Fallen Darkness (The Trihune Series Book 2)

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Fallen Darkness (The Trihune Series Book 2) Page 30

by Austin, RB

  And she was still alive. She stared at Lucas, her eyes glazed, but aware. Filled with fear. Lucas’s gaze trailed from the needle in the Follower’s arms to the bag hanging on the pole attached to the bed.

  The chemical smell.

  The Fallen was feeding her drugs. Was keeping her alive during this whole process.

  “You sick fuck,” Lucas gasped. He didn’t know where to start. His gaze ran over the Follower. Any movement could put her in shock and kill her.

  Something whistled in the air. He raised his head just as a knife plunged deep into his gut. With a roar his eyes flared blue, fangs descended. He raised his hand, pressed the trigger. The shot embedded into the wall a few feet from the Fallen’s head. Lucas moved away from the stretcher, took one step toward the Fallen and fell to his knees.

  What was happening? Why was he so dizzy? He glanced down. The knife’s handle stuck out from his mid-section.

  He wrapped his hand around it, pulled it out with a shout. The scent of his own blood hit him. Along with another recognizable smell. Gaze wide, he glanced up.

  “What did you do to me?”

  The Fallen stared, shock skipping across his face. He grabbed his jacket off of a hook on the wall and ran outside. Lucas pushed himself up, took two steps and fell. His head banged against the floor.

  A car zoomed to life. Seconds later Lucas was bathed in its headlights. Then the vehicle spun and sped down the trail.

  Lucas rolled away from the door, hands braced on the floor to get up, or at least reach his phone. Warn Gabe. His gaze ran over something metal. He squinted.


  Two metal chains hung to the floor. He raised his eyes. They were attached to the stretcher’s side rails.

  An image flashed in his head.

  Chains wrapping five Fallen.

  These chains had at one time wrapped the woman’s wrists. When she had hands.

  The fear in all five Fallens’ eyes when he approached.

  Fear in the nheqeba’s eyes.


  It was all the same.

  He began to convulse on the floor.

  Chapter 60

  “Lucas. Lucas!”

  He opened his eyes. When had he shut them?

  Gabe kneeled next to him.

  “It’s me. I’m the same,” he said, but the words came out garbled. Was that blood in his mouth?

  “Sshh. Don’t speak. Help’s coming.”

  Chapter 61

  “Has he regained consciousness yet?”

  Cade? What was he doing here? Lucas turned his head. Tried to open his eyes.

  The Follower. They had to save the Follower.



  The same. He was the same.

  “Hold him down!”

  “The stitches are opening!”

  “He’s going into another seizure!”

  Chapter 62

  Kate sat at a bench across the street from the station. Her resting spot for the past three days. When it grew dark or too cold, she moved to Martha’s car parked a street away.

  I’m such a coward.

  What was she waiting for? She scrubbed at the two tears that escaped. Stupid relentless leaking. Ever since she left the HQ the crying hadn’t stop. It was completely humiliating. How could a man reduce her to this? And Lucas had called her strong?

  She straightened, pushed her shoulders back.

  Today would be the day.

  It was all worked out in her mind, what she was going to say. She certainly couldn’t tell the truth. As for her gloves, she prayed they believed it was a necessary requirement of her medical condition. If not, she’d have to deal with the consequences. Kate had made her choice a long time ago.

  Her new life with Stacy would be clean. Whenever she got out. Maybe she’d look up Lucas before heading to Chicago. She’d be worthy of him then, too.

  Dammit. There went another tear.

  Her gaze bounced to the station doors. Time to take the plunge.

  She’d stashed the bag with the money she’d earned in a bus stop locker the next town over. The key was hidden at the park a block away. Kate had buried it one night underneath a tree. Digging the cold ground took a while. The hole wasn’t as deep as she’d like. It’d be sheer luck if the key was still there when she got out. If she knew where Stacy was she’d mail it to her.

  Maybe it was better not to disrupt her life. Kate just assumed Stacy needed her. Things could’ve turned out really great for her after Kate left.

  Prickles danced along the back of her neck. She frowned, glanced around. The last day and a half it felt like someone was watching her. Dealing with that attacker last night hadn’t helped her heebie jeebies either.

  She’d been walking back to Martha’s car parked a few blocks over when she’d heard a woman scream.

  Kate stilled when a high-pitched yell pierced the night air.

  In the past, she’d run away from shouts like that. Screams, fights, gunshots—they all ended the same. Red and blue flashing lights. Lots and lots of police.

  The guilt for running would stay with her for days. She’d been a victim once. Had screamed for help. Would her life be different if someone had answered?

  This time she wasn’t going to flee.

  The scream started again. Was suddenly cut off.

  Astoria needed to boost their streetlights. Too many shadows. Too many dark alleys. Like the one up ahead.

  Not allowing herself to slow—or to think this was completely stupid and she wasn’t a fighter like Lucas and his brothers—she ran into the alley.

  A man held a woman, her back to his chest, his hand over her mouth, his mouth over her neck. The woman was struggling, for sure not interested in his kiss or whatever the hell he was doing.

  “Hey!” Kate shouted, heading straight for them.

  Gloves on or off? Gloves on or off?

  Her hands were her only weapon if the guy decided to attack.

  This was a stupid idea.

  The man raised his head. Something dribbled out of his mouth and fell on the woman’s shoulder. It was blood. Kate’s gaze clashed with his and held. A strange vibe ran through her. This guy wasn’t normal. Was he a Fallen? She stepped back.

  He threw the woman to the ground and came toward her. Out of her peripheral, she saw the woman struggle to her feet and take off toward the other alley entrance.

  Awesome. Thanks for the help.

  Well, it was nothing more than she deserved.

  She pulled on the ends of her gloves. Fuck. Shit. Running sounded better and better. The man froze. He stood a few feet away. Lifted his head and sniffed the air. Kate held her breath. Waited to see what he was going—

  His eyes widened. Fear ran across his features. He scrambled back, stumbled on an empty pop can, fell, jumped to his feet and took off running down the alley, the same way the woman had run, glancing back every few feet.

  Kate whirled, checking behind her. She was alone. What was the Fallen afraid of? Her?

  What the?

  “That’s right,” Kate shouted, took a few steps forward, stumbling herself, adrenaline running high. “Don’t let me see you around here again!”

  The man glanced back one more time before he disappeared around the corner.

  Hopefully the woman was long gone. Kate thought about going to see, but the idea of finding that guy again—even if he did run away like she was the Big Bad—wasn’t appealing.

  It’d been hard to fall asleep that night. Kate snorted, shifting on the bench. Who was she kidding? Sleep had been hard to come by ever since she left the HQ.

  A heavy sigh left her. Stop stalling. Just get on with it.

She pulled on the edges of her coat sleeves, rubbed her hands down her legs, inhaled deeply, stood, and took one step off of the curb.

  Chapter 63

  Lucas opened his eyes slowly. He was in the HQ. The medical room. His chest itched. Why was he only able to move his hand six inches?

  He lifted the sheet. Stared at the chains wrapped around his wrist.

  He yanked. Nothing.

  Again. Harder. Nothing.

  His other wrist was also chained. He pulled over and over. The bed rails shook. His eyes glowed. Fangs descended.

  He had to get out of here.

  It was all the same.


  The Follower.


  The five Fallen.


  “Lucas. Lucas.” Gabe rushed in the room. Martha right behind him. “Calm down, my ach.”

  “It’s the same, Gabe.” The chains rattled with each pull. The scent of blood reached his nostrils. Red liquid seeped through the white sheet over his abdomen.

  “You opened your stitches again.” Gabe placed his hands on either side of Lucas’s face.

  He stiffened, tried to jerk away.

  “Take it, my ach,” Gabe said softly. “You need to calm down.”

  Lucas stared into his brother’s eyes. His Behn light still flared, allowing him to see deeper inside his ach’s baby blues. He inhaled deeply, concentrated on Gabe’s palms on his cheeks, on going deeper.


  Inhale. Lucas took the offered comfort. Felt his body respond. Heart rate slowed. Breaths deepened. When he could no longer hold his head, he slumped against the pillow.

  “Better?” Gabe asked.

  Lucas nodded. He wanted to sleep, but there was something he had to say first. He watched through hooded lids as his ach unlatched the cuff around his right wrist.

  “Chains,” he said.

  Gabe met his gaze before glancing over his shoulder. “Martha, can you leave us for a moment?”

  “But his stitches,” the ebhed started.

  “Will hold. The bleeding has already stopped.”

  Has it? Lucas glanced down. The sheet had fallen to his hips. To the left of his belly button was a three-inch cut, stitched together with black thread, half of the loops broken.

  He heard Martha tsk before the door closed.

  Lucas gingerly touched the red, irritated skin. It met the edges of his tattoo running down his side. His black tattoo.

  His mind flashed to the five Fallen locked in that house. The blood that had coated his hands. Sprayed on his clothes. “What happened to me?”

  “We’ve only been concerned with how the Fallens’ poison affects Followers. We didn’t even consider ourselves. It’s worse for Behns. The poison spreads quicker. If I had found you only five minutes later—you almost died, Lucas.”

  Ice spread through Lucas’s bloodstream. He reached for Gabe’s hand. “But I didn’t, ach.”

  Gabe cocked his head, stared intently, searching.

  For what? Lucas had his suspicions. He dropped his gaze. “How is the Follower?”

  “She didn’t make it.” Gabe spoke quietly. “She was dead before we could get her to the hospital.”

  Lucas wasn’t surprised. He rubbed his wrists, glancing down when the motion pulled on his wound. Blood began to leak from the broken stitches again. “Why am I not healing?”

  “The poison is preventing you from healing as a Behn. We had to drain you in order to get the poison out. It was touch and go for a while.”

  A while? “How long have I been out?”

  “Three days. Elias came in for the transfusion. Even with his blood, the cut won’t heal. Elias said it’s because the substance comes from the Underworld, which is why Jeeves’s scientist was unable to recognize its components. It’s not from Earth.” Gabe took a thick white gauze pad and placed it over Lucas’s stomach.

  “So will I heal completely?”

  Gabe nodded. “It’ll take time. The cut will have to heal on its own. The stitches keep you from bleeding out and help prevent infection, which is a possibility since your Behn abilities are stifled. Though you do keep tearing them out.”

  Lucas watched Gabe tape all four sides of the gauze pad. “I need to tell you something.”

  “I found the Fallen.”

  His head shot up.

  “You had moments of consciousness. You told me what you’d done.” His ach turned, set the first aid supplies on a nearby table. “I’ve taken care of them.” His words echoed in the silence that followed.

  “I’m sorry, my ach.” Lucas swallowed the lump in his throat. Sadness. He laid a hand over Gabe’s on the raised bed rail. “I never meant to hurt you.”

  Gabe lifted his head. “Elias said your blood was dark, almost black. More so than what it’d been with the demon.”

  “It’s over. I’m done with that.”

  No response.

  “I promise.”

  “You’ve said that before.”

  Emotions filled him. Regret, his own. Sorrow, Gabe’s. “Yes. I’ll have to prove myself.”

  Again, nothing.

  Lucas’s heard thudded once. Worry, his. “If Cade hasn’t kicked me out.”

  “He hasn’t. But I have.”

  Lucas froze. “I don’t understand.”

  “I spoke with Cade. I don’t want you as a partner anymore.”

  He inhaled sharply. “Gabe, my ach, I’m—”

  “It’s already done. I’ll patrol with Sarid and once you’re back on your feet you’re with Cade.”

  His heart raced. “What can I do? To prove I mean it this time?”

  “There’s nothing you can do. Maybe time will fix it. Right now this is best for me.” He turned to the doorway. Paused. “I haven’t told Cade what I found. That’s your job.”

  Lucas lowered his head until his chin touched his chest. “Yes.”

  Silence reigned and Lucas thought Gabe had gone until he spoke again, his voice soft. “We have word on Kate.”

  Chapter 64

  Kate sat in a tiny room on an uncomfortable metal chair pushed up to a metal table. A mirror hung on the wall opposite her. Everyone knew the mirror wasn’t just a reflective surface. They should give up the pretense and make it what it was. A window.

  “So you’re saying nine years ago Randy Thurman, your foster father, attempted to rape you. You killed him and have been on the run ever since.”

  Kate resisted rolling her eyes or taking off her gloves and finding out what was really inside Detective Thead’s mind. “Yes. I’ve been over this and over this. When are you going to lock me up?” She rubbed her forehead. Took a sip from the bottle of lukewarm water they’d offered her.

  She’d entered the station and told the officer at the front desk, “I want to report a murder.” The officer ushered her into a large room behind the counter and had her sit in a chair with cuffs dangling on the side. Fifteen minutes later she was led to another room and met with a woman officer.

  Kate had to repeat her story two times. The third time to a detective. Then was brought into her current room to run over the details. Again. For the fourth time.

  At least two hours had passed. This was frickin’ ridiculous.

  The detective of the Astoria PD homicide division held up his hand. “I just need to get all the facts, ma’am. We don’t just lock up anyone.”

  The woman officer leaned forward. “Are you trying to get away from someone? Your husband perhaps. We have shelters that can help you.”

  Kate closed her eyes, pressed her fingers into her temples. “I’m not married.”

  “Your boyfriend then?”

  “No boyfriend.”

“An ex, perhaps?”

  Kate dropped her hands and stared at the woman, straightened in her seat. “Is someone here for me?” Her heart leapt into her throat. Was it Lucas?

  The detective leaned over as if to pat her arm. Out of habit she sat back, tucked her hands in her lap. This seemed to prove something to him. “Don’t worry, he can’t harm you.”

  “Are you talking about Lucas? I’m not afraid. He hasn’t harmed me.”

  “It’s all right, we understand.” His voice was low, soothing.

  And really annoying the hell out of her.

  “But he’s locked up now. We won’t be able to hold him for long. Unless you tell us what he did.”

  “What do you mean he’s locked up?”

  “He came in, asked to see you. Became quite irate when we told him he couldn’t.”

  Kate stiffened, remembering his fight with Cade. “He didn’t mean it. He gets angry if he thinks someone might harm me.”

  The detective and officer exchanged glances. “Angry?” the detective asked. “What does he do when he’s angry? Hit you?”

  “How many broken bones have you had?” the officer asked.

  “He’s never touched me in anger.”

  The detective shook his head.

  “Let us help you,” the officer said softly.

  “Lucas never harmed me. You have to let him go. He’s done nothing wrong.”

  The officer’s face hardened. “We can’t help you if you don’t let us.”

  Jesus Christ! “I don’t understand any of this. I came here to finally stop running. I want to turn myself in. I’d think you’d be grateful. How many criminals turn themselves in? I want to do the right thing. Why are you making this so difficult?” Her voice rose on the end. Her hands fisted in her lap.


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