Her Officer in Charge

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Her Officer in Charge Page 2

by Carpenter, Maggie

  Finding herself getting lost in the handsome marine’s dazzling blue eyes, she’d shifted her gaze toward the areas she’d been referencing, but when he began to speak, she risked turning back to face him.

  “I don’t see any problem with that,” he replied, “but why so many chairs? Won’t that make for a crowd when you do the actual show?”

  “My goodness, no,” she replied. “With twenty potential subjects, I’ll end up with half of that, perhaps even less.”

  “You can’t hypnotize everyone?”

  Discussing her show, and hypnosis itself, filled her with confidence. She knew it held an alluring mystique, and she held the key that could unlock the mystery. Feeling calmer and more self-assured, she held his eyes as she continued speaking.

  “Under the right circumstances, yes, I can, but the subjects on stage have to be somnambulists. Those are people who can sink into a deep state of hypnosis easily and quickly. Somnambulists number about one in four, so if I have twenty volunteers, I’ll end up with about five great subjects. Sometimes I get lucky and beat the odds. The good thing is, there’s always a show-stopper.”

  “Fascinating,” he murmured, a crease moving across his brow. “How do you know if someone is truly hypnotized? Don’t you have fakers?”

  “There are always pretenders, people who are natural hams and want to take control of the show, but they’re easy to spot, and even easier to deal with.”

  “They are? How?”

  “You’ll have to wait and see,” she quipped, immediately hoping her response hadn’t sounded too flippant. “When I’ve done shows here for groups of enlisted men, they’re already in a highly suggestible frame of mind, and I have a ton of people to pick from.”

  “Why? I don’t understand.”

  “Think about it.” She smiled up at him, noticing there wasn’t a single fleck of brown in his eyes, and his long dark lashes made them appear even bluer. “All day long they’re taking orders, so when they sit on my stage and I start telling them what to do, there’s no resistance. I’m not sure about officers. They’re used to giving instructions, not taking them, aren’t they?”

  Her poise had grown as she’d talked and, holding his stare, she saw a flicker of something she couldn’t identify.

  “I can only speak for myself,” he said, almost imperceptibly straightening his back, “but I am definitely the former.”

  “The former, you mean one who instructs? I can imagine that,” she said softly, then looked quickly away as she felt the dreaded blush surge across her cheeks.

  Bella knew that men often found her natural aplomb and quiet strength intimidating, and when they discovered that she was a stage hypnotist, most weren’t sure what that meant. Did she have some kind of power? Could she read their minds? It didn’t help that she was extremely attractive, possessed a sharp tongue and a quick wit, and was clearly smarter than the average bear, but she could see that the captain had no such concerns, and the tables were turning.

  He was intimidating her!

  “Right,” said the sergeant, breaking the awkwardness that had unexpectedly descended, “it appears everything is under control here.”

  “So it would seem,” Bella replied, grateful for his interjection.

  “In that case, I’ll say goodbye, and wish you luck.”

  “Thanks, sergeant.”

  “I’m looking forward to your show,” the captain said as the sergeant walked away. “Thank you for accommodating us. I’m sure the guests will be delighted.”

  “I’ll certainly do my best to make it an entertaining evening,” she said with a warm smile, but I hope you’re at the back of the audience. If I look up and see you, I’ll be totally unnerved.

  “I’ll have the men move the furniture, just tell them how you need it. And now, if you will please excuse me, I have some other business that needs my attention,” he finished, then turning sharply, he marched away.

  “That was interesting,” Bella remarked as she watched him disappear through a door on the opposite side of the foyer.

  “He’s not your run-of-the mill guy,” Scott remarked, walking up behind her.

  “No kidding,” Bella replied. He was a total turn-on. That is one yummy man.

  Chapter Three

  Captain Vince Valenti closed the door, walked around the desk, sat down in the large leather chair, and stared into space. It was impossible! Soraya, the Mistress of Mesmerism, was a sensuous, beautiful young woman! It couldn’t be! He had heard about the sexy hypnotist, she had performed at various events held at the base before, but he had taken it all with a grain of salt, as he did hypnosis itself.

  “How can a woman like that pull off a stage hypnotism act?” he muttered. “Hypnotists are men with pointed beards and black capes, all bluff and bluster. It’s impossible, isn’t it? I guess not. She sure as hell isn’t our culprit. There’s no way, is there?”

  Rising from the desk, the officer in charge moved across the room to the glass decanter sitting on the sideboard. Rarely did he drink before dinner but he was rattled. Pouring himself a shot of whiskey, he brought the glass to his lips and downed it with one gulp, shuddering as the hot liquid burned down his throat. He was still for a minute, feeling the effects, then put down the glass and began to pace. He did his best thinking when he paced, but he also paced when he was worried.

  The way she looked at me, like she wanted me, really wanted me. Was it my imagination? She’s so… unique, that’s the only word, unique. There’s something special about her, she sparkles. That’s what it is, she sparkles. Her eyes sparkle, they’re like emeralds, and she—! What am I doing? This woman is a suspect. I can’t let my guard down. I have to remain vigilant. I have my orders.

  A determined frown crossed his brow, and, returning to the chair behind the desk, he settled in and picked up the phone.

  “Major Peterson, they’re here.”

  “Excellent. Is everything prepared?”

  “Yes, major. They’ll both be under surveillance.”

  “What about tomorrow night, the war games?”

  “I haven’t brought that up yet, sir. I thought I’d wait until after the show. They’ve got too much on their plate at the moment.”

  “Probably best. Very well. See you soon.”

  Replacing the receiver, Captain Valenti pictured the beautiful spitfire he just met. It was hard to believe she could be involved in anything nefarious.

  For several months documents had been disappearing from many of the military bases in the surrounding counties. Though some of the material was meaningless, some of it was sensitive. While a few missing files could be explained away as carelessness, the amount of paperwork that had vanished, and the frequency with which it was walking out of the camps, could not.

  A colonel had been placed in charge of the inquiry, and after a thorough investigation, and a detailed analysis of visitors coming and going at the various camps during the time it was estimated the papers had been lifted, his team had just made a startling discovery. In every instance, Soraya, the Mistress of Mesmerism, had been performing at the base in question. The new information coincided with the party Captain Valenti had organized for a close friend. Soraya was to be the evening’s entertainment.

  A quick background check on Bella Montgomery had raised no flags. She was an actress who had switched gears, turning her performance skills into a stage hypnotism act. She’d lived in the same apartment for several years, and there was no unusual financial activity reflected in her banking. Her sound man, Scott Bateman, was a more interesting candidate. He had no savings, and while his checking account showed deposits from occasional construction work, it didn’t amount to much, and he drove a flashy Mustang convertible.

  The colonel was also disturbed at his empty profile. On paper it was thin, too thin. His credit history showed very little activity, his address was listed as a P.O. box, and though there was also a street address, it was a large complex and no unit number was listed. With the show about
to arrive at the large marine base, the colonel had contacted Captain Valenti. Not only was he hosting the party at which Soraya was appearing, the captain had worked as an intelligence officer for a number of years.

  The room in which Vince Valenti was sitting was a small office for the convenience of whoever was overseeing the event taking place. It had not been the number of guests behind the change in venue, but with Captain Valenti overseeing the surveillance of Bella Montgomery and Scott Bateman, the office would serve as his base for the night. A place to make and receive calls, and have private conversations as necessary, and he had arranged a small gathering of friends as a cover to keep the venue open.

  Rising from his desk, he strode to the door and, walking across the foyer to the entrance to the main room, he saw Scott and two junior lieutenants moving the heavy couches and armchairs to accommodate the audience. Glancing back toward the stage, he noticed Bella was unstacking chairs and placing them in a semicircle around the dance floor. Walking quickly forward, he approached her just as she was attempting to unstick two seats that had locked together.

  “Please, allow me,” he offered, reaching out to help.

  “I can manage, I’ve almost got it,” she grunted as she tugged.

  “You shouldn’t be doing this sort of thing,” he argued, attempting to take them from her.

  “I’m used to doing things by myself,” she quipped, yanking them back.

  “You’re not by yourself right now,” he said firmly. “I’m the officer in charge here, and if you get hurt I’ll be responsible. Please put them down.”

  He saw a blush cross her face, just as he had when they’d been introduced, and he found it both charming and amusing. The girl wasn’t as tough as she would have people believe, but blush or no blush, she wasn’t cooperating. The double-decked chairs were still in her arms, and he knew they were heavy, certainly too heavy for her to hold for very long. She could strain her back, or drop them and get hurt.

  “Now!” he barked.

  He hadn’t meant to snap, at least, not quite so sharply, but it did the trick, and with a scowl she lowered them to the floor.

  “Am I supposed to salute and say yes, sir?” she glowered.

  “No, you’re supposed to say ‘thank you,’” he glowered back.

  Her emerald eyes blazed back at him, unmoving and challenging. It was something he rarely witnessed. Women melted under his scolding stare, and even some of his men wilted from his steely gaze. She was strong-willed and a brat, and she certainly possessed the moxie to be the guilty party.

  “Thank you for the help,” she said quietly. “I’ll leave you to finish. You can ask Scott if you have any questions.”

  He turned and watched her walk away, but where she was headed he had no idea. He hadn’t yet shown her the dressing room.

  “I’ll take care of these chairs,” Scott offered, walking toward the dance floor.

  “Thanks,” Vince replied.

  “She’s not easy sometimes.”

  “Yeah, I get that. Do you know where she went?”

  “Probably my car.”

  “Ah, parked out front?”


  “Thank you.”

  Walking quickly from the room and out the front door, Vince saw her sitting in the passenger seat of Scott’s Mustang, and not sure what he was going to say, he moved slowly down the pathway.

  “Let me guess,” she called, turning to face him. “I’m not supposed to be sitting here in this car without a soldier watching over me.”

  “This is a marine base, we have marines here,” he corrected her as he reached the car, “and why would you say that?”

  “I’m not supposed to wander the grounds by myself. Didn’t you know that?” she asked sarcastically.

  “Sitting there isn’t exactly wandering the grounds,” he replied. “I’m sorry I barked at you, but as I said, I am responsible for your safety while you’re at this event. If you don’t do as I ask, I have to bark.”

  “Is it worse that your bite?” she retorted.

  He crossed his arms and stared at her. She was being a total brat, and he suddenly realized she knew she was being a brat.

  My goodness. What do we have here? Isn’t this one for the books? All right, young lady, you’ve thrown down the gauntlet. Let’s just see which one of us has the biggest cajones.

  Unfolding his arms, he placed his hands on the edge of the open window and, leaning his head down, he locked her eyes.

  “Is my bite worse than my bark? Keep up the attitude and you’ll find out,” he threatened, his tone low and deep, then, slowly straightening up, he turned and marked back inside.

  Entering the foyer, he called over to one of his lieutenants, a young man named Frank Mead.

  “Frank, when Soraya comes back, please show her to the small room at the end the hall, you know the one I mean. She can use that as her dressing room.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “If you need me, I’ll be in the office here.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Vince Valenti closed and locked the door, then walked to the window and stared down at the car. She was getting out, and as she turned to close the car door, his eyes caught sight of her full round cheeks clearly outlined in her tight, sexy jeans. He’d locked his door because he had a problem; a raging erection that needed to be dealt with, and the sight of her inviting backside had just made the issue even more urgent. Walking quickly into the tiny bathroom, he unzipped his trousers, leaned against the wall, and withdrew his cock.

  “You need to be across my knee,” he muttered as he fervently massaged himself. “You need to be spanked into next week. You won’t be able to hypnotize yourself out of that, Bella Montgomery. I will turn your ass as red as a sun-ripened tomato.”

  He grunted and groaned as the image took hold and his moment engulfed him. A few minutes later, as he cleaned himself up, he stared at his reflection and shook his head.

  “What the hell? You’d better watch yourself. That girl is getting to you, and you know you can’t let that happen.”

  Chapter Four

  When Bella had walked back inside, a young marine had shown her to a dressing room. It was at the end of a short hallway that ran off the foyer and skirted the side of the staircase. Though it was small, it came with a bathroom, and for that she was very grateful. Rarely did a dressing room offer the convenience of a shower.

  “If you need anything, just let me know. Ask for Second Lieutenant Frank Mead.”

  “Can’t I just ask for Frank?” she asked with a wink.

  “Uh, sure,” he nodded, then, obviously flustered, he hurried away.

  Her composure had been a facade, and, sinking onto the couch, she closed her eyes. The dashing Captain Valenti had positively curled her toes, and she was beside herself.

  “My God, I am totally in a crush,” she muttered, “but why was I so rude to him? Crap! What am I saying? It doesn’t matter. I’ll be leaving here in a couple of hours and that will be the end of it. What happened was nothing but a momentary flirtation. I have to ignore it, pretend it never took place.”

  Determined to put the episode behind her, she stretched out on the couch, took a deep breath, and began to mentally prepare for the show. She needed at least an hour of uninterrupted peace. Scott would have told everyone not to disturb her, so she closed her eyes and began to run through the act in her head, but the square-jawed, handsome face and penetrating gaze of Captain Valenti suddenly injected itself.

  You need a spanking, Bella Montgomery, and I’ll be happy to oblige.

  She bolted upright and her eyes darted around the room.

  What the hell? Where did that come from? Oh, this is not good, not before a show, this is not good at all.

  Walking into the small bathroom, she splashed her face with cold water and glowered at her reflection.

  “This is ridiculous,” she said out loud. “You have a show to do. Forget him, just forget him. Go back, stretch out, and prepar

  Returning to the couch, she lay back down, closed her eyes, and focused. It wasn’t easy, and it took her a little while, but she found the mental zone, and the show began playing itself out in her mind’s eye.

  It was a little while later when she was applying glitter gel to her hair that she found the alluring officer in charge creeping back into her mind, but her thoughts weren’t about him taking her in hand. She found herself wanting to impress him, and hoping he’d like her show. A knock made her jump, and, moving quickly from the bathroom, she opened the door and found Scott beaming from ear to ear.

  “What, why are you so happy?” she asked as he walked past her into the room.

  “You will not believe this crowd,” he chuckled. “You are going to have a great show.”

  “I am?”

  “Oh, yeah,” he nodded. “Don’t look so worried, it’s gonna be awesome.”

  “You always know the right thing to say,” she sighed. “Thank you.”

  “Hey, how many shows have we done together? If I don’t know you by now you should fire me, and Bella, I saw how you were with that Captain Valenti. Forget about him and focus on the show. It’s a great crowd. Everyone’s laughing, they’re hyped that you’re here, and there are some guys who are dying to become your victims. They saw your picture and that did it for them.”

  “You have my banner up?”

  “Of course. It’s on an easel in the foyer. It’s the first thing people see when they walk in the door. The air is alive, Bella; you’ll be amazing, I can feel it. Are you ready to knock off some socks?”

  “Yes, I am, I most definitely am,” she said emphatically.

  “I’ll get everyone settled and start the music. You don’t need it, but good luck.”

  “Thanks, Scott, I love you to bits.”

  “I love you too,” he grinned, and kissed her on the cheek before he walked quickly from the room.


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