Metal Mage 14

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Metal Mage 14 Page 8

by Eric Vall

  “What the hell happened?” I demanded.

  Then I shook the dragon a bit until Stan plopped into my palm, and when the two exchanged a brief look I knew too well, I had to remind myself not to blow up.

  “There were only three rules! What part of ‘this is not a scouting mission’ was unclear?”

  Stan held up his hands in his defense, and then eagerly pointed to a stick on the ground. Once I lowered him down, he did his best to clear the dead leaves away and expose the dirt, and I helped him out since it was pitiful watching him wrestle with leaves twice his size.

  Then the little metal man picked up the stick, and I could tell he was completely winging it as he drew all kinds of squiggles on top of each other, but it was clear what he was going for.

  “You found runes?” I asked, and he nodded fervently. “Were they engraved on the walls or on the ground? Or both? Were there multiple kinds? How large are we talking here? That’ll influence what it takes to destroy them.”

  Stan picked up his stick and began drawing his squiggles again, and judging by outcome, he’d seen at least three different runes, each about a foot tall, and all engraved into the walls of the fortress. He kept spreading his arms out wide when he pointed between the squiggles, so I guessed they were decently spread out, but finding as many in five minutes was still a good sign for us. It meant Stan and Solana might just be able to pull this off, and I scooped the pair up off the ground once the metal man was finished.

  “I’m not okay with you breaking the rules, but I kind of get it,” I muttered. “Aurora can be so persuasive about potentially dangerous ideas. Still, you took a chance, and it paid off. This kind of intelligence is a game changer. Tomorrow, we’ll regroup bright and early, and we’ll get the two of you fully loaded for some rune destruction. Now that we know you can bring Solana with you, let’s get her working on speed first thing because it looks like this war is in both your hands.”

  Stan saluted as Solana nodded, but then the metal man thwacked me in the chest.

  “Yeah, I need to relax,” I mumbled. “You know, they say pregnancy is hard on the man, too, and usually there’s only one woman around when that applies. I’ve got four, which I’m not saying is an excuse, but it could be relevant.”

  Solana climbed up my arm to nuzzle her snout against my neck, and even though she was only a miniature skeletal dragon, I felt like she valued men with the good sense to put protecting the ones they love at top priority. Even when it verged on obsessive, there were times when it was critical no scenarios were left unconsidered. Solana totally understood where my head was at.

  At least, that’s the impression I got.

  Stan just patted my arm in understanding before he hopped into my pocket, and I was about to turn toward Falmount when I hesitated and glanced at the elemental degree line on the tree. Knowing Stan had seen more of the Master’s fortress than any of us could fathom made goosebumps rise along my arms, and I couldn’t ignore how easy it would be to just pop in for a peek right now.

  I’d only taken half a step, though, when Solana swooped down from my shoulder and snatched Stan between her teeth.

  “Dude!” I scoffed as the metal man saluted in mid-air, and I ground my teeth together as the pair jetted ahead of me into the night. “One fucking look. How much is that to ask?”

  Then I shoved my hands into my pockets and followed after them, but within the next few minutes, I had to admit Mason Flynt popping up in the middle of who knew where in that fortress would royally screw up our plans at this point.

  Besides, if everything played out properly, I’d still get to be the first one the Master saw crossing the threshold once we busted his massive walls open anyways.

  So, I spent the rest of the walk trying to gauge what I knew about rune magic against my arsenal instead.

  The runes being so large didn’t bode well for Stan’s ability to destroy them, but producing adequate weaponry was my specialty these days, and with Solana joining him, his chances were already improved. I just needed to find the perfect balance of compact size and lethal power, and I feverishly rearranged elemental degrees in my mind without seeing any of the woods I walked through.

  Even when Stan hovered around my head from the clearing to the door, I kept right on making calculations based on the runes I’d tested so far, and I was so caught up in my designs, I almost didn’t see Nulena standing in the darkened atrium as I walked in. When I noticed the ebony woman stooped against the work table, though, I finally came to, because her shoulders were shaking, and her long black hair hung down to shield her face.

  “Nulena,” I gasped as I rushed over. “What’s wrong? What happened?”

  The Baroness clung to my shirt as I tried to steady her in my arms, and her breaths were ragged as she finally met my gaze. Her whole face shimmered like a pearl when I looked into her two-toned eyes, and her expression was so impossible to read, I didn’t know what to think. I’d never seen her so undone before, but with the kind of life she led, the possibilities were too many to fathom.

  “Please, tell me what’s wrong,” I tried as I stroked her trembling arms.

  “I need you,” the Baroness whimpered. “I’ve tried so hard to resist, but I can’t. How could I? You’re more than I ever imagined.”

  “Wait, what?” I asked as I furrowed my brow. “This is about sex?”

  “So much more than that,” Nulena moaned. “Mason Flynt, I’ll bear as many children as you want if it means you’ll let me belong to you for the rest of my life.”

  Then the ebony woman jumped into my arms before I could blink, and her lips locked with mine as she hooked her legs around my waist.

  “Hold on,” I mumbled as I tried to pull away so I could get a word in.

  The Baroness’ breasts heaved desperately as she kept her eyes glued onto my lips, but when she finally calmed down enough to focus, I eased her back down to the ground while I tried to decide how to proceed.

  “Look, I know my women have been ridiculous about this, but I don’t want you to think… ” I cut myself off as I realized she may have completely misinterpreted things. “Nulena, I’d love you whether you had my child or not.”

  “I know you would,” the Baroness said softly, “but I’ve never wanted this. Not until I fell for you, and just the thought of never carrying your child makes me furious and miserable all at once. Every time I close my eyes, all I can see is me surrendering myself to you entirely, and I can’t deny you’re the only one I ever want to have me like this.”

  My head spun with confusion and blistering lust as I processed what I’d just heard, but Nulena was already biting at my lips again, and I fumbled to wrench my belt open as fast as humanly possible.

  Then I registered the sound of my women stampeding down the stairs, and I was seconds from tearing Nulena’s dress to shreds when she was suddenly wrenched out of my arms.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I growled, but Aurora sprinted for the door with the Baroness slung over her shoulder.

  “You’ll thank me!” the half-elf called out.

  I was so frazzled and turned on, I tripped over the pants I still had around my ankles, and after I crashed against two different shelves of metal, I tumbled into the hall while I furiously yanked my pants up and buckled the belt.

  Then I stormed toward the staircase as I heard my women shut our bedroom door behind them, and I decided I probably should have agreed to the recreational whip idea because I suddenly had the urge to whip all of my women into submission.

  I forced myself to take deep breaths while I scaled the steps four at a time, but when I forced the door open with my boot, I froze on the threshold.

  “She’s ready for you, Baron,” Cayla purred, and my four naked women looked to me obediently from where they knelt on our flaming bed.

  Then my gaze dropped to the ebony woman they’d already stripped, and my women held Nulena down between them with her slender legs spread wide open for me.

  Chapter 6
  Two large pillars of fire were the only sources of light in the room as I turned the lock on the door behind me, and every ample curve of my five women flickered in the amber glow while they eagerly waited for me to join them.

  I could hear their heartbeats quicken as a wolfish grin came to my face, and while I took my time heading over, I dragged my eyes over their taut nipples and plush lips. All of them could hardly sit still under my gaze as their cheeks blushed pink, and to see them all there blinking up at me like they’d do anything I commanded made my blood surge straight to my dick.

  Nulena let out an impatient growl as she strained against my women’s hold, though, and it only took a slight nod from me for my women to tighten their grips to a punishing one. Then the Baroness bit down hard on her ebony lip as she watched me undress at the foot of the bed, and the sleek and smooth cleft between her splayed thighs glistened from how wet she’d already gotten for me.

  I could tell by the depraved look in her eyes that she was starving for my cock, and when I finally took her thighs in my palms to force them further apart, she whimpered and writhed like even one touch was torture enough.

  So, I didn’t tease her this time. I kept my dick poised against her slick entrance just long enough to make her beg for it.

  “Don’t make me wait,” Nulena begged. “I need you inside me, and I don’t care how you take me.”

  “You sure about that?” I asked with a warning grin.

  “I know you want this as much as I do,” the Baroness moaned. “Show me and don’t stop until you’re finished with me.”

  I could tell by the way her voice grated with desperation that she meant every last word, and as the ebony woman raked her two-toned eyes across my frame, she rolled her clit against the tip of my cock.

  “Please,” Nulena whimpered.

  Everything in her expression betrayed how many times she’d imagined this, and a carnal need built up in my veins while I braced my grip on the ironwork of the headboard.

  “Don’t hold back on her,” Aurora murmured as her wanton gaze met mine, and Cayla chuckled sadistically.

  “She’s made us wait long enough to see you claim every inch of her,” the princess purred.

  Nulena nodded submissively to me. “Give them anything they want.”

  The ebony woman was warm all over and more than willing when I abruptly forced her to take my full length deep inside her body, and a trembling screech tore out from her throat as my women moaned with their approval. They squirmed in response and urged me on while they watched me take the Baroness with long, unrelenting thrusts, and her satiny body began to glisten all over with an iridescent sheen. This made it that much more impossible to take my eyes off the ebony woman’s erotic curves, and I watched Nulena jolt more violently beneath me as she arched her back and mewled with pleasure.

  The harder I fucked her, the more my women spurred me on until her velvety pussy scorched my dick, and the bed threatened to give out from under us while I fiendishly quickened my pace. Still, the Baroness panted for me not to stop no matter how many times I pounded into her, and I tightened my hold on the headboard as her gasps turned into shrieks from the force.

  “Deeper,” Shoshanne whimpered.

  “Harder,” Deya moaned. “She can take it.”

  “Make her scream for you,” Aurora murmured.

  Cayla let out a trembling sigh as she nodded hungrily. “She needs to earn it.”

  I didn’t hesitate to oblige my sinful women, and they shuddered where they knelt around us as their arousal made their nails dig into the woman’s tender flesh. Whenever I dragged my eyes off Nulena, I found each of them watching my rigid shaft bury itself in her slick pussy, and they begged for me to keep going. Aurora’s flames flashed wildly against the walls the moment she saw me raking my gaze from her belly to her swollen breasts, and as our eyes locked, she let out a ragged moan like she couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Climax for him,” the half-elf ordered Nulena, and the ebony woman instantly convulsed around my cock as she screamed with ecstasy.

  I cried out and collapsed when a tremor I’d never experienced suddenly shot through my body at what felt like fifty amps, and my spine went rigid as my cock pulsed deep into the ebony woman’s womb. I couldn’t even lift myself up as I kept Nulena pinned hard by the hips, and I pumped more and more of my seed into her while she let out a long and feral moan.

  My women couldn’t resist pawing and kissing me wherever they could as their fingers slipped between their thighs, and I listened to them whimper through agonizing orgasms as their teeth sank into me. When I finally eased up on the Baroness, I was drenched in sweat and twitching, and the residual tremor of my own climax continued wrecking my spine in waves.

  Then Nulena let out a sinful chuckle, and while she trailed her fingers along my sides and left a light kiss against my neck, I still barely managed to brace my weight on my elbows.

  “Mason?” Shoshanne suddenly gasped. “Are you okay?”

  “Nulena, what the hell?” Cayla demanded as she realized how incapacitated I was. “Did you just paralyze Mason with your vagina?”

  I panted my way through a laugh as I shook my head, but that was honestly the best I could offer as a response.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll help him recover,” Nulena purred, and she latched her nails into my chest.

  My muscles were so spent that the slender woman easily flipped me over as she hitched her thigh around my hip, and my vision blurred for a moment while I wondered if I’d ever been so close to unconscious after one round before. Still, I could tell by the heat in Nulena’s eyes she was only getting started, and the ebony woman glistened with perspiration as her chest began to heave hungrily once more. Then she slowly sank herself onto my cock, and the feel of her dripping wet pussy eased me back to my senses while the Baroness whimpered toward the ceiling.

  So, I just laid there and let her heady powers seep through me until I was drunk with them, and while Nulena returned the treatment I’d given her, my women became unbound. They groped and bit at the ebony woman’s lush curves as they urged her to fuck me harder, and the sight of them all devouring her made my own lust peak all over again.

  I could never deny my lovers what they wanted, and while they quivered with arousal in the firelight, I brought my hands to the Baroness’ hips so I could force her to deliver. Then Nulena sent me a wicked grin, though, and she ordered them to make sure I got enough, too.

  I nearly forgot how to breathe as I found myself surrounded by the passionate sighs of my women as their silky bodies pinned me to the bed, and I let them tempt and tease me as much as they liked while the meat of Nulena’s hips jolted in my grip.

  Every time she climaxed, her pleasure brought a fresh bout of semen gushing forth from my shaft into her taut center, but my women just kept enticing me with their moans as they begged me to cum and fill her womb again and again to ensure she was pregnant. Then they started forcing their breasts into my mouth as their bodies writhed against mine on all sides, and I couldn’t keep track of anything as they became insatiable.

  Nulena’s whimpers hitched with every thrust while I refused to let her stop grinding against me no matter how many times she climaxed, and when my arms finally gave out, I made my women take over for both of us.

  Aurora let out a devilish chuckle as she immediately cinched her hand around the Baroness’ throat from behind, and after that, I lost track of time while Nulena and I sent the others back and forth between us.

  Sometime late in the night, though, I was watching Cayla suckle at the murderous woman’s ebony tits, and while Shoshanne and Deya trembled against my fingers, the Baroness’ gaze met mine. That’s when I noticed the abyss of her ghostly white eye shone with raw devotion, and both of us grinned like heathens before Nulena quaked through another orgasm that sent a fresh surge of her powers straight through my dick.

  It wasn’t until all of us were completely worn through that I finally let the Baroness fal
l limp beside me, and she had just enough energy left to roll into my arms as my other women shakily crawled over to me. Then Aurora slid her arm around me, and the last thing I registered as she shamelessly settled her palm on Nulena’s belly was the devious little giggle she buried against my back.

  I was in a comatose sleep until noon after that, and when I pried my eyes open, my women were all exactly where they’d collapsed. Their hearts thrummed heavy and low with exhaustion while the sweet scent of them wafted around me in a cloud, and Nulena looked like a tamed panther with her ebony cheek tucked against my arm.

  A tired smirk hitched at the corner of my mouth as I recalled what the Baroness said when I found her waiting in my shop, and even though I’d meant what I told her about loving her either way, I couldn’t help feeling like I’d accomplished some god-level victory last night.

  Watching the elusive woman take my dick like that and still moan for more was satisfying in the most primal way, but remembering the way she looked at me as I filled her with my seed again and again was beyond explanation.

  Somehow, I’d managed to break through all of Nulena’s evasiveness and her cryptic guise, and in one night, she’d surrendered the rest of her life into my hands for the chance to bear my child.

  Begged me to let her do it, actually.

  My women’s constant badgering may have had some hand in the ordeal, but I could tell by the starved look in her eyes as she waited for me that this had all been building in her for some time now.

  So, it was difficult not to bask a bit while I considered the flawless planes of Nulena’s ebony face, but I’d already delayed my day’s progress by hours, and I knew it’d be a while before she recovered enough to get up. So, I carefully slid my arm out from under the dozing woman as she let out a sleepy sigh, and she didn’t even wake up when I left a kiss on one of the bitemarks my women had embedded into her neck.

  Then I silently grabbed my clothes from the foot of the bed, but it took me less than two seconds to realize I might be in for a rocky start to the day as well. My head felt disconnected from my body while my limbs refused to function properly, but it was mostly my spine that made it hard to walk in a straight line as I stumbled toward the door. Moving around had brought the same strange tremor rippling through me sporadically until I was forced to brace my arm on the wall, and I took a few steadying breaths while the sensation gradually made my legs weaker.


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