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Quinn Page 31

by Doyle, Dawn

  He shrugged. “Truth? I think you’ll have to hold her back from getting in there first.”

  That made a sick smile tug at my mouth. Kinsley had kicked Owen’s ass for what he did to her, and fucked up Colby’s face for just a comment about my mom and me, so there was no doubt in my mind what she’d do.

  Class was done, and Josh and I hung back while everybody left. Mr. Cunningham’s hands trembled as he gathered his things together, preparing for his next class.

  “I heard what you did,” I said after Josh closed the door, shutting us off from nosey assholes outside.

  “Mr. Dexter, my son’s business is no concern of yours.” His expression fell flat, and his skin paled as he spoke.

  “While that’s true,” I began, and leaned against the side of his desk, blocking his path, “shopping your kid in for what he did is admirable.”

  Josh nodded. “It couldn’t have been easy.”

  The prof looked between us a few times. “I’d be grateful if those details were kept within the walls of this room,” he said, glancing around. As if realizing I could play on his words, he added, “and with no other person.”

  “Whatever you say.” I smirked, then pushed off the desk. Josh grinned, and we both made our way to the door.

  “How did you find out?” Mr. Cunningham asked before we could leave. “About David?”

  I turned to look over my shoulder, my head low. “Nothing is private on social media, Mr. Cunningham, even when you think it is. And it’s worse when your own friends reveal your secrets to anyone who’ll listen.”


  I waited outside Kinsley’s class, watching through the glass as she worked on her computer, her eyes flying over whatever she was looking at.

  Fuck this.

  I turned the handle and walked right in, all heads turning in my direction as I approached her station.

  “Quinn, what are you doing here?” she asked. The smile that lit up her gorgeous face sucker-punched me right in the chest, my heart squeezing tight.

  I walked up behind her while she looked up at me. I gripped the back of her chair and leaned down to kiss my girl. “I was passing by and thought I’d come in.”

  “Quinn, this isn’t your class,” Mr. Spiers said, gesturing with his head for me to get the fuck out of there.

  “Can I have just one minute?” I asked, and his brows shot up. I never asked for anything; I did what I wanted.

  “Uh, sure,” he replied like he had no fucking idea what I was up to. He looked toward the back of the room, and I turned my head in that direction.

  “Quinn, please don’t do anything,” Kinsley whispered, placing her small warm hand on mine.

  “I won’t,” I assured her while I glared at Colby. The fucker that had been moved away from her for his own safety. That thought made me laugh but also made me swell with pride. “But don’t think I don’t want to drive that hipster’s fucking head through the brick wall.”

  “I know you do, and that’s why I asked you not to.” She squeezed my fingers, making me look at her instead. “It’s already freezing in here without you adding a hole in it.”

  I chuckled, then leaned in for another kiss. “I can’t have my girl getting cold.”

  “No, you can’t.”

  I flicked my eyes back over to him again, my grin dropping, a snarl quickly taking its place. I burned into that fucker, watching him shift as I took in the white stripe across the bridge of his nose and the cut on his left cheekbone, the sticky tape holding it together.

  Yeah, my girl did that to you, you piece of shit.

  She’d done that for me. Because she loves me. Kinsley loves me.

  “Baby, I gotta go,” I said to her without looking away from Colby. “I’ll be waiting for you.” I looked down then and cupped her face before gently pressing my lips to hers.

  “Quinn,” she warned when I headed toward Colby instead of leaving.

  I placed my hands down on his table and dipped low. I waited for him to look up, his left eye still bloodshot. “Just remember that my girl did that to you,” I growled. “And if you ever, ever fuck with her again, nobody will dare hold her back. And, if you touch her car again,” I watched his lids widen in terror, the truth shining in the whites of his eyes, “nobody will even dare hold me back, and that’s a promise.” I turned to go, but not before stroking Kinsley’s smooth hair as I passed.

  Nobody messes with my girl.

  I dipped my chin to Mr. Spiers, our conversation from last time still fresh. If he wanted to keep going to the circle, he had to keep his mouth shut, and his eyes closed when it came to Kinsley dealing with Colby unless I was needed. Luckily, he’d wanted to see that little shit get his ass whooped for a long time.

  “Hey, sexy,” Kinsley purred, and I snapped my head up from my phone, then pocketed it. “Ready to give me a ride?”

  I didn’t miss the flash in her eyes. I gripped her hips and pulled her against me, bringing her flush with my dick as I leaned against my bike. “Ready to ride me?” I asked in her ear. My cock stirred when she sucked in a breath, hardening more and more when she rubbed herself over me.

  Her lips brushed my ear, then she gently tugged on my lobe with her teeth, making my cock stand to attention. “You gotta get me home first.” She took her helmet from the handlebars and slipped it over her head, her heated stare not leaving me.

  I got her back to my place and wasted no time in getting her in my bed, loving every part of her body multiple times. She was true to her word and rode me harder than ever before, my dick disappearing inside of her, gripping me like a vice as she came, milking every drop from me until I had absolutely nothing left.

  And it was fucking perfect.

  Chapter 15


  Water swirled around the white bowl, disappearing with the contents of my stomach for the third time that morning. The outlook wasn’t good, and neither was the pounding behind my eyes.

  I ran the faucet and splashed cold water over my face before rinsing my mouth, hoping to hell that I wasn’t about to hug the toilet again.

  “Kinsley, are you all right in there?” my mom asked, knocking on the bathroom door. “You’ve been in there for twenty minutes.”

  “I’m fine,” I choked out, staring down at my fingers gripping the edges of the sink. My throat relaxed again, my stomach tightening, and my mouth flooding with saliva. “Oh, God.” I dropped to my knees and leaned over, the last dregs of my breakfast shooting out of me.

  “Kinsley!” The door flew open, and when my mom saw me, she stopped, her eyes bulging and her mouth hanging open. “No,” she said in disbelief.

  “I’m fine,” I lied again, my voice shaking. I lifted my hand and tried to wipe my damp hair from my face, but the quivering only made it worse. “I just need a minute.”

  “How long have you been sick?” she asked, crouching next to me. She pressed the back of her fingers to my forehead, her brows bunching when she didn’t detect the fever I knew was already absent.

  “Today?” I tipped my head back as though searching for the answer. “About the entire time I’ve been in here.”

  “In total,” she said, turning my face toward her. Her eyes studied mine, her mouth drawn tight, and her brows lifted, her concern taking me by surprise.

  “Almost a week,” I replied, trying to turn away, but she wouldn’t let me. “It’s worse in the morning.” I waited for her to scream at me, for her disappointed scowl to appear, for anything other than the understanding she showed as she gave me a tight smile.

  “Then we need to get you to the doctor.” My mom took my arm, helped me to my feet, and guided me out of the bathroom “After that, you might need to call Quinn.”

  “Mom, I don’t know what to do,” I whispered while she grabbed my black jacket from the back of the kitchen chair. I tugged on the cuffs of my shirt, unable to keep my hands still. My vision blurred, the image of my mom wavering as my lids filled. “I’m scared.” My chin wobbled, and my b
reaths came thick and fast, catching in my throat.

  My mom rushed over to me and wrapped my jacket around my shoulders before pulling me into her arms, holding me tight. “We’re going to get through this, no matter what you decide,” she whispered against my hair as she ran her hand over the back of my head. “You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  I just hoped she was right.


  The longest hour of my life had passed by, and I was glad to be standing in the busy parking lot of my doctor’s surgery instead of the confines of the stuffy room I’d been sitting in. Fresh, crisp air had never tasted so good, the biting chill cooling me down, soothing the overheated skin on my face and neck.

  I pulled out my phone and opened my messages when we reached my mom’s Lincoln. Beeping sounds came from my phone right away.

  ‘Hey, Kinny, where are you?’

  I flicked to the next message Quinn had sent.

  ‘Babe, are you at home?’

  ‘I tried calling you, but it went straight to answerphone. Call me.’

  ‘Kinny, I’m seriously getting worried.’

  I pressed his details and waited for the ringing to start. The first one hadn’t finished when Quinn answered.

  “Kinny, what the fuck?” he rushed out. “Where the hell are you? I’ve been to your house, searched the fucking area… Please tell me you’re okay.”

  I swallowed hard, hearing the panic in his voice, his breath coming through the earpiece in short bursts. “I’m okay, I just had to do something,” I replied.

  “Fuck, Kinny, I thought that asshole tried to get back at you somehow, or Phoebe—” he blew out a long breath. “I thought something had happened to you. I was about ready to fucking murder someone.”

  My insides took a nosedive, hurtling downward as I thought how it must have felt for him. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you,” I apologized.

  “It’s fine, babe, I’m just glad you’re safe,” he said, his voice low as though he was controlling his breathing. “Are you coming back soon?”

  I nodded to no-one. “Yeah. I’m with my mom, but we’re heading home now. I’ll be about ten minutes. And Quinn?” I said before he could reply.

  “Yeah, babe?”

  I had to tell him, but as my mouth worked, my heart flew past my lips instead. “I love you.” I looked up and saw my mom had her arms crossed over her chest, her pointed stare right on me. I turned away, back to my conversation.

  “I love you too, Kinny baby. See you in a few.” His engine roared just before the phone went dead, and my heart raced for more than one reason.

  No sooner had the engine stopped, another blared behind us. My legs shook, my knees close to giving way as I got out of my mom’s car, my focus on Quinn as he slipped his helmet off of his head. His eyes never left mine as he swung his leg over the tank, leaving the bike balancing on its kickstand.

  Thick thighs thundered toward me, carrying him closer and closer with each stride, my pulse speeding up with every step.

  “You scared me,” he growled when he reached me, his arms banding around me and his hand cupping my head. “I would’ve killed any bastard that touched you, Kinny.” He pulled back and held my face in his large hands, his warm thumbs caressing my cheeks.

  “I didn’t mean to, Quinn.” I stared up at him, his perusal of my features, checking for something, satisfaction in his smile when he didn’t find anything.

  His head dipped, and my eyes closed on their own ready for his kiss. When his lips pressed against mine, I melted against him, gripping the front of his jacket to me, pulling him as close as possible, trying to block out what had happened over the past hour. His tongue slipped in my mouth, strong and hot, swirling with mine.

  A throat was cleared behind us, and he pulled back quickly, his lips shining from our kiss, mine buzzing and nowhere near ready to stop.

  “Hey, Mrs. Jensen,” he said, letting his hands drop from my face to my shoulders. He slid them down until he took my hands in his.

  “Hi, Quinn,” she replied, then pointed to the house. “Want to come inside?”

  He turned his head, his ear toward her, and his eyes narrowed. “Is this another interrogation? Because I feel like it’s going to be, and I’m not sure if I’ve done something to warrant your interest.” His eyes searched the air, and he lifted his hand to tap his chin, his cocky pout making me hide my smile. “No, I’m pretty sure I haven’t broken any laws… Today.” He smirked, then finished with, “Yet.”

  My mom looked at me, her lids widening, signaling for me to go in. “Kinsley?”

  My stomach somersaulted, and my pulse sped. I didn’t know anything yet, but my mom was acting like some huge news needed to be shared right at that moment. The fact that if what was suspected were to be true could devastate him was enough to keep me from saying a damn word.

  I watched her walk into the house, then I turned back to Quinn.

  “We should go,” he said, gesturing to his bike. “I’ve got prep to do for tonight, and I have to be on my game.” He ran his fingers through my hair and held me close, his body heat seeping into me, warming me in the chilly afternoon. “Remember, you don’t have to come, not if you don’t want to. I understand.”

  I slid my hands inside his jacket and around his tight waist, feeling his muscles bunch under my gentle touch. I flattened my hands against his back and pressed my cheek to his chest while he cradled me to him. “I want to be there for you,” I replied, forcing back the bile that wanted to fire out of my mouth. The last fight was still fresh, and not speaking about it had a thousand and one scenarios running through my head, none of which turned out good for Quinn. “But I don’t want to be a distraction.”

  “Don’t listen to what Phoebe said,” he sighed, seeing through the bullshit excuse in my apprehension. “I could’ve stared at you, and that fucking guy still would’ve been put down like a rabid dog.”

  I lifted my head and tilted back so I could see him. His beautiful, perfect face would be marked, dark bruises blemishing his flawless complexion, and swelling taking away the defined curve of his high cheekbones. “Promise me something,” I whispered, my gaze fixing on his sensual lips. They parted, and Quinn tugged his lower lip into his mouth, his pointed canines on show. “Damn.”

  He let out a chuckle. “What do I have to promise?”

  “Promise me that after tonight, you let me look after you. I don’t want any bitching about being a grown-ass man who can take care of himself,” I demanded. “You let me take care of you, okay?” It was the least I could do after what he’d done for me—the justice he’d gotten, for me. “And if you want me to kiss your boo-boos, I’ll be more than happy to oblige.” I pumped my brows, and my tongue darted out, gliding along my upper lip.

  “Hmm, for the first time ever, I’m more than happy to accept that offer.” He took my mouth, kissing me long and hard, his lips parting to suck on mine.

  I moaned into his warmth, and he pulled back way too soon. “So, you’ve been propositioned before, huh?” I went in for more, my body craving his touch, his mouth, his hands… “I guess I should go if only to keep the thirsty vultures away from my man,” I whispered against his full lips.

  “You know that was all crap, right?” he asked, kissing me once, then rested his forehead against mine. His hands smoothed down my back, running over the curve of my spine and settled on my ass, his large palms cupping and gently squeezing. “I fooled myself into thinking I wanted you for that reason, but it was because I just wanted you.”

  “Careful, Quasi, you’re letting your sensitive side show in public,” I joked, watching his adorable blush tinge his cheeks and a hint of shyness glinting in his hypnotizing eyes. “People might start to think you’re a huge teddy bear.”

  Quinn tugged me hard against him, and I gasped as the ridge of his cock pressed into my stomach, my core cheering in approval, burning hotter with every passing second. “Only for you, Kinny, got it?” he growled, his hand gripping me
harder, almost lifting me off the ground. “Everyone else gets nothing from me.”


  There was a possibility that his mind could change, that I could fall into the bracket of ‘everyone else,’ just like I had when I first walked into Broken Hollow Community College. I wished that after this day was through, Quinn still looked at me the same way he was looking at me right then like I was his world, his moon, and stars because he was mine.

  Quinn grinned. “Let’s go before your neighbors get to see more than what they’re paying for.”

  I swatted his chest, and he laughed, a deep timbre that vibrated into my chest and settled deep in my heart. “You’re bad.”

  “You love it.”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head, failing to hide the smile breaking free. “I’ll be right back.”

  “I take it you haven’t mentioned it?” my mom said when I bolted inside the house. I rushed to grab my things before making my way to the door. “He needs to know, Kinsley.”

  “And I’ll tell him,” I said, holding the edge of the door. “When I know for sure.” I left the house with my mom watching after me, her concern burning a hole in my back as she stared after me.

  With my helmet firmly in place and my arms tight around Quinn’s waist, we sped off down the street, ready to face whatever was coming our way.

  Even though he had no idea what that was.


  Silence permeated the air in the RV, nobody saying anything, and nobody doing a fucking thing as we waited for the roars of the current fight to die down.

  Layton sat in the driver’s seat, the chair swiveled around to face us. With his elbows resting on his knees, he studied his fingers like they were some new concept he’d never seen before.

  Josh sat opposite where I stood against the thin counter, lounging back on the low, narrow sofa, his head back and his eyes closed. His black hood was up, covering his head while his hands rested in the pockets.


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