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Gandhi Page 123

by Ramachandra Guha

  willingness to counter armed resistance to Japan in India

  on women’s clothing and appearance

  on yajna (sacrifice)

  Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, FRIENDSHIPS AND RELATIONSHIPS

  with Mohammad Ali c05.1, c05.2

  with Shaukat Ali c05.1, c05.2, c14.1, c16.1

  with Andrews c07.1, c18.1, c26.1

  with Ansari c05.1, c22.1, c37.1

  with Bajaj

  with Subhas Bose c25.1, 25.2

  with Saraladevi Chaudhurani 05.1, c05.2, c06.1, 06.2, 12.1, c15.1, c28.1, c33.1, c35.1, c35.2

  with Christians

  with Mahadev Desai c03.1, c03.2, c03.3, c24.1, c31.1

  with Devadas c09.1, c11.1

  with Gokhale c01.1, 01.2, c01.3, c02.1, c13.1

  with Harilal c01.1, c03.1, c03.2, c03.3, c10.1, c11.1, c11.2, c14.1, c22.1

  with his children

  with Jinnah c01.1, 24.1

  with Kallenbach c01.1, c01.2, c32.1

  with Kripalani

  with Maganlal c14.1, c29.1

  with Manilal c03.1, c11.1, c11.2

  marriage to Kasturba prf.1, c01.1, c13.1, c21.1

  with Pranjvan Mehta

  with Mira Behn c10.1, c10.2, c15.1, c17.1, c18.1, c30.1, c37.1

  with Pyarelal and Sushila Nayar

  with Motilal Nehru c10.1, c14.1, c14.2, c15.1, c18.1

  with Jawaharlal Nehru c11.1, c15.1, c23.1, c25.1

  with Vallabhbhai Patel c14.1, c25.1

  with Henry Polak c01.1, c01.2, c13.1, c38.1

  with Maud Polak

  with Millie Polak

  with Rajagopalachari

  with Raychandbhai c01.1, c12.1, c13.1, c35.1

  with Sonja Schlesin

  with Tagore c07.1, 24.1

  with Abbas Tyabji

  with women

  see also Gandhi, Kasturba (wife), relationship with Gandhi

  Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, LIFE AND CAREER

  early years prf.1, c13.1

  education prf.1, c01.1

  as law student in London prf.1, prf.2, c01.1, c01.2, c13.1, c19.1, c20.1

  as lawyer and activist in South Africa prf.1, prf.2, prf.3, c01.1, c01.2, c01.3, c01.4, c01.5, c03.1, c04.1, c05.1, c07.1, c08.1, c08.2, c08.3, c10.1, c13.1, c14.1, c20.1, c20.2, c26.1

  visits Gokhale in London c01.1, c01.2, c01.3

  in prison in South Africa c01.1, c09.1

  gives speech in London on satyagraha

  ill health c01.1, c03.1, c04.1, c05.1, c09.1, c09.2, c11.1, c14.1, c16.1

  returns to India (1915) prf.1, prf.2, prf.3, prf.4, c01.1, c13.1

  travels in India (1915)

  welcomed in Bombay

  falls out with Servants of India Society

  welcomed in Madras

  sets up ashram in Ahmedabad c01.1, c03.1

  constitution and manifesto of ashram c01.1, c01.2, c03.1

  attends session of Indian National Congress

  speaks at founding ceremony at Banaras Hindu University c02.1, c02.2, c06.1

  speaks in Poona

  speaks in Hyderabad

  publishes pamphlet on railways

  publishes essay on caste system

  at Congress meetings in Lucknow

  and Bihar indigo plantations (first satyagraha in India)

  greeted with cries of ‘Gandhi ki jai!’ c03.1, c04.1, c06.1, c06.2, c06.3, c07.1, c08.1

  takes on Mahadev Desai as secretary

  moves ashram to new site

  speaks at Gujarat Political Conference, Godhra

  and millworkers’ strike

  speaks in Bombay on Kheda conflict

  followers and associates of

  meeting with Montagu

  and Rowlatt Committee and Act c04.1, c04.2, c16.1

  and ‘Satyagraha Pledge’ c04.1, c04.2

  calls all-India hartal (strike action) c04.1, c04.2, c04.3, c04.4

  prints leaflets for satyagrahis

  arrested during visit to Punjab 76

  detained during journey to Punjab

  disturbances following his detention

  speaks at his ashram on satyagraha

  announces suspension of civil disobedience

  correspondence with Tagore

  writings for Young India

  practises and promotes hand-spinning and weaving c04.1, c05.1, c06.1, c09.1, c09.2, c09.3, c10.1, c10.2, c10.3, c11.1, c11.2, c12.1, c18.1, c33.1

  visits to Punjab c04.1, c05.1, c06.1, c08.1

  welcomed in Amritsar c04.1, c08.1

  and Khilafat question c05.1, c05.2, c10.1

  launches non-cooperation programme c05.1, c06.1

  writes to viceroy on Khilafat

  speaks in Punjab and Sindh

  and death of Tilak c05.1, c10.1

  as national leader of militant tendency

  returns medals to viceroy

  speaks in Madras on non-cooperation

  in Calcutta 06.1, 07.1

  tours United Provinces c06.1, c06.2, c06.3

  foundation of National University

  letter to British in India

  founds Gujarat Vidyapith (college) in Ahmedabad c06.1, c10.1

  essay on caste system

  in Bombay Provinces

  in Gujarat

  speaks at Nagpur Congress meeting

  takes control of Indian National Congress

  reorganization of Congress

  in Bihar

  in United Provinces, Punjab and Vijayawada

  and proposals for national flag

  collection of funds

  debate with Tagore over non-cooperation movement

  continues tour with visits to Assam, Chittagong, and Eastern Bengal and returns to Calcutta

  restricts clothing to loincloth c07.1, c07.2, c08.1

  at Ahmedabad Congress

  plans satyagraha in Bardoli

  and suspension of civil disobedience after arson at Chauri Chaura c07.1, c12.1

  arrested at Ahmedabad ashram

  tried, sentenced and taken to Yerwada Jail c07.1, c09.1

  fiftieth birthday celebrations c08.1, c09.1, c09.2

  visits sites of protests

  serves prison sentence in Yerwada Jail c09.1, c13.1

  writes Gujarati primer

  sends yarn spun in prison to Kasturba

  disbarred from practising law

  prison diary

  begins writing history of satyagraha in South Africa

  alleged flogging in prison

  operation for appendicitis

  moves to release from prison


  contact with supporters after release from prison

  support of Vaikom satyagraha c10.1, c10.2

  returns to ashram from Juhu

  denied permission to visit Kohat c10.1, c10.2, c10.3

  fast in Delhi

  breaks fast

  at Deccan congress

  visits Hindu refugees in Rawalpindi

  tour of Bengal

  at funeral of C.R. Das

  sabbatical year c10.1, 11.1, c11.2

  proposal of US speaking tour

  opposes Manilal’s relationship with Fatima Gool

  takes vow to observe weekly day of silence

  voted Greatest Living Indian

  resumes travels through eastern and central India

  convalescence in Nandidurg

  tour of Ceylon

  tour of Tamil country and Travancore

  tour of Ceylon

  lectures on Bhagavad Gita to ashram inmates

  addresses International Fellowship of Religions

  completes South African memoir

  and Bardoli struggle c14.1, c14.2

  supports Motilal Nehru
as Congress President

  rift with Shaukat Ali

  tour of Andhra country

  declines post of Congress presidency and nominates Jawaharlal Nehru

  meets Jinnah and Ali brothers in Bombay

  tour of United Provinces

  at meeting with Irwin on Round Table Conference

  at Congress meeting in Lahore

  attacks by various groups

  resolves to resume support of civil disobedience

  campaign against salt tax

  demands tariff on foreign cloth and reduction of land revenue, official salaries, etc.

  warns viceroy of civil disobedience

  speech in Ahmedabad in support of civil disobedience

  and Salt March c16.1, c17.1, c19.1, c26.1

  breaks salt law in Dandi

  arrested as ‘menace to public order’ and taken to Yerwada prison c16.1, c17.1

  occupations in Yerwada c17.1, c20.1

  refuses visitors but conducts correspondence with family and associates

  correspondence withheld from Gandhi

  publication of autobiography in West

  chosen as Time magazine’s Man of the Year

  released from jail and welcomed in Bombay c18.1, c18.2

  attends CWC meeting in Allahabad

  and Motilal Nehru’s death

  requests meeting with Irwin

  reaches settlement with Irwin (Gandhi-Irwin Pact); reactions to Pact

  intervenes on behalf of Bhagat Singh

  attends Karachi Congress c18.1, c19.1

  appointed to attend second Round Table Conference c18.1, c19.1

  meeting with home secretary in Simla c18.1, c18.2

  indecision about attending Round Table Conference

  meets Ambedkar in Bombay

  meets Willingdon in Simla

  attends second Round Table conference in London

  radio broadcast to Americans from London

  visits Lancashire, Chichester, Oxford, Cambridge and London districts during breaks from Conference

  celebrities and other individuals met in London

  leaves London for brief stays in Paris and Rome

  visits Rolland in Switzerland

  meeting with Mussolini

  returns to India after Round Table Conference

  convenes CWC meeting on arrests of comrades

  discussions with Ambedkar

  meeting with Meher Baba

  arrested in Bombay

  in Yerwada jail

  writes to Hoare and Sykes from jail c20.1, c20.2

  undertakes to fast ‘unto death’ in protest against proposal for separate electorates

  preparations for fast

  begins fast c20.1, epl.1

  meets Ambedkar and other leaders of Depressed Classes

  press concerns about his health during fast

  conference on his fast

  health suffers from fast

  and signing of Poona Pact

  terms of imprisonment modified

  introduces term ‘Harijans’

  visited by Ambedkar

  issues statement on untouchability

  discussion on Poona Pact with Ambedkar

  founds new publication, Harijan

  publishes response to Ambedkar’s article in Harijan

  goes on short-term fast

  released from jail and stays with Lady Thackersey at Parnakuti

  at wedding of Devadas to Lakshmi Rajagopalachari

  after further conflict with Willingdon, disbands his ashram and announces new march

  rearrested and again taken to Yerwada jail

  released to enter hospital as a result of fast

  at Parnakuti

  all-India Harijan tour c21.1, c21.2, c21.3

  response to

  fund-raising for Bihar earthquake victims

  questioned by Ambedkarites

  conversation with Nattars

  in Bihar after earthquake

  in Assam

  visited in Bihar by group of Congress leaders to discuss civil disobedience

  meets Ambedkar in Bombay

  attempted assassination of Gandhi in Poona c21.1, c34.1, epl.1

  concludes Harijan tour in Banaras c21.1, c22.1

  letter to Amrit Kaur on brahmacharya

  nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

  Bonhoeffer’s plan to visit

  announces retirement from Congress

  attends Congress meeting in Bombay (1934)

  plans to start All India Village Industries Association

  discouraged by Willingdon from visiting North West Frontier Province

  publishes articles on agrarian economy and village sanitation

  addresses Congress volunteers on village work

  increasing volume of correspondence from supporters and others

  moves to Segaon (later Sevagram) c22.1, c23.1

  press statement on Harilal’s conversion to Islam

  reviews Ambedkar’s book on caste system

  contracts malaria

  attends Congress meeting in Faizpur

  visits Travancore

  and election results (1937)

  title of Mahatma receives official sanction in Central Provinces

  first meeting with Linlithgow

  attends Haripura Congress

  endorses Subhas Bose as Congress president

  gifts to Gandhi from peasant supporters

  in Orissa

  disapproval of entry of Kasturba and Durga to Jagannatha temple

  meets Lord Brabourne in Calcutta

  negotiations with Linlithgow

  seeks meeting with Jinnah c24.1, c24.2

  issues press statement admitting personal flaw

  distressed by involuntary sexual experience

  dissuaded from writing on sexual struggle in Harijan

  meets Jinnah in Bombay

  visits Ghaffar Khan in Peshawar

  advice to Czechs to offer satyagraha to Hitler c24.1, c24.2

  visits NWFP with Ghaffar Khan

  advice to Pathans on non-violence

  responses to his essay on Jews

  letter from Martin Buber c24.1, c24.2

  responds in Harijan to Greenberg article

  visited at ashram in Segaon (later Sevagram) c23.1, c25.1, c26.1, c27.1

  goes on fast in Rajkot

  discussions with Linlithgow in Delhi

  involved in dissension within Congress committee

  misses Tripuri Congress but drawn into conflict within party

  meets Muslim and Harijan leaders in Rajkot

  and demonstrations in Rajkot

  conversations with Bose and Nehru in Calcutta

  apologizes for fast in March 1939

  sends appeal to Hitler

  meets Linlithgow in Simla on outbreak of war

  endorses Congress resolution on support of Britain in World War II

  and publication of Festschrift by Radhakrishnan

  press statement on Congress and World War II

  correspondence received on Hindu-Muslim relations

  talks with Linlithgow in Delhi

  visits ailing Andrews and Tagore

  writes tribute to Andrews in Harijan

  visited by Margaret Sanger c27.1, c27.2

  diagnosed with high blood pressure

  visited by Howard and Sue Thurman

  and Polish scholar

  and African-American clergyman

  visited by Herbert Fischer

  visited by Nazi journalist and officer

  and Tema (South African clergyman)

  talks with Linlithgow on Dominion Status and non-violence

  demands full independence for India

fter failed meeting with Linlithgow announces programme of individual civil disobedience

  suspends publication of Harijan

  authorities decide not to arrest

  attacked in pamphlet by ICS official

  attacked by Sikander Hyat Khan for ‘insult’ to Punjabis

  writes open letter to Hitler

  monitors satyagraha programme

  receives appeals for action from Narayan and Qureshi

  learns of progress of World War II through Mahadev Desai

  suspends individual civil disobedience movement

  restarts publications

  gives address at Banaras Hindu University

  meets Chiang Kai-shek in Calcutta

  meets Stafford Cripps in Delhi

  appeal to British to withdraw from India

  interviewed by News Chronicle

  discussion with Louis Fischer

  Nehru persuades to write to Chiang Kai-shek c29.1, c29.2, c29.3

  letter to Roosevelt 29.1, c29.2, c30.1

  open letter to Japanese

  appeal to Jinnah

  interviewed by journalists after CWC meeting

  CWC meeting in Sevagram and resolution on proposal to British

  responses to ‘Quit India’ demand

  appeal to United States

  plans new fast but dissuaded from it

  at AICC meeting in Bombay

  speaks on Quit India resolution

  arrested with companions in Bombay and taken to Aga Khan Palace, Poona

  letter to Linlithgow after arrest in Bombay

  and death of Mahadev Desai

  daily regimen in Aga Khan Palace

  fast in protest against British government booklet

  sends message of condolence to Lord Halifax on death of son

  messages from supporters during fast

  ill-health during fast c30.1, c30.2

  breaks his fast

  letter to Jinnah suppressed

  rebuts charges against him in government report

  INA brigade named after

  and illness and death of Kasturba

  condolences on Kasturba’s death received

  correspondence with Wavell

  released from Aga Khan Palace and stays with Thackerseys c31.1, c32.1

  moves to Bombay and takes vow of silence

  requests visit to Wavell and to CWC members in jail

  receives books previously withheld

  messages of goodwill received on release from jail


  writes to Jinnah and Wavell

  returns to Sevagram ashram

  talks with Jinnah in Bombay

  failure of talks with Jinnah

  and Kasturba Gandhi Memorial Trust

  discouraged from fast, vows four weeks’ silence

  and conflict of Harijans at Calico Mills

  at Simla Conference


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