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by Raine Thomas


  Firstborn Trilogy Book One


  Raine Thomas

  Published by Iambe Books at Smashwords

  Copyright 2011 Raine Thomas.

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  Cover design by: Nimbi Design

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  This book is dedicated with sincerest gratitude to all indie authors and everyone who supports us.

  It never ceases to amaze me what an inspiring and supportive community this is. Here’s to defying the odds, pursuing our dreams and reaching for the stars!


  Most books don’t come together without a lot of help, and Defy was no exception. As a result, I want to acknowledge those people who made significant contributions to Defy so that the world knows how grateful I am for their efforts.

  First and always, thank you to my husband, Kevin, for being my alpha reader, marketing/sales manager, book formatter, career advisor, website designer, therapist, tear blotter, punching bag (in the figurative sense–really) and biggest fan. Thank you for not ever letting me give up.

  Next, many thanks to amazing writers Krystal Wade, Erica Lucke Dean and Roy “TC” Bronson for putting aside their own work to beta read Defy and offering me their frank feedback. I know how challenging it can be to critique a peer’s work, so I bow to each of you.

  Beta reading done by friends and family who know my characters as well as I do is just as important during the editing process. Special thanks to my mom, Diane, and my friends, Sundée Himburg and Robin Casto, for their valuable time and comments. As for those readers who asked to remain anonymous…a quiet thank you!

  Another big thank you goes out to Devan Edwards of Nimbi Design, who created a cover so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. You captured Tate like no one else could. Much love to you!

  Last and certainly not least, thank you to all of my fans. You’ve all given me the encouragement I needed to begin the story of the next generation of Estilorians and finish Defy.

  You make me love every moment of being an author!

  Author’s Note

  A warm welcome to those readers who are new to the Estilorians! Please note that the Firstborn trilogy serves as a follow-up to the Daughters of Saraqael trilogy. For an overview intended to bring new readers up to speed or refresh the memories of those who have already enjoyed the Daughters of Saraqael trilogy, please read the following Glossary. Happy reading!


  Click here to skip the glossary

  Estilorians (Things You Need to Know)

  Daughters of Saraqael – Amber, Olivia, and Skye, triplets born to the Corgloresti, Saraqael, and their human mother, Kate, as a result of a ritual outlined in a powerful scroll. They’re the first and only half-human Estilorians, which allows them to carry children…something full Estilorian females can’t do. Amber is avowed to the Gloresti elder, Gabriel; Olivia is avowed to the Gloresti, James, and Skye is avowed to the Gloresti, Caleb.

  Estilorian – A being that physically resembles a human, appearing no older than 40 human years old (most look like humans in their late teens or early twenties). Estilorians can fly, and have specific powers based on their class. They can live forever without aging if they’re not mortally wounded. Their eyes, wings and markings—if they have any—are always the same color, and identify their class.

  Estilorian Plane – About two millennia ago, the nine Estilorian elders created a separate plane of existence to remove themselves from humanity, making their kind the objects of human myths and legends. All Estilorians live on this plane, and humans cannot travel to it. Estilorian society hasn’t evolved like human society, and doesn’t have such modern inventions as electricity, vehicles or modern weaponry.

  Estilorian Classes (Alphabetically)

  Corgloresti – Soul Harvesters – Identified by their silver eyes, wings and markings, these Estilorians travel between the planes of existence to facilitate the transfer of dying human souls to the Estilorian plane via The Embrace…the only method full Estilorians have to reproduce.

  Elphresti – Lords of Wisdom – These Estilorians, identified by their black eyes, wings and markings, maintain the highest levels of authority among their kind. In human terms, they would be considered judges or beings in similar positions of authority.

  Gloresti – Defenders – Gloresti bond with Corgloresti who are on the human plane to protect the Corgloresti. Gloresti are highly trained to defend and are identified by midnight blue eyes, wings and markings. Aside from the Corgloresti, the Gloresti is the only class that can travel to the human plane, but only in emergencies.

  Kynzesti – Elementals – Having half-human mothers, the Kynzesti are identified by deep blue-green eyes, wings and markings. Unlike other classes, they are only created through biological childbirth. The youngest of all Estilorian classes, the extent of their powers and abilities is largely unknown.

  Lekwuesti – Hospitality Ambassadors – The Lekwuesti are identified by lavender eyes, wings and markings. Their primary focus is assisting their fellow Estilorians. They form exclusive pairings with other Estilorians to provide them items of “creature comfort,” such as food, clothing, accessories, furniture, etc. All other Estilorians rely heavily on this class.

  Mercesti – The Dark Ones – Once lauded for their skills in strategy and innovation, this class is identified by red eyes, wings and markings. The nature of the Mercesti changed dramatically when Grolkinei assumed power by killing the class elder, Volarius, out of hatred and rage. Estilorians now convert into Mercesti if they kill or intend to kill another Estilorian for any reason other than defense. Because they are formed largely of beings that used to belong to other Estilorian classes, some Mercesti maintain remnants of their former skills and abilities.

  Orculesti – Advisors – Identified by dark green eyes, wings and markings, the Orculesti function as advisors regarding humankind. They work with paired Corgloresti and Gloresti to provide a mental connection between them when they are separated by the planes of existence. This class can read the thoughts of other Estilorians who aren’t strong enough or trained enough to prevent it, and use their mental powers to suppress the thoughts and abilities of others.

  Scultresti – Creators – The Scultresti are identified by brown eyes, wings and markings. This talented class creates all forms, including those that Corgloresti assume on the human plane when they transi
tion there. They also create new Estilorian forms for human souls to inhabit when they are Embraced by Corgloresti, and are responsible for producing new animal and wildlife on the Estilorian plane.

  Waresti – Warriors/Lords of the Flame – Identified by burnt orange eyes, wings and markings, the Waresti are dedicated to the overall protection of Estilorians from the Mercesti and other dangers. The most physically strong of all Estilorians, these warriors are markedly muscular and highly skilled with weapons and all forms of attack.

  Wymzesti – Intuits – Incredibly charismatic, the Wymzesti have deep purple eyes, wings and markings. With the ability to read body language and intuit actions based upon past behavior, this class can predict events before they happen. Like the Orculesti, this class has the ability to manipulate thoughts and decision-making of those who aren’t strong enough to resist them.

  Kynzesti Family Tree

  Parents: Amber and Gabriel

  Children (in order of birth): Clara Kate, Joshua, Zara, Corliss, Riley, Kiera

  Parents: Olivia and James

  Children (in order of birth): Sophia, Keane, Leigh, Elle, Will, Paige

  Parents: Skye and Caleb

  Children (in order of birth): Tate and Tiege (twins), Nicholas, Abigail and Adam (twins), Grace, Quaid, Emma


  adelfi – A term of respect applied to Olivia and Skye, the sisters-in-law of the Gloresti elder, Gabriel.

  adelfos – A term of respect applied to James and Caleb, the brothers-in-law of the Gloresti elder, Gabriel.

  archigos – A term of respect reserved only for the class elders.

  Avowed – The strongest connection two beings can have. An avowed pairing is made when two beings exchange heartfelt vows of love. It results in shared thoughts and feelings and can never be undone.

  Central – The primary area where most Estilorians live, similar to a capitol city. Floating above the ocean and surrounded by heavy enchantments, Central is inaccessible to Mercesti. Also called home base.

  Elder – The oldest and most powerful member of an Estilorian class; an elder must have inherent abilities that blend cohesively with the other elders.

  Kragen – A beast that crossed over to the Estilorian plane when it was formed; humans called these creatures “dragons.”

  kyria – A term of respect applied to Amber, the wife of the Gloresti elder, Gabriel.

  Mainland – All of the area outside of Central/home base. This area is not protected like Central, and as such is sparsely populated by Estilorians other than the Mercesti.

  Markings – Estilorians develop markings on their skin, similar to tattoos, when significant events occur. For example, Gloresti develop a midnight blue marking when they pair with a Corgloresti, and the Corgloresti receives an identical silver marking. Also, Estilorians may have markings around their eyes, indicating they have a second ability.


  The pain was unimaginable. She dragged herself along the ground with her one working arm, at turns scrabbling at tree roots or shrubs and at others digging her hand as deep into the earth as she could manage before hauling her broken body as far as possible. In the past hour, she had moved approximately fifteen feet.

  She knew she was going to die. The horrors that had been visited upon her were so atrocious that she couldn’t even think of them now. It was as though a black haze coated her memory.

  But her attackers had left her in sight of a platform that could get her to Central. They had no way of knowing it because, being Mercesti, they were unable to see the heavily enchanted travel system. The platform glimmered to her like a taunting beacon, however, bouncing lightly on the waves. If she’d had the required energy left, she would have extended her wings and flown to it.

  Animal-like sounds left her throat as she struggled for the strength to move. If she could somehow get to the platform, perhaps someone at Central could help her. And if she was very fortunate, kyria Amber or archigos Gabriel might even be in attendance. They could heal her.

  Once more, she stretched her right arm in front of her. The ground onto which she was emerging from the forest was sandy and open. If any of her attackers remained nearby, they would see her. While that thought terrified her, she couldn’t fight the instinct to survive. She knew she had to try. So she pressed her hand into the blazing hot sand until she had enough of a grip to pull herself. Then she strained her already aching bicep and heaved herself forward as much as she could.

  She didn’t even move a foot.

  Although she thought her attackers had wrought all of the tears from her, she realized now that wasn’t the case. They tracked down her bruised and broken face, joining with her sweat and plopping into the sand beneath her head. Heat radiated from the unforgiving surface beneath her, burning her already punished skin.

  A sound to her right had her stiffening in fear. She made a whimpering sound as distinct footfalls grew nearer.

  Her enemies must have returned to finish what they started. The tears continued unchecked as she carefully removed her hand from the sand in hopes she could do at least a little damage to the next male who hurt her. She would fight until she couldn’t.

  But the being approaching her stopped on her left side. She tried to move her head toward her left and couldn’t. Another pained sound escaped her.

  The presence knelt. He said, “Ah, Luvania. What have you gotten yourself into?”

  She couldn’t turn her head and her vision was blurred by tears and exhaustion, but recognition was immediate. Although she hadn’t heard that voice in over fifty years, she could identify it. He still managed to sound both impatient with the world and infinitely bored by it. And at the moment, there was a gentleness beneath his tone she would never have expected.

  “I am afraid your injuries are beyond my ability to repair,” he said. “I have seen others emerge from the water where you appear to be trying to reach. I can get you to the platform with your assistance.”

  She couldn’t find the energy to speak, so made another sound in her throat and moved her head in a form of a nod.

  “This will hurt.”

  He lifted her. Pain screamed through her body. She squeezed her eyes shut against it. When she again opened her eyes, she realized they were in the water. She must have passed out.

  “Thought I might have lost you there,” he said. “Are you ready for placement on the platform?”

  Why would he not get on it with her? The thought floated through her head and then faded as insignificant. They had only a couple feet more to go. Extending her right arm toward the platform, she indicated she was ready. He obligingly moved forward. When her hand came into contact with the platform, more tears welled in her eyes. He settled her on it and stepped away.

  “Good fortune to you, Luvania,” he said.

  She once again thought to ask why he wasn’t accompanying her, but by then she was lifting into the sky.

  The trip took an eternity. She lost consciousness more than once. Each time, she saw her rescuer’s face in her mind, though she hadn’t actually glimpsed him during their encounter. Thoughts of him from the past as well as what he had just done for her kept her focused, overriding the brutality she had endured.

  She wanted to thank him. Wanted to praise him for giving her hope merely moments after she had given up and decided she was going to die. She wanted to help him as he had helped her. Surely he needed her help if he was living on the mainland and had removed himself from existence for over five decades.

  Her delirium grew. Thinking became difficult. But at long last, through vision that was slowly fading to gray, she saw the outline of Central approaching.

  She had made it.

  The platform eased its way into Central’s loading bay. The darkness of the underground cavern had her blinking to try and focus. It did her no good.

  Her brain registered the sounds around her, but couldn’t interpret them. The pain had leeched from her body. She understood then that it had all been for not
hing. Her efforts. His efforts. For nothing.

  “Holy light!” she heard.

  There were other sounds. Other exclamations. People touching her. But she no longer felt anything. She registered only one lingering image.

  “Luvania, can you hear me?”

  Something flickered in her mind at the echoing voice. Caoilinn.

  “Luvania, can you tell us who did this to you?” the Lekwuesti commander asked, her words filled with urgency.

  She wanted to tell them. They needed to know. Others would be at risk as she had been. There were dangers beyond any Estilorian’s knowledge lurking on the mainland.

  So she struggled to work her strained vocal chords as darkness clouded her mind. There was something important she had to tell them. Wasn’t there?

  Then she remembered. The image she had carried with her on the ride to Central. Someone she needed to help.

  And with her last breath, she told them.




  Defy [v. dih-fahy]: To challenge the power of;

  resist boldly or openly: to defy parental authority.

  Chapter 1

  Being seventeen absolutely sucked.

  Tate crossed her arms over her chest and scowled at the grassy ground beneath her booted feet. The response to her request had been exactly what she’d expected, but that didn’t make her any less annoyed. She would be eighteen in about a month, for all holy sake. What difference did a few weeks make?


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