The Pack-Retribution

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The Pack-Retribution Page 7

by LM. Preston

  Logan put a hand on Garcia, who mumbled as she sat back. “Insolent…brat. I...ought.”

  Logan released a deep breath. “Elite Officer Garcia, I can handle the remaining interview here.” He nodded at Garcia.

  Shamira caught the slight eye signal that passed between them. Pla-ease. I know you are no better than her, Logan. Shamira fought not to roll her eyes.

  Logan cleared his throat, as Garcia left the room. “Now, back to the interview.” He put his fake smile on again. “Who was this Nan exactly? What was her last name?”

  “I didn’t give her last name. I try not to learn the last names of my friends. She’s just someone who needed food. We gave her some.”

  “Instead of going to a movie? Isn’t that where you were going originally?”

  “We dropped her off some money, because we were close by and she needed it.” Shamira hoped she evaded his trick question. She watched him for a sign, but he didn’t give one away.

  “Valens seems to have connections to the kids who were part of Monev. Did he ever allude to working for Monev? Uh…indirectly of course.”

  “Never. He’d never work for them. They kidnapped and tortured his little sister—he wanted to infiltrate them and bring them down as much as I did—even more. So, again I say it plain. No!”

  “Well, not work, but what about pretend to work with Monev in order to find his sister?”

  “Never would have.”

  “Okay. Also, I have in my records that shortly after you returned from the incident of Elite Lead Cal’s death, your computer had to be replaced. Any idea why?”

  “It was broken.” She crossed her arms in front of her.

  Logan stared at her a moment. “Look, we are not trying to pin you or your team to these incidents. We are trying to absolve you from it. These questions are necessary, and I hate to say it harshly, but you all are probably suspects in both incidents. Either you answer my questions seriously, or I have to note your non-compliance in your file. One of which is already riddled with non-compliance to questioning from Elite Officer Dax.”

  “I hear you. I’m giving you all I have.”

  “Somehow, my instincts tell me different.” He moved aside the flashpad he’d been typing on. “We are not against you. We are all a team and in this together. One day, hopefully you will be my leader. Even Garcia’s leader, provided she doesn’t put in for a transfer back to Earth. I personally want to see you succeed, but I can’t help you if you don’t give me something to work with. I won’t ask again.”

  “I have nothing. If that’s all you have to ask, can I go now?”

  He shook his head as if disappointed. “Sure. Here is my card. Call me if anything else…comes to mind.”

  She grabbed the card, folded it in her hand. “I will.” As she walked down the hall to her team’s training rooms, she ditched the card in the trash.

  Chapter 14

  As Shamira rounded the corner to the training room, she bumped into Katie. She really didn’t have time for Katie’s bull today, but had no choice now that Katie stood between her and getting the heck out of the hallway.

  “He-llo, Cadet Nobel.” Katie’s hands were draped on her slim waist. Her pale blonde hair framed her taunting brown eyes. “Where you going?”

  “Out of my way before I move you.” Shamira never liked Katie. Disliked her immensely for many reasons, but her main reason was the fact that Katie purposefully tried to pair up with Valens in all their training sessions. Katie was training on Mars and then graduating to join the Earth Security Force, and Shamira couldn’t wait for her to leave.

  “Um-um-um. I’m not budging until you tell me what kind of trouble your team is in. Well, they’re not officially your team, but you guys are like what…oh yeah, like a gang.” Katie laid a dainty index finger up to her chin and feigned a look of innocence.

  “Don’t worry about us. Just get out of the way. I have to—”

  “Meet your friends. Yeah, I was just going that way too.” Katie moved slightly and waited for Shamira to pass.

  Shamira wanted to hit her. Really just knock her out, she was so ticked off from her meeting with Garcia and Logan. “I don’t have time for your games. Don’t follow me.”

  Katie shrugged and followed Shamira anyhow. Shamira walked passed her and stopped briefly to take a deep calming breath before she made herself, and her team, look worse.

  They entered the team training lounge. Shamira charged into the cozy room of video games, large overstuffed couches and strewn pillows. No one was there yet.

  “Hmm, looks like it’s just you and me.” Katie sauntered in front of Shamira and whispered, “I heard what happened. You guys were with Elite Lead Officer Cal when he died. Somehow you screwed up your training session and caused him to get killed.” Her eyebrow lifted accusingly. “Oh, and that you were also in Sector Seven when a building was mysteriously blown up.”

  Shamira stepped up to Katie. “You don’t need to worry about us. If you want the facts, ask someone else and get out of my face right now before I do something you’ll regret.”

  Katie leaned back. “I’ll let it slide this time. Or maybe I’ll ask Valens, he seems to like talking to me—alone.” She walked to the doorway and twisted back. “It’s strange why he would want someone like you. You’re so different than him. Whereas he’s all gorgeous, loving and just plain likeable—you’re so—not.” Waving her hand, she left the room.

  Shamira balled her fist and seethed at the empty doorway as Valens walked in. “I hate that girl. I really do.”

  Valens eyebrow kinked up. His arms opened and went over to give her a hug. “I can’t kiss you when you’re frowning like that.” He chuckled and tapped her lower lip with his thumb. “Keep pouting and I’m going to nibble right here,” he said in a low whisper.

  Tingles traveled up her arms at his teasing. Shamira relaxed, a grin sliding on her quivering lip. “She just…”

  He kissed her before she could finish and a flood of calmness came over her. Shamira’s anger seemed to melt away. She snuck her arms around his waist and deepened their kiss. She loved this—the way he always made her feel.

  Voices sounded behind him and Valens hesitantly stopped the kiss.

  She let out a giggle. “I needed that. I think I was going to choke someone if I didn’t calm down.”

  “I know. Katie’s really not that bad, and she can be useful. She works in the records department and has ways to research stuff Hedi can’t get to.”

  Hedi bounced in the room in front of Dion and the others. She jumped on Valens back with a laugh. “Caught you!”

  “You’re one to talk.” Shamira stepped away from Valens. “We always catch you kissing.”

  Hedi jumped off Valens and went to hug Dion. “I can’t help myself. Dion’s so hot.”

  Dion smiled down at her. “Flattery will get you anything, babe.” He gave her a long kiss.

  “Oh, give me a break!” Anthony shook his head.

  Kurt elbowed Anthony before he sat on the arm of one of the sofas. “I tried but you didn’t want to go out with Rhonda. Your loss, my gain.”

  Hedi came up for air and looked at Valens. “What is it Katie can access that I can’t? Remember my hacker skills here—you are making me envious if you start using her to help. Besides, my BFF doesn’t like her, so I don’t like her either.”

  Mitch rolled his eyes. “You don’t like her because she’s pretty, and competition.”

  Valens held up his hand. “Hold up, I was just saying she could help us out. Sorry I suggested it.”

  Shamira cleared her throat. “Can you guys come over to my house on Saturday?” She nodded discreetly and Hedi smiled back at her with understanding. Her team had come up with body language for when they didn’t want to speak out loud in case cameras were taping.

  They all agreed.

  Valens put his arm around Shamira. “We’re gone. I want to spend some time alone with my girl before I have to pick up Mina.”

mira was relieved to be able to spend some time with just Valens. It had been almost two weeks since they’d had a chance to slip off and do their own thing given that she’d been away with Cal during her waking hours.

  Chapter 15

  Valens showed up early the next morning. Shamira hurried out of the house before her siblings realized she was gone. Stopping to check her appearance in the mirror, she smoothed down form-fitting pants that Hedi let her borrow.

  She sauntered over to where Valens stood in front of his motorcycle trying to imitate the sexy walk Hedi seemed to pull off effortlessly. He gave her a cocky grin while he handed her a helmet. As their hands touched, the familiar tingling sensation went up her arm.

  He still unsettled her. Sometimes she didn’t feel comfortable with the closeness of their relationship. It seemed like the last year he’d been easing deeper and deeper within her heart. Before she’d met him she’d been too scared to let anyone close; to be anyone’s partner, friend or even girlfriend. But she couldn’t deny that loving him allowed her a freedom she’d never had before. Valens was the sole reason she had friends.

  He kissed her before putting on her helmet. “Stop it.”


  “You know what. Stop thinking about how you don’t want me.” He pivoted and climbed on his motorcycle.

  She slid in behind him. “That’s not true.”

  He laughed, and then drove off. “Yeah right. Every time you think I’m getting too close you get this look in your eyes.”

  His rich voice oozed through the audio device in her helmet and she tightened her arms around his waist while he wove in and out of light traffic. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. My eyes look dead. You can’t read them.”

  “Yes, I can. Those pale blue babies give me this look that says ‘back off’. I should know. I’ve been trying to get closer to you since I first met you.” He briefly clasped his hand with hers.

  “Trust me, you are closer than anybody.” She sneaked a kiss to his neck, something he’d done with her that made her shiver inside.

  “Umm…I like that.” Valens held her hand and kissed it. “I know you trust me more than you do other people, but I want more,” he whispered.

  Fear gripped her. Shamira closed her eyes and pushed her desire to give him what he wanted down deep. When Valens said things like that, she got a fluttering sensation in her heart and wanted to melt inside him. Shamira’s chest hurt from wanting him. That fear of totally allowing Valens into her heart made her throw the walls up all over again.

  Instead of coming back with a snappy retort, she watched the passing homes, shaped like cottages made of rock and sand. The tall silver rods spouted up over the buildings and sand-swept streets. Rock carvings in yards and the sprouts of brown grass blurred around them as they made their way to the park.

  They rode in silence. Valens drove through the park of fake grass and numerous playgrounds until they got to a gated section in the back of the recreational area that held the greenhouse garden.

  “They’re closed.” Shamira read the sign hanging over the lock on the high curved gate.

  “Not for us.” Valens parked his bike in front of the gate. He pulled her hand on his waist and held it until he pulled off his helmet.

  “Why am I not surprised? You know someone that knows somebody that…”

  Valens brought her hand up to his lips, lingered and then kissed it. Sliding his hand to grip her fingers, Valens gently nipped at the tip of Shamira’s finger. “That knows someone.” He got off the bike and strode over to the gate while Shamira followed. “Sam? Sam? I’m here.”

  Shamira followed behind Valens and he snaked an arm low around her hips. A gray haired older guy with dark brown skin and bright black eyes limped up to the gate smiling.

  “I figured you were running late. I closed the place so it would be empty for you.”

  Valens gave the man a genuine smile. “Thanks Sam, you always look out for me. This is Shamira. The one I told you about.”

  Sam’s grin got wider. “Hello, you are a beauty. Look at those eyes. Skin like cinnamon, just like you said.” He handed Valens a flat computerized key. “Well, you two have fun.”

  “Thank you, Sam,” Shamira said with a smile.

  “No. Thank you. Both of you remind me of my wife and I at your age. Inseparable.” Sam limped away.

  “C’mon. I want you to see this place.” Valens tugged her with him, and stole a quick hug. His nose tickled her neck before he planted a soft kiss just below Shamira’s ear.

  A giggle escaped from Sharmira’s lips as neck warmed where he kissed her. She tilted her chin then shyly pecked his lower lip.

  “I love when you do that,” his voice deepened.

  “What?” She closed her eyes and just breathed in his scent.

  “Kiss me on your own.”

  Shamira smiled, then opened her eyes before stepping away. Valens shrugged at her distance then grabbed her hand and tugged Shamira alongside him.

  She gazed around the garden and was in awe. She’d never smelled anything so wonderful. The scents, although strong, seemed to blend together in soothing harmony. They were planted and potted in a way that made designs of different Earth birds. Aggravation and grief from the last few days seemed to hang inside her like lead, but melted away at Valens kind gesture. It bought her out of that place where she felt safe and where Valens fought to keep her out of, the place in her heart and mind where she buried herself in barriers miles thick.

  The garden seemed to go on for forever. Real grass, imported from earth. Tulips and roses mingled together as they flanked large statues of ancient humans garbed in clothes from an older time. Warmth surrounded them in a moistened blanket as the slight smell of fresh water mixed with the fragrant blossoms.

  “Here, down this path is your surprise.”

  Shamira stopped walking. “Surprise? You know I don’t do surprises.” But she couldn’t help the bubble of excitement in her chest at his teasing.

  “You are so lying.” Valens kissed her on the cheek and led her down the brick paved walkway through the flowering trees.

  A gasp escaped her lips. They walked into the clearing of neatly cut grass surrounded by hanging flowers of pink, white and yellow. A large red blanket was spread out with a woven basket in the middle. Matching checkered lounge pillows were stacked neatly next to the picnic basket.

  “I have no words.” Shamira bought her hand up to her lips. “This is beautiful. I…”

  He twisted her around to him and kissed her softly on her lips, his hands cradling her face. “You’re beautiful. And I love you.” Before he could cover it, a brief flicker of pain showed in the depths of his gaze.

  Giving in, she relaxed her face to show him how she felt. Something she didn’t do often, she whispered. “I love you, too. Thank you. For loving me even though…though I don’t know how to show it.” She hugged him close.

  The stress of the last few days laid heavy on her. She took a guilty moment to rub her face against his chest. The secret fear that the attacks were directed at her filled her with such sadness it was a struggle to keep from crying, right there in his arms. Keeping this secret was the hardest thing Shamira had to do since finding her friends, but she didn’t have a choice. She had to figure out who was doing this and save her team.

  “Hey, we better enjoy this feast Sam put together for us.” Valens tugged her with him. He plopped down on the soft blanket and snuggled her close on top of him. Valens rested his hands on the curve of her hips. Then he nuzzled his nose in the crook of her neck. “Ummm, you smell good.”

  “Stop it. That tickles.” She let out a weak giggle. “I’m hungry. I didn’t eat breakfast since I was sneaking out of the house.”

  “Good, then it’ll be me feeding you.”

  She beamed. “Let me up so I can take a peek.”

  Valens wrapped his arms around her waist. “Nope.” He held her firmly. His stare held such hunger that it scared her.

  Shamira swallowed back a sob at his naked expression of love. “You and I both know I can win this, right?”

  “No fair. You can’t use your strength outside of the duties of the Security Force, directive 23-987.”

  “You got me there.” Shamira pursed her lips.

  “Don’t tease me like that.” Valens tsked her. “You want to get up, then you have to tell me something.”

  Shamira studied Valens face, suspicious. Every time they played this game, she always told him way more about herself than she’d ever admit to anyone. “What?”

  “What did that guy say to you at Nan’s?”

  Shamira nibbled her bottom lip. “What makes you think he said anything?”

  “I was behind you when you had him down. I wanted to make sure you were okay since my creep took off. I saw this…look on your face. Something I have never seen there before.”

  “I’m not talking about this now. Let me up.”

  Valens sighed and released her. Shamira sat next to him and crossed her legs. Her eyes were glued on the basket of food.

  “Didn’t mean to push too hard.” Valens stood and opened the basket. “It’s just…what happened to Nan, I feel like…like it was my fault.” He handed her a croissant filled with jelly.

  She grasped it and bit off a piece. “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know someone would follow us there. We all thought it was just an attack against Cal.”

  He grumbled, “Attacking Cal is the same as attacking the Security Force, a direct threat to all of us. I should’ve known we were targets too.”

  “I knew, and still wanted you to take us to Nan. It was my decision. I’ll take the blame.” She stuffed the croissant in her mouth, feeling horrible about how Valens felt. And that others who trusted Valens were killed because of her decision.

  “I don’t need you to take blame for this. I’m a man, 18 years old, and never had a problem claiming what’s mine. I knew Nan trusted me. I also knew that no one in that neighborhood wanted a Security Force member there. If it wasn’t those men, it would’ve been someone else.”


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