Journey to Hope

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Journey to Hope Page 2

by J. P. Bowie

  Josh took Brett’s hand in a firm grip. He’d have preferred it if Brett had said he believed in his innocence, but why should he? Brett didn’t know Josh from Adam, not yet, but anyway, the guy wasn’t judging him. At least it was a start, and Josh was determined that Brett would never have cause to regret his decision to hire him.

  Better get it all out of the way at once…

  “There is one more thing.”

  “Yeah?” Brett met his gaze full on.

  “Sheriff Potts died three months before I got paroled, but Carl’s kid brother, Nate… Well, he wasn’t happy about me gettin’ out early. Said he was going to track me down and make me pay for his brother’s death.”

  “You know this, how?” Brett asked.

  “First night out, I went for a drink with a friend in a bar in Riverdale. Nate came in and raised a ruckus, said he wouldn’t be satisfied until I was back in jail, or dead.”


  “If this makes you change your mind…”

  “No, no, it doesn’t. Could be he’s just full of blow.”

  “I’m not afraid of him, you understand.” Josh bit his full lower lip hard. “It’s just that if we ever did get into it, I know he’d push until he’d make me do somethin’ stupid—and who’d you think would end up back behind bars?”

  “Does he know where you are?”

  “No. The one guy I think I can still call friend swore to never say a word about where I’ve gone.”

  “Your dad?”

  “Dad died while I was in prison. He came to see me every week for two years. He didn’t tell me he had pancreatic cancer until three months before he died.”

  “I’m sorry.” Brett cleared his throat. “Uh, you haven’t mentioned your mother or any siblings.”

  Josh looked away from Brett before he said, “I have no brothers or sisters, and my mother…well, she left my dad right after I was born. Said she wasn’t into lookin’ after kids.”

  Brett shook his head. “Seems to me you need a fresh go at life, Josh. You’ve sure had your share of bad luck. Why don’t you get your stuff then come back to the house. I’ll show you your room.”

  Brett was slightly mystified as to why he had gone along with the idea of hiring Josh. He had to admit he’d been attracted to him at first sight. When they’d shaken hands Brett had felt a tingling sensation course through his body. Josh’s hand had been rough yet warm, his grip sure and strong. The man was good-looking in a rugged, masculine way. Not a pretty boy for sure. He was handsome, but there was a hard set to the corners of his mouth which Brett reckoned had been the effect of eight years locked up with dangerous criminals. He shuddered at the thought of that. Maybe Josh wasn’t completely innocent. He imagined most convicted felons denied their guilt, but he didn’t get the idea that Josh had lied about his innocence. He’d been upfront about his past and Brett appreciated the fact he’d been honest. His instincts, right or wrong, told him Josh was a good person.

  Not a description he’d normally use for someone who’d been convicted of armed robbery and killing someone. But the feeling was there, nevertheless. He just hoped he hadn’t made one colossal mistake. The guy would have to sleep under the same roof as him. He didn’t have a bunkhouse—his dad had never seen the need for it. There had only ever been the one extra hand and he’d used the spare bedroom next to Brett’s. Only the bathroom separated the two rooms. But what the hell? There was a lock on his bedroom door, and he had his gun in the nightstand drawer next to his bed. Not that he really believed he’d need it.

  He pushed away all those thoughts and stood as Josh re-entered the house carrying a scuffed suitcase and a backpack slung over his shoulder.

  “That’s it?”

  Josh gave him a rueful smile. “’Fraid so. Not much to show for thirty years of life, is it?”

  “I guess it’ll do for the time being,” Brett said, trying to make light of it. “Who knows what you might have in another year or so. Room’s at the end of the hallway here.”

  “Listen…” Josh hadn’t put his suitcase down. “If you’re uncomfortable with me in the house, I can bed down in the stables, for a while at least, until you’re a bit more sure of me.”

  Brett shook his head. “I’m not uncomfortable having you in the house.” He grinned at Josh. “Just don’t do anything to prove me wrong. Your room’s down here.” He led the way down the hall. “This is my room,” he said, indicating the first door they came to, “bathroom’s next, and this’ll be yours.” He pushed the door open and stepped aside to let Josh pass through.

  Josh turned sideways to make room for his backpack and for a moment they were face to face. So close that their bodies brushed against each other and Brett felt that tingle again, all the way to his groin.

  “This is great,” Josh said, looking around. His voice sounded huskier than before. He cleared his throat then asked. “You mind if I take a shower? Feel a mite sweaty after all those hours in the truck.”

  “Go right ahead. I’ll get you some towels.” He was glad to have something to do other than stand there awkwardly, wondering if Josh had experienced that same tingling sensation. Why would he, after all? The guy was probably straight, although Brett did get some kind of vibe from him. Wishful thinking…?

  He grabbed two towels and a washcloth from the linen cabinet in the hall then walked back to what was now, Josh’s room. Josh had stripped off his shirt and was unbuckling his jeans, but paused as Brett appeared in the doorway.

  “Uh, here you go,” Brett said, handing over the towels. He couldn’t help getting a good look at Josh’s chest, lightly tanned, defined pecs with a dusting of that dark hair. For a moment he was mesmerised by the sight of the two tiny nipples he was suddenly so tempted to kiss and lick. He stepped back, his face growing hot from his own embarrassment.

  “Okay, I’ll just leave you to it,” he muttered as Josh thanked him. He backed out of the room and closed the door behind him. God, pull yourself togethe r, he chastised himself. If Josh had any doubt about your sexual orientation, he sure as hell doesn’t now!

  Chapter Two

  Standing under the shower’s spray, Josh uttered a soft groan of satisfaction. While the hot water pummelled his neck and shoulders he worked out the kinks, the result of tension and lack of sleep. He was sure he’d sleep tonight though. His new room had a real bed, not a prison bunk or the lumpy thing he’d slept on in that cheap motel where he’d been living in Riverdale after his release.

  Man, things could only get better now, couldn’t they? he thought as he lathered his skin with the great-smelling soap he found on the shower shelf. Brett sure seems to be a nice guy, and if I caught the signals correct, gay like me. That could be good, or could be a problem. Probably best not to pursue that line of thought right now. He’s an attractive dude, but putting the make on my employer would probably lead to more complications than I could handle right now.

  Josh hadn’t had sex with another guy in so long he sometimes wondered in lighter moments if he’d remember how to do it should the occasion arise. His first few months in jail had been horrific. He’d been young, naïve, far too trusting and had found out the hard way he was regarded only as fresh meat by the long-term inmates. Back then, he’d been a lightweight for his six-foot height. He’d been easily overpowered by three men who had dragged him from the showers while those who could have come to his aid looked the other way. The pain had been indescribable, the humiliation almost as bad, and he was told in hissing and deadly tones that to complain would get either a bone-breaking beating—or a death sentence.

  He was quick to realise that reporting anything to the guards they didn’t want to hear was a total waste of time, and probably dangerous. Instead, he learned to defend himself, spending long hours lifting weights, doing press-ups, sit-ups and every exercise he could think of to build and strengthen his body. After months of this, he’d packed on thirty pounds of solid muscle, and those who had once thought him easy prey gave him a wide berth
. Rather than risk a broken nose they preferred to take down the ones who wouldn’t fight back as ferociously as Josh.

  He’d made no friends on the inside. He was a loner, staying out of trouble, living only for the day when he’d finally be out of prison. And now he was free, he had a job, and a roof that didn’t leak over his head, and he truly believed that the fresh start he craved was in sight.

  He surprised himself by humming a tune softly under his breath as he soaped his crotch, watching his cock grow and harden from the attention it was getting. This had been his only release for years…his hand, and it didn’t let him down now. He leant back against the warm tiles and closed his eyes. A vision of Brett’s eager smile popped up behind his eyelids, and just for the heck of it he imagined the cute guy kneeling in front of him, taking his erection between those soft-looking, full lips, sucking him hard and fast.

  Oh, yeah. He gave in to the need for release, gripping his rigid shaft in his soapy hand, pumping until his orgasm churned inside him. Gasping, he came, the long ropey strings of his cum disappearing under the hot water spray. His body shuddered and his knees went weak under the force of his climax.

  “Wow…” Had that just been plain need or had the thought of Brett sucking him off brought him more satisfaction than usual? Whatever. Pushing aside those thoughts, he rinsed off then killed the shower spray. He grabbed one of the towels Brett had given him and dried himself quickly before padding barefoot back to his room. He pulled the last clean T-shirt and pair of boxer briefs he had from his backpack and slipped them on. Hopefully, Brett has a washing machine I can use.

  After dressing, he walked back to the living area to see if there was anything he could help Brett with. As he rounded the corner the front door was thrown open and a prancing Jaz bounded into the room followed by Brett who gave him one of those disarming smiles.

  “Feel better?” Brett asked.

  “Yeah, thanks. You need help with anything?”

  “Nope. Jaz and me just got the horses bedded down. They’re in the barn for the night.”

  “Shoot, I should’ve helped you with that. Sorry, I wasn’t thinking beyond that shower.”

  “No problem. We’ll make tomorrow your official first day at work. I’ll show you just about everything that’s expected of you.” Brett grinned. “So, be ready.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  Josh found Brett’s good humour infectious and he grinned back at him, feeling, for the first time in a long, long while, a sense of wellbeing.

  “Like a beer?” Brett asked.

  “That sounds good.”

  “In the fridge…help yourself while I take a shower, then we’ll split a pizza. I’ve got one in the freezer.”

  “Sounds great.” Josh watched Brett bend over to fondle Jaz’s ears, liking the way his round butt stretched the denim of his jeans. Hmm… No, no, don’t go there, Josh. It can only lead to complications you really don’t need this early on.

  With a rueful twist to his lips, he turned away and got himself a beer from the fridge. Jaz at his heels, he went back into the living room and slumped down on the couch. Jaz immediately put his head on Josh’s knee, waiting to be petted.

  “You’re a spoilt one ain’tcha?” He rubbed the dog’s ears anyway. I could get used to this. His gaze took in the oak-panelled walls, the framed pictures of forests and mountains, the scattered rugs on the wood floor. What a change from the hellhole he’d lived in for over seven years. Hope Ranch. It sounded even better to him now. No matter what, he vowed, nothing is going to fuck this up.

  He picked up the TV remote he found on the coffee table in front of him and flipped on the news channel. For a few minutes he watched the usual reports of murder and mayhem in the world then, with a sigh of disgust, he switched the TV off. He picked up his beer and got up off the couch then went outside, Jaz following. Struck by the quiet beauty of the evening, he sat down on the porch steps to watch the sun begin to set over the distant mountain range. He heard the screen door open then Brett sat down beside him. He liked the feeling of Brett’s closeness, very aware that the touch of Brett’s shoulder on his caused a tingling sensation to course down his arm. Then Jaz burrowed between them and Brett moved away to make room for his dog.

  He chuckled and rubbed Jaz’s ears. “Gotta be a part of everything, huh? I put the pizza in the oven,” he said, turning to Josh. “Should be ready in about a half hour.”

  “Great.” Josh took a long swig of his beer. “It’s really beautiful here. What’s that mountain range?”

  “Sierra Nevada. Yeah, I like it. When Dad died I was tempted to sell up completely and move into the city, but my friends persuaded me to stick it out, and I’m glad I did.”

  “You have a lot of friends?”

  “Not a lot, but a few good ones. I think that’s more important, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I s’pose.” All but one of Josh’s friends had disappeared into the woodwork after he’d been convicted, and Stan, his one remaining friend, had a wife who disapproved of their friendship. So Josh knew that was headed nowhere.

  “What about you?” Brett asked. “You have friends?”

  Josh shrugged. “Not really. A prison sentence kinda puts the damper on people’s affections.” He smiled ruefully at Brett. “And I just want to say that I really appreciate you takin’ this chance on me. Not a lot of guys would trust an ex-con enough to give them a job, never mind let them stay under the same roof.”

  “I don’t think I’ll regret my decision,” Brett said with a gentle smile, and for a moment Josh was tempted to take Brett’s hand and hold it. Just as quickly he restrained himself from making what he considered would be a really stupid move. Why fuck up what he had going here?

  The aroma of hot pizza wafted through the screen door and his stomach rumbled with anticipation.

  “Won’t be too much longer,” Brett said, smiling at him.

  Josh held Brett’s gaze, then asked, “Your folks…I told you ’bout mine, but your mom and dad…?”

  “Dad died a year ago, like I said…” Brett’s voice saddened as he spoke. “Heart attack. He never had a sick day in his life. My mom…she and my dad were out ridin’ when her horse got spooked by something. Dad was never sure what. Her horse fell on her.”

  “Jeez, I’m sorry.” Now Josh did take Brett’s hand in his and squeezed gently.

  “Looks like we have more in common than we thought,” Brett said, after clearing his throat.

  “Yeah.” After another gentle squeeze, Josh released him.

  “Well…” Brett was the one to break the quiet spell that seemed to have settled over them. “After we eat I’m gonna hit the hay,” he said, pushing to his feet. “Got an early start in the morning.”

  “Right.” Josh stood, following Brett’s lead. “Don’t forget to wake me, will ya? I want to start off on the right foot with my new boss. I heard he’s not that easy to impress.”

  Brett’s full lips parted in a gentle smile. “I have a feeling you’re going to do just fine, Josh. Just fine. Now, let’s eat.”

  * * * *

  Brett woke before his alarm went off. Jaz was on the bed pawing at his chest letting Brett know he had to go. Mumbling, Brett rolled out of bed and opened the door. Normally, he would have left it open, but with Josh now sharing the house he’d thought it best to keep it closed, maybe just for the first night…

  The bed still looked warm and inviting and after closing the door he gave in to the temptation to take a few more minutes under the covers. He hadn’t slept that well, his mind not exactly in turmoil, but definitely busy with thoughts of Josh and just how he was going to curb the temptation to make a move on him.

  The guy was hot, no doubt about it, and totally Brett’s type—tall, built and masculine—with a quiet demeanour that to Brett meant there was a depth to Josh he’d like to explore. Among other things. He was hard just thinking about what that exploration could mean. He’d already had a good eyeful of Josh’s chest and powerfu
l arms, and under those tight jeans he figured were two very long and muscular legs. His sigh became a moan as he gripped his erection, imagining Josh’s hard dick pressed to his, his lips and tongue weaving a sensual magic over Brett’s mouth.

  Jeez… He’d need a cold shower at this rate. But the feeling was just too good to let go of, and his cock ruled his reason, demanding release. Just a few more strokes and he came, his body spasming, his semen splattering over his chest and chin. Whoa…

  He pressed himself into the mattress, shuddering as he came down from the high of his climax. He fingered the puddle of cum between his pecs. He really needed a shower now—a hot one. He just hoped Josh was still asleep and he wouldn’t run into him on his way to the bathroom. That was all Josh would need to see, first thing in the morning. His new employer, naked and covered in cum. Despite himself, Brett couldn’t help chuckling at the thought.

  He made it to the shower without being seen and after turning on the spray wallowed in its steamy heat for several minutes, soaping up thoroughly before rinsing off and reaching for his towel. After drying himself quickly, he wrapped the towel around his waist and went to knock on Josh’s door.

  “Time to get up, Josh,” he said pushing the door open slightly. A shaft of early morning light let him see into the room, and he gasped, taking in Josh’s naked body spread- eagled face down on the bed.

  Jesus, the guy has the body of a god. And that butt… Holy smokes, quit staring!

  He could feel his cock reacting to the sensual sight and, embarrassed, he backed out of the room. If Josh had wakened and seen him standing there in just a towel, gaping at him, he might just be pissed, and rightly so.

  What are you thinking, Brett, you idiot?

  He knocked on the door again, louder this time, and made his announcement without opening it again. He heard Josh groan, then say, “Okay, I’ll be right there.”

  “I’ll get the coffee going,” Brett said.


  Brett rushed back into the room, pulled on his jeans, a clean shirt and his boots then headed downstairs to brew the coffee. Jaz came in through the doggie door as he turned on the coffee maker.


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