Falling for Sakura: A Secret Proposal Part 1 (Sakura and the Princeton Brothers Book 3)

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Falling for Sakura: A Secret Proposal Part 1 (Sakura and the Princeton Brothers Book 3) Page 25

by Alexia Praks

  James was stroking Toby, who was comfortably asleep on his lap.

  “I saw Mrs. Byrd,” she said softly.

  James and Brenda looked at each other. Then Brenda said, “Are you sure, sweetheart?”

  Sakura nodded.

  “But she was killed in the fire that burned the orphanage,” Brenda stated, confused.

  Sakura put her mug on top of the coffee table and sighed. “There’s something I haven’t told you.” She added, “Haven’t told anyone.”

  James watched her carefully. “You can trust us, sweetheart.”

  Tears suddenly brewed in Sakura’s eyes and flowed down her cheeks. Brenda rushed over and pulled the girl into her arms.

  “You can trust us,” she said.

  Sakura nodded and lifted her head. She wiped the tears away with the back of her sleeve and began her tale. “That night eighteen years ago, when the orphanage burned down, I was there and saw everything.”

  James and Brenda once again looked at each other, their faces sick with concern.

  “I had the nightmare,” Sakura said. “I was cold and then I was thirsty. I thought it was very late and no one would see me just get a glass of milk.” She swallowed, for to speak of that night again really hurt her. It just reminded her so much of the pain she’d been through.

  “I saw her pouring gasoline…”

  Sakura had a faraway look in her eyes as she recited her horrid experience that night, and by the time she finished, her whole body was shaking.

  Brenda hugged her tight and said to her husband, “James, we need to investigate.”

  James nodded.

  “Sakura,” Brenda said. “You need to rest. Come along. You can stay in one of our spare bedrooms.”

  Sakura wiped her tears and nodded.

  “I’ll inform Lady Haruka you’ll be staying here with us for a few days.”

  “Thanks,” Sakura said. She came over and kissed James on the cheek before heading out the door, Brenda following close behind.

  In the spare bedroom, Brenda switched on the bedside lamp and then turned down the duvet, getting it ready for her daughter. Sakura hugged the woman, thanking her for her love and help.

  Brenda patted her shoulder. “Sleep and we’ll figure this out together in the morning.”

  Sakura nodded. Once Brenda left her alone, she pulled down her jeans and then took of her jumper and bra. In just her panties and tank top, she climbed into bed and closed her eyes. Not a moment later, her exhaustion overtook her and she fell asleep.

  Back in the living area, James sat on the sofa with Toby on his lap as he looked up at his wife.

  “James,” Brenda said, “I believe Sakura, and I’m scared for her. What if Mrs. Byrd does something horrible? I mean, that night, James—Sakura was only a child.”

  James took his wife’s hand into his to comfort her. “She’ll be safe here with us.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “We need to find out about Mrs. Byrd,” James said.

  “I doubt she still uses that name,” Brenda said logically. “From what Sakura has told us, it sounds like she wanted to disappear.”

  “Yes, she no doubt adopted another name after that night.”

  “What about Tara?” Brenda queried. “Do you think she knows about her mother?”

  “I don’t know, love,” James replied honestly.

  Brenda frowned. “I’m scared. If Tara does know about her mother, I don’t want Alaina anywhere near those two.”

  “Then we’ll have to work on bringing her back,” James said.

  Brenda nodded. “How are we going to do that?”

  “I’m sorry, love, but you’re the only one Alaina has kept in touch with.”

  Again, Brenda nodded. “And what about Mrs. Byrd?”

  “I know some people who could help us,” he said, smiling. “Now go to bed, and I’ll deal with this.”

  Brenda nodded and got up. She kissed her husband on the lips before heading out the door.

  Alone, James picked up his cell phone and dialed a number. As he stroked Toby, a voice came through. “Hello?”

  James smiled. “Erick, it’s me.”

  “Ah, Mr. Princeton. What can I do for you, sir?”

  “Do you remember that case about the orphanage fire eighteen years ago on St. Joseph Island?”

  “The one you asked me to investigate all those years ago and nothing came up?”

  “Yes, that one. I have a witness who has seen the woman named Mrs. Margaret Byrd.”

  “What? But that’s impossible, sir. There’s a record of her death certificate. She died in that fire.”

  “Well, this important witness says otherwise. She was one of the girls in the orphanage. She lived with Mrs. Byrd for seven years. She wouldn’t forget a person she knew so well.”

  “Hum, I’ll look into it, sir. Anything else?”

  “Yes, I have a feeling her daughter, Tara Byrd, knows about this. Get someone to follow her. She might just lead you to the woman in question.”

  James heard Erick, his private investigator, laugh. “Sure thing. Will do that.”

  “Please get back to me as soon as possible. This is urgent,” James said.

  “Of course, sir,” Erick replied. “All right, then. Will keep in touch.”

  “Good,” James said and hung up.

  James rested his head against the back of the sofa and sighed. Toby woke at that moment and looked up at him in question.

  “Come on,” he said. “Let’s get you something to eat.”

  The pup barked in agreement and jumped out of his lap eagerly.

  * * * * *


  A Promise of Protection

  Sebastian wasn’t behaving like himself since yesterday afternoon, and the rest of his brothers noticed. He looked deep in thought and more than a little concerned about something that was eating at him. Naturally, the brothers wanted to know why.

  “You look like you’re worried you couldn’t save the world,” Tristan said across the table. “Come out with it, Superman. What’s bothering you?”

  Sebastian diverted his attention from his smartphone, a dark frown on his face. Still no reply from Sakura. The fact was her reaction yesterday made him feel sick with worry. She’d looked like she’d seen a ghost. God, how he wanted to protect her and make her feel safe. Above all, he wanted her to trust him. He wanted her to tell him what she was so afraid of that made her react the way she had.

  “It’s Sakura,” he said.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Darcy asked from the other side of the table.

  Sebastian noted the concerned look on Darcy’s face and the worried tremor in his voice.

  “She didn’t look well.”

  “What did Dave say was wrong with her?” Logan voiced beside him.

  “Iron deficiency,” Sebastian replied.

  “Pretty common in young women,” Nicolas stated from the head of the table.

  “If you ask me, Sakura just simply doesn’t eat right. She needs a man to take good care of her,” Beth commented. She placed another plate of toast on the table. “Ah, poor girl. She’s been through so much.”

  Conrad nodded. “I’ll volunteer to take care of her.”

  Tristan chuckled. “Bro, you’re the baby of the house. First earn your place in the world and then think about trying to take care of a woman.”

  Conrad pulled a face. “As if you can do better. Can’t even use a potato peeler.”

  Logan tried to hide his chuckle but failed miserably. He ended up laughing, which annoyed Tristan.

  Hayden looked heavenward and said, “So she has iron deficiency. But why are you so worried?”

  “She looked like she saw a ghost yesterday. Her reaction scared me. It still makes me sick with worry thinking about it.”

  “How about we drop by and ask how she is before going to work?” Conrad suggested.

  “Don’t be rude,” Tristan muttered. “You can’t just knock on
Lady Haruka’s door and barge in to see how Sakura is doing.”

  “Sure can,” Conrad said, glaring at his brother.

  Tristan threw his hands up in frustration. He turned to the eldest for support. “Nicolas, talk sense into your baby brother.”

  “I phoned and texted Sakura, but she wouldn’t pick up or reply,” Sebastian said. “That’s why I’m even more worried.”

  Darcy turned his attention to the eldest brother. “Nicolas, why don’t you give Sosuke a buzz and ask him how she is?”

  “Good idea,” Sebastian said.

  “I’m on it.” Nicolas picked up his cell and dialed Sosuke’s number.

  A few seconds later, Sosuke said, “Nicolas-kun? Ohayo.”

  “Ohayo, Sosuke,” Nicolas replied. As usual, he got down to business. “Look, Sebastian noticed Sakura was acting a little strange yesterday. We were just wondering how she’s doing.”

  “And let her talk on the phone,” Conrad said loudly so Sosuke could hear.

  Logan chuckled and Tristan shook his head at their brother’s eagerness.

  “I’m sorry, Nicolas-kun, but Sakura isn’t here right now.”

  Nicolas frowned and looked at Sebastian. “What do you mean she’s not there?”

  Darcy scowled and fisted his hands as his body tensed at Nicolas’s words. Sebastian felt his heart pumping loud and fast, knowing something was totally wrong.

  “She left a note saying she’s going out for a personal errand. We also had a call from your father, Nicolas-kun.”

  “Dad?” Nicolas said. “What does he have to do with Sakura?”

  “Dad?” Conrad whispered to Tristan, querying if the brother knew what was going on. Tristan shrugged in response.

  “He told Oba-chan Sakura will be staying with him for a couple days.”

  “Really?” Nicolas said, cocking his head to one side.

  The brothers could tell their eldest was thinking. Then he nudged his glasses up the bridge of his nose and they knew it was serious business.

  “Tell us what Sosuke said, Nicolas,” Conrad demanded.

  “Shut up, Conrad,” Tristan muttered. “He’s still talking to Sosuke.”

  Conrad glared at his brother.

  Finally, Nicolas put his cell phone down on the table and turned his attention to his brothers, who were waiting impatiently.

  He said, “Sosuke said Sakura didn’t come out for dinner yesterday. Then she disappeared last night and left them a note, telling them she was going to run some personal errand. This morning, Lady Haruka got a call from Dad. Sakura’s with him.”

  Sebastian frowned. “Why is she with Dad?”

  Nicolas shrugged. “I’m going to see Dad before work,” he announced, getting up from his chair.

  “Me, too,” Logan said. “I want to make sure Sakura’s all right.”

  One by one, the brothers left the table and headed out the door. Some twenty minutes later, they greeted their rather tired-looking father up at the penthouse above the hotel.

  James chuckled the moment he saw his sons, all seven of them, at the door.

  “Brenda,” he called out. “We have visitors. It’s our boys.” He turned on his heel and headed back into the living area with his sons following close behind him.

  A moment later, Brenda appeared. She happily went about kissing her children, one by one, tiptoeing so she could reach their massive height.

  “Have you boys had breakfast?” she asked. “We’re about to have ours.”

  “We had ours,” Hayden said. “Mom, where’s Sakura?”

  Brenda turned and raised her brows at her husband. “Did you tell them?” At James’s denial, she returned her attention to her sons. “I’m sorry, boys, you can’t disturb her. She’s still sleeping.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us Sakura came to you?” Darcy asked James.

  “I didn’t see the point until I got my facts right,” he said.

  “What does that mean?” Sebastian asked. “Come on, Dad.”

  The phone rang just then, and James saw Erick's name flashing on the small screen. He picked up and said to his sons, “The facts,” indicating the phone. “I need to get this.” Then he walked off in deep, hushed conversation with whomever was on the other end of the line.

  Brenda muttered, “Sit down.” She pulled both Hayden’s and Logan’s hands and made them sit. The brothers obeyed their mother and made themselves comfortable on the sofas and chairs.

  “Mom?” Conrad called out, drawing his mother’s attention. “You have another spare room, right?”

  Brenda nodded. “Yes?”

  “Can I come stay for a few days?” He gave his mother a handsome smile, which was sure to please her.

  Brenda laughed. “Of course, Conrad. I do miss having you around.”

  “Thanks, Mom.” He jumped up and hugged her tight.

  Tristan and Logan knew what the little brat was up to. He was claiming that spare room so he could stay here with Sakura. The selfish bastard.

  “You wouldn’t mind sharing a room with me, would you, Conrad?” Tristan asked, his brow raised at his younger brother.

  Conrad said, “I would mind very much.”

  The room turned quiet for a moment as the brothers tried to make out what their Dad was saying into the phone. Of course, they couldn’t understand anything because James was coming in and going out and about. There were only a few of the yeses and hums and ahhs, etc. audible. Nothing made sense, and to be sure, they were getting a little frustrated.

  “You boys don’t have work today?” Brenda asked after sipping her coffee. Of course, she knew they did, but she just wanted to tease.

  By the time James finished with the call, the brothers were more than ready and dying to know a little more than nothing about this hushed subject that put their father on edge.

  James came to sit beside Nicolas and rubbed his hand on the side of his wrinkled face. “Just as I thought.”

  Nicolas asked, “What did you think?”

  “It’s not one hundred percent sure yet, but Sakura might be in danger.”

  Brenda gasped, for she knew what her husband was talking about. Not so for their sons, however, because they all looked confused.

  “Danger? Sakura’s in danger? From what?” Logan asked.

  “Ah, I think it’s best Sakura tells you when she wakes up,” James said. “As for now, she needs her rest, and you boys need to be patient.”

  “Come on, Dad,” Sebastian said. “How can we be patient when you said Sakura’s life could be in danger?”

  “Sebastian’s right,” Darcy said. “Why is Sakura in danger? From who?”

  “Sakura needs to know what I’ve just found out as well,” James said. “For now, you boys wait until she’s up.”

  The brothers weren’t satisfied with their father’s reluctance to share the information with them, but they agreed regardless. It was then Toby appeared at the door and silently made his way to the brothers. He jumped into Hayden’s lap and made himself comfortable.

  “If Sakura’s in danger,” Conrad said, “at least she has the seven of us to keep her safe.”

  “Yeah,” Tristan said. “From whatever maniac out there. At least I assume it’s a person, this danger.”

  Sebastian frowned and flashed his mind back to yesterday, trying to pinpoint anything that could have caused that sudden change in Sakura’s personality. There had been the appointment with Dave. But she’d been fine then and after that at the drugstore.

  They were about to have lunch here in the Italian restaurant downstairs. Then Sakura said she needed to use to restroom. It was when she came back out that she’d changed so suddenly. What had she seen? Who had she met?

  A woman. That was right. She’d bumped into a woman, hadn’t she? What had that woman looked like?

  Sebastian cocked his head to one side and murmured, “Pale-blond hair. Wearing a dark-blue suit.”

  “What are you on about, Seb?” Tristan asked his brother.

bsp; Sebastian lifted his head, his finger rubbing his lips, thinking.

  “Sebastian,” Darcy said. “You saw something.”

  Sebastian nodded.

  “What was it?” Nicolas asked.

  “Sakura bumped into a woman yesterday. After that, she just reacted and looked scared, like she saw a ghost.”

  “Sakura!” Darcy said, his voice loud and horse, echoing with tremor. He rushed off his seat and went to her in a second flat.

  Sebastian turned and felt his gut wrenching with dread. Shit! She looked like a dead person walking. He quickly got out of his seat and came to her right after Darcy.

  Darcy stood close, cupping her face, calling her name. “Sakura, look at me. It’s me, Darcy.”

  Sakura just stared at him, unseeing, her eyes dark and unfocused.

  “Sakura, sweetheart, Sakura,” Sebastian called.

  “She’s not responding,” Darcy said, feeling sick.

  The rest of the brothers came rushing to them, calling her name, begging her to respond.

  Sakura shook her head and started crying out, moving away from them.

  “No. Please. Don’t hurt me. I’m sorry. Please. Let me go. Don’t hurt me,” she begged, crying and shaking her head.

  Darcy pulled her into his arms as she fought him with all her might, screaming and kicking, begging to be let go.

  James and Brenda rushed in over the noise, their faces dark with dread when they saw their adoptive daughter.

  “Shit!” Tristan muttered. “Is she going to be all right?”

  “Sakura, look at me, sweetheart. Look at me!” Darcy commanded. “It’s me, your Darce. It’s me, Snow, Darce.”

  Sakura continued to shake her head and begged to be let go. Darcy wouldn’t give up, however, and hugged her tight. They knew she was having one of her nightmares.

  “Shh… It’s all right. I’m here with you. Remember how I said I’ll protect you from your nightmare?”

  Suddenly, Sakura stopped struggling and calmed down, her body going limp in his arms.

  “That’s right. I made a promise, and I don’t break my promises. I’m here, Snow. I’m here.” He stroked her face and hair as she stared up at him, her eyes teary.

  She reached her hand out and touched his face. “You promised,” she whispered.


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