Broken (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club Book 4)

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Broken (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club Book 4) Page 1

by Rachel Angel


  Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #4

  Rachel Angel

  Broken (Bad Boys Billionaire Bachelors Club #4)

  Published by Accidental Author™ (

  Copyright © 2014 Rachel Angel

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


  For my mom.


  The taxi pulled up to Summers Vineyards and Savannah Milo looked around briefly, remembering all the fun outings to this place when Taryn and her were in college. Now Taryn was getting married. Wow! Still hard to believe. It felt good to be back in California though, despite choosing to move to North Carolina for her vet practice.

  “Savannah, we’re so glad you could come. You look amazing. Those green eyes are always so stunning, particularly with that lovely tan and hair.” Taryn’s mother came up to me with her warm smile and kind eyes and hugged me warmly. “Come with me and I’ll get you set-up in your room. Taryn was so thrilled to hear you were coming.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Summers. I’m excited. It’s hard to believe she’s getting married…and not to Darren.”

  “We’ve hit the jackpot. Sylvain is a wonderful man and we couldn’t be happier to have him, as well as his brother, in our family. In fact, you should meet his brother. He’s handsome and full of energy.”

  “I’ll take a pass. It’s enough work getting the practice going,” Savannah replied.

  “So, how’s all that going?”

  “It’s taking off slowly, but eventually it’ll all come together. I just need that one break to get a big client and then it’ll all work out.”

  “I have no doubts about you being able to do it either. You and Taryn are so much alike—stubborn and determined.”

  A few minutes later, Savannah was in her room at the vineyard that she’d be staying in for the next week or so. She was excited to see some of her friends from school again and definitely to see who Sylvain Richard was in person—not the magazines which had such a crazy mix of stories about him. It wasn’t every day that a friend ended up marrying one of the most eligible billionaires. She wonder what attracted Taryn to him aside from looks…and money.

  Billionaires, she shrugged, thinking of Robert. He wasn’t a billionaire, but a millionaire was close enough. If it were up to him, she’d be the one getting married right now, taking on the lucrative Blackworth name, and becoming a trophy wife for him at all his events with all his important people. No thank you! Was this Sylvain the same way? It was hard to imagine that Taryn would accept that. The two were very similar when it came to how life was viewed — it is meant to be enjoyed and get a little dirty in; not to sit up high and look down on everything without being involved. Boring. I’ll pass.

  * * *

  Watching Taryn walk down the aisle with such a joyful and passionate look upon her face was fascinating to me. Yes, a part of Savannah was envious because she’d love to have that type of joy and love in my life. Plus, it was most evident watching her that her world was getting rocked in more ways than one. She wore that look…the look of a woman who was satisfied both physically and emotionally. Some day that will be me, but for now, I’d better focus on enjoying Taryn’s day.

  It’s so beautiful here. The lights that are twinkling in the courtyard of the vineyard are magical, making this evening wedding one of the most gorgeous things I’ve ever seen. With the sun setting in the background she’d say its equivalent to a sun setting behind the Smokey Mountains. Simply breathtaking.

  “Savannah, come sit by us,” Max called out. He was one of Taryn’s two brothers and a lively guy to be around. He made her laugh so much and if she had a brother I’d think he’d probably be like him.

  She ended up sitting at a table with Max, Tanner (Taryn’s other brother), and Sylvain’s brother Jacob. They are so funny and her face is actually starting to hurt from all of their jokes and laughing. She felt like she had three dates, except none of them will try anything on her — which she love. There’s no bigger drag than having some guy try to make you their wedding hook-up.

  “So Savannah, you’re a veterinarian? That’s pretty cool. What’s your specialty?” Jacob asked her.

  “I mostly work with equines. Horses have always been my passion and they were a big part of the reason that I decided to move to North Carolina to open up my practice.” Not to mention getting out of the power clutch of the Blackwell’s and their stables.

  “That’s really cool. Sylvain’s friend Ryland owns a horse ranch here in California. He had to cancel coming to the wedding last minute because of a problem he’s having with one of his mares.”

  “That’s awful,” she replied, instantly feeling horrible for the situation. Naturally her soft spot for all animals is part of the reason she decided to become a veterinarian, even more so than the fact her dad was one. And then there’s the fact that everyone thought she should just be a pretty face attached to a successful husband. Life may be richer and easier, but she just had to prove them wrong. She wasn’t there yet, but she was getting closer.

  “Maybe we should see if you can help him out. It’s hard to find vets to go visit him.”

  “There has to be some close by,” she said.

  “It’s because he lives on Wild Horse Island and it’s not easy to get to. A one house island off the northern Californian coast.”

  “Well, I’d be glad to see what I could do to help.”

  “He’s kind of anal…just like Sylvain,” Jacob said. He broke out into a big grin and Savannah looked at him oddly. She soon realized out why.

  “You’re saying I’m anal, little brother?” Sylvain asked, placing his large hand on Jacob’s shoulder.

  “As if that would be a lie. However, Savannah is a vet and I was thinking that she may be able to help out Ryland Roth with his sick horse right now. She knows and loves horses.”

  “That’s actually a great idea,” Taryn said, showing herself from behind Sylvain. “I think you’d really get along well with Ryland.” She looked at Savannah and winked.

  “Well, if he wants my assistance I’m glad to give it,” she said. Even though it’s across the country, having a great client with thoroughbreds would be a great way to get my name out there. It couldn’t hurt, that was for certain.

  “Can you send him a text now?” Taryn asked, looking at Sylvain with a coy smile.

  “It’s your wedding day, don’t do that,” she said, embarrassed that they’d be thinking of that today out of all days.

  “Sylvain always looks out for his friends and I always look out for mine.” With that, she and Sylvain were off to talk with some other guests and Savannah was left blushing, but pretty excited about the idea of meeting someone who could own their own private island with wild horses, as well as thoroughbreds. It sounded like a fantasy made for a horse lover.

  Chapter 1

  Savannah woke up refreshed and eager. The wedding had been so much fun and she couldn’t recall the last time I’d danced the night away. It’d probably been during college when Taryn and her would go catch the local bands playing at small clubs. That was always our favorite thing to do because we had so much energy, plus a slight fascination with tattooed men at the time. That’s why it made no sense that we both ended up dating and nearly marrying responsible men who would do anything
to stifle that type of spirit. Well, we both learned from it and now Taryn was married. She was…happily single.

  As she got dressed and ready to go find some food and explore the vineyard she saw a folded piece of paper come under my door. She walked over to get it and opened it up. She smiled:

  Here’s the number for Ryland Roth’s secretary, Miss Baker. Please give her a telephone call to coordinate the arrangements to get to the island. Ryland wants to send his private plane to come and get you.

  Have fun!


  A private plane. This guy was serious money. He was also obviously serious about how much he loved his horses and that was definitely admirable, trumping money for certain.

  With a horse sick enough where the owner would miss his friend’s wedding, she had no time to lose. She got dressed quickly and made her call. “Hello, is this Miss Baker?”

  A crisp voice that didn’t show much friendliness replied that it was.

  “This is Savannah Milo. I’m an equine veterinarian and was told to call you to arrange to be picked up to come and look at Mr. Roth’s mare that is having problems.”

  Miss Baker sounded hesitant and like a prude, making me immediately cringe. She was protective of her boss. That much was for certain. She guessed it was for good reason because people always seemed to want to get in with wealthy people. She just wanted to get in and see the mare that was in trouble though. It was impressive that he had a full set of veterinary tools, supplies, and equipment because honestly, she wouldn’t have thought of bringing her vet bag on vacation with her. Knowing that Ryland had them, told her two things: he cared about his horses greatly and he wasn’t the type of man to leave anything to chance when it came to them.

  Eventually, after a conversation that felt like a combination of a cavity search and dentist appointment, Miss Baker told me to be ready in three hours’ time. The private plane would arrive at the hangar near the vineyard. I should be waiting because Mr. Roth doesn’t accept tardiness. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was Mr. Roth or her.

  Having some time before Jacob was going to take her to the hangar, she decided to do a little research on Ryland Roth so she could get an idea what he was about. She was shocked to find out just how much he was about. He was a pretty intense, perhaps even ruthless, real estate developer, avid horse enthusiast, a philanthropist for many animal and children causes, and loaded with a list of exes that were mostly starlets and models. Obviously, he was the type of guy who liked arm candy. It was odd because it didn’t really fit the mold of a guy who was passionate about animals, or kids for that matter. Apparently, he liked beautiful women, and from the looks of it, he was handsome and muscular enough to be the leading actor in any action or romantic film himself.

  “Okay, now that my Google investigation is done, it’s time for me to figure out what to bring with me,” she mumbled.

  She could only assume that she’d be on the island just for the day, although it might be a long and dirty day. Thankfully I preferred to dress more casually as a standard so most everything she brought would work for doing the dirty work that was usually associated with helping a horse. Being a vet certainly wasn’t the cleanest occupation. She decided to pack one extra pair of clothes in my backpack so I wouldn’t have to wear smelly horse clothes in his private plane. You can take the country girl to the city, but you can’t take the country out of her clothes when she’s a vet, she thought. It was an exaggeration somewhat because she’d traveled around the world and seen some amazing places, but her heart and passions were still best served in the country, not the city.

  There was a knock on my door. “Are you ready?” Jacob called from the other side.

  “I am,” I said, swinging the door opening. She could tell from how he looked at me that I must have looked acceptable, casual clothes and all.

  “You have to be the best looking vet—ever.”

  “You’re too flattering.”

  “I’m sure I’m not the first to tell you that, Savannah,” Jacob said casually, showing he had no problems stating whatever was on his mind bluntly. “Let me grab your backpack and we’ll get rolling.”

  And off we went to the hangar. She stood there, chatting with Jacob and watched a private plane land on the small strip. She’d been thinking four seat Cessna, but soon found out that she was really entering more into a twelve seat luxury plane. Impressive, she had to admit.

  The plane took off and in no time at all she was flying above the coastline of California, admiring its jagged beauty, mountains, hills, and looking forward to seeing what the place called Wild Horse Island would look like. She was sure it would be nothing short of amazing.

  Chapter 2

  My heart was racing as she looked down on Wild Horse Island as the plane coasted to the runway strip on it. It was many miles in diameter and no small island like one would think—especially being privately owned. I could see some wild horses running in the distance as the plane descended and I longed to go see them in action. Even though I was so far up I could almost imagine their mane’s flowing in the breeze as they ran…and could imagine hearing the sound of their hoofs pounding on the flat plains that were on the island. It was indeed a perfect sanctuary for someone who loved horses.

  I walked out of the plane and saw a Jeep Wrangler with the top off waiting there. There was a woman standing next to it wearing a high bun, perfectly done make-up, and a tan pants suit that was kind of like Banana Republic Safari. It was appropriate for the environment and she was clearly someone who had a stiff demeanor. I think she was only in her late 20s, maybe, so it was really peculiar to me. She reminded me of my third grade teacher Mrs. Bloom, a woman who frightened me with her strict mannerisms. There was only one person that this woman could be.

  “Miss Baker,” I said.

  “Yes,” she replied. “Follow me.”

  She walked around the Jeep and got into the driver’s seat and I threw my backpack in the backseat and got in next to her.

  As we drove along she was so fascinated by the beautiful setting that she didn’t mind the fact that she was still very cold. Every once in a while she saw her assessing me and was certain I saw a sneer on her face. It was a look that I’d seen before and quickly decided wasn’t worth my time to worry about or acknowledge. I knew that many people thought I was pretty attractive, but I certainly never strived to use that to my advantage in any way. If she was bothered by it…so be it.

  “So, do you live on the island?” She asked Miss Baker.

  “Yes, Mr. Roth’s schedule is very demanding.”

  “You can’t work 24/7.”

  She looked at me as if my question had some sort of hidden agenda in it. “I’m Mr. Roth’s go-to person and that does take a lot of time. However, I do go to the mainland on my off days and stay at my apartment there.”

  “I see. How long have you worked for Mr. Roth?”

  “Two years,” she said.

  “Do you have an affinity for horses too?”

  “I have an affinity for doing what must be done to protect Mr. Roth’s interests in his thoroughbreds,” she said. “We’re here.”

  I looked forward and was impressed with the house that was in front of me. It was a large white mansion, resembling a southern plantation home, two stories high plus a small third story with a look-out. What an impeccable and beautiful place. It was the perfect home for this setting despite it being off the Northern California coastline. she was in awe and couldn’t hide it. What could get more beautiful than this? Out of all the places I’d been, this place had an instant impact like none she’d ever experienced before.

  She followed Miss Baker up the front stairs of the home and she swung open a double door and walked in, waiting for me to follow. I walked into a two story grand entrance made of marble with an incredible chandelier hanging above it that was wrought iron with horses and other intricate things woven into it. It was incredible, but not as incredible as what was standing on the floor of the entrance.<
br />
  My eyes went directly to one of the most handsome men I’d ever seen. He was standing there staring at me staring at everything. He had grey eyes that pierced my soul and this dark wavy hair with golden highlights when the sunlight shone on it that made him look like a model posing for riding clothes, which is what he was wearing. They were obviously custom-made, designed to fit his sculpted buff body perfectly. The snug fit of his riding pants and boots gave off a sexiness that made me want to climb on him, tear off his clothes, unzip his pants and ride him. I was filled with an instant surge of horniness that I hadn’t experienced in quite some time.

  It took me a bit to collect myself from the shock of such a gorgeous man in front of me and I eventually was able to spit out, “Mr. Roth, I’m Savannah Milo. I appreciate the opportunity to help you out.”

  “Call me Ryland, please,” he said.


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