by Pbo, Svante
Racism, 202
Radioactive phosphorus, 144–146
Radovčić, Jakov, 130, 132–135, 137–138
Rasilla, Marco de la, 136–137
“Reasons to Believe” ministry, 221
Recombination, 186
Reich, David, 173, 182, 242(fig.)
background, 170
comparing Neanderthal, African, and Chinese genomes, 177
comparing Neanderthal, African, and European genomes, 174–176
Denisova Cave remains, 241, 246–247
evidence of Neanderthal-modern human gene flow, 190, 192–193, 251
mapping modern genomes, 187
Newcomb Cleveland Prize, 224–225
publishing the findings, 217–218
Repetitive DNA sequences, 118
Replacement crowd, 213, 253
leaky replacement, 248
magnitude of Neanderthal contribution to, 201–202
MHC gene variability, 224
movement and technological development, 208
origins and movement, 198–199
Reproduction. See Interbreeding; Offspring; Sexual reproduction
Restriction enzymes, 149
Ribosomal RNA gene, 101–102, 104
RNA splicing, 112
Rogers, Jane, 161–162
Rosas, Antonio, 137
Ross, Hugh, 221
Rothberg, Jonathan, 109, 111–112, 117–120, 122, 161
Rubin, Edward M., 124, 184, 216
contamination of data, 126–127, 150, 155
Denisova Cave remains, 233–234, 239, 241
ending the collaboration, 128
friction with, 113–115
Neanderthal bacterial library, 121–122
preliminary results, 116
pyrosequencing, 109–111
Rudan, Pavao, 133–135, 138, 139(fig.)
San genome, 185, 188, 242–243
Sanger, Fred, 107
Sanger Institute, 161–162
Sanger sequencing method, 107–108, 110
Sarich, Vincent, 95
Schaffner, Walter, 36, 38
Schmitz, Ralf, 1, 17–18, 73, 123–124, 135–136
Science magazine, 18, 21, 115
Denisova Cave findings, 236
dinosaur DNA, 59–60
DNA from animal droppings, 105
MHC gene variability, 224
Neanderthal genome paper, 164–165, 216–218
Oetzi the Ice Man, 70
out-of-Africa model, 94
plant DNA, 56
potential contamination of data set, 150
pyrosequencing, 110
Rubin’s cloning paper, 122
Second-generation sequencing, 108
Serre, David, 95–97, 114
Sex chromosomes, 179–181, 243
Sexual orientation, 36–37, 88–89
Sexual reproduction
biological obstacles to, 172–173
chromosome genealogy, 185–186
comparing Neanderthal and modern human genomes, 182–183
Denisovans, 248
determining human origins, 42
genome analysis of modern humans and apes, 219
mtDNA contribution to modern humans, 96
social dominance patterns, 19
sperm motility, 211–212
See also Interbreeding
Shunkov, Michael, 232–233, 250
Side fractions, 144–146
Silica extraction method, 55
Simons, Kai, 85
Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), 102–103, 173–177, 183, 187, 191, 243–244
Single-copy genes, 103–104, 118
Skin, genetic changes in, 212–213
Slatkin, Montgomery “Monty,” 154, 191, 242(fig.)
background, 171
comparing Denisova and modern genomes, 245
Denisova Cave remains, 241
Denisovan genome findings, 247
evidence of Neanderthal-modern human gene flow, 195
Sloths, 63–65, 65(fig.), 66–67, 105
Social development, 206–207
Soft tissue samples, 67
Solexa company, 161–162
Sperm cells, 19–20, 60
Sperm motility, 211–212
Staatlische Museen zu Berlin, 28–29, 38–39
Stasi (East German secret police), 39
Stenzel, Udo, 147(fig.), 162, 169
AAAS conference, 165–166
comparing Denisova and Neanderthal genomes, 243–244
Denisova Cave remains, 241–242
evidence of Neanderthal-modern human gene flow, 166
mapping DNA, 153–155, 181, 208
patent controversy, 202–203
Stetter, Karl, 46
Stock, Günter, 134
Stone, Anne, 15–18
Stoneking, Mark, 15–17, 19, 88–91, 247
Stringer, Chris, 20, 190
Super-old DNAs, 57–58
Sykes, Bryan, 70
Taxonomy, 49, 237
Technology, changes over millennia, 208
Termite data, 57–58
Theory of mind, 205–206
Thomas, Kelley, 42
Thomas, Richard, 44
Thylacinus cynocephalus, 38–40, 44–45, 64, 66
Tomasello, Mike, 83–85, 205–206
Tool culture, 197–198, 250
Translocated human mtDNA, 60
Transplantation antigens, 24, 51, 223–224
Tree sloths, 63–65, 65(fig.), 66
Tribal groups, genetic diversity in,
Trinkaus, Erik, 95, 97, 190, 220–221
Turkana Boy, 4
23andMe, 203
UC Irvine, 56–57
Uhlén, Mathias, 107–109
Uracil, 5–6
Venter, Craig, 111, 118, 192–193
Verna, Christine, 138
Vigilant, Linda, 41, 88–91, 163–164, 201
Villablanca, Francis, 42
Vindija Cave and remains, 77(fig.), 175
cannibalized remains, 131–132, 131(fig.)
cave-bear and human bones, 76–77, 99–101
contamination of cave-bear DNA, 97
evidence of Neanderthal-modern human gene flow, 194
increasing the proportion of Neanderthal DNA, 146–151
Mezmaiskaya Cave Neanderthal remains, 79
obstacles to accessing the specimens, 129–130, 132–133, 137
Viola, Bence, 231, 233, 235, 240–241
Vjesnik newspaper, 138
von Willebrand factor gene (vWF), 102, 106
Wall, Jeffrey, 150, 155–156, 160
Ward, Ryk, 44, 71
Weapons, 198
White, Tim, 130–131
Wild, Barbara, 36–37
Willerslev, Eske, 215, 239
Wilson, Allan, 13–15, 19–20, 34–35, 37–38, 40–41, 51, 88, 94–95, 188
Wired magazine, 128
Wolpoff, Milford, 21, 190, 220
Woodward, Scott, 58–60
World Congress of Genetics (Berlin), 164
World War II, 49, 81–83
X chromosome data, 99, 179–181, 243
X-Woman Consortium, 241–243, 245–246
Y chromosome data, 179–181, 243
Yeast, 58
Yoruba, 188
Young-earth creationists, 221
Zahn, Laura, 165, 224–225
Zhai, Weiwei, 191
Zischler, Hans, 59
Zoology, 49–50
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