Star Force: Penance (SF49)

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Star Force: Penance (SF49) Page 7

by Aer-ki Jyr

  If one had a dispute then one aired it out. Likewise, if one made a pact, they didn’t do so in secret…let alone say one thing to one group and say the contrary to others. Truth, forthrightness, and leadership went hand in hand, with Vensiol now leading the Scionate down the path of dishonor along with several other bloodlines that Grisst vehemently hated…and to top it off, they’d offered them the meat and not Ken’slan. Perhaps they knew he would have objected to it or the betrayal of the oath they took when moving their race to the ADZ, but regardless these records showed that Vensiol had made a number of secret pacts, ostensibly to keep themselves in power when their leadership ability became insufficient.

  An honorable bloodline would have stepped aside and let another with more skill tailored to the present challenges their race faced take the lead…but this farming activity was incontrovertible proof that they’d become greedy and disrespectful to the duties of leadership, and for that alone they had to be removed.

  Ken’slan kept that revelation out of his face as he shifted over to the battle records, seeing the sudden and violent assault on Admat unedited and reconciling the disparate reports he’d been getting in. He saw his people attacking with great power and forthrightness, as was proper, then, like a giant beast waking from its sleep, Star Force rose up to meet the challenge and slew them with such efficiency and ease that it galled Ken’slan to be standing next to them now.

  What made it worse was that they were in the right. Many of his brothers and sisters had died in an unjust battle that the Vensiol had ordered simply to assuage their own pride, which Ken’slan also saw, from the Human’s perspective, as there was helmet cam video from their ‘warning’ to the leading bloodline.

  The way these two, for he assumed they were the same pair, had gone about it had been greatly insulting to the Scionate there…and he wholeheartedly agreed with their approach, and their restraint. Had Ken’slan done the same there would have been deaths involved, but that was different, considering it was an internal matter. For the Humans to come here and physically assault the Scionate leadership, well, they had done so in an honorable manner. In fact, they’d done it perfectly, given that they were in the right, and Ken’slan now saw that they’d done so as a favor.

  Star Force was their ally, and they’d dealt with the Scionate in a friendly manner. Warrior to warrior. They’d given them a chance to make amends, and what did Vensiol do? They’d doubled down and increased their dishonor…and in the process had gotten many loyal Scionate soldiers killed in a battle that should not have happened, and one where they were in the wrong.

  That ate at Ken’slan more than anything, and even though he hadn’t personally taken part in the battle he felt just as guilty.

  “How many of your people were killed?”

  “A few hundred,” Morgan answered.

  “You have my deepest apologies,” Ken’slan answered genuinely. “We were in the wrong, and Vensiol is to blame. You are correct, they must be removed.”

  “Glad we’re in agreement,” Morgan answered, already having known what he was going to say, having been snooping on his thoughts the entire time he was reviewing the records. “Now how do we go about doing it?”

  “We shall handle this ourselves,” the Scionate said with a growl so deep Morgan could literally feel his shame. “It will be bloody, but that must be our penance. We will make amends with your people at a later time, if you will allow it.”

  “Let’s do so right now,” Morgan offered. “This is personal for us as well, in so far as the Chieftans are concerned. We’re going back there and taking them down personally…and we can do it without a bloodbath. Same way we did the first time. But we need you to step in and take over control immediately,” she emphasized. “And we don’t need your permission to do so, but you can make amends by giving us your blessing.”

  Ken’slan and Morgan stared at each other for a long moment, then the middle-aged Scionate bowed his head respectfully. “Your wisdom is as sharp as your martial skill. I agree and give you my blessing, but to do so it cannot be done with a simple word. I must accompany and fight alongside you.”

  Morgan frowned. “No offense, but you’ll slow us down.”

  “I am not helpless,” Ken’slan growled, his pride pricked.

  “If you come with us,” the other Human spoke from behind, “who will lead your bloodline in the takeover that follows?”

  Ken’slan turned to face the other in identical armor, though his helmet still remained on so he couldn’t see his face, but he knew it from the recording he’d just watched none the less.

  “How much time can you give me to prepare?”

  Paul considered that, discussing it with Morgan briefly though a telepathic link.

  “At most two days. We have to settle this soon before another attack can be launched.”

  “I will not require more than 5 hours,” Ken’slan said stoically. “You may remain here until then if you wish, as our guests, or go on your way. I will inform security of your presence and they will shield you against outside aggression…on their lives if necessary.”

  “Kara?” Morgan asked.

  “Right, I’ll grab the car keys and be back in a flash,” she said, walking out the door and disappearing into shadow.

  “We will bring our small ship here,” Morgan said. “I assume you have a hangar?”

  “I will make arrangements.”

  “Just make sure they don’t touch it. It’s kind of sentimental to us,” Morgan warned.

  “As you wish. With your permission I will leave now?” Ken’slan asked half serious, half sarcasm…with Morgan appreciating the second.

  “So long as you are honorable, you have no need to fear us,” she said with double-edged meaning.

  “That I shall remember,” Ken’slan said, turning around and walking out the door that Kara had left through quickly, leaving Paul and Morgan behind.

  “If he’s faking he’s doing a remarkable job of it,” Paul commented.

  “We got through to him,” Morgan said confidently. “I just don’t like the idea of fighting with him alongside. We’re going to have to protect him, and that’s going to slow us down.”

  “Or…” Paul said with a smirk.

  Morgan didn’t catch his drift immediately, but when she did she couldn’t help but smile. “Let Kara do it?”


  “I like it…but she won’t.”

  “I’ll trade off with her when she needs to do some heavy lifting. Shield boy and all.”

  “So I’m free?”

  “To constantly kick ass, yes.”

  Morgan shrugged. “Works for me then. Just make sure grampa kitty doesn’t get smoked. He is going to wear armor, I hope.”

  “We’ll insist that he does,” Paul said as he sensed a flurry of minds approaching, none of them Ken’slan’s. “Company?”

  Morgan stretched out and searched one of their minds. “Anxious, not angry,” she said a moment before the Scionate security came through the door, all of which were wearing ceremonial armor in their bloodline colors, which in the case of Grisst were a combination of orange and yellow, whereas total yellow was reserved to represent the Scionate as a whole.

  Six of the cats came into the room and looked the two Humans over, half encircling them before respectfully sitting on their hind legs. “We have been assigned as your escorts,” one of them said.

  Paul glanced over at Morgan. “Nice to have friends.”


  “Are you certain?”

  “Yes,” Ken’slan said, pressing a button that he’d previously configured to send the data given to him by the Humans in a single packet form. “You may see for yourself, but there is little time. I have told them that we will be ready within hours.”

  The Scionate on the other end of the private holo transmission glanced at something off screen, then looked back at his peer. “I trust your word, for I do not think this is something you would fabricate. I will have the d
ata analyzed later, but if what you say is true then there is no dispute from us. Vensiol must be removed. The question that remains is who is to replace them?”

  “Grisst will not seek that placement,” Ken’slan said stoically. “We have wronged the Humans greatly, and must pay a penance. They are honorable warriors, and I concede that we were wrong in not supporting them to a greater degree. I believe we are honor-bound to do so now and take up a significant role on the front lines of the ADZ. Since we have been one of those arguing against such a move, it would be improper for us to lead such an effort.”

  Jen’ton raised his head slightly, clearly taken by surprise. “That I did not expect to hear from you. Are the others of your bloodline in concurrence?”

  “I have not had time to inform most of them, but the key members are in agreement. We have little time and must act quickly, and Grisst will support Wennitan as ruling bloodline so long as you remain honorable, abide by the Humans’ terms of colonization, and aid in the defense of the ADZ militarily…much as you’ve already proposed.”

  “I am humbled by your wisdom, Ken’slan, and your willingness to put the needs of our race above the ambitions of your bloodline.”

  “I expect the same from Wennitan.”

  “And you shall have it,” their bloodline leader growled anxiously. “But I do not know how many troops I can assemble within hours. I need at least a day, if not a week, to make the necessary preparations in order to assure a quick and effective transfer of power. If we move within hours we risk a failed coup.”

  Ken’slan shook his head. “That will not be necessary. The Humans are going to assault the ruling den, with my blessing. We need only to secure the transition of power.”

  Jen’ton seemed taken aback. “This is an internal matter. If blood is to split it must be by our hands only.”

  “They have assured me that their efforts will be bloodless, much like a similar assault they mounted the other day. Information about such has been suppressed considerably. If you look quickly, you will see visual recordings from the Humans’ armor included in the data packet.”

  Jen’ton frowned, pulling up and opening the packet file and searching for what Ken’slan had mentioned. He’d heard rumors of an incident at the ruling den, as well as getting a few firsthand accounts from members of his bloodline that had been highly exaggerated, but this was the first he had heard of any Human involvement.

  “Mother of all youngbloods,” he said, seeing the combat recordings of the battle in the plaza first.

  “These Humans with me are far more powerful than we have ever encountered before,” Ken’slan explained as the other bloodline leader was glued to the footage. “And they demonstrated some of their powers on me, here, not long ago. They are either concealing abnormally advanced tech or are some form of witches. I do not know which, but they were able to take control of my body, imprisoning me within it as they began to explain the situation. I cannot tell you how they accomplished this, but I am convinced that they are here for honor’s sake and have the means to breach the ruling den’s defenses at will.”

  “I don’t believe what I’m hearing…or seeing, but I know that you are no liar. Is this how they were able to slaughter our people on their world?”

  “I do not know, but I get the feeling that only their advanced warriors have these powers. Otherwise our ground troops would have been frozen in place unable to fight…which is a terrifying thought going forward.”

  “Unless they can do this to the Cajdital as well,” Jen’ton commented, thinking of various applications.

  Ken’slan bowed his head. “It is for reasons such as that that your bloodline is better suited to lead us given the present circumstances.”

  “Assume I agree to the Human assault. What exactly are you asking of us in the coming hours?”

  “Both our bloodlines must have people in place to secure those the Humans’ render unconscious. I would prefer not to kill them, but we cannot let them rise or flee to begin a larger conflict. This must be done swiftly and be contained. I need your security, ours, and as many other bloodlines that we can muster to surround the ruling den while we fight our way inside and deal with the Chieftans.”

  “You are personally fighting with the Humans?”

  “Just myself. The rest of my people will be waiting on the perimeter. As you said, this is a Scionate matter. I cannot let the Humans act alone, nor will I send a subordinate.”

  “I envy you that,” Jen’ton said candidly. “If my body were not so weakened with age I would very much like to accompany you. I will send a surrogate if you will allow it?”

  “I will not,” Ken’slan said firmly. “Our bloodline’s alliance with Vensiol was a mistake. It is only right that we should be the ones removing them. That way there can be no rumors suggesting that we are working on your behalf. Grisst will remove Vensiol with the Humans, then we will step aside for Wennitan to rule.”

  “Bold for a Grisst.”

  “We are not so stagnant as you imagine. We simply prefer to make sure a fight is righteous before we show our claws.”

  “Well stated, my old adversary. I am pleased we are finally in agreement. I will round up as many of my kin as I can. How long do I have?”

  “3 hours before we depart.”

  Jen’ton huffed. “Not much time, but I will not waste a moment of it. We will be ready,” he said, signing off so he could get to work immediately.

  Ken’slan remained at his private comm terminal, opening up another line to the next honorable bloodline on his short list while his own people were hastily making preparations for the assault, with Grisst’s other leaders handling the various aspects in his stead to maximize time. They had been reluctant and even disbelieving two hours ago when he’d woke them and brought this to their attention, but between his assurances and the data from the Humans they had consented to the overthrow and were now working hard to make it happen before Vensiol could discover the plot and take action to thwart it.

  Six hours later a Grisst transport rolled up to the edge of the plaza around the ruling den but stopping short from driving out onto it. The doors opened up and Ken’slan jumped out, wearing full combat armor, and sniffed the air through his helmet vents. He drew immediate attention, for the armor was in Grisst colors and not the yellow of the hundreds of troops surrounding the den in a permanent, yet relaxed defense deployment amongst the milling crowds.

  Passersby immediately took notice, then even more did so as he roared, amplified by the speakers in his armor, drawing the attention of everyone on the street and those closest on the plaza. He took three steps forward and stood staring at the ruling den complex ahead as the three Humans stepped out of the transport behind him…to the dismay of those around. They walked up and flanked him, one on the left, one on the right, and the oddly armored one behind, then Ken’slan began walking forward, with the crowds and other traffic vehicles giving them a very wide berth, but not willing to take their eyes off them.

  The guards around the den immediately went on alert, for most of them had fought the Humans the other day and knew what threat they posed…despite the news suppression Vensiol had worked to keep the rest of the city and planet in the dark as to what had truly happened. Some of the surrounding denizens also knew the truth and took up safe perches wherever they could, wanting to stay far away from the Humans but also wanting to know what was happening…and why one of their own was leading them here, which also forestalled any attacks from the crowd, futile as those would have been.

  When Ken’slan stepped onto the outskirts of the plaza the onlookers had already pulled back, letting the troops form a solid mass ahead of the foursome, blocking their way to the den while calling for more reinforcements. Ken’slan knew not to waste time, so for a brief moment he retracted his helmet so everyone could see who he was, then spoke as loud as he could without it becoming a scream.

  “I am Ken’slan of Grisst. Vensiol has acted with dishonor and must be removed!” he
said, running forward as his helmet reformed over his head and dropping into a combat sprint headed towards the nearest of the troops.

  Morgan and Paul flanked him, with Kara running behind a few steps before launching herself up into the air and hanging some ten meters above Ken’slan while traveling in a forward arc, whereupon she opened up her wrist weapons and rained down two conical jets of tiny Dre’mo’don blasts, showering the troops ahead of him and ripping off their shields before switching over to the pale green stun energy and doing the same. 40+ of the Scionate dropped to the ground unconscious as Ken’slan got to them, with him lithely hopping over the fallen and heading towards the nearest one still standing.

  Kara zipped forward and repeated the process from the air, mowing down the mass of guards while leaving Paul and Morgan to pick up the pieces, with Paul sticking close to Ken’slan should he need assistance.

  Once the large groups were incapacitated Kara dropped back down to the ground and took it to the scattering of troops hand to hand, punching/stunning them into submission along with the other two Archons while Ken’slan seemed content to beat his own kin hand to hand without using his plasma weapon, and was doing a fair job of it so long as Paul kept them from ganging up on him.

  Within 2 minutes the mass of troops was subdued, leaving an awkward moment of silence as the surrounding crowds looked on with a mix of shock, horror, and confusion as Ken’slan roared again and Kara flew up into the air in front of the main doors, pausing momentarily to summon up a small green/white orb that she then sent into the seam between them. It melted a hole straight through, which she flew over to and pried open by hand, finally using her shoulder and legs to force the doors apart, breaking the repaired components that were keeping them locked into place as a hail of yellow plasma blasts hit her from the infantry inside…ineffectually.


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