank. Lucas couldn’t see the Other but nevertheless felt its presence. “It was an accident.”

  Cade held up his hand. “I’m not blaming Kate. But her ability is far more than reading emotions and receiving visions from objects. What she did to Sarid,” he paused, shook his head. “He could’ve died if you hadn’t pulled her off him. It’s one thing to have a Follower here, but quite another to have one with the ability to kill us.”

  So it was as he thought. Kate had been draining Sarid’s life. Then he processed the last of Cade’s words. “She stays here with the same fear.” He remembered the blankets on the floor. It wasn’t because she was unused to the comforts of a bed. “What exactly happened?” he asked again, this time to Sarid.

  His ach lowered the cup with two hands, licked his lips. “I startled her when I came into the gym. The music was on. Loud. She didn’t hear me enter.”

  Lucas’s eyes narrowed, his fists clenched. Sarid had frightened her.

  His ach glanced at Lucas’s hands, expression passive. “When she saw me in the mirrors, she stumbled and her foot caught the edge of the treadmill. She began to fall. I raced to catch her, only realizing too late that her gloves were off.”

  Lucas blinked. Sarid had willingly gone to Kate. To touch her.

  “She yelled for me to stop. Didn’t want to touch me, but it was too late at that point. Her momentum and my position, it was inevitable. At first I didn’t feel anything. I saw her eyes turn yellow. She stiffened in my arms. Then she screamed. Continuously. That’s when the images flew into my head. Of my past,” he added softly, not looking at any of them. “My heart rate accelerated. So fast. I didn’t realize at first she was the cause of it. A sharp pain in my arm followed. It grew difficult to breathe. Similar to what the Follower’s call a heart attack, I presume.” Sarid paused. Lifted his head. “It was strange though. The Other didn’t react to her at all or to the fact I was dying. The opposite, actually. Like he was afraid of her.” Another pause. “The Other only acts like that during ceremonies.”

  Lucas frowned. “I thought it was Elias who held it at bay?”

  Sarid shook his head. “No. The moment Elias enters the chamber the Other hides.”

  “What does it mean?” Gabe asked.

  Sarid shrugged, brought the chalice to his lips again.

  “It doesn’t mean anything,” Lucas said. “Not about Kate. Sarid confirmed she didn’t mean to touch him.”

  All eyes were on him now.

  He frowned. “What? It doesn’t. Kate’s fine. I’ve checked with Martha. I know she’s been reporting to you,” he said to Cade. “The ebhed is thrilled to have her help, especially with the extra work from the coming Septs. She says Kate’s a hard worker.” He’d been proud to hear that, though he’d already known it. “Even mentioned she wouldn’t mind her staying on.” So he embellished a bit, but he was sure Martha would agree.

  “I’m not planning on kicking Kate out, Lucas,” Cade said. “At least not yet. And I think what Gabe means is if the Other is afraid of Elias and also afraid of Kate, it’s something we need to look in to.”

  Lucas’s scowl deepened. Was that good or bad? Kate wouldn’t want more attention on her. He’d planned to question her when she woke, b
ut carefully, so she wouldn’t feel attacked.

  “Bring her to me when she wakes,” Cade commanded.

  Lucas stilled. “I don’t think that’s—”

  “I’m not asking.” Cade’s voice hadn’t risen, but it was unyielding. “Bring her to me when she wakes.”

  Lucas’s eyes glowed. Cade’s lips were moving, but he couldn’t hear anything over the roar in his ears. Then Gabe’s hands were on his chest as if holding him back. He paused, confused, until Cade stepped into his line of sight.

  Lucas lunged.

  His leader didn’t move. Only raised his arms, pressed his hands to Lucas’s cheeks, mouth still moving.

  He wanted to rip the motherfucker’s head off for . . . for . . . Kate.

  The anger was slipping. He wanted it back. Needed it.

  Next he was sitting on the edge of Sarid’s bed, head low, Cade’s palm on his shoulder. Gabe sat next to him, so close the sides of their bodies were touching. Oh.

  Lucas was leaning against his ach for support. He moved. Braced his arms on his knees. This wasn’t going to end well. Now they’d suspect what he’d been sneaking off to do.

  Though his anger had felt different in this episode.

  “What’s going on, Lucas?” Cade asked. “This is all eerily familiar.”

  Resentment rose. Anger only millimeters behind.

  Play it cool.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why she affects me so. I will, of course, bring her to you when she wakes.”

  After he spoke with her.

  He didn’t wait for an answer before rising from the bed and heading out of the room. He paused in the doorway, not turning.

  “I’m glad you’re well, Sarid.”

  Chapter 41

  “Cut the neck like this, then suck until the soul releases.” Henry held tight to the male in his arms. It was like trying to hold a struggling kitten.

  He studied the newly turned Fallen standing in front of him. Both Mark and Dean were taller than him and had more muscle than brains. Lilith must’ve picked these two recruits before she left for Russia. Henry had wanted two from his selection. Quieter. Smarter. Knew how to keep out of trouble. But Kobal took them for himself.

  “How will I know when the soul releases? Can I see it?” Mark asked.

  The Lord rewards those who are calm and patient. Henry inhaled long and deep before replying. “You’ll know, believe me. It’s not something you can see, but you’ll feel its entrance into your body. Its warmth and strength.” It was the only time he was truly warm. Though he could no longer get sick from the cold, he still felt it. All the time. Even with layers. “Come, Mark. Take out your weapon.”

  The human began to struggle in earnest now. “You need to act fast. Cut and drink.”

  “Cut and drink.” Mark’s knuckles had turned white from clutching his dagger so tight.

  As soon as the Fallen drew close, Henry thrust the male at him. Mark grabbed him effortlessly and had the human’s back to his chest, head tilted to the side before the male could escape.

  “Cut and drink,” Henry repeated, stepping back as blood squirted through the air.

  When the human lay on the ground at his feet, he spoke. “Not bad for your first time. The cut doesn’t need to be so big. Too big means more of a mess. And we don’t want to walk around with evidence all over our clothes.

  “Staying hidden from humans is the first rule. Until we start to drink from them of course. The second is staying away from Behns.” Henry had never met a Behn. Just heard stories from Kobal.

  Predators existed in all species. When he was human, Henry had counted himself as one. The cops were mere sheep in wolves’ clothing.

  But the Behns might be real wolves. He’d no desire to find out. At least right now. Not until he had a chance to use his—

  “What about me?” Dean asked.

  Henry held in a sigh, smiled. “Yes, you’re next.”

  He spent the next sixty minutes with the new Fallen. Each fed on two souls. Henry was in the middle of explaining how to hide the bodies when he saw her. Female, late twenties, walking alone.

  Dean followed Henry’s gaze and moved a step in her direction.

  “No,” Henry said.

  She reminded him of his mother. With her head tilted down, hair falling over her face. The female walked under a streetlight. A light brown color. Just like his mother’s and his own. This female’s hair was too long, though. Fell past her shoulders. She wore blue jeans with boots up to her knees and a red wool coat. Mother would never have worn boots like that or jeans. Father didn’t like females dressing like men.

  “Are we just going to let her walk away?” Mark asked.

  “Yes.” Henry didn’t remove his gaze from her. “You will. Your training is done for the night. Go back to the tunnels.”

  “But I’m still hungry.”

  Henry turned to Mark. “No more for tonight. We’ll go out tomorrow. The hunger will subside. Too many in one night and the risk of getting caught rises.” His eyes swung back to the female. She was still in sight. Walking on the sidewalk toward the one car in the lot. She’d reach it in less than five minutes. “I’ll meet you back at the tunnels.” He faced each Fallen in turn. “Make no stops. Head directly back to the tunnels.” Henry waited for their acquiescence before leaving, making sure to head in the opposite direction from the female. Once he was out of sight, he doubled back around.

  It was providence. His newly acquired vehicle was stashed less than a mile away. A full syringe was nestled in the right inside pocket of his jacket.

  He pulled out a pair of plain wire frames from his left inside pocket. The frames settled perfectly on his nose. The weight comfortable, familiar, and pushing him deeper into his role.

  Hands were shoved in his pockets, his shoulders slumped, head down as he walked. Seconds later he collided into the female and reached a hand out to steady her. “Oh, I’m so sorry.” His eyes wide, frown apologetic. “Are you all right?”

  The female’s startled features relaxed. “It’s okay. I wasn’t paying atten—”

  Henry plunged the needle deep into her neck, effortlessly catching her when she collapsed. He scooped her into his arms. “Don’t worry,” he said softly. “I’ll help you pay attention.”

  His car was by the docks where vehicles were often parked overnight. The cold air whipped across his cheeks. Anticipation acted as a buffer.

  He unlocked the trunk. Set the female on top of the plastic stapled over the carpet. His smile grew as he stared at her unconscious form. “I’m so glad you came. We’re going to have such a good time together.”

  Chapter 42

  Several hours later Lucas sat in a chair in the corner of his room, gaze on Kate’s sleeping form. When he’d left earlier, the covers had been pulled to her waist, her face pressed against her jacket that lay on the pillow. Now the covers and pillow were on the floor. She lay curled in a ball in the middle of his bed, head resting on her jacket, hands tight against her chest. Her breaths even and deep.

  He wanted . . .

  Lucas sighed. So many things.

  To cover her with the blankets.

  Lay down next to her.

  Touch her.

  Wrap his arms round her.

  Wake her so he could stare into her big brown eyes.

  Gently run a finger down her cheek. Across her lips. Eyelids. Forehead. Arm.

  Hold her hand.

  Tell her everything. Confess his secrets. His worries.

  To have her do the same to him.

  Another sigh. What was happening to him? Why was this Follower so important? She wasn’t his bahshrett.

  No matter how much he wanted it to be true. She was not the one the Creator placed on earth for him. />
  A sharp point pierced his heart. Sadness. His gaze flicked to Kate and froze. Her eyes were open, watching him.

  “Hi,” he said softly when she didn’t speak.

  She uncurled her body and sat up slowly. Her hair was a mess. She’d sweated in her sleep, drooled too. Hair matted to the side of her face where she lay on the jacket. The back of her head could hold a bird. She winced, rubbing her head then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

  He leaned forward. “Are you all right? Do you need anything? Water? Medicine?”

  A flash of something—pain, annoyance—crossed over her face before she gave a grunt that Lucas assumed meant no.

  Not a morning person? “Or maybe just a coffee?” he asked, a slight smile curving his lips.

  Her gaze flickered up, eyes narrowing.

  Chuckle stifled, he raised his hands and settled back in his seat.

  Kate leaned over the bed, giving him a nice view of her ass while she reached for the pillow.

  He shifted uncomfortably. It’d been a long time since he’d been with a nheqeba. His reaction was normal. Along with the way his thoughts were headed.

  Fingers crossed together, Kate first pressed on the webbing of her right hand then the left. She smoothed the fake leather over her palms and wrists. At her elbows, she tugged gently on the ends of the gloves. Next, she straightened the long sleeves of her shirt over her gloves. The bottom hem of her shirt received a pull before she reached underneath to tug on her second shirt. Socks were next. First one leg than the other. Lucas noticed a small hole on the top of the right one. On her feet now, she straightened her shirts once more, smoothed her hands over her jeans all the way to her feet. She ran her gloved fingers through her hair, wincing at the snarls. Then turned to the bed, bending to grab the sheets off the floor, giving him another quick glimpse of her firm backside.


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