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by Ramachandra Guha

  29. See Sisir Kumar Bose and Sugata Bose, editor, Netaji Collected Works, Volume 9: Congress President, Speeches, Articles and Letters, January 1938–May 1939 (Delhi: Permanent Black, 2004), pp. 107–09.

  30. Sugata Bose, His Majesty’s Opponent: Subhas Chandra Bose and India’s Struggle against Empire (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2011), pp. 163–64.

  31. CWMG, LXIX, pp. 460–62, 269–71.

  Chapter Twenty-Six: One Nation, or Two?

  1. CWMG, LXX, pp. 20–21.

  2. CWMG, LXX, pp. 160–61.

  3. Gilbert Laithwaite, ‘Gandhi’, unpublished typescript, c. 1967–68, in Mss Eur F 138/172.

  4. See Mushirul Hasan, editor, Towards Freedom: Documents on the Movement for Independence in India, 1939, Part I (New Delhi: Indian Council of Historical Research, 2008), pp. 293–94.

  5. Jawaharlal Nehru, Glimpses of World History (first published in 1934: reprint London: Lindsay Drummond, 1949), pp. 813–20, 911–22.

  6. See Richard Lamb, Mussolini and the British (London: John Murray, 1997), p. 3 and back flap.

  7. See Ian Kershaw, Making Friends with Hitler: Lord Londonderry and Britain’s Road to War (London: Allen Lane, 2003), whose early chapters demonstrate how, apart from the leading politicians of all parties, many British newspapers (not least The Times) were extremely indulgent towards Hitler until as late as 1938.

  8. CWMG, LXX, pp. 409–13, 175–77.

  9. Birla, In the Shadow of the Mahatma, pp. 250, 256.

  10. See Sarvepalli Gopal, Radhakrishnan: A Biography (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1989), pp. 156–57.

  11. These paragraphs are based on the essays in S. Radhakrishnan, editor, Mahatma Gandhi: Essays and Reflections on His Life and Work (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1939).

  12. See, for more details, Srinath Raghavan, India’s War: World War II and the Making of Modern South Asia (New York: Basic Books, 2016), Chapter 4.

  13. These paragraphs are based on CWMG, LXX, pp. 414–20, 267–68, 279–80, 290, 327, 341–42.

  14. C. Rajagopalachari to Mahadev Desai, 28 October 1939, Personal Correspondence Files, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  15. ‘To Correspondents and Message-Seekers’, H, 17 December 1939, CWMG, LXXI, p. 43.

  16. President, Muslim League, Bezwada, to M.K. Gandhi, 9 May 1939; Representation, c. October 1939, addressed to M.K. Gandhi by five Muslim members of the Municipal Council, Bezwada, both in Subject File No. 15, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  17. S.M. Yusuf to Gandhi, 29 July 1940, in Box 21, Harijan/Young India Files Collection, SAAA.

  18. Sirajuddin Piracha to Gandhi, Lahore, 22 December 1938; Abdul Rahman Khan to Gandhi, 8 December 1939, both in Subject File No. 15, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  19. Hussain Imam to Gandhi, Gaya, 9 October 1939, in Subject File No. 21, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  20. Gandhi to Hossain Imam, 14 October 1939 (not in CWMG), in ibid.

  21. Zakir Husain to Gandhi, 22 November 1939; Gandhi to Zakir Husain, 26 November 1939 (not in CWMG), both in ibid.

  22. Star of India, 13 October 1939.

  23. Report in Star of India, 11 October 1939.

  24. Viceroy to Secretary of State for India (Marquess of Zetland), 21 December 1939, copy in Mss Eur F 138/22, APAC/BL.

  25. See reports in TS, 23 December 1939.

  26. Sastri to H.S.L. Polak, 13 March 1940., V.S. Srinivasa Sastri Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  27. ‘A Welcome Move’, H, 20 January 1940; letter to Jinnah, 16 January 1940, CWMG, LXXI, pp. 109–10, 117.

  28. Jinnah to Gandhi, 21 January 1940, in K.N. Panikkar, editor, Towards Freedom: Documents on the Independence of India, 1940, Part I (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2009), pp. 543–44.

  29. CWMG, LXXI, p. 133.

  30. CWMG, LXXI, pp. 186–91.

  31. CWMG, LXXI, pp. 334, 346–47.

  32. CWMG, LXXI, p. 337.

  33. IAR, 1940, Volume 1, pp. 228, 290–300.

  34. See Khalid B. Sayeed, Pakistan: The Formative Phase, 1857–1948 (second edition: Lahore: Oxford University Press, 1969), Chapter 6, ‘The Muslim League: Its Role and Organisation’.

  35. Mian Mohammad Shafi, ‘The Historic League Session’, in Jamil-ud-din Ahmad, editor, Quaid-i-Azam as Seen by His Contemporaries (Lahore: Publishers United Ltd, 1976), p. 130.

  36. Jinnah’s speech is available in full at​itc/​mealac/​pritchett/​00islamlinks/txt_jinnah_lahore_1940.html. But see also IAR, 1940, Volume 2, pp. 308–11.

  37. IAR, 1940, Volume 2, pp. 311–12.

  38. Indeed, a year and a half later, Haq had broken with Jinnah and the Muslim League.

  39. Saiyid, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, pp. 693–94.

  40. Cf. also Muhammad Aslam Malik, The Making of the Pakistan Resolution (Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2001).

  41. Note drafted by Penderel Moon, c. April 1940, in Mss Eur F 230/39, APAC/BL.

  42. ‘A Baffling Situation’, H, 6 April 1940, CWMG, LXXI, pp. 387–90.

  43. M[ahadev] D[esai], ‘The Hand of the Devil?’, H, 4 May 1941.

  44. CWMG, LXXII, pp. 394–409.

  45. Untitled memoir by R.O. Hicks, in Hicks Papers, Centre for South Asian Studies, Cambridge.

  46. Note entitled ‘The Congress position on 13/5/40’, signed ‘L.’, i.e., Linlithgow, in Mss Eur F 138/23, APAC/BL.

  Chapter Twenty-seven: Pilgrimages to Gandhi

  1. Lawrence Lader, The Margaret Sanger Story: And the Fight for Birth Control (New York: Doubleday, 1955), pp. 287–90.

  2. Interview with a social worker of Cochin named Mrs C. Kuttan Nair in Delhi, CWMG, LX, pp. 67–69.

  3. This account of the Gandhi–Sanger conversations is based on CWMG, LXII, pp. 156–60; M[ahadev] D[esai], ‘Mrs Sanger and Birth Control’, H, 25 January 1936; ‘Gandhi and Mrs Sanger Debate Birth Control’, Asia, November 1936.

  4. ‘Gandhi and Mrs Sanger Debate Birth Control’, p. 700.

  5. Sanger to Gandhi, 20 October 1936, in the Margaret Sanger Papers, on microfilm, Doe Library, University of California, Berkeley.

  6. Lader, The Margaret Sanger Story, p. 290.

  7. ‘Gandhi and Mrs Sanger Debate Birth Control’, p. 701.

  8. CWMG, LXII, pp. 169–72.

  9. Kapur, Raising Up a Prophet, Chapter 3, ‘We Need a Gandhi’.

  10. CWMG, LXII, pp. 198–200.

  11. With Head and Heart: The Autobiography of Howard Thurman (San Diego: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1979), pp. 130–34.

  12. CWMG, LXIV, pp. 71, 203–04, 229.

  13. See Benjamin E. Mays, ‘The Color Line Around the World’, Journal of Negro Education, Volume 6, Number 2, 1937, p. 141 and passim.

  14. These paragraphs are based on a long interview I conducted with Herbert Fischer in Berlin in April 1995.

  15. Herbert Fischer, Mahatma Gandhi, Personlich Erlebt (Mahatma Gandhi, as Seen in Person) (Berlin: Gandhi Informations Zentrum, 1994), passim.

  16. Gandhi to Amrit Kaur, 29 May 1937, CWMG, LXV, pp. 55–56.

  17. Cf. Mahadev Desai’s weekly letters in H issues of 29 May 1937, 5 and 12 June 1937.

  18. CWMG, LXV, pp. 360–62.

  19. Bhisham Sahni, Balraj My Brother (New Delhi: National Book Trust, 1981), p. 68.

  20. CWMG, LXVIII, pp. 187–88.

  21. ‘Discussion with Economists’, H, 28 January 1939, CWMG, LXVIII, pp. 258–59.

  22. ‘Interview to S.S. Tema’, H, 18 February 1939, CWMG, LXVIII, pp. 272–74.

  23. See GBI, pp. 396, 536, etc.

  Chapter Twenty-eight: Somewhere between Conflict and Cooperation

  1. ‘Hindu–Muslim’, H, 8 June 1940, CWMG, LXXII, pp. 131–34.

  2. Report in Bombay Sentinel, 13 July 1940.

  3. Srinivasa Sa
stri to Gandhi, 16 July 1940, V.S. Srinivasa Sastri Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  4. CWMG, LXXII, pp. 100–01, 187–89, 212–14.

  5. ‘To Every Briton’, H, 6 July 1940, CWMG, LXXII, pp. 229–31.

  6. CWMG, LXXII, p. 232.

  7. See Subject Files 287 and 288, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  8. These paragraphs are based on CWMG, LXXII, pp. 467, 254–56, 472–75, 370–71, 384.

  9. Gandhi to Amrit Kaur, 15 September 1940, CWMG, LXXIII, p. 3.

  10. CWMG, LXXIII, pp. 450–51, 70–71, 79.

  11. ‘Civil Disobedience’, H, 20 October 1940, CWMG, LXXIII, pp. 102–07, 137–38.

  12. Mahadev Desai to Devadas Gandhi, 6 November 1940, Subject File 289, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  13. As quoted in File No. 6 of 1940–41, Political and Military, VAN.

  14. CWMG, LXXIII, pp. 87, 124–25, 155–59, 186.

  15. See R/3/5/41, APAC/BL.

  16. Deputy Commissioner, Wardha, to Commissioner, Nagpur, 26 December 1940; Deputy Commissioner, Nagpur, to Commissioner, Nagpur, 30 December 1940, both in File No. 18 of 1941, Political and Military, VAN.

  17. Desai, quoted in a letter to the editor by Horace G. Alexander, MG, 13 February 1941.

  18. Notes of talks with Mahadev Desai on 13 and 14 November 1940 made by Gilbert Laithwaite, Private Secretary to Viceroy, in L/PJ/7/4171, APAC/BL.

  19. Mahadev Desai to Gilbert Laithwaite, letters of 3 and 10 December 1940, in L/PJ/7/4171, APAC/BL.

  20. C.M. Trivedi, Secretary, Political and Military Department, Government of the Central Provinces and Berar, to E.S. Hyde, Deputy Commissioner, Mandla, 25 October 1940; Hyde to Trivedi, 4 November 1940, Box VIII, E.S. Hyde Papers, Centre for South Asian Studies, Cambridge.

  21. Polak to T.R. Venkatarama Sastri, 31 October 1940, in HSL Polak correspondence, T.R. Venkatarama Sastri Papers, Fourth Instalment, NMML.

  22. See CWMG, LXXIII, pp. 95–96.

  23. News clipping of Sikandar Hyat Khan’s speech, undated; Amrit Kaur to Sikandar Hyat Khan, undated; Sikandar Hyat to Amrit Kaur, 12 November 1940, all in Subject File No. 286, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML; Gandhi to Khan, 17 November 1940 (not in CWMG), Subject File No. 286, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  24. Sahibzada Abdul Wadud Sarhadi (President of Jamiat-ul-Ulma-e-Sarhad) to Gandhi, 6 December 1940; Gandhi to Sarhadi, 13 December 1940 (not in CWMG), both in Subject File No. 18, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  25. CWMG, LXXIII, pp. 253–54.

  26. Note by R. Tottenham, in the Home Department, 25 December 1940; Notes by Chief Press Adviser, 31 December 1940 and 16 January 1941, all in R/3/1/342, APAC/BL.

  27. Note by G.J.B. Janvrin, Deputy Commissioner of Police, 1 February 1940, in R/3/2/21, APAC/BL.

  28. CWMG, LXXIV, pp. 26–27.

  29. CWMG, LXXIV, p. 404.

  30. Cf. ‘Two Parties: Br. Savarkar’s Reply to Gandhiji’, in Subject File No. 17, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  31. Jayaprakash Narayan to Gandhi, 22 June 1941, Personal Correspondence Files, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML. Cf. also Ram Manohar Lohia, ‘“Immediate Satyagraha”’, H, 1 June 1940.

  32. Shwaib Qureshi to Gandhi, 15 July 1941 (emphasis in the original); Gandhi to Qureshi, 19 July 1941 (not in CWMG), Subject File No. 21, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  33. CWMG, LXXIV, p. 218.

  34. Gandhi to Agatha Harrison, 22 October 1941, CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 37–38.

  Chapter Twenty-nine: Towards ‘Quit India’

  1. CWMG, LXXV, p. 180.

  2. CWMG, LXXV, pp. 450–52, 197–98, 298.

  3. CWMG, LXXV, pp. 241–45.

  4. M[ahadev] D[esai], ‘Jamnalalji’, H, 22 February 1942.

  5. CWMG, LXXV, pp. 306, 312–13, 315–16, 342–49, 454–55.

  6. CWMG, LXXV, pp. 333–34, 359–60; M[ahadev] D[esai], ‘A Historic Meeting’, H, 1 March 1942.

  7. Quoted in Rana Mitter, China’s War with Japan, 1937–1945: The Struggle for Survival (London, Allen Lane, 2013), p. 248.

  8. CWMG, LXXV, pp. 354–55.

  9. Jawaharlal Nehru to Jagannath, 6 March 1942 (copy); C. Rajagopalachari to Jagannath, 17 March 1942 (copy) in Subject File No. 293, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  10. See John Barnes and David Nicholson, editors, The Empire at Bay: The Leo Amery Diaries, 1939–1945 (London: Hutchinson, 1988), p. 678.

  11. Quoted in Peter Clarke, The Cripps Version: The Life of Sir Stafford Cripps (London: Allen Lane, 2002), pp. 278–79.

  12. See Orwell: The Observer Years (London: Atlantic Books, 2003), p. 3.

  13. CWMG, LXXV, pp. 356–58.

  14. CWMG, LXXV, pp. 458–59.

  15. Cripps to Azad, 7 April 1942; Azad to Cripps, 10 April 1942, in Mss Eur F 138/30, APAC/BL.

  16. Memorandum by T.B. Sapru and M.R. Jayakar, 5 April 1942, in ToP, Volume 1, p. 643f.

  17. As documented most recently in Raghavan, India’s War.

  18. IAR, 1942, Volume I, pp. 238–39.

  19. See Warren F. Kimball, ‘“A Victorian Tory”: Churchill, the Americans, and Self-Determination’ in William Roger Louis, editor, More Adventures with Britannia: Personalities, Politics and Culture in India (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1998), pp. 225–26.

  20. H.N. Brailsford, ‘What Happened at Delhi’, New Statesman and Nation, 16 May 1942.

  21. ‘Foreign Soldiers in India’, H, 26 April 1942, CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 49–50.

  22. Minutes of AICC meeting, held at Allahabad, 27 April to 1 May 1942, Subject File No. 298, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  23. C. Rajagopalachari to Gandhi, 6 June 1942, Subject File 349, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  24. ‘To Every Briton’, H, 17 May 1942 (written on 11 May), CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 98–100.

  25. CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 105–06.

  26. See Yasmin Khan, The Raj at War: A People’s History of India’s Second World War (London: The Bodley Head, 2015); Indivar Kamtekar, ‘The Shiver of 1942’, Studies in History, Volume 18, Number 1, 2002.

  27. C. Rajagopalachari to Gandhi, 2 July 1942, Personal Correspondence Files, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  28. CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 155, 159, 163.

  29. As reported in Birla, In the Shadow of the Mahatma, pp. 255–56.

  30. Louis Fischer, A Week with Gandhi (New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1942), pp. 12, 17–18, 32–33, 39, 45–46, 68–69, 116–18.

  31. Gandhi to Chiang Kai-Shek, 14 June 1942, CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 223–26.

  32. CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 236, 241.

  33. Letter dated 10 July 1942 from a member of the Friends Ambulance Unit, Calcutta, to Paul D. Stuege, Friends House, London, copy in IOR/R/3/1/293, APAC/BL.

  34. This section is based on ‘Diary of Mr. L. Brander’s Indian Tour, May–August 1942’, in the Brander Papers, Centre for South Asian Studies, Cambridge. Cf. also John Evelyn Wrench, Immortal Years (1937–1944): A View from Five Continents (London: Hutchinson and Co., 1944), Part II, where the author, a long-time editor of the Spectator, narrates his conversations with Ambedkar, Jinnah, Savarkar, Gandhi and Nehru in 1942.

  35. Waheed Ahmad, editor, Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah: The Nation’s Voice, Volume II: Annotated Speeches and Statements, April 1940–April 1942 (Karachi: Quaid-i-Azam Academy, 1996) pp. 85–87, 96, 212, 386–87, 446, 132, etc.

  36. Gandhi to Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1 July 1942, CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 264–65.

  37. CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 451–53.

  38. CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 298ff; also Subject File No. 295, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  39. C. Rajagopalachari to Gandhi, 18 July 1942, in Subject File No. 72, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NM

  40. Umadevi (pseudonym) to Gandhi, 18 July 1942, Subject File No. 293, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML.

  41. ‘Proceedings of a meeting held in the Home Department on the 25th July, 1942, to discuss the mechanics of the proposed action against the Congress’, in IOR/R/3/1/293, APAC/BL.

  42. Viceroy to the Secretary of State for India, 19 July 1942, in IOR, R/3/1/297, APAC/BL.

  43. General Hartley, acting C-in-C, Indian Army, 22 July 1942, to R. Tottenham, Home Department, in ibid.

  44. Governor of Nyasaland to Viceroy, 9 August 1942, in ibid.

  45. Bihar Governor to Viceroy, 26 July 1942; Bombay Governor to Viceroy, 28 July, both in ibid.

  46. Viceroy to the Secretary of State for India, 1 August 1942, in ibid.

  47. ‘To Every Japanese’, statement written on 18 July 1942, published in H, 26 July 1942, CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 309–12.

  48. ‘For Muslim Friends’, H, 26 July 1942, CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 315–16.

  49. As reported in BC, 1 August 1942.

  50. As reported in BC, 23 July 1942.

  51. See ToP, Volume II, p. 455 fn., etc; also CWMG, LXXVII, pp. 330–31.

  52. ‘To American Friends’, H, 9 August 1942.

  53. Extract of letter from Mahadev Desai to Amrit Kaur, 23 July 1942, in IOR/R/3/1/293, APAC/BL.

  54. Amrit Kaur to Mahadev Desai, Simla, 31 July 1942, Subject File No. 299, Gandhi Papers, First and Second Instalments, NMML (emphases in the original).

  55. Narayan Desai, The Fire and the Rose (Ahmedabad: Navajivan Publishing House, 1995), pp. 684–88.

  56. Reports in BC, 28 and 30 July 1942.

  57. Report in BC, 3 August 1942.

  58. Editorial entitled, ‘Why Not Now?’, BC, 3 August 1942.

  59. BC, 4 August 1942.

  60. Reports in BC, 5 and 6 August 1942.

  61. CWMG, LXXVI, p. 375.

  62. BC, 8 August 1942.

  63. CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 377–81, 384–91.

  64. CWMG, LXXVI, pp. 458–61.

  65. BC, 8 August 1942.

  66. As recollected in Sushila Nayar, Mahatma Gandhi’s Last Imprisonment: The Inside Story (New Delhi: Har-Anand Publications, 1996), pp. 32–33.


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