DESIRE - Gabby & Daniel (Fettered Book 3)

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DESIRE - Gabby & Daniel (Fettered Book 3) Page 5

by Lilia Moon

  I slide my hands down the delicious curves of her sides and over her hips, and then I place the bowl of oil right on her lower belly. “Hold very still, gorgeous, or the oil will spill.”

  She gives me a dirty look, and I manage not to laugh. Somebody recognizes a verbal restraint when she hears one. I run feather touches down the insides of her thighs and watch her fight the need to move. Very nice.

  I amuse myself teasing her thighs for a minute, and then I oil up both my hands. Time to see what other regions of Gabby Mitchell might hold some nice surprises.

  I slide one slicked hand lightly down over her pussy and run the side of the other hand into her ass crack, watching for reactions. I get a bit of a gasp and wide eyes, but I don’t see worry. I slide the edge of my hand back and forth a few times, applying a little pressure.

  She squirms, but it’s into my hand.

  I grin. Someone would like me to play with her ass. I make her a very solemn promise in the quiet of my own head. Not tonight, sweetheart, but soon.

  I amuse myself there just long enough for her eyes to get unfocused. Then I slide my thumbs into the creases at the top of her inner thighs, massaging as I go, seeking sensitive areas and responsive ones. She groans as my thumbs hit a point about halfway along, and her legs try to close. I catch the oil before it goes over. “Stay open, Gabby.” I put enough command in my voice that she doesn’t have to think.

  Her legs flop back open, her breath shuddering. I run my fingers lightly over her pussy, confirming what I already know. I look up at her flushed face, tight nipples, fast heartbeat, and know she’s more than ready. Unless her mind gets in the way, she’s in the perfect place to push up into orgasm.

  However, after the whole nipple episode, I won’t be at all surprised if her mind tries to get in my way.

  I slide two fingers into her pussy, splitting my attention between the amazing feel of her slick heat around my fingers and her face.

  She moans and rolls her head against her arm, but she’s still with me, rocking her hips into my invading fingers. I curl them up, making a few exploratory strokes along her interior walls. Most guys are fond of clit play, but when I need instant orgasmic obedience, there’s nothing better than a g-spot. I grin as I feel slight roughness under my fingers. I stroke more firmly and Gabby jolts, her eyes flying open.

  Oh, yeah. “Stop wiggling. I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to let you come again.”

  I see exactly the moment my words sink in—and exactly the moment she realizes what they mean. Her huffing, slightly desperate laugh is a beautiful reward.

  I put one hand on her lower belly, right where the oil bowl was. I press down, and then I let my other hand start a nice, slow rhythm in and out, massaging her g-spot each time I enter her.

  She’s breathing in time to my fingers, entirely trusting the pace I’m dictating. I speed it up a little, but not a lot. I can already feel her g-spot pillowing. She’s going to come just like this with no problem at all.

  Her hips are getting squirmy, and this time I allow it. I just want her to feel.

  I lean into my work. Female bodies get sleepy when they don’t get regular orgasms, and what I’m feeling under my hands right now is a very thorough, very beautiful awakening.

  The soft moan as she tips over the edge as gently as I can take her is the best gift I’ve gotten in a really long time.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I’m not lying on the couch anymore. Or I am, but cuddled up against a very sexy man. One who’s still in all his clothes—and I’m the hot, sweaty, naked mess lying all over him. Him and his very big erection.

  I push up on his chest. He smiles at me and then raises a stern eyebrow as he surveys my face. “Out with it.”

  My mind can’t figure out what to say first. “You’re still, um—”

  He grins, and parts of me that were just starting to solidify melt again. “That’s because I have an armful of gorgeous naked woman.”

  I lie back down, not very satisfied with that answer, but not sure what else to say.

  He tangles his fingers gently in my hair. “Gabby, I knew I wasn’t getting off tonight before I started. You wanted a taste of what power exchange feels like, and in that world, things generally aren’t equal. Tonight, you came, I didn’t. There are many forms of pleasure, and orgasm’s only one of them. I had a wonderful time.”

  I feel like I’ve landed in a very foreign country. “So tonight was okay for you, just like this?”

  His laugh rumbles under my ear. “You’re thinking by vanilla rules, sweetheart. In that world, I’m lying here pissed off that my needs weren’t met, and you’re feeling guilty for not meeting them.”

  That about covers it. “And in the non-vanilla world?”

  He strokes his hand down my back. “Well, let’s talk about you first. Forget about me and my hypothetical needs for a minute. What did you get out of tonight?”

  I can feel the grin cracking my face, even though I’m totally embarrassed to be talking about this. “Two of the most stunning orgasms of my life.”

  His growl is all satisfied lion. “Very nice. And what else?”

  I have to actually find brain cells to answer that one. “Some new experiences. I learned some things about myself. I was brave, and I feel proud about that.” The bigger dots start connecting. “I got to let go. Nothing was my responsibility.”

  I can feel his smile. “I bet single moms don’t get a whole lot of chances to do that.”

  They don’t. “Tonight was amazing for me. But I still don’t understand what that gives you.”

  “The gift of someone willing to put herself and her body in my hands. The chance to play and explore and introduce you to things that you didn’t know about yourself. Feeling you come around my fingers, seeing the look in your eyes when you give yourself over to what I want. The trust of your surrender.” He tips up my chin, and there are things in his eyes I can’t name. “The connection I feel right now with you.”

  I stare at him. He’s rendered me totally speechless.

  He winks and gives me a soft kiss. “Just a few things for you to think about later tonight.”

  I blush hotly, because I know very well what I’m going to be thinking about after he leaves.

  He laughs and shifts us so we’re side by side, our faces a few inches apart. “Now for the stuff that’s probably going to be harder for you to talk about. Tell me what you learned about yourself tonight.”

  My face is flaming, but he has a hand on the back of my neck and there’s nowhere to go. I’ve heard about this part from Scorpio and Emily, about all the very explicit talking their Doms require.

  I taught three girls everything they needed to know about sex. I can do this. “I was surprised by how I had an orgasm. When your fingers were—” Dammit, I’m about to sound like a bad romance novel, and that’s just silly. The words he used might be strange to my ears, but at least they aren’t ridiculous. “I came just from your fingers in my pussy. You never touched my clit tonight. I had no idea I could come without that.”

  He strokes my hair. “We’re not in a scene now, so you can tell me to butt out if you like, but how much sexual experience have you had?”

  I duck my head into the couch, because it’s the only place he’s left me to run.

  “Shit. Gabby. Look at me.”

  He waits until I turn my head back and meet his eyes. They’re fierce and a little pissed off. “Sweetheart, that self-doubt of yours is killing me, and we’re going to work on it, but for now, know that’s not what I meant at all. You were beautiful and responsive and open and I’m a really happy man who can’t wait for the next time I get to play with you.”

  He’s saying it with a sternness I can’t ignore—and his words make me glow somewhere deep inside. “I’m sorry. I’m not usually so insecure. I got pregnant with Jules the third time I had sex.” And I’m just beginning to understand some of the legacy that’s left me. “There have been some
men since then, but not many. I guess I wish that wasn’t quite so obvious to you.”

  His hand strokes my face gently. “It’s far more obvious from your words than it was from your responsiveness. And it doesn’t matter. Vanilla sex isn’t actually very good preparation for BDSM play. But it can create fears and triggers and expectations, and the very best way to navigate those is just like this, where you tell me very clearly what’s going on for you.”

  I haven’t told him all of it, and his words give me the kick in the pants I need to say the rest. I run a hand down the soft fabric of his shirt. “I hope next time you get naked too.”

  He growls and pulls my mouth in to his, and this kiss isn’t gentle at all. It’s possessive and deadly and he’s making me wet all over again. His hand slides up and cups a breast, and when his fingers squeeze my nipple, I groan right into his mouth.

  He lets go of my breast, and in the next instant my leg is up over his hip and there are two hot, hard fingers inside my pussy. He pulls his head back far enough to lock his gaze onto mine. “This time I want to see your eyes when you come, Gabby. Keep them open for me.”

  He’s driving me up so fast I don’t even know what his words mean—but I know his eyes aren’t letting me go.

  My body is scrambling, frantic, trying to keep up with the insane pace his fingers are demanding. “Too fast. I can’t.”

  His eyes never leave mine. “You can.”

  He’s jamming his fingers against that spot inside me, pushing his leg into the desperate rocking of my hips, and I can hear myself begging. I need to shatter, but I don’t know how.

  His eyes fill with something hot and dangerous and proud. “Now, sweetheart. Come for me right now.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Every time she comes, she’s giving me more.

  I hold Gabby as she spirals down from a very intense orgasm, the one I gave her because it was either that or break all my promises and use my cock inside her instead. Her pussy ripples against my fingers as her cries fade into whimpers.

  I grin into her hair. She’s every kind of irresistible. “You come like a dream.”

  She’s blushing again—I can feel it against my chest. “You’re obviously very good at that.”

  I am, but I know this is about a lot more than skill. I cuddle her in tighter, because I can, and because she’s still trembling. “I was pretty forceful this time—how did that feel?”

  She takes a deep breath and lets it out. “Scary at first, because I felt like I couldn’t keep up.” She looks up at me and smiles wryly. “And then I couldn’t think at all.”

  I smile and treat myself to another a kiss. “The first couple of times, I teased your orgasm from you. This time I demanded it. That’s a pretty typical Dom trick.”

  She swallows. “Less control for me. Less choice.”

  My turn to swallow, because she’s looking right at the core of what separates vanilla from kink, and it suddenly matters a whole lot what she thinks. “Yes. That was me insisting on your surrender.”

  For a long moment, she’s really still—and then her whole body relaxes. “Once I got past scared, it was amazing.”

  I nuzzle into her hair. “I’d like the chance to scare you again.”

  She laughs, and her whole body shakes. “I don’t think I’ve ever had a second-date proposal quite like that one.”

  Keeping her off balance is going to be one of the best parts of this. Whatever this is.

  I want to push for that second date right now, but my inconvenient sense of fairness says I need to give her a few minutes to let the endorphins settle first. And there are plenty of things I’d like to learn about the woman in my arms while I wait. I look around what I can see of her cozy, entirely lived-in house. “How did you fit three teenage girls in here?” From my quick glances earlier, the house only has two bedrooms, and maybe half the square footage of my condo.

  She laughs quietly. “I kept thinking I would need a bigger house one day soon, but that day never arrived. Back when I first adopted Shani and Amma, I put them in the same bedroom with Jules so that nobody felt excluded.”

  I heard part of this at the pizzeria. Three five year olds, two of them with a history of severe abuse, and Gabby barely an adult herself. “It sounds like that worked pretty well.”

  She smiled. “Four months later, they were calling themselves triplets. My little white child and two brown ones. Nobody ever managed to convince them that they weren’t.”

  The woman in my arms doesn’t take nearly enough credit for that miracle. “They kept sharing a room as teenagers?”

  She nodded. “Yes. They had great friends in the neighborhood, and we’d have had to move a lot further south to afford a bigger home. When I needed a little peace and quiet, I gave them money to go to the movies instead.”

  I wonder if she knows that she keeps snuggling in closer to me. “Thank you for bringing me here. For trusting me with your body and your home.”

  She ducks her face into my chest. “I still can’t believe I did this.”

  I tip up her chin, because this blushing of hers is rapidly becoming irresistible. “How does Friday evening feel for doing it again? Can I come here?”

  She looks surprised.

  “I like your house. It’s warm and inviting and feels like you. But we can try my place or a hotel if you like.”

  She smiles shyly. “Here’s fine. I could cook for you.”

  I hide a grin. I’m going to have to come clean on that one soon, but cooking for us might help her nerves. “That sounds wonderful. I’ll handle breakfast.”

  She swallows.

  I love being a pushy Dom. “I want to be in your bed on Friday night. All night. If you don’t want that, you need to say so.”

  She tenses for a few seconds, and then she ducks her head back into my chest. “Okay. Overnight, in my bed.”

  Something swells inside me as I wrap my arms around her more tightly. Collecting enough of her to hold me until Friday.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Hey, Gabby—do you have some time to chat?”

  I look up from my spreadsheet. “I always have time for women bearing cups of tea.”

  Emily smiles and pulls up a chair at the table next to me. She sets a mug down on a pretty blue glass coaster and slides it my way.

  It smells warm and spicy, like fall mixed with cuddles—and not just because I have fall cuddles on the brain. I pick up the mug and hope it will hide anything revealing that my cheeks might be doing.

  Emily takes a long inhale of her own tea. “I wanted to talk with you about our staffing, and maybe having you take on some new responsibilities.”

  The first part of her sentence has me tensing. The second half makes me glow. I’ve only worked here for six months, even though it feels like forever. “That’s a really wonderful vote of confidence, thank you.”

  She grins. “We call you the receptionist because somebody needs that title, not because it’s actually true.”

  It’s a small company. We all pitch in. “I love helping out wherever I can, truly.”

  “Good.” She sets down her mug. “Scorpio’s requesting less weekend work so that she can play at the club more often.”

  I smile. Scorpio’s band only plays at Fettered, but they’re in hot demand. “She glows after those nights.”

  “I know.” Emily winks at me. “Some of that might be what happens after. Harlan loves hearing her sing.”

  I have to laugh. The office talk around here has really changed lately. “So how do we get her more time to do that?”

  “Well, the big nights at the club are Friday and Saturday, and we have a lot of wedding receptions on those evenings. So I need someone to take over Scorpio’s usual job on backroom logistics for those events. I know you’ve already taken on the caterers, and they’re delighted with you. Do you think you could manage the rest? I’ll help where I can.”

  I’m already lining thin
gs up in my head to see if they fit. “I think I can do most of the pieces on their own, but I’m not sure I can do all of them at the same time. Scorpio’s a logistics superhero.” I look at Emily and wrinkle my forehead. “How do you feel about maybe having someone part-time to help out with those nights?”

  She’s smiling even before I’m finished. “Great minds think alike. Do you know Mattie, the waitress who sometimes works with Chef Tonio?”

  I do, and I like her a lot. She’s friendly, chatty, and always gets the job done. “She’s great.”

  “She is. I’ve spoken with her and she’s happy to take on more work with us.” Emily looks at me and hesitates. “She’s also a member at Fettered, so she could help out with the events we hold there.”

  I sip my tea and think for a moment. I want to make her hesitation go away, but I’m not entirely sure what to say. More new lands. “Do you think it bothers me to work with people who like to get spanked?”

  She shrugs and makes a wry face. “No, but I don’t want you to feel totally outnumbered.”

  I blink. Apparently she doesn’t know her Dom has tackled that little problem from an entirely different angle. “Mattie would be great. We end up a bit shorthanded at the Fettered events because everything gets handed off at the door.” There’s never a shortage of volunteers, but that’s not the same as a well-oiled team.

  “Fantastic.” Emily looks pleased—she likes getting things done. “Scorpio gets some free nights, we get some great new help, and you get the raise you so totally deserve.”

  I stare at her—I’m a very well-paid receptionist. “That’s not necessary.”

  She raises an eyebrow, and she looks exactly like Daniel did last night.

  I blush, for lots of reasons. “Sorry. Thank you very much, oh best boss in the world, for paying me even more money for doing a job that I love.”

  She laughs. “Much better. Can you meet Mattie at the club tomorrow afternoon? She gets off work at four. The two of you could go over logistics for Mike and Lori’s engagement party.”


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