DESIRE - Gabby & Daniel (Fettered Book 3)

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DESIRE - Gabby & Daniel (Fettered Book 3) Page 9

by Lilia Moon

  He’s off the couch and crouched at my feet faster than I can breathe. “Shit, sweetie—don’t let me scare you. He has a rep, that’s all. A few years back, every sub in Seattle wanted to be topped by him.” He rubs my knee gently. “If he’s picked you, he has really good taste.”

  Doxy sets down her tea. “Jimmy says he’s the most skilled Dom he’s ever known. He got tired of the club scene and wanted to find something different.”

  My hands are shaking, and the sick feeling in my stomach floods back with a vengeance. “Well, I’m certainly different.”

  Scorpio’s cup goes down less quietly than Doxy’s. “If he’s not treating you like the gorgeous person you are, we can get some guys to pound on him. Right after we take our turn.”

  This conversation is so not going where I expected it to. And, just like Daniel said, my doubts are getting in the way of something that matters. I lean down and kiss the top of Sam’s head. “Thank you for being here.”

  I take a deep breath to calm my belly, and slowly look at each of my friends as Sam walks back over to the couch. I won’t let them believe bad things about Daniel—not when it’s my own fears that are the problem. “He’s treating me like I’m sexy and desirable and confident. Like spending time with me naked in his lap is the very best part of his life.”

  “Oh. Oh, honey.” There are tears in Doxy’s eyes. “That’s just perfect.”

  It would be—if I could find a little more faith. Not in him. In me. But I suspect that’s part of why he set today up, and I’m looking at four sets of eyes that are full of sweetness and the will to help me do this.

  Well, three sets. Ari’s eyes are full of love, but they’re also full of mischief—and glee. “I’m really happy for you. Now dish. What happens after you get naked, exactly?”

  “He said I should tell you.” I take another breath, feeling seriously lightheaded. “So. I like spankings. Light ones, anyhow.”

  Ari and Scorpio high-five each other.

  Sam shakes his head at them. “Kids these days. What else?”

  I can’t believe I’m talking about this. “He had these restraints. On my legs and over my belly.”

  Scorpio’s eyes get big. “Shit. I need to keep him away from Harlan.”

  I remember she’s still pretty new to all of this too. “I couldn’t move. At all. It was really intense.” I close my eyes and tell the whole truth. “And amazing.”

  “Oh, honey.” This time it’s Sam. “He’s totally treating you right, and you like it. That’s magic, right there.”

  It is. He is. “So can you help me come up with some ideas? I’m so new, but I already know that I don’t want most of the stuff in Fettered’s dungeon. He said you guys would have some good ideas about what I might like.”

  Ari’s nodding. “Soft kink—and that’s not an insult, sweetie. It’s an honest desire, and it’s really great that you two can play that way.”

  Daniel’s apparently not the only one who can make me feel overwhelmed. “Thank you, all of you, for being so nice.”

  “Duh.” Scorpio holds up a cookie. “You give excellent bribes. And oh, yeah, you’re the nicest damn person we all know.”

  “I have a question.” Sam looks at me quizzically. “I’m honored to be here, but you and I don’t know each other all that well yet. Why are you being really brave and letting me be a part of this?”

  I swallow, because I don’t want to hurt him and maybe I already have. “Daniel’s bisexual. I was hoping you might have some ideas for things I could do, things he might enjoy, that the others might not think of.” I wince. “That feels really selfish of me. I’m sorry.”

  He stares at me like I grew three more heads while I was talking. And then he smiles, and it’s like a dozen suns just came out. “That’s possibly the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  Everyone else is beaming at me too.

  “Daniel’s a lucky man,” says Doxy quietly.

  “Oh, he’s going to get luckier.” Sam’s grin is growing as he talks. “I have so many ideas for you. So many.”

  Ari claps a hand over his mouth. “Think before you speak, Sammy.” She looks at me and winks. “We’ll just give him a second to realize you probably don’t want to dress up like a harem boy or wear a strap-on.”

  Doxy laughs. “She might.”

  My cheeks are never going to survive this afternoon. I reach around behind me for the pretty paper squares I’ve prepared and a glass cookie jar. “Here was the idea I had, because I’ll probably die if we sit here and talk about my possible sex life for hours.” Or even minutes. “I wanted to ask you to write down your ideas. Anything you want. Then I’ll go through them after you leave and decide what ideas get to go in the jar.”

  Ari raises an eyebrow.

  I scowl at her. “Daniel says I have to keep things in there that make me squirm. I can only get rid of the ones I truly don’t want to do.”

  She grins and high-fives Scorpio.

  I’m in so much trouble.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I’m at loose ends.

  I stop walking, realizing I’m aimlessly wandering in circles around my condo. Waiting.

  I’m not a guy who does this. There are lots of things I can do on a free Saturday afternoon. I stopped being a workaholic two decades ago, and I have plenty of good and fulfilling ways to spend my free time. I pick up my phone, contemplating an impromptu cooking session for a friend or two. And sigh.

  Lots of options, but they all feel pretty empty without Gabby in them.

  Two dates and I’m already here. I’m like that—I make business decisions quickly, and every other kind too. But still. Two dates.

  Anxiously awaiting date number three.

  I wonder how she’s doing with her friends and find myself grinning. The woman definitely doesn’t let grass grow under homework. She texted me an hour after I left her panting on her couch.

  I stop and grimace. I’m pacing around my condo again. I need to bake cookies or something.

  The knock on my door saves me from descending that slippery slope. I pull it open, expecting Harlan or Damon, come to make sure I’m taking good care of the woman they’ve been kind enough to lend me. And blink at the face I find there instead.

  “Hey.” Ari bounces into my condo, holding a glass jar full of colored bits of paper. “I’m the delivery girl.”

  I stare at her, bemused. “I’m the confused guy whose home you just invaded.”

  She turns around, grinning. “Sorry. I was at Gabby’s house, and I volunteered to bring our ideas over to you since you’re on my way home.”

  I’m old and slow, but not that old and slow. “I’m guessing you would have volunteered even if I lived in Bellevue.”

  “Yup.” She flounces down on my sofa, eyes full of mischief. “I’m also delivering Sam’s threats, in case you need any more incentive to treat Gabby well.”

  I picture the slender, flamboyant man in my mind. Good sense of humor, fond of role play, and deeply loyal to his partner. “I didn’t realize he and Gabby were close.”

  “They weren’t.” Ari’s eyes turn serious. “Before I say anything else, she gave me the same permission you gave her. To speak freely.”

  There’s a reason Damon has this one on his door. “Thank you for asking her.”


  I grin. “If I step wrong, you’re going to be the first person to paddle me, aren’t you?”

  She grins back. “Duh.”

  I eye her. “Noted and respected. Now what’s the story with Sam?”

  “She invited him for you.” She waits a beat. “She wants to know how to please you, including ways that her straight kinky friends might not think of.”

  I wince. “This was supposed to be ideas for her pleasure, not mine.”

  “Duh.” Ari raises a wry eyebrow. “But Gabby gives as easily as she breathes, so a smart Dom is going to have to figure out ways to let her meet that need.”

  I’m getting a lecture on how to be a good Dom from someone who was in diapers when I started using a flogger. And she’s entirely right. “Got it. Thank you.”

  Her eyes twinkle like miniature carnivals. “Some people are dumb enough to blow me off because I’m young and blonde. Thank you for not being one of them.”

  I’m many things, but dumb isn’t on the list. “I know good advice when I hear it, and you know Gabby. If you have more things to say, I’m all ears.”

  She holds up the jar. “I already said plenty. She had us write ideas down on these pieces of paper, and then she figured she’d send us all home while she went through them.”

  I know how to read body language, especially when the sender is being really obvious. “Did anyone leave?”

  Her shoulders are shaking with laughter, but her face stays admirably steady. “Nope. I took all the ones she excluded to make a jar for the club. No good ideas will go to waste.” She holds up the jar in her hands. “They’re color coded. So you know who to thank.”

  Or who to murder in their sleep. “What percentage of these made her squirm?”

  “Most of them.” The messenger is quieter now, steadier. “We helped her figure out the difference between embarrassed and turned off, so I think the stuff in here is all soft limits or better, but you’ll check, yeah?”

  “Of course. And you’re a good friend for making sure.”

  She blows out a hard puff of air. “Thanks. People I respect tell me you’re a great Dom, but Gabby’s my friend and she’s being really brave trying this.” She blows out a second time, more quietly. “I think she’s the kind of sub who could break if she gets pushed too hard—and a lot of pretty standard kink would push her too hard.”

  I’m already quite sure about all of that. “She needs invitations, not pushes. She’ll push herself plenty. This will go exactly where she needs it to go and no further. I’m not going to let her feel like she’s failed me or herself.”

  Ari’s eyes soften. “That’s why you had us help, instead of using the club limits list.”

  I’ve just passed an important test and I know it. “Yes.”

  “Good.” She grins and stands up, handing me the jar. “We might let you keep her then.”

  I can only hope Gabby agrees with them. “Looks like I have some homework to do.” I look at the jar, and then at the woman heading for the exit. “What color are you?”

  She laughs and opens my front door. “If you can’t figure that out, you’re not the Dom she needs.”

  Chapter Thirty


  The knock on my door has me quivering like a scared mouse as I lean against my entryway wall. There’s just no way to feel ready to open it to a man who now has dozens of fiendish ways he can play with me.

  I wrap my hand around the doorknob and tug.

  He’s standing outside, smiling, a bright-red wool scarf wound around his ears and his neck. All ready for me to unwrap.

  I step back and let him in, reveling in the appreciation in his eyes. My head has been trying to make me feel good about myself for years. His eyes are sending that message deep into my bones, and it’s changing the very way I stand. “Hi. It looks cold out there.”

  He peels off wool gloves that match the scarf and touches his fingers to my cheek. “It is, but I’ll happily trade cold sunshine for rain.”

  Such normal conversation, with a man so far out of my normal experience.

  He sets down a medium-sized duffle bag just inside the door.

  That could be absolutely anything. “Do I want to know what’s in there?”

  He grins and closes the door behind him. “It doesn’t matter—you’re not going to find out.”

  I’ve learned about all kinds of things I didn’t know existed until today. Enough to be really concerned about what might be in there.

  He reaches for my hand and pulls me a step closer. “That’s a really pretty dress. It shows off all your curves. Maybe I should take you out to dinner before I play with you.”

  I have no idea why that sounds like such a bad idea, but it does. “I already ate. I can feed you if you’re hungry.”

  He smiles and lets his hand slide gently down from my shoulder, over my breast, to my hip. “We’ll get a snack later.”

  I’m pretty sure I’m going to be the snack.

  He pulls my small glass cookie jar out of the pocket of his overcoat. “You have some very creative friends.”

  I blush. “It’s a good thing it didn’t stay here or I probably would have burned half of them by now. I expected Sam and Ari to be over the top, but Scorpio came up with some of the craziest stuff, and Doxy knows way too many things you can do with anal plugs.”

  He laughs and kisses my glowing cheeks. “Including getting you comfortable enough to say those words out loud.”

  Oh God. “They made up Dr. Seuss rhymes, and they wouldn’t stop until I said everything without stuttering.”

  “You have really good friends, sweetheart. And you trusted them to help you explore something really big and new and intimidating for you.” He sets down the jar. “For the record, I expected a shorter and much more sedate list than this.”

  “Yeah.” I reach up shyly and kiss him. “Me too.” My insides are tingly and bothered and a little desperate, and I don’t know what to do about it.

  “Ah.” He’s watching me more closely now. “I thought I might need to spend some time calming you down. It looks like you need me to do exactly the opposite.”

  “Please.” I feel like I could so easily melt, if someone would just light a darned match.

  He runs a finger under the neckline of my dress. “I want you on your belly in the middle of your bed with a couple of pillows under your hips. Lights on, dress up and ass bare for me, knees spread.”

  That could be the start of so many of those devilish little pieces of paper. “What are you going to do?”

  His smile is all arrogant Dom. “You’ll find out once your bare ass is in the air, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I look over at the jar sitting on Gabby’s counter, and both bless and curse her friends. They were fiendishly creative, and all well within the boundary lines of what I hope she can handle. But there were some definite surprises. Including some very detailed, very thorough anal play.

  That’s not an invitation I need twice.

  I decide I’ve given her enough time to relocate a couple of pillows, and head toward her bedroom. It drives my cock crazy to see her sideways on the bed, the curves of her ass nicely thrust upward. I step inside the door, noting she’s positioned herself so that she can watch me come in.

  Fair enough. “You look beautiful like that. All ready for me to ravish.” I stop to take off my shirt. The look in her eyes while I strip has my balls throbbing painfully.

  They’re going to be seriously pissed off at me before the night is done.

  I come around the side of the bed, in behind Gabby where she can’t see me anymore. I rub my hands up her calves, over the back of her knees, up to her round, sexy ass. We’re going to get to know each other very well tonight.

  I sit on the bed between her legs. She’s already wet, already starting to swell. Someone clearly had a very squirmy afternoon.

  I slide two fingers into her pussy, and then use them to lightly rim her ass. She squeaks, and I grin. “I’m just going explore for a bit, sweetheart. What’s your safeword?”

  “Yellow for slow, red for stop.” Her voice is shaky. Worried, but also aroused.

  Good. My Dom’s seeing the same thing Sam and Ari did. A sub who wants to try this, not just one who’s trying to please me.

  I drape a towel over her lower back to protect her dress, and then I reach into my toy bag and pull out the bottle of massage oil in its very handy warming sleeve. I squirt some out onto my hands and slowly spread it over Gabby’s ass cheeks. All the way up to her tailbone, over her hips, down into her ass crack.

e’s a bit jumpy as I start my massage, and then I can feel all of her muscles starting to relax. I keep it that way for a while, enjoying the soft strength of her under my hands, my thumbs finding hidden tight spots and encouraging them to let go.

  She makes little humming sounds when I hit a particularly good spot.

  I oil up my fingers again and slide my thumbs up and down the sides of her ass crack. Her asshole dimples at me, clearly trying to find someplace a little less exposed to hide.

  Time for that to stop. I rim it in little circles with a well-oiled finger and then slide it in to her tense muscles.

  She breathes in tight and fast and holds it.

  I let her—she’s going to have to make this choice on her own. I slide in up to my second knuckle and back out, watching her for signs that I’ve triggered something worse than shock. Eventually she breathes out. I keep up the in-and-out slide, letting my other hand roam gently around her ass. It would rather be playing with her pussy, but I need to be very clear how she’s doing with the anal play first.

  Her muscles relax beautifully for me, teased by warm oil and the easy, undemanding slide of my finger.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  This is starting to feel good, this lazy, relaxed invasion of a part of me that never imagined being sexy. I can feel my hips wanting to rouse, to push up into his finger.

  Daniel chuckles behind me, and then there’s more pressure. “Another finger. Let me relax you, just like with the first one.”

  More pressure again—and then something in me cracks. Wild, upset, panicky. “Yellow. Please yellow.” I don’t even know what’s wrong, but I know I need him to stop.

  His fingers freeze, and his head tilts over to where he can see my face. “Easy, sweetheart. Breathe. Tell me what’s going on.”

  I can feel tears leaking out my eyes. “I don’t know. It just feels really big and intense and like something inside me just split open.”

  “I can hear that, feel that.” His free hand is stroking my back, so gently. “Do you need me to take my fingers out?”


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