The Shifter’s Secret Baby

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The Shifter’s Secret Baby Page 32

by T. S. Ryder


  "You said to trust my gut," she interrupted, aiming the fire extinguisher in her hands at a demon that rushed him.

  Ian grinned. "You are an amazing woman. I am going to buy you the biggest rock I can find."

  Lydia looked startled for a moment. "Demons! Don't get distracted."


  He turned his attention back to their enemies. Within moments, the rest of them were dead. His arms felt like blocks of wood, and he dropped the knives. Blood seeped from the various wounds he had received, but he ignored them as he reached for Lydia. She let him help her down from the cooking station.

  "Are you okay?" he asked.

  "Me?" Lydia laughed. "You're the one that took on a horde of demons. All I did was throw a little light around. Look, I even got to wear clothes. You're completely naked. You're lucky they didn't go for—"

  Ian cut her off with a deep kiss. His heart still pounded, the sudden stop of adrenaline pumping through his veins making him tremble. The possibility of what might have happened burned into his mind. He tightened his grip of Lydia, making sure he wouldn’t lose her.

  "I love you," he gasped, moving his mouth to her neck. "I love you."

  "I love you, too." She answered his passion with her own, clinging to him. "I love you more than I've ever loved anybody before. But—"

  Ian tensed and pulled back. "But?"

  Lydia gestured around with a bewildered expression. "What are we going to do about this mess?"

  The Dragon burst into laughter. He kissed her once more before he stepped back, holding her hand. "We'll figure it out. I didn't get to be three hundred years old without knowing a few tricks."

  She smiled and twined her fingers through his, letting him lead her away from the ruined kitchen. It was going to take a lot to fix this mess, but if there was one thing he'd learned since meeting Lydia, anything was possible.

  Even melting the stone heart of a Dragon who hated everybody.

  Chapter Eleven – Lydia

  Lydia lay on the floor, hands stretched over her large, swollen belly. Her stomach felt like it was about to explode. "Kill me," she begged.

  A sigh sounded from the other end of the phone she had pressed to her ear. "Don't tell me you ate the entire cake by yourself," Amber said.

  "I saved a slice for Ian."

  Amber sighed again. "You have got to kick this habit, Lydia. You're going to have a baby soon. How are you going to teach him healthy eating habits if you gorge yourself on desserts all the time? And don't give me that, 'I saved the world from hell' line. I've apologized enough for attacking Ian and I refuse to feel guilty anymore. Even he said I shouldn't worry about it after hearing more about… my past."

  "I didn't say anything about you feeling guilty. I just asked for you to kill me."

  "Don't eat so much cake if you don't like how you feel."

  Lydia huffed, rubbing her stomach. The baby inside started to kick in response. It didn't help the already overly-full feeling that she was experiencing. "If you're not going to be sympathetic, maybe I'll just kick you out of my restaurant."

  "If you do that, I'll fire you from being the manager of my restaurant."

  Lydia smiled. After almost a year of a strained relationship with Amber, they were back to normal. At least, they were pretty dang close to being back to normal. It had been hard for her friend to come to terms with Lydia being with a dragon, but after hearing the story (several times) she had come around and came to accept that Lydia really did love Ian and that he loved her. Since then, things had been slowly improving. The fact that Ian had bought them a restaurant had helped.

  Speak of the Dragon… Ian came into the kitchen. He sighed when he saw Lydia lying on the floor. "Did you eat that whole cake?"

  "Whoops, sounds like I should go and let you take your scolding," Amber said. "I'll call you later."

  "Yeah. Bye."

  Lydia hung up the phone and shook her head, peering innocently at Ian. "I didn't eat it all."

  Ian stepped over her and eyed what was left of the cake. "I see. You left me a few crumbs."

  "That's a whole piece left," Lydia protested. "Are you going to stand there crying over a cake or help me to bed? I need my rest, remember."

  "You just want me to carry you."

  Lydia grinned. "Will you?"

  Ian rolled his eyes, but swooped down and gathered her into his arms. He kissed the top of her head. "Of course I will. All you need to do is ask. I'll do anything for my mate."

  Lydia made a face at that. A committed relationship, she could live with. Wildly in love, yes. Common-law partnership, fiancé, girlfriend-boyfriend, all labels that she liked. Mates just made it sound so animalistic, though. Like all there was between them was sex, not this shared history and broken pasts. To Ian, she knew 'mates' was as good as saying that she was his wife, but she still didn't like the word.

  Her Dragon carried her to their shared bedroom where he laid her on the bed and kissed her pregnant belly. A shiver ran down her spine and she wrapped her hands around the back of his neck, digging her fingers into his hair.

  "Hey, now. You said you needed rest," Ian said, his eyes twinkling as he mock-glared at her.

  "I'm not actually that tired. And sex is supposed to help with bringing on labor, right? I'm anxious for our baby to see the world."

  Luckily for her, she was not going to lay an egg. Dragons, just like humans, gave birth to live young. The baby wouldn't even start shifting until he was in his teens. Lydia wasn't really looking forward to a teenager prone to spouting fire from his mouth, but Ian assured her that there would be no accidental setting the drapes on fire.

  "Good point," Ian murmured, his voice husky. "But you just ate a whole cake. I don't want to upset your stomach."

  Lydia pulled him down so his arms were spread to either side of her and their stomachs were brushing against each other. "I didn't actually eat it recently. I'd been lying on that floor for almost two hours."

  Worry flashed into her Dragon's eyes. "You're not supposed to lie on your back for long periods of time, the compression—"

  "I know, I was on my side for most of it," Lydia assured him. "I'm just saying that right now I feel baby-full, not going-to-throw-up full."

  Ian hummed and kissed her again. He rolled her onto her side and settled behind her, his hands coasting over her body. "Are you sure you don't want to wait a little longer?"

  Blood rushed to certain parts of her body, making everything sensitive. His touch was driving her crazy. When he slid a hand over her ass, she moaned. "Nope. Don't want to wait."

  Ian laughed, shaking his head. He teased her a little about it, but Lydia knew he liked how vocal she was about what she wanted. Lydia liked it, too. The lack of self-confidence she'd suffered was a thing of the past, and she loved it. Almost as much as she loved the feel of Ian's hands wrapping around her hips. She moaned, wiggling her ass against him. The effect was instant, and she giggled as she felt him spring to life.

  "You'll be the death of me," Ian whispered, kissing her neck.

  He eased her pants off, massaging her legs as he worked his way back up. The feeling relaxed her, and Lydia smiled as she turned her face towards him. A quick kiss was followed by a long one. She took his hand and guided it to her breast. He could never spend too much time there, in her opinion. That and her neck. She wasn't sure which one she liked best. But when his strong fingers kneaded her breasts and his mouth was on her neck, that shot everything to the sky right away.

  "No fair," she moaned. "I don't know your secrets yet."

  Ian chuckled, continuing to massage her while sucking at her skin. Her core tightened, and Lydia arched herself. Even with her shirt still on, it was enough to send the heat burning hotter through her. She wouldn’t be breathing fire anytime soon, but being with Ian had a lot of advantages.

  She grinned, feeling so close to him it was like they were in the same body. All her life she had held onto a fear she couldn’t n
ame, but with him, it all melted away. Now she wasn't afraid to go for what she wanted. She knew who she was, and had never been happier.

  "I love," Ian whispered as one of his hands slipped between her legs. "Whoa."

  Lydia knew exactly what he meant. She reached behind herself, twisting just enough to reach him while peppering his face with kisses. He huskily told her he loved her, over and over, as she started readying him. It was something he needed, to say the words that he had denied himself for so long. Lydia didn't mind. She would never tire of hearing it.

  When Ian eased into her, shockwaves of pleasure burst through her. She clutched at the blanket, biting into the thin fabric of her shirt. His hands gripped her hips. They cried out, moving in time, splashes of color and pleasure blinding them both. Lydia's skin grew so hot she was afraid she might burst into flames. She didn't last long. Bolts shot up and down her spine and through her legs and arms. All her muscles went slack. Her head fell back and she screamed. Ian grunted in her ear, then stopped breathing altogether as he frantically thrust.

  Lydia ran out of breath before he stopped. When he did, they lay panting. Lydia moaned, searching blindly for him. He kissed the tips of her fingers. Still inside, he pulled her back closer to him. They lay like that for quite some time, both bodies so hot Lydia almost couldn’t stand it. She loved it, though, and as her body became jelly-like, she laughed.

  "What's funny?"

  "Nothing. Everything. I don't know. I'm just so happy. Being here with you. I love it. I love you. And to think, if it weren't for those stupid demons, I'd still be calling you Mr. Asshole under my breath."

  "You still do."

  Lydia shrugged. "I don't mean it anymore. Most of the time, at least. That counts for something, right? Besides, here I am as big as a whale, and you made me like this."

  Ian nuzzled the back of her neck. "Yup. I did. I also cleaned up Maria's restaurant for the second time, took care of the demon bodies, hunted down all the ones that escaped us, and threw enough money at that Scotland hospital that they've forgotten all about us. And as I recall, you were the one who kissed me first."

  "I did not," she protested. "Remember? I said that you wouldn’t dare kiss me, and you did."

  "You dared me, what was I supposed to do?"

  Lydia buried her face into his arm and giggled. "You're lucky I didn't carry pepper spray, or you'd have gotten a face full of it."

  "I love pepper," he whispered, his lips capturing her lobe. "And I love you."

  She settled herself back again, their hands meeting over her belly. She couldn’t wait for their son to be born… to meet his father. To see this beautiful world that they lived in. As her eyes drifted shut, surrounded by her Dragon's love, a smile spread across her face. Maybe they had had to fight hell to claim it, but she had finally found a little piece of heaven right here.



  About T.S. Ryder

  If you’re in for hot-as-hell vampires and shifters, you’re my girl. There’s nothing paranormal that I don’t like or write and I’ll give it all I’ve got to bring beasts and hot men (preferably both :) ) to life for you.

  I love writing stories about sexy and protective alpha males and the strong women they love. My stories are always full of steam and I generally throw in a fair amount of action.

  So kick back, get comfortable, grab some chocolate and tea and fasten up your girdles for some extra smoldering hotness. Enjoy!

  Please check my author page for the latest news and releases.

  Selected Other Books by T.S. Ryder

  The Shifter's Catch

  A Dragon who needs an heir. A girl who needs money. Sounds like a match made in heaven. Unless they end up dead…

  Prince Edan never wanted a mate. But now that his brothers are killing each other, he’s the only one who can produce an heir. So when he meets a woman who makes his fires burn blue, he doesn’t think twice.

  His Dragon spreads its wings and flies her away to his kingdom.

  Isobel has only one dream. One that costs money she doesn’t have. So when she meets a rich stranger who offers her a job, she’s ready. Except she doesn’t realize that the job is to have his babies…

  But the vibrations of the universe have spoken. And by the way, it’s pretty difficult to say no to the delicious hunky Dragon and the sheer dominance that radiates from him.

  What Edan doesn’t know is that Isobel has a gift: She can see the ghosts and demons that are threatening the kingdom.

  But as the feelings between Isobel and Edan deepen, can she still see?

  And will he unleash his flames for her when she becomes bait?

  Selected For the Vampire King

  Love is weakness. Humans are fragile. Can this vampire King resist his heart’s desire?

  Tindra isn’t looking for love. All she wants is a day off work. And that’s exactly what signing up for the vampire-human matching program gets her. What she didn’t expect is to be chosen by the vampire prince, Thor, which could be a dream come true…

  Except she’s more interested in the king…

  Vampire King Rollon has been alone for centuries. But when he smells Tindra’s intoxicating scent, he wants to do nothing more than sink his fangs into her, taste her blood… and engage in other forbidden pleasures.

  Tindra’s off limits though. She belongs to his son.

  Not that it matters. Humans are too fragile, too short-lived to get involved with.

  But Thor has a surprise in store…

  And an old enemy resurfaces…

  Can Rollon keep his dark desires to himself?

  Will Tindra survive when she becomes the enemy’s target?

  Can there be a future for a human and a vampire king?

  The Shifter's Secret Son

  He needs a queen. She wants revenge. Let the game begin . . .

  Julia is on a mission: Seduce the crown prince and then rip out his heart. Why, do you ask? He unknowingly impregnated her best friend Cynthia and destroyed her life. After Cynthia dies and with the baby now in her care, Julia swears to seek revenge.

  But his highness, with his stormy eyes and smoky scent, makes her knees buckle and turns her into a drooling puddle. That wasn’t the plan.

  Benjamin is prince playboy. The giant Dragon warrior is under stress though. He’s supposed to get married, because a Dragon king without a mate is nothing. Unfortunately, he doesn’t do forever. He needs some pant-dropping to distract him. Who’s that new servant girl?

  But what begins as an innocent flirt soon spirals way out of control.

  Between a pushy queen trying to claim him and an assassin waiting to strike, Benjamin and Julia are slowly falling for each other. She’s the one making his flames scorch his throat.

  As feelings deepen, Julia has to ask herself whether Benjamin is really the monster she thought he was.

  Has she bitten off more than she can chew?

  Will he love her when he discovers her secret?

  When he discovers he has . . . a son?

  Sold to the Shifter

  A curvy Panther Shifter with a secret PLUS the baddest Lion Shifter in the pack PLUS one, no TWO evil enemies with no mercy…

  Panther shifter Jamie has grand ideas of love and romance. Until her manipulative mother sells her to a lion shifter. He’s hot, he’s huge, he’s all muscle. Hmm, how to make the best out of a bad situation?

  Ryan is the biggest, baddest shifter in the Alpha’s Guard. His job is to protect the pack. He doesn’t have time for dating nonsense. So an arranged marriage seems practical.

  What he’s not prepared for is how her delicious curves make his heart stutter in his chest. How she makes his protective instincts kick into high gear. She’s his. His alone.

  But Jamie has secrets.

  And the pack is in danger.

  The enemy is coming.

  Forget trials or justice. Ryan’s out for blood.

  Can he protect his mate?

  The Vampir
e King's Nanny

  A curvy romance writer paying off her debts PLUS a sexy vampire king healing his heart PLUS a child with special powers…

  Vampire king Thomas needs a woman. Not for himself, but to take care of his daughter. But when he purchases a human with curves better than Marilyn Monroe, all he can think about is drinking her delicious blood…

  Adrielle is a romance writer struggling with her past. To pay off her debts, she sells herself and her virginity at an auction to the highest bidder. Who happens to be a vampire king. An insanely attractive one. But no, she’s definitely not going to lust after her captor!

  But the underworld she is brought to isn’t safe. Vampires are not the only beasts roaming the darkness here… and the child she is supposed to babysit appears to have special powers…

  Soon, Adrielle discovers that behind Thomas’ cold and emotionless outside, he is hiding a heart full of pain. Can he fight the beast that has its claws wrapped around his heart?

  Can he keep Adrielle safe?

  Can he love a human against all odds?

  The Shifter's Secret Twins

  What do you do when your one-night stand turns out to be your new shifter doctor?

  Single mom Lana Flores needs a distraction. Badly. So when she meets a hot and bossy guy twenty years her senior at a ball, she doesn’t think twice. Shame she’ll never see him again after their hot night together.


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