Journey to Hope

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Journey to Hope Page 4

by J. P. Bowie

  The dog’s two front paws collided with Josh’s crotch as he jumped into the narrow space between their bodies.

  “Ow, son of a b—!”

  Jaz added insult to injury by pawing at Josh’s obvious bulge as if delighted to feel something that big and hard to play with.

  “Ow!” Josh yelled again, while Brett tried to pull Jaz away, laughing at the top of his voice.

  “Oh, my God, Jaz—you bad boy!”

  “Think it’s funny huh?” Josh growled, nursing his erection. “How to kill the moment, Jaz!” He started to laugh too then he grabbed Brett and hauled him back into his arms. “Show me how that kiss goes again—felt so damned good.”

  “Yes, it did.” Ignoring Jaz’s indignant barks at being shooed away, he took Josh’s mouth again in a long, searingly passionate kiss.

  “Oh, dear God,” Josh gasped when they came up for air. His vision was slightly blurred until he refocused on Brett. “Is this a good idea?”

  “Probably not,” Brett replied, his lips touching Josh’s as he spoke softly. “I’ve only known you a day and a half. We’re gonna be working together twenty-four seven. You have a criminal record. You could murder me in my bed—and yet I can’t find anything wrong with this.”

  “I promise I won’t murder you in your bed,” Josh said.

  “What I want you to do in my bed is to fuck me so hard I won’t be able to walk without the feel of you, hard and deep inside me.”


  “Just let me get Jaz outside. I love my dog, but I don’t want him being part of a three-way.”

  “I should shower,” Josh said as Brett hustled him into his bedroom.

  “That’s okay. I like your man smell. You smell of hard work, and fresh air and…”

  “And sweat.”

  “We’ll shower after.”


  Following Brett’s lead, Josh quickly discarded his shirt, jeans and boots, throwing them aside in his haste to take Brett’s naked body in his arms. The sound of his long, drawn-out sigh of lustful anticipation as they toppled onto Brett’s bed seemed to linger in the room, echoing Josh’s longing.

  For the first time in so many years he actually wanted another man in his arms, another man’s lips on his, the scent of another man’s heated arousal filling his senses with desire. Eagerly, he pushed aside the memories of all those years in jail when a leer from an inmate or a guard would make him quickly turn away. When the thought of giving into those needy stares and licked lips brought him nothing more than wariness, if not downright revulsion.

  But now, holding Brett in his arms, this slim, smooth-skinned body pressed so sensuously against his own fevered flesh, it was like everything he had longed for throughout those years of loneliness had finally been granted him—crazy thoughts maybe, after knowing Brett for so short a time. But oh God, it made him feel good. It helped him forget, if only for now, the bitter memories of those years behind bars that still lingered, along with the remembered stench of confinement.

  Brett teased at Josh’s nipples with his lips and tongue while the heat of his hand on Josh’s erection brought him so close to the edge of climax. For a moment or two he thought he might just be content to lie there, to let Brett’s lithe body cover him, let that lush mouth work its magic over every part of him, just give in to the need that seemed to make his very soul ache. But how selfish was that? Brett had needs too, and one thing he probably wasn’t expecting was that Josh would lie there like a big lump and do nothing.

  Moaning, he flipped Brett onto his back and scoured his chest and belly with his tongue, digging deep into Brett’s navel, savouring the sight and scent of the man’s silky, tanned skin. He lapped at the head of Brett’s cock, relishing what he hadn’t tasted in so long—the saltiness of another man’s pre-cum.

  Brett writhed under him. “Oh, yeah, feels so good, Josh…you’re incredible.”

  Josh had never been one for talking through sex. He wanted to tell Brett how much he relished the sight of him, the feel of him, the all-encompassing euphoria of just being with him, but all he could mutter was, “Yeah, you too.”

  Brett chuckled. “Got the message. You’re the strong and silent type. Nothin’ wrong with that.” He tilted his pelvis and pushed his rock-hard erection into the wet heat of Josh’s mouth. Josh sucked him all the way in, down to the base, swirling his tongue over the hard, throbbing length. God, but his taste and smell were like nothing he’d ever experienced before. He opened his throat to take even more, his eagerness inflamed by years of abstinence. Brett’s hips arched upwards and he raked his hands through Josh’s springy curls. Josh slid his own hands under Brett’s ass and pulled him up, swallowing him.

  Brett writhed beneath him. “Fuck me,” he whispered, “please fuck me.”

  “Yeah…” Josh’s cock ached with the need to fuck Brett, to lose himself in the beautiful young man’s body. After so damned long, to feel wanted…

  Brett reached over to pull open the nightstand drawer and withdrew a condom packet. He also produced a bottle of lube and Josh watched, panting slightly with an almost fevered impatience, while Brett quickly slicked his ass then Josh’s sheathed erection.

  Josh slipped between Brett’s downy thighs then hefted them over his shoulders. Beads of sweat popped out on his forehead. I can do this, he thought. I will not come before I make Brett scream with pleasure—scream my name. But, oh Jesus, it had been so long, and the vision of Brett’s beautiful face, hungry and eager for him, made his balls pull up tight and the start of his orgasm tingle churn deep inside him.

  “Easy, big boy,” Brett murmured, grasping Josh’s dick at the base and guiding it towards his opening. “Oh, yeah…” He moaned as Josh’s thickness breached his hole.

  Josh pushed forward and Brett removed his hand, letting Josh slide inside. Brett’s hands were now on Josh’s shoulders, gripping him tight, his face reflecting a mixture of pleasure and pain.

  “Am I hurting you?” Josh’s voice sounded strangled to his own ears.

  “No, it’s good, Josh. You’re so big, but you feel…uh…oh yeah…right there…” He pulled Josh down and took his lips, twining his tongue round Josh’s, searching out, it seemed, every corner of his mouth.

  Josh groaned, pulled back then thrust forward again. God, but it does feel good. So good, so fucking good! He quickened his pace, ramming into Brett, knowing he couldn’t hold out for long. “Come for me, babe,” he murmured touching Brett’s lips. “Come with me.” His hand enclosed Brett’s throbbing cock and he pumped it almost feverishly, willing him to come.

  Brett moaned and whimpered under him, arching his hips repeatedly to meet every one of Josh’s ramrod thrusts until with a long cry of “Yes… Josh! ” he flooded Josh’s hand with a hot creamy stream of cum. And now Josh could let go, and as he did he thought that perhaps every part of him would explode with the power of his orgasm. A shower of lights illuminated the blackness of the abyss behind his closed eyes, then as if this wasn’t enough, his senses were completely taken over by the wet, thrilling kiss with which Brett claimed his lips.

  “Thank you,” he murmured once their long, deep kiss had become a gentle brushing of lips.

  Brett chuckled softly. “You’re entirely welcome.”

  “No, I mean it. I used to think I wouldn’t know how this would go after so long. I wouldn’t let anyone near me in prison, after—well, after I was held down and fucked over and over—until I learned how to defend myself…”

  “Jeez, I’m sorry.”

  “Not lookin’ for sympathy, Brett, but what I wanted to say was, you made me remember how amazing this could feel.”

  Brett met Josh’s earnest gaze and smiled. He didn’t say anything, just took Josh’s mouth again with a kiss that was this time, sweet and tender. Josh’s chest heaved and he tightened his arms around Brett, pressing their sweat-slicked bodies together in an embrace he wished would never end.

  Chapter Four

  Josh woke up sen
sing he was alone. Yep. Where once there had been a warm and willing body, now there was a cool empty sheet. “Christ—it’s the middle of the day and your ass is still in bed instead of helping Brett.” He struggled into his jeans, tee, socks and boots. What happened to that shower we were going to take after?

  He hurried down the hall to the kitchen and sighed with relief when he saw Brett sitting at the table munching on a sandwich. Jaz got up lazily from his spot by Brett’s feet, tail wagging.

  “Sorry, I fell asleep,” Josh said, rubbing Jaz’s ears.

  “’S’okay. I’ve only been up a few minutes. I was starving hungry and you looked so peaceful.” He smiled up at Josh. “The sandwiches got a little dry so I toasted mine. Like me to do yours?”

  “I can do it.” He lifted the plate with the sandwich from the table and shoved it in the toaster oven. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. I went and checked on Missy. She’s fine. When you’ve eaten we’ll go put fresh hay in her stall and bring her in.”

  Josh leaned on the counter while his sandwich toasted. He gave Brett a tentative smile. “You okay?”

  “Do you mean am I okay, generally speaking?” Brett returned Josh’s smile with a teasing curl to his lips. “Or do you mean am I okay after being fucked into next week by a guy who I’m gonna think is still up there for the next few days?”

  Josh felt his cheeks burn. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Why d’you think I have this cushion under my ass?”

  “Oh God, I’m sorry. Jeez, Brett—”

  “I’m kidding!” Brett stood up, laughing. “Look, there’s no cushion.” He ambled over and kissed Josh’s neck. “That’s not to say I can’t still feel you up there.”

  Josh sighed and hugged Brett to him. “You’re the best.”

  “So now d’you think I’m hot stuff?” Brett chuckled into Josh’s ear.

  “The hottest.” Josh dug his fingers into Brett’s hair and tilted his head so he could plant a long, loaded kiss on his lips.

  “Mmm…” Brett pulled back and gazed into Josh’s eyes. “Your sandwich is burning.”

  “Damn.” Josh opened the toaster oven door and grabbed the plate. “Ow, ouch!”

  “That’ll be even hotter stuff,” Brett said, laughing. He grabbed a pot holder and retrieved the crispy sandwich. “Man, you’re a klutz in the kitchen. Something else I’ll have to train you for?”

  “That hurt!” Josh whined.

  “Aw.” Brett took Josh’s hand and ran his tongue over the pad of his burned thumb, then slipped it into his mouth. “There,” he mumbled, his eyes full of mischief, meeting Josh’s, “better?”

  “Yes. Keep sucking.”

  “Later, babe.” Brett stepped back. “Eat what you can of that”—he pointed at the curled remains on the plate—“then come join me in the barn. We have work to do.”

  “Yes, sir!”

  What a difference a change of scene, a sweet guy and something at last to look forward to can make in your life, Josh thought as he watched, through the window, Brett stride across to the barn, a prancing Jaz at his side. Never mind the sex with Brett… Or yeah, he should mind that. It had been fantastic, liberating really. It had served to remind him of the passion two guys could share together, when it was what they both wanted, and could be something to be treasured. The hard years he’d spent inside had made him think he’d never enjoy having sex again, and Brett had just changed his mind on that score.

  At this precise moment he could really believe that maybe, just maybe, his life had taken a turn for the better. He took a bite of the ham and cheese sandwich and didn’t even mind that it was a bit on the burnt side. He smiled as he chewed. Could it be that what he was feeling was actually contentment?

  From where he stood at the window he could see the gates to the ranch. There was a vehicle headed their way. Man, this sure is a popular spot, he mused. In a way, with Brett out here all alone, it was good people stopped by.

  He frowned as the vehicle got closer, passing through the gates and honking to get Brett’s attention. From the looks of the official logo on the side of the SUV, it was the Sheriff from Denton. Josh felt a slight twist in his gut. He’d been expecting this of course, but law enforcement officers still made him nervous even when he had no need to be. He’d done his time, been released for good behaviour and he’d contacted his parole officer just like he’d been told to do. Besides that, he was innocent of the charges brought against him. Still, persuading a sheriff of all that wasn’t going to be easy. It never was.

  He watched as Brett walked towards the white and gold SUV. A tall, wide-shouldered man stepped out and Josh blinked when the two men hugged. Well, Brett had said Sheriff Harper was a friend of his. He finished his sandwich, washed his hands at the sink, then went outside. No point in delaying the inevitable.

  * * * *

  “So how you been?” Joel Harper asked Brett after releasing him from their affectionate hug. He bent to fondle Jaz’s ears. “Hey, how are ya, guy?”

  “Good…we’re both good.” Brett smiled at his friend. “I guess you’re here to meet Josh?”

  “Yeah, ’bout that…” Joel sighed and looked towards the ranch house. “I don’t mind telling you that I don’t think this is a good idea, Brett. You taking on a convicted criminal. You’re going to be alone with him here, and—”

  “I’ve been alone with him here.” Brett grinned. That’s all Joel needs to know for the time being. He’d probably have a mighty fit if he knew what Josh and I just did—while we were alone. “Don’t worry, he told me he wouldn’t murder me in my bed.”

  Joel frowned. “This isn’t funny, Brett. The man shot and killed an innocent person. Someone he knew.”

  “He didn’t do it. He told me everything. He was completely honest with me when I interviewed him for the job. I think he’s a good guy, Joel. Please don’t put him on the defensive. ’Sides, Jaz likes him, and I need the help.”

  “There’s plenty of help out there. I don’t like the fact that this guy will be living out here with you.”

  “Will you at least put aside your prejudices until you meet him?” He turned as the sound of the ranch house door opening then closing echoed sharply across the yard. “Here he comes. Give him a chance, Joel, please.”

  “Josh Kenyon?” Joel’s voice, directed at the tall man walking towards him, was cool, but not overly intimidating.

  “That’s right.” Josh looked from Brett to Joel. “Guess you’re here to check up on me.”

  “Your parole officer, Ken Goodman, told me you were working here.” Joel hooked his thumbs into his thick leather belt. His stance wasn’t entirely unfriendly, but definitely official. “Brett, Mr Langley, your employer, is a friend of mine and lives out here alone, so I’m sure you’ll understand why I wanted to make certain he had all the facts.”

  Josh nodded. “Yeah, I understand. However, I did tell Br—Mr Langley about my record when I asked for the job. I didn’t hide anything from him, Sheriff. Mr Langley was good enough to give me the job anyway. I hope you’ll believe me when I say that I won’t do anything to let him down after his kind offer.”

  Joel stared at Josh long and hard without saying anything, then he turned to Brett. “I’d like to have a few minutes with Mr Kenyon, Brett, if you don’t mind.”

  “Yeah…um, okay. But I’m still showing Josh the daily chores, so don’t take too long will you?” Out of Josh’s eyesight he mouthed at Joel, Be nice…

  Joel didn’t exactly roll his eyes, but he huffed a little as he watched Brett walk towards the barn.

  “He’s a good man,” Josh said quietly.

  Joel fixed Josh with a keen look. “Yes, he is. He has a lot of friends around here. Friends who wouldn’t like to see him get hurt.”

  “I would never hurt him.” Josh’s shoulders slumped a little. “Look, Sheriff Harper, I know that what you see in me is just another convicted criminal. You probably think I’m lower than dirt, but you don’t know me. I didn’t kil
l anyone, yet I did seven years in prison after a whole year of being remanded without bail. I‘ve got another four years of parole ahead of me. I should be mad at the world about that, want to make everyone pay, but I’m not like that. Believe me, or don’t believe me, but the best thing that has happened to me in over eight years is meeting Brett Langley and getting this job. I am not going to fuck this up.”

  Joel dug his thumbs deeper into his belt. “For Brett’s sake, I want to believe you. But you have to know, Mr Kenyon, that I regularly hear criminals deny their guilt, swear they’ve reformed—lie through their teeth.” He continued to look coolly at Josh before saying, “Okay, Brett asked me to put my prejudices aside, and for him, I’ll do that—for now. But understand this, I will be keeping a close watch on what goes on here at the ranch.”

  Josh looked away from the sheriff’s hard stare. He didn’t want him to see the anger that was building inside him, no doubt reflected in his eyes. It would do no good to challenge Harper’s preconceptions of him. Law enforcement officers probably heard every excuse in the book, but God, he was so sick of it—sick of no one willing to believe in his innocence. And the sheriff, for all his wholesome, handsome good looks was just another naysayer. Another one who couldn’t or wouldn’t believe a man when he said he’d been unjustly convicted.

  Summoning all his willpower, Josh said calmly, “Then I thank you for looking out for Brett. I hope you’re as good a friend as you say you are.”

  Joel narrowed his eyes. “You can count on it.” His tone was terse and uncompromising. “Tell Mr Langley I’ll call him later.”

  Josh stood still, letting his anger ebb as Harper climbed into his SUV and drove away. Sighing, he walked slowly over to the barn. Regardless of how he felt about his meeting with Sheriff Harper, Brett had said there was work to be done, and he certainly wasn’t going to shirk that.

  “How’d it go?” Brett was gazing at him through worried eyes.


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