Birthright: Book 1: Know Thyself

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Birthright: Book 1: Know Thyself Page 15

by Bella Colt

  Once at the bottom, I see the same guard as last time who is twice the size of the other guards. He is wearing the same hooded mask and hiding his face, except for his mouth. He’s standing in front of the familiar vast black metal door. My vision starts blurring and darkening like the walls are closing in on me. Struggling, I take long, deep breaths while closing my eyes. I am fighting the desire to pass out, but I know what is waiting for me. I am not sure what is worse, not knowing what is done to me or feeling everything. I still don’t know what was done to me the last time I was unconscious, and I’ve had nightmares about it every time I close my eyes.

  The acknowledge one other with a nod, and the colossal guard grabs me roughly by the arm and throws me forcefully into the opening of the cracked door. My arm catches the metal frame as I awkwardly fall into the room. Instantly the door is closed and locked behind me from the outside. I blink my eyes a few times to adapt to the complete darkness, but it makes no difference.

  It’s so dark in the room. I can’t even see my hand that’s right in front of my face. I hear a low guttural growl from behind me, and I instinctually start crawling forward until I hit a wall with my nose. I push myself into a sitting position with my back completely flat against the wall. I am not sure what to do so I just hug my knees to my chest, put my head down, and brace myself for an attack.

  Chapter 15: King Dierk

  I watch her as she crawls through the dark to the wall. I am amused by the way she huddles into a ball with her knees to her chest with her head down, waiting for what is to come. I inhale deeply and find her fear and hopelessness absolutely intoxicating. I stalk closer to her and make sure to drag my feet against the stone floor, the spikes in her fear as I do increase my arousal. I hear her breath hitch and stop altogether.

  “Your Mother wasn’t this much fun!” I growl with euphoria before grabbing her by her hair and hauling her off the ground.

  I hear her let out a strangled cry as I vigorously slam her head against the wall a few times. With my free hand, I raise it and bring it down across her face, hard. Greedily, I watch her head jerk back before it settles and lolls to the side. Her tears make me laugh out loud, a guttural laugh.

  “You are so weak! You know you get that from your Mother’s dirty blood!”

  She groans out loud as I release my grip from her hair, grab her around the throat, and squeeze. Progressively, I increase the pressure as I reach into my pocket for the glass vial. I obtained this, especially for her. I unstop the vial and release my grip on her throat. Grasping her hair again, I pull her head back and place the vial to her lips.

  “Drink!” I command, pulling her head back hard and watching as she chokes down the entire contents of the vial.

  I throw it down, hearing the glass shatter as it bounces against the floor. Once I’m satisfied, I throw her down to the ground, using her weight against her. I keep my fist closed as she falls, and I’m delighted with my gift of a handful of dark brown hair. Not being able to brace herself in time for the impact, she falls on her shoulder awkwardly

  “Stop!” She pleads.

  “Just wait a few more minutes, and you’ll know what true torture is,” I taunt her as she looks around from her position on the ground trying to pinpoint exactly where I am.

  I keep moving silently around the room, always keeping her in my sight.

  “Did you know that you are to die tomorrow? In fact, you are going to die the same way your whore of a mother did!” I watch her face flash from fear to shock to disgust then settle on…resignation, I think.

  “I had so much fun with her! Not as much as I’m enjoying you though, I’ll admit. I beat her within an inch of her life before I finally had my way with her! All of my subjects were there to witness it; there were hundreds of people watching and cheering. All while your Mother was begging for mercy!”

  I laugh at her as her strangled sobs get louder, and I can smell the salt as her tears start pouring down.

  “Too bad for her. She was too strong for her own good. I couldn’t break her on my own, so she went through all twelve members of my council and then back to me before she finally broke.”

  She gives no indication of hearing me. I watch as her eyes close and then open, showing me the whites of her eyes.

  “Ah, the tonic must be taking effect.”

  My smile widens as I lean back against the wall and listen to her agony begin.

  Chapter 16: Amara

  I hear him laugh as my sobs grow louder, and more tears fall. I look around the dark room, hoping to catch movement. Blinking my eyes, I only see darkness. My thoughts are coming slower. I feel like a fog is descending upon me, engulfing my body and mind. I can hear him saying more, but I can’t make out the words. All the sounds are garbling together. I’m losing all my senses, like light switches being flicked to the off position. Suddenly, blurred images, appearing in quick succession, start flashing before my eyes. They finally come to an abrupt stop, allowing the fuzzy images to come into focus.

  I begin to make out a house surrounded by an eerily familiar forest that feels... Wrong. As everything becomes crystal clear, I’m able to make out the pack house. People are milling about in a fuss running around preparing for some event. I walk up to the porch steps without being stopped, people passing me as if I’m not there, and I walk through the open door. I see Brianna and Audrey in the kitchen directing people about.

  “Have you heard from the cake decorator?” Audrey asks Brianna.

  “Yeah, she’ll be here in an hour, just a bit before the wedding starts,” she answers as I gasp loudly.

  “Brianna, who’s getting married?” I ask aloud, but she continues on as if she doesn’t hear me. “BRIANNA!” I am getting frustrated at being ignored. She turns and looks right at me before walking right through me. Uhm… what the hell is going on? I must be dreaming or something.

  A waiter carrying a tray full of glass decanters, filled with whiskey, walks by and something clicks in my brain. It reminds me that Dierk had forced me to drink a foul-tasting, thick liquid. He freaking poisoned me. Well Duh! It’s not like you really expected him to give you something like an antibiotic, did you? Idiot! I scold myself. I can’t be dead, though! It would make no sense to kill me before he planned to, that’s why I’m still alive! Right? I’m arguing and trying to reassure myself of this, but I can’t tell Jack from Sally at this point. There’s only one person who I want, no need to see more than anything right now.

  I begin searching around for Declan and don’t see him among the herds of people going in and out of the house. I walk upstairs to the second floor where our room is. The door is cracked open, and I half walk through the wood as I enter his room.

  This so freaking bizarre being able to walk through things.

  My heart fills with joy when I find him in the bathroom with the door wide open. I feel like I haven’t seen him for years. He is absolutely stunning in his black wool tuxedo with a classic steel gray vest. His hair is combed and styled around his face, unlike the usual mess I’m used to seeing. His eyes sparkle as he’s smiling at himself in the mirror, I can’t help but smile at him. I find myself enjoying his happiness, and I wonder if he’s a groomsman for the wedding. As I finish the thought, a smiling Adair pops his head through the door.

  “It’s time,” he says, and Declan just nods at him before he walks out and down the stairs, towards the back yard.

  I’m right behind him, following like a lost puppy the whole way. I am basking in being with him again. I wish this weren’t a dream when we stop abruptly before the altar. I’m left standing there in shock with my mouth gaping open while he stands proudly in the groom’s position.

  My breath falters and then calms briefly at the possibility that I see a vision of our wedding day. But then I hear the wedding march and any hopes I had quickly die. Everyone stands as a beautiful, no gorgeous, modelesque blonde starts walking down the aisle with her father. I fall to my knees, locking onto Declan’s face. All I can see i
s complete love and adoration for the woman walking down the aisle right now.

  What’s left my heart shatters as I watch the blonde, with a body from the gods stand right next to Declan, holding his hand and exchange vows. I don’t understand, I thought I was his mate? Even if I was dead, how could he take another?

  The way he explained it was that he would never want to live without me and couldn’t even stomach the thought of someone else. I dry heave in disgust, but nothing comes out of it. My vision starts to blur, and another succession of images flickers before my eyes again before stopping suddenly and slowly clearing. This time I’m in a bedroom with Declan and his wife. Even though they can’t see me, this is extremely uncomfortable and awkward, why must I see this?

  His wife is yelling at him. “Why in the hell didn’t you tell me you mated before me?”

  “Because we weren’t fully mated, and she didn’t mean anything to me. I never loved her; I love you and only you,” Declan explains to his wife cajoling her, and I can tell that he isn’t lying.

  That look in his eyes says he means every word. Hot tears stream down my face at the betrayal, I never knew this kind of pain existed. I would rather stand in a burning flame until I’m ashes than feel the hurt that’s swallowing me. His wife sighs in relief and starts to say something, but I can’t hear it because everything starts shifting again. The fogginess clears up quicker this time. I’m at a hospital. Standing in a large waiting room surrounded by Declan’s family and some other people I never met. Well, why would you have when you didn’t mean anything to him, I remind myself.

  “Do you think she’s doing all right?” Adair asks Audrey.

  “Yes, she’ll be fine. She couldn’t have been more ready,” Audrey reassures him.

  Suddenly, Declan happily walks through the double doors marked O.R. on the left that I hadn’t noticed until now.

  “TWINS! A boy and a girl!” He shouts.

  The happiness is written clearly on his face as all his family rushes to surround him with hugs and congratulations. They are all asking questions, excited about the babies, and concerned for the new mother. I finally understand what this is now. Someone else is living my dream with my man. My absolute worst fears brought to life and played like a movie just for me, proving to me that his future is without me.

  I am almost relieved because I finally can feel nothing, no pain, no happiness, I don’t even feel numb. I feel non-existent and wish so desperately for death. There’s just nothingness for me now. Although, if I’m honest with myself, I never had anything, to begin with. Declan never truly loved me, and how could he? I’m just an unworthy half-breed, stupid enough to believe that he did.

  Chapter 17: Declan

  “Declan, are you done checking the weapons?” My father asks me again.

  “Yeah, almost...” I am unable to finish because immense pain hits me out of nowhere and radiates from my scalp and then to my face.

  “SHIT,” I yell.

  “We need to go NOW,” I demand while grabbing any and all weapons within my reach.

  The weapons consist of two eight-inch well-sharpened blades that attach to my waist, and a smaller blade concealed on my ankle.

  “Why, what’s wrong? The Opfer Rituellen doesn’t begin until tomorrow morning,” Mason says, looking confused.

  “She’s being hurt, we have to go now!”

  Without waiting for anyone else, I walk to the door. As I’m reaching for the handle, my father steps in front of me eliciting a feral growl, a warning to get the hell out of my way.

  “Son, do you remember what I told you last night?” He asks, looking me right in my eyes. I slightly nod my head in a yes. “You need to wait and follow the plan; Mason’s pack will be here soon, and then we will leave,” he reminds me.

  I just nod and concentrate on trying to calm myself by taking a deep breath. I feel my throat tighten, causing me to choke. Unable to take another breath, I sag against the wall for support. Mason and my father and are looking at me, bewildered.

  “Amara,” I gasp out and they both nod that they understand.

  “Mason how long until your pack is here?” I hear my father ask.

  “Soon! But honestly, we can have one of your guys wait here for them, so we can go now. Instead of one huge attack, it can be broken into two. Like I said, the civilians don't want to fight. In my experience, the civilians are not fans of the king but frightened to rebel. Make sure your men know this and don’t harm any innocents!”

  My father explains that he will be sure to explain that to his men. My breathing is back to normal by this point, but I can feel Amara’s fear. Her fear seems to be shifting now to a feeling that I know all too well, hopelessness.

  “She’s lost hope,” I say with tears glistening in my eyes and dangerously close to falling.

  “She doesn’t believe I’ll come for her,” I whisper as I feel the weight on my heart like a ton of bricks.

  She believes it so strongly it’s hard to distinguish her pain from mine.

  “I am leaving now!” I say pushing through both of their shoulders to pass through the door.

  Not glancing back to see if they’re coming, I make my way out the front door and howl, long, and loud, calling the pack together. Soon every member of the pack is before me. I hear my father and Mason approaching from behind, so I begin.

  “We are leaving to get my mate and your future Alpha female,” I say.

  My father makes a loud cough behind me, an obvious interruption. I glance back allowing my father to say what is on his mind.

  “Actually, she is the Alpha female...because you are now Alpha male,” he announces so that everyone in the pack can hear.

  I look at him questioningly, he mouths ‘later’ to me as I hear the pack clap and cheer.

  I let out an impatient growl; I have no time for this.

  “I am sorry, but this is not a time to celebrate, because if I do not get my mate back, I will not be Alpha to our pack!” I wait for a second to allow for the shock and whispers.

  “As I was saying before, we are leaving now to get my mate back. Anyone staying needs to be in the pack house until we return. Also, I need one person to volunteer to stay and wait for Alpha Mason’s pack,” A young man about eighteen stands up and agrees.

  “James, thank you,” my father says, smiling warmly.

  I nod in agreement towards the boy, indeed very grateful.

  “Let’s head out!” I order, and everyone disburses to the cars surrounding the property.

  I feel more pain in my chest, centered in my heart, making me gasp out loud as I get into the passenger seat of my Charger. My father is driving while Mason climbs in the back.

  “What is it?” My dad asks, looking at me concerned.

  “I’m not sure,” I say rubbing my chest, realizing I’m no longer feeling fear or any real emotion.

  I feel the blood drain from my face as I feel an overwhelming sense of hurt and betrayal. What is wrong with her, why does she feel so betrayed? Damn it. Everything is so fucked up and unclear. Just as quickly as I felt her hurt, I feel nothing, no tingling, no pain. She’s gone just as abruptly as I felt her. I know these aren’t my emotions, what’s being done to make her feel this way? Reaching my hand up, I wipe away tears that I didn’t know where there.

  ‘I am coming for you.’

  ‘We are coming for you,’ Wolf adds.

  Hearing his voice is a great comfort, especially for what I know lies ahead. Death! Those who dared to touch Amara will die first.

  “Painful, tortured deaths,” Wolf says.

  “So glad to have you back!” I admit, and he just growls back mentally in agreement.

  I can tell he is antsy to be doing something to get Amara back. I watch the forest fly by through the window as I go over the plan repeatedly in my head.

  Chapter 18: King Dierk

  She incoherently speaks mumbled words strung together. Her eyes are still unfocused, and I’m unable to control my smile as her so
bs grow louder. She will be begging for death soon. I’m so glad I came across that witch in the black-market last month. She told me that it contains powerful magic that will make whoever swallows it think they’re dead or having premonitions of the future. In reality, they’re being forced to live through their worst nightmares. She told me that it would last about a day for a werewolf breed.

  Of course, originally when I bought the tonic, I had considered using it on Amelinda. This is so much more enjoyable than I could have ever imagined. Amelinda broke too easily after we mated. She became no fun after that and had I not needed an offspring I would have left her bed for the company of others, sooner than I had. I inhale deeply so I can smell the despair and hurt in the air when a loud, abrupt knock sounds on the door.

  Gerd opens the door and yells “Intruders on the grounds Sire.”

  I growl and run towards him.

  “Watch her and don’t let anyone in the room!” I command as I run out the door and up the stairs.

  I run past the first level of cells through the connecting hallway leading to the main house and enter the security room. I look at each of the monitors, and on every single one, I see wolves and unshifted people fighting with my guards on the grounds and in the entryway to my house.


  I search for where the leader of the attack is. Scanning the screens repeatedly, I see a tall man yelling and pointing orders at those around him. I notice two men standing behind him. Eyeing them both closely, I recognize someone. It’s Mason, that bastard. His father was a previous council member and utterly loyal to me! How can he betray me? He must be the reason they’re here. But why? Who are the other two with him?

  I walk out of the security room and make my way through a hallway that leads to the top of the stairs. I end up directly in front of the two main doors leading outside and patiently wait. I would have called for my guards, but it looks as though they’re all engaged in battle. Plus, I can take these grungy mutts on by myself, I am the King!


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