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Gandhi Page 130

by Ramachandra Guha

  sends blessing on Gandhi’s fast

  sets ‘Vande Mataram’ to music

  speaks to students on Gandhi

  tries to dissuade Gandhi from fast

  urges Gandhi to heal wounds in Congress

  US tours of

  visits Gandhi during fast

  visits Gandhi in Yerwada jail



  see also Santiniketan settlement, Bengal

  Tagore family 04.1, 04.2

  Talbot, Phillips

  Taluka Local Board


  Tamil (language) c01.1, c01.2, c04.1, c06.1, c07.1, c13.1, c24.1, c30.1, c30.2, c33.1

  Tamil country c08.1, 11.1, c17.1, epl.1

  Tamil Nadu 07.1, c16.1, 16.2, 21.1, 21.2, 21.3, 32.1


  in armed forces

  in Ceylon

  Gandhi’s affection for c01.1, c04.1, c06.1, c27.1

  Harijans in Tamil areas

  Kasturba and

  in Madras

  Rajaji as

  as satyagrahis c01.1, c01.2, c04.1, c13.1

  in South Africa

  in South-East Asia

  Tanjore 04.1, 04.2, 11.1

  Brihadeeswara temple


  Tao (magazine)

  Tata, J.R.D.

  Tata, Ratan

  technology, role of

  Telugu (language) c01.1, c01.2, c07.1, c08.1, c13.1, c15.1, c30.1, c33.1, epl.1

  Tema, S.S.

  temperance campaign

  Temple Entry Bill 21.1, 21.2

  temple-entry question 20.1, c21.1, c21.2, c21.3, c21.4, c21.5, c23.1, c24.1, c32.1, c33.1, c33.2, c34.1, c38.1


  Tendulkhar, D.G.

  Textile Mercury

  Thackers & Co.

  Thackersey, Lady Premlila 21.1, c21.2, c31.1, c31.2

  Thackersey, Vithaldas 21.1, c31.1

  Thadani, N.V.

  Thakkar, A.V. 01.1, 01.2, 09.1, 18.1, 20.1, 20.2, 21.1, 21.2, 22.1, 22.2, c35.1

  Thakurdas, Sir Purumshottamdas c09.1, c11.1


  Theosophy c27.1, 32.1, 38.1



  Thompson, Edward 17.1, 26.1, 30.1

  Thompson, J.P.

  Thoreau, Henry David c08.1, 09.1, c29.1, c29.2

  Thuku, Harry

  Thurman, Howard and Sue


  Tilak, Bal Gangadhar (Lokmanya)

  and Bombay workers

  book on the Gita

  Chirol on

  compared with Gandhi

  death 05.1, c10.1

  as Extremist Congress leader

  founds Home Rule League

  on Gandhi

  Gandhi on c03.1, c03.2, c07.1

  at Gujarat Political Conference

  and indigo question

  Jinnah and

  and Kesari newspaper

  in London c04.1, 04.2

  in prison c03.1, c07.1

  as reformer c18.1, c21.1

  worship of

  Tilak Swaraj Fund 07.1, 14.1, 32.1

  Time magazine c16.1, c16.2

  choice of Gandhi as Man of the Year

  Person of the Century poll

  Times of India 01.1, 09.1, 10.1, 13.1, 16.1, 18.1, 20.1, 21.1, 22.1, 26.1

  The Times (London) c08.1, c16.1

  tinkathia 03.1, 03.2

  Tirunelveli c10.1, 21.1



  Tolstoy, Leo 01.1, c01.2, 01.3, c08.1, c08.2, c08.3, c11.1, c12.1, c12.2, c13.1, c23.1, c29.1, c30.1, c32.1, c35.1, c38.1

  Tolstoy Farm (near Johannesburg)

  Tom Brown’s Schooldays

  totalitarianism (as term)

  Tottenham, R. 30.1, 31.1

  Transvaal 01.1, 01.2, 10.1, 13.1, 26.1

  Transvaal Indian Congress

  Transvaal Indians

  Travancore 10.1, 10.2, 23.1, 25.1

  Gandhi in c10.1, c23.1

  Legislative Council

  Tribune 04.1, 08.1, 10.1


  Trichy 04.1, 06.1, 08.1, 11.1

  Tripathi, Govardhanram, Saraswatichandra

  Tripuri (Central Provinces)

  Trivandrum 10.1, 10.2, 23.1, 23.2

  Padmanabha temple

  Trivedi, C.M. 23.1, 28.1

  Truman, Harry S.


  Tumkur station


  Turkey, Turks c03.1, c04.1, c04.2, c05.1, c05.2, c09.1, c10.1, c15.1, c33.1

  see also Khilafat movement; Ottoman Empire

  Tuticorin 04.1, 11.1, 21.1

  Tutu, Archbishop Desmond

  two-nation theory c26.1, 26.2, 28.1, 32.1, 32.2, 33.1, 33.2, 37.1

  Tyabji, Abbas 08.1, 14.1, 17.1

  Tyabji, Raihana 08.1, 15.1, 20.1, 20.2

  Tyabji family


  Unionist Party (India) c23.1, c28.1, c36.1

  United Kingdom see Britain, British

  United Nations 29.1, 30.1, 37.1

  commission proposed to work on Indian government question

  United Press of India

  United Press International

  United Provinces 02.1, 04.1, 04.2, 06.1, 07.1, 07.2, c07.3, 07.4, 08.1, 08.2, c08.3, 11.1, 15.1, 16.1, 16.2, 18.1, 19.1, 21.1, 21.2, 26.1, 30.1, 33.1, 36.1

  Ali Brothers in

  authorities recommend Gandhi’s arrest

  civil disobedience in c07.1, 07.2, c08.1, c28.1

  compared to Nazis

  Congress Committee

  in elections (1937) c23.1, c23.2

  Gandhi in c04.1, c06.1, c08.1, c08.2, c15.1

  hartal in

  ‘iron rule’ of government in

  Nehru on ‘critical’ situation in

  Pant as prime minister of

  and Partition

  police fire on Muslim group in


  and Rowlatt report

  and Salt March c16.1, c16.2

  untouchability in

  women in c11.1, 15.1

  United States of America

  Army, supplies penicillin for Kasturba c31.1, c31.2

  civil rights movement

  Civil War


  Cripps explains Indian political situation to

  enters World War II c29.1, c32.1

  failure of prohibition law

  Gandhi’s appeal to c18.1, c29.1, c34.1

  Gandhi’s curiosity about

  Gandhi’s supporters in

  impact of Gandhi on prf.1, c08.1, c18.1, c25.1

  Linlithgow on

  neutrality in World War II

  and Quit India movement

  Margaret Sanger on women in

  slavery in

  US journalists refused permission to be present on conclusion of Gandhi’s fast

  and World War II

  see also African Americans

  Unity Conferences 10.1, 11.1



  Ambedkar and c18.1, c18.2, c19.1, c21.1

  ‘Anti-Untouchability Committee’

  and caste system

  Ezhavas and

  Gandhi and c03.1, 10.1, 16.1

  Gandhi on c01.1, c06.1, c06.2, c07.1, c11.1, c11.2, c33.1

  Hinduism and c12.1, c12.2

  Ruthnaswamy on

  and term ‘Harijans’

  see also Ambedkar, B.R.; Dalits; Depressed Classes; electorates, joint; electorates, separate; Harijan movement; Harijan Sewak Sangh; Harijans; Poona Pact; temple-entry question


  Urdu (language) c01.1, c
04.1, c07.1, c09.1, c09.2, c17.1, c20.1, c24.1, c25.1, c26.1, c32.1, c32.2, c32.3

  Uruli Kanchan 33.1, c34.1

  Vaikom, satyagraha in c10.1, c10.2, c23.1, c23.2

  Vaishnava 03.1, 12.1, c21.1

  ‘Vaishnava Jana’ To’ c03.1, c07.1, c20.1, c21.1, c29.1

  Vaishya (caste) c01.1, c06.1, c18.1, c22.1

  Valéry, Paul

  Valmiki Ramayana

  ‘Vande Mataram’ c04.1, c14.1, c15.1, c24.1, c24.2, c30.1


  Varnashramadharma (rules of caste) c01.1, c06.1, c21.1, epl.1


  Vasi, Nizamuddin


  Vegetarian News


  Venkayya, P.

  Versailles, Treaty of


  Victoria, Queen 01.1, 04.1

  Proclamation (1858)

  Vidyarthi, Ganesh Shankar



  Vijayagharachariar, C.

  Vijayawada 15.1, 20.1, 21.1

  village industries

  in Faizpur

  Gandhi’s interest in c22.1, c22.2, c23.1, c27.1, c27.2, c33.1, c33.2, epl.1

  see also All India Village Industries Association (AIVIA)

  villagers see peasants

  Villeneuve, Switzerland c10.1, c19.1

  Virawala, Darbar, Thakore Saheb of Rajkot c25.1, c25.2, c25.3


  Vivekananda, Swami 04.1, c23.1

  Vizag 30.1, 31.1


  Vogt, Mrs William

  Voice of India

  voting rights

  Vyas, Ravishankar

  Vyasa 12.1, 35.1

  Walesa, Lech


  Wardha 02.1, 10.1, 11.1, 21.1, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3, 22.4, 22.5, 26.1, 26.2, 26.3, 27.1, 30.1, 31.1, 38.1


  Maganwadi settlement

  village industries

  Wars of the Roses

  Washington, George

  Watkins (college principal)

  Wavell, Archibald Wavell, 1st Earl, Viceroy of India c31.1, c35.1

  Casey reports talks with Gandhi to c33.1, c33.2

  on Gandhi c32.1, c38.1

  on Gandhi-Jinnah talks

  on Jinnah and rift between Hindus and Muslims

  meets Jinnah

  message of condolence to Gandhi on Kasturba’s death

  plans for interim government in India c33.1, c34.1

  rebuffs Gandhi’s proposal on national government

  refuses to allow Gandhi to see CWC members

  releases CWC members and proposes talks with Indian leaders to Churchill

  releases Gandhi from prison

  at Simla Conference c32.1, c32.2


  weavers/weaving see spinning and weaving

  Wells, H.G.

  West, Albert 01.1, 03.1, 13.1

  West Essex Conservative Association

  Western Ghats 21.1, 32.1, 32.2

  Willingdon, Freeman Freeman-Thomas, 1st Marquess of, Viceroy of India fm1.1, c18.1, c18.2, c18.3

  on Ansari

  and arrests of Congress leaders

  declines Gandhi’s request for talks on civil disobedience

  on Gandhi c21.1, c21.2, c22.1

  and Gandhi’s fast

  instructed by Hoare not to meet Gandhi

  Muriel Lester on

  orders new arrest of Gandhi after refusing talks (1933)

  refuses to release Gandhi from prison (1932)

  and second Round Table Conference

  succeeded by Lord Linlithgow

  Wilson, Sir Leslie, governor of Bombay c09.1, c14.1

  Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow c08.1, c12.1



  abduction by rioters

  active in politics and public life

  arrests of

  Bose’s views on

  and civil disobedience c17.1, c28.1

  education of c32.1, c32.2, epl.1

  emancipation of prf.1, c27.1

  equal rights c38.1, epl.1

  excluded from franchise

  Gandhi’s views on c03.1, c03.2, c05.1, c10.1, c15.1, c16.1, c16.2, c16.3, c24.1, epl.1

  Indian, in South Africa c01.1, epl.1

  initially excluded by Gandhi from Salt March c16.1, c16.2, epl.1

  involved in picketing c07.1, c16.1, c17.1, c21.1, c24.1, epl.1

  Katherine Mayo’s account of practices in India

  and Moplah rebellion

  Muslim, in India

  response to Gandhi’s strictures on modern women

  role of, in India

  in satyagrahas c01.1, c13.1, c28.1

  violence to

  vote granted to (in UK)

  as wives and mothers

  Woodgate, General Edward

  World War I (Great War) prf.1, c01.1, c01.2, c03.1, c03.2, c04.1, c04.2, c04.3, c04.4, c08.1, c10.1, c13.1, c19.1, c23.1, c26.1, c27.1, c33.1

  analysis by Intelligence Bureau

  Attlee on Indians in

  Gandhi cooperates with war effort

  Kallenbach in

  memoirs of

  Muslims and c04.1, c04.2

  onset of 01.1, c01.2

  Punjabis in c04.1, c26.1

  recruitment of Indians c04.1, c26.1

  Rolland and c10.1, c19.1

  and stoppage of trade with Germany

  World War II

  Attlee on Indians in

  Bonhoeffer and

  declaration of

  Gandhi informed of progress of

  Gandhi’s treatment in British during

  Muslim League in

  reactions to

  threat of

  see also Germany; Quit India movement

  Wurtleburg, Rev. J, A.

  Yagnik, Indulal 03.1, 04.1, 13.1

  yajna (sacrifice) c12.1, c14.1, c21.1, c35.1, c37.1

  Yale University, Divinity School

  Yerwada Jail (Poona) c07.1, c09.1, c11.1, c13.1, c16.1, c17.1, c18.1, c20.1, c21.1, c21.2, c29.1, c30.1, c30.2, c30.3, c34.1, epl.1

  Brelvi visits

  as ‘mandir’

  Young, Desmond, on Gandhi’s open letter to Hitler

  Young India 04.1, 04.2, 05.1, 06.1, 07.1, 07.2, 07.3, 07.4, 07.5, 07.6, 07.7, 07.8, 08.1, 08.2, 09.1, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 12.1

  advertisements in

  Shaukat Ali on Kohat riots in

  ban on

  Shankarlal Banker and

  Bombay governor and

  Mahadev Desai’s role in

  editors in Gandhi’s absence c09.1, c10.1, c16.1

  Gandhi resumes editorship

  Gandhi’s articles in c04.1, c10.1, c11.1, c11.2, c11.3, c11.4, c12.1, c12.2, c13.1, c14.1, c14.2, c14.3, c14.4, c15.1, c15.2, c16.1, c16.2, c16.3, c17.1, c18.1, c18.2, c19.1

  on ‘calf controversy’

  on caste

  on ‘four posts of bedstead’

  on Harilal’s business enterprises

  on Hindu-Muslim tension

  on Kohat riots

  on Sarojini Naidu

  on Rammohan Roy

  on smoking

  on Harry Thuku

  on Vaikom satyagraha

  on violence in Bombay

  Gandhi’s interview with militant critic

  publication discontinued on Gandhi’s arrest in 1932

  Rajaji on Gandhi’s life in prison in

  reprints of Gandhi articles

  role of

  Saraladevi and

  serial publication of Gandhi’s memoirs c13.1, c13.2, c13.3, c13.4

  Sukhdev’s letter to Gandhi in
/>   Dwijendranath Tagore in

  weekly and bi-weekly publication

  Young Men’s Christian Association






  Zetland, Laurence Dundas, 2nd Marquess of c23.1, c26.1, c26.2

  Zimmermann, Werner

  Zionism 19.1, c24.1, c24.2

  Zulu (language)

  Zulu rebellion 01.1, c05.1, c06.1, c17.1, c27.1


  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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