Falling for Sakura: A Secret Proposal Part 1 (Sakura and the Princeton Brothers Book 3)

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Falling for Sakura: A Secret Proposal Part 1 (Sakura and the Princeton Brothers Book 3) Page 5

by Alexia Praks

  Sakura! he thought.

  Clung! And then blackness.

  Sebastian blinked. What just happened? Why was the whole place suddenly flooded with darkness?

  “Oi! What the hell is going on there?” he heard a man shout.

  “Yeah, where’s the light?” another yelled.

  “Sorry!” A voice echoed through a speaker. “We’re just testing the lights. Please be patient. It’ll only take a moment.”

  The mumbling and grumbling continued from the staff. Sebastian shook his head. He had enough inspecting the stage and headed toward the door. Only he couldn’t quite see properly in the darkness and smashed into a small, soft body.

  “Huh!” the female made a sound, falling into his arms, her face hitting his hard, muscular chest. At the same time, his feet tripped on cords lying on the floor and he fell backward, taking the woman with him.

  He hit his back on the floor, the woman sprawling on top of him.

  God! She felt so soft, warm, and just right in his arms. Her hair! Oh God, her hair smelled beautiful. It reminded him of spring, of Sakura.

  “Shit!” he muttered under his breath.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered softly, her warm breath fanning his skin, causing his whole body to soar in pleasure. His heart suddenly thundered within his chest.

  Sakura! Sakura! It has to be Sakura!

  “I couldn’t see.” She chuckled apologetically.

  Sakura! He wanted to scream out her name.

  The woman began to move away, out of his arms.

  No! No! No! He wouldn’t let her go. He couldn’t let her go.

  He held on to her tight, his mind screaming her name over and over again. Sakura! Sakura! Sakura!

  “My files!” She moved hastily away from him and out of his clutches. He sat up, his hands reaching out for her, searching for her. He heard shuffling and ruffling and the light came back on.

  The room was flooded with bright light and it momentarily blinded Sebastian.

  Thump! Thump! Thump!

  Sakura! Where are you? Please don’t leave!

  He blinked again and then adjusted his eyes to the brightness. He scanned around him, his heart still pounding heavily within his chest. Then he saw her rushing away toward the exit, her long blond hair flying behind her.

  He frowned. She wasn’t Sakura. She was the woman he’d seen earlier with Sosuke at the lift. What was wrong with him? He definitely needed to clear his head.

  “Sir?” Jane called out.

  Sebastian waved at her to leave him be. “We’re done, Ms. Hamilton.” Then he was out the door.

  He took the lift and came to the top floor of the hotel where his parents’ penthouse was located. In the spacious living area, he found Lady Haruka and his parents, James and Brenda Princeton, having morning tea together. They are getting along well, he thought with a smile, and he was pleased.

  “Mom, Dad,” he said the moment they looked up.

  “Sebastian, darling,” Brenda said. “Join us.”

  He came to sit on the sofa next to his parents and poured himself a cup of coffee. He took a sip and found it was flavorless. Instantly, for perhaps the millionth time, he missed Sakura’s aromatic, flavorful coffee. His face darkened at the thought.

  Brenda noticed and said, “So how’s the stage inspection going?”

  “Shouldn’t he tell his staff to do that?” Tristan said from the other side of the room. “Nicolas, I mean.”

  “All his staff are busy,” Logan put in. “I would imagine. And Sebastian is free.”

  “I think Nicolas is just too easygoing with his staff,” Hayden said, sipping his tasteless coffee.

  The door opened at that moment, and Nicolas and Sosuke walked in.

  “What did you just say, Hayden?” Nicolas asked his brother.

  Hayden took the bait and said again, “I think you’re too easy on your staff.”

  “Then maybe you’d be kind enough to teach me a few things about staff management?” Nicolas raised his blond brows at his brother. “I’d be glad indeed.”

  Hayden chuckled. “I’d be glad too, bro.”

  “Damn,” Conrad put in. “You two are always going on about that.” He looked heavenward.

  “By the way,” Sosuke interjected, looking around the room. “Where is Darcy-san? I haven’t seen him since this morning. Is he not coming to the event?”

  “He’d be at his loft, doing his artsy thing,” Conrad supplied. Then the youngest of the Princeton brothers couldn’t really help himself and asked, “By the way, Sosuke, that woman you bumped into this morning by the lift?”

  Sosuke raised his brows and started to rock himself back and forth. Haruka noticed and hid a smile. Her nephew only did that when he was into something and tried to hide it. Now she was interested in this blond woman they’d glimpsed that morning as well.

  “Yes?” Sosuke asked evasively.

  “You did see her face, didn’t you?” Conrad asked.

  “Yeah,” Tristan added with interest. “What does she look like?”

  Sosuke frowned and noticed himself rocking. He made himself stop and cleared his throat. “Why do you want to know?”

  Logan was beside him immediately and swung his arm over Sosuke’s shoulders. “Come on now, Sosuke, my friend, spit it out. Can’t keep a beautiful woman all to yourself, you know. We share.”

  Sosuke didn’t like the sound of that.

  “Hey,” Nicolas put in, frowning at Tristan and Logan, who were having rather a good time teasing the Japanese man. “That’s Sosuke’s business.”

  Tristan chuckled. “Come on, man, what does she look like?”

  “Pretty?” Logan asked.

  “Hot?” Tristan added.

  “Sexy?” Hayden queried.

  “Blue eyes?” Conrad put in. “It always goes with the blond hair.”

  “I think you guys should really take this outside,” Sebastian said, indicating there were conservative adults here that didn’t want to hear such conversation, referring to his parents and Haruka.

  His brothers, however, weren’t listening and continued.

  Tristan said, “I’m partial to blue eyes.”

  “Me, too,” Logan added. “There is that something with blue eyes and blond hair. They’re perfect together.”

  “I’m into black hair and chocolaty-brown eyes,” Conrad said.

  The room suddenly went dead silent as the brothers stared at Conrad, who went rather red in the face. James took Brenda’s hand into his and gave it a gentle, comforting squeeze. Brenda looked up at her husband then, tears burning within her eyes. She gave him a weak smile.

  Haruka noticed the subtle movement between husband and wife. She also noticed the tense atmosphere surrounding the room and the brothers’ silence, as though what Conrad had said hit a target. She wondered what was going on.

  “Actually,” Sosuke began, “she does have one blue eye.”

  The tense atmosphere was lifted then, and Hayden said, “Blue eye?” He cocked his head to one side.

  “You said blue eye, singular,” Conrad put in.

  “What?” Tristan couldn’t help himself from asking. “Is she blind in one eye or something?”

  Logan shook his head. “How unfortunate. And to think you gazed at her like you did, Sosuke.”

  Sosuke grunted, and both Logan and Tristan laughed.

  “I’m sure she’s not blind,” Nicolas put in, frowning at his brothers to stop their nonsense.

  “She has one blue eye and one gray eye,” Sosuke said.

  The brothers turned their full attention to Sosuke, including Sebastian, who was interested. They were talking about the same woman he’d bumped into just moments ago after all. He hadn’t seen her face and now wondered what she looked like.

  “It’s the oddest thing,” Sosuke said. “I’ve never seen that color in anyone before.” He cocked his head to one side. “The blue one is so blue, like the color of the sky in summer.” He turned to Sebastian. “
Actually, it looked very much like yours, Sebastian-san. The color of your eyes, an azure-blue.”

  The brothers’ gazes shifted toward Sebastian, who turned a bit pale in the face all of a sudden.

  “And the other one?” Sebastian asked.

  “The other?” Sosuke frowned. “Like I said, it’s the oddest color, the likes I’ve never seen on any person before… except—”

  “Except?” Nicolas prompted. He really couldn’t help himself. He knew what all his brothers were thinking. Shit! He hoped their suspicions were right. He really hoped so. Then that would explain everything. Why they couldn’t find her.

  “Except,” Sosuke said, “Darcy.”

  “What do you mean?” Sebastian asked, his voice hard.

  Sosuke was confused by the tense stance and dark faces all the brothers wore as they watched him, his friend Nicolas included. He chuckled and tried to make light of the situation.

  “Just like Darcy. One eyes, it’s exactly the same as Darcy’s, that moonlike pale lavender color. I think it’s like a mauve-grey?”

  Sebastian felt his whole body shaking. Oh God! Could that really be her? Sakura? Shit! He had her within his clutches and he just let her go? Just like that?

  “Where is she?” Conrad asked suddenly.

  “She’s working backstage!” Sebastian supplied and strode to the door.

  Sosuke watched in confusion as all the other brothers followed Sebastian, Nicolas included. He turned his attention to his aunt and saw she was also looking at him in confusion.

  Though she gave the impression she hadn’t a clue what was going on, Haruka did notice something very odd. The husband and wife sitting opposite her looked rather anxious and relieved at the same time. What was going on? Why was the talk of this pretty blond woman bringing forward such an intense reaction in this wealthy and kind family?

  Haruka didn’t know, but she did know this—she hoped they found what they were looking for, because she knew they were looking for something. Or someone.

  * * * * *

  Sakura wasn’t used to running errands. Today she found out she wasn’t any good at doing it, and vowed to never do it again in the future, especially where it involved helping backstage before a fashion show.

  Her heels really hurt. She wondered if she should take her shoes off and walk barefoot on the soft carpet instead.

  Clutching the folder against her chest, she took out her cell phone and gave Jane a call.


  “Jane, it’s me, Sakura,” she said.

  “Where are you? Are you lost or something? Did you get that list from the wardrobe assistant?”

  “I did. Where are you? I’m bringing it over.”

  “I’m in the great hall on the first floor where the show’s going to take place. Come quick. I have to get that list to Chris before he kills me.”

  Sakura laughed. She couldn’t help herself. Jane had many times told her how organized she was, and now look at what happened. She was missing files left and right and had to beg her for help. “It’s your fault, Jane. Now who said she’s very organized?”

  “Don’t tease me. Not now. Please hurry.”

  “All right. On my way,” she said and then hung up. “On my way,” she murmured to herself, pacing toward the lift.

  A few minutes later, she was once again on the first floor, heading toward the great hall where the fashion show was going to take place. The moment she opened the massive door and stepped across the threshold, there was a loud clanging noise and then darkness, and at the same time, the door shut behind her.

  “Okay,” she whispered under her breath. “What just happened?” She blinked several times and then opened her eyes wide to get used to the darkness.

  “Oi! What the hell is going on there?” a man shouted.

  “Yeah, where’s the light?” another yelled.

  “Sorry!” A voice echoed through the speakers. “We’re just testing the lights. Please be patient. It’ll only take a moment.”

  “Right,” Sakura muttered. “Just when I’m in such a hurry.”

  The staff continued their mumbling and grumbling, and Sakura wanted to laugh at the whole silly situation. Suddenly, the door was thrust opened from the other side, hitting her backside, knocking her off balance. She stumbled forward headfirst and smashed into a hard, masculine body.

  “Huh!” she puffed out, falling into a pair of strong arms, her face hitting the man’s chest. Then she felt him falling off balance as if he’d tripped on something, and she went along with him.

  “Shit!” she heard him mutter under his breath.

  Sakura felt awful and hastily uttered, “I’m so sorry.” Then she thought to add, “I couldn’t see.”

  Feeling rather embarrassed in his arms, she began to move away but found him clinging onto her as if he couldn’t bear to let her go.

  “My files!” she uttered in panic and hastily moved out of his clutches. She was just picking up the folders when bright lights suddenly flooded all around them. She sighed in relief, took note that all three files were in her hands, and then rushed away toward the exit where the backstage was.

  She found Jane ordering people around and at the same time speaking into her mic. She looked very busy. Jane finally spotted her and waved for her to come.

  “Hey, files?” Sakura asked.

  Jane sighed in relief. “Oh my God, thank you so much, Sakura. But there’s one more thing you have to do for me.”

  “What is it?”

  “Can you please take these to Chris? He’s up on the fourth floor,” she begged. Then she saw Sakura was about to ask why the wardrobe manager was up on the fourth floor and said, “Don’t even ask me that. That man’s logic is beyond me.”

  “All right,” Sakura said. “I don’t mind.”

  “Good,” Jane said, dumping another set of files into her arms. “Now hustle, my dear friend.”

  Sakura laughed and took off out the door.

  * * * * *


  Past Love

  Melissa Williams couldn’t believe her luck when she saw the handsome young man with dark hair striding into the gallery. God, he literally took her breath away, and she really couldn’t take her eyes off him as he purposely headed toward her. There was that something about him that really fascinated her. She decided it was partially due to the way he was walking, with that easy and confident grace that told the world he wasn’t the type to be messed with, that he knew what his goal was and wouldn’t deter until he accomplished it. The aura she sensed from him was that of mystery and darkness, and it intrigued her even more, thrilling her to a new height.

  This guy was the hard-to-catch type—the type that wouldn’t get into bed with her that easily. Then there was also the fact that he was way out of her league, but that made Melissa want him even more.

  Her eyes gleamed with delight as he came toward her. God, just look at the way he walks. And his body? She was sure beneath that expensive Armani suit was a body to die for, with toned, firm muscles and, yes, six-pack abs. Her blood trilled at the thought of her fingers brushing against those abs.

  As he came closer, she wondered if he swam. His body sure did indicate so, even if it were just for pleasure.

  He stopped in front of her at the counter. His face—strong and breathtakingly gorgeous—was impassive. And those eyes of his. They were deep, sharp with intelligence, and very intense. The color really fascinated her. It was a type she’d never seen before. The color of the moon on a stormy night. Especially when lightning strikes. It had that odd pale lavender reflecting within. A mauve grey.

  He put one masculine hand on the counter, a hand that told her it could be turned into a passionate lover’s. The thought of that particular hand on her body made Melissa go hot. She sighed as she gazed at his hand, her mind wandering.

  “I’m here to pick up a painting,” he said, his voice deep, which caused Melissa’s heart to flutter within her chest with delight.

bsp; Melissa smiled pleasantly, her cheeks blushing a perfect pink she was sure would attract any male’s attention. She licked her fuchsia lips, hoping to draw his attention there. No such luck though, as the young man darted his eyes to the paintings around the gallery instead.

  So what? He found Sakura Tanaka’s paintings way more interesting than her? Melissa wasn’t pleased about that and silently fumed. Was he to be another of the many men who came into this gallery only to see the pretty painter and buy her paintings? Was he to be another of the many men who paid no attention to her, the hot sales assistant?

  Melissa was pissed.

  “There’s only one painting to be picked up today,” she said, still eyeing the gorgeous dark-haired man with undisguised interest that practically screamed, Please look at me. I’m begging you. I want you!

  The man turned to her, his eyes dark and intense. Still unsmiling, he said, “I don’t have a lot of time. Please hurry.”

  Melissa was taken aback. Oh, for goodness sake’s! It was a bloody Saturday. What was he in such a hurry for? Obviously something very important, such as a party or something, considering the fact that he was dressed for one. Shit! That suit would probably cost as much as her entire year of salary.

  Melissa cleared her throat and said, “I’m sorry, sir, but I need confirmation of your identity.” She secretly smiled. Now I get to know who you are, you hot thing.

  “Is this some type of bar or something? Will a driver license do?” he asked, his dark brows rose.

  Melissa blushed. “No sir, but we do get some weirdo coming in and claiming to have bought a painting but it was for someone else you see and, erm, naturally we don’t want that to happen again.”

  “I see,” the man said. He took out a receipt from his pocket and gave it to her.

  Melissa glanced at the receipt, recognized the client’s numbers, and gasped. “I’m sorry, sir, but you’re our regular.” She glanced up, her eyes large. So this was the man who had always bought Sakura’s photographs and paintings, eh? Shit! He was totally hot. And Melissa was rather glad Sakura had already left for the day, and therefore, couldn’t meet this piece of dreamer.

  “I’m not. I’m picking it up for my brother,” he said.


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