Dark Seeds

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Dark Seeds Page 3

by Tish Thawer

Knock, knock. “Apples for the queen’s pie,” he announced as he’d seen others previously do, his voice aged and hoarse.

  The thick wooden door creaked open and Zakrill eased inside. The kitchen was bustling with activity and smelled of fresh bread and succulent fruit. Herbs hung from metal pot holders overhead, while flames and steam rose from the massive stove in the corner. It looked like every old-world kitchen he’d seen in every other castle he’d been, except for the glittering fairies floating from here to there.

  They worked with a precision of a well-trained army, and Zakrill suddenly wondered if that’s exactly what they were––that if he tossed the apples and ran for the door, would he be captured and detained by the queen’s servant horde?

  “Leave them on the block and go,” instructed the head cook, a bristling Unseelie fae the size of an ogre. Zakrill slowly approached the butchers block in the center of the room and slid his basket onto the wooden surface, leaving its uneven bottom precariously dangling over the edge.

  With a slight push of magick the basket crashed to the floor. “Oh no, my apologies!” Zakrill rushed forward to ‘help’, but instead took down an entire cluster of bowls and spoons, filling the space with a loud clang.

  Fairies fluttered in every direction, trying to catch the runaway fruit and clean up the mess. By the time order was restored, Zakrill was gone.

  Maintaining his disguise, Zakrill slinked along the stone walls, finding his way up from the bowels of the castle and into the main corridor. Once there, he altered his spell to change his attire into something more appropriate. Now layered in the dark, gauzy fabric of the elite Unseelie, Zakrill stood tall and slid into the crowd, walking unhindered toward the queen’s main wing. There, he’d take on another persona––perhaps one of her handmaidens, and hopefully find the chamber in which she was keeping the book with ease. He could feel its pull within his chest and quickened his pace.

  “Halt,” cried a voice from behind.

  Zakrill slowed but kept walking.

  “I said, halt!” Heavy footsteps sounded on the black marble of the hall. Zakrill’s muscles tightened, preparing to fling the stunning spell he had at the ready. Magick flickered at his fingertips as a man pushed past him and barreled toward a woman in rags just a few feet ahead.

  “Ma’am, state your purpose,” the guard instructed, spinning her around.

  Her arms overflowed with luxurious bolts of fabric. “For the queen’s seamstress, sir.”

  Zakrill lowered his head and kept walking.

  Around the next bend, the book’s pull dragged him left and up a narrow flight of stairs. At the top of the landing the walls smoothed––the queen’s private chambers most likely lying somewhere up ahead. However, it was the smooth wall to his right that tugged at his magick with a hard yank.

  Zakrill ran his hand over the plastered wall and quickly found the recess he was looking for. “Reveal,” he whispered. A small circle appeared and within its center a red stone glowed, shining with a light that writhed and pulsed. Reaching out, his fingers stretched toward the stone but stopped short as sparks of electricity zapped his skin. “Damn,” he cursed, snatching his hand back.

  Taking a deep breath, he pulled on his dark magick to try again. Letting his mind wander into the astral plane, he hoped to get a glimpse of the secret room––specifically, its layout and where his precious book might be held within. Unfortunately, for all his effort, all he got was another massive shock to his system.

  “Clever,” he snarled, sifting through layers of fae magick. The queen had fused the dark magick she’d borrowed from him with spells of her own in order to fortify the seal specifically against him. She could wield his powers, but he couldn’t wield hers, which gave her the upper hand.

  For now.

  Chapter Ten

  At the direction of Diana’s new mission, Aryiah’s toes sank into the pure white sand as she and Damarius walked towards the water’s edge on Dalestri’s northern shore. “So, exactly how many times have you visited Themiscyra?” she asked with a lifted brow.

  “As I’ve told you before, the Amazons may be fierce warriors, but none compare to you. Your beauty is unrivaled, my love.” Damarius smoothed a strand of hair from her face. “Their current leader, Kylie, has always been a friend and ally to your mother and will be thrilled to see you as well.”

  Aryiah smiled and gave a little shrug. “I’m excited to see her too. I remember her from my time as Aradia and hope she’ll be as accepting of me in my new life as all the others have been.”

  “I have no doubt she will be.” Damarius took Aryiah’s hand and shaded them across the sea to the home of the Amazons.

  “My friends!” Kylie greeted with them open arms. “It’s my honor to have the Queen of the Witches and the Leader of the Wild Hunt pay us a visit. It’s been too long.” She slugged Damarius’ shoulder and embraced Aryiah in an all-encompassing hug as if nothing had changed between them. “Come. It seems we have much to discuss.”

  Damarius nodded and took Aryiah’s hand, following Kylie up the stone walkway that would lead to their temple.

  Gazing upon the lush cliffs, Aryiah’s eyes welled. Sparkling waterfalls and white alabaster structures dotted the rolling hills. “I forgot just how beautiful Themiscyra is.”

  Kylie turned and looked up at the lavender tinted sky, enjoying the silver haze hanging in the air. “I agree, this world never ceases to amaze me. Your mother’s magick surrounds everything and makes me feel as though my own is always with me.”

  Aryiah smiled, saddened by the sentiment.

  Kylie’s true mother had died long ago in the realm of Abrinthill in a small village that had been raided by demons; the same village where Kylie was born and where she was kidnapped and forced to face Rezmona, the Queen of the Demons herself. Kylie’s story and transformation into the Amazon standing before them had become legendary. But that was a tale from another time.

  Aryiah squeezed Damarius’ hand and replied, “I said something similar the first time I’d gazed upon the sky in Dalestri as well. It is mesmerizing indeed.”

  “And just another reason why we have to put a stop to whatever plans Fayln and this Darkling have in mind. I will not allow our beautiful world to be destroyed.” Kylie stiffened, her muscles matching the tenseness of her voice. “Come. Let’s dine while we discuss what the Amazon’s have discovered.”

  Aryiah and Damarius followed Kylie into the Great Hall and took seats at the far end of an expansive wooden table.

  “Before I came to live here, I was known as the Prophecy’s Child in my home realm. I’ll spare you the specifics, but the important part is that I was trained by priests to use the magick of my ancestors to protect and bring prosperity to our lands.” She reached down to the chair beside her and then slammed down a stack of massive old books onto the table. “They used these books to train me, as the priests themselves possessed no magick of their own.”

  Aryiah pushed from her chair, reaching a hand in the direction of the ancient tomes. “Yes. I feel it. These books are full of ancient magick.”

  “Now see, that’s what I find curious, because they’ve never been before. The texts only described how to use magick, but only the Prophecy’s Child could wield it. The books themselves were solely informational.”

  Damarius lifted a shoulder and glanced at Aryiah in confusion.

  “There’s more.” Kylie spun the top book in their direction so they could read it right-side up. “This one is new.” She pointed to the thick, tattered leather-bound book.

  Aryiah and Damarius leaned forward and read the raised letters that formed two words, ‘Amazon History’.

  “As I mentioned, the books from my original world never held any magick themselves, but yesterday, this book appeared in the Hall of Knowledge and began to glow as bright as the sun. I signaled the Goddess Diana immediately, and that’s when she said she’d be sending you to meet with me.”

  “So, before yesterday, this book on ‘Amazon Hi
story’ has never been in your possession?” Damarius asked.

  “No, it hasn’t. And I tried to open it to see what history it could be depicting, and the damn thing won’t open.” Kylie yanked on the cover which stayed in place, proving her point. “I believe the goddess hoped you could get a read on where it truly originated from, because it didn’t come from us.” She slid the book toward Aryiah.

  Aryiah reached for the book and slid it into her lap. The magic pulsing from within was intense and had been the sum of what she felt when she first scanned the stack. She looked back at the remaining tomes from Kylie’s home world and felt their purpose was benign and informational just as Kylie had explained.

  This book, however, currently remained a mystery.

  Watch for Queen of the Witches

  (Book 2 in the Ovialell series)

  coming soon.


  Places and Settings:

  Ovialell – Pronounced (Oh-Vee-uh-lell) The “Otherworld” ruled by the Goddess Diana and protected by her Witches.

  Shadowlands – The alternate realm in which those with the ability to shade use to travel from place to place.

  Dalestri– Pronounced (Da-les-tri) Home of the Goddess Diana, the werewolves, and the Witches on the Upper World of Ovialell.

  Themiscyra – Pronounced (Them-is-cyra) Home of the Amazons. An island off the northern shore of Dalestri on the Upper World of Ovialell.

  Inlavey – Home of the Seelie fae in the Middle World of Ovialell.

  Karistan – Home of the Unseelie fae in the Middle World of Ovialell.

  Obsidian – Home of the vampires in the Lower World of Ovialell.

  Hel – Home of the demons in the Lower World of Ovialell.

  Abrinthill - A once thriving demon world. Original home of Kylie, Leader of the Amazons. Also the lost realm where Aradia banished the Darklings to during the Great Rift.

  Races and Organizations:

  The Witches – A coven of powerful witches who run with the Goddess Diana during the Wild Hunt, and are charged with protecting the citizens of Ovialell with their magick and healing abilities.

  Werewolves – A race created for the specific purpose of protecting the Goddess, and who run with her during the Wild Hunt. Led by Damarius.

  Darklings – A humanoid race of creatures with extensive magickal powers and a thirst for destruction. Responsible for starting the war referred to as the Great Rift.

  Amazons – A race of magickally enhanced women who live on the Island of Themiscyra. They are fierce warriors and support the Goddess Diana. Led by Kylie.

  The Seelie fae – A race of light fae, known for their playful ways, white magick, intricate carvings, and magickal land. Led by Queen Shay.

  The Unseelie fae – A race of dark fae, known for their twisted land and dark magick. Led by Queen Fayln.

  Vampires – Simple creatures of death that feed on human blood, enjoy the kill, and lurk in the night.

  Demons – Considered the worst creatures of Ovialell for their infighting and scavenger-like destruction; Demons are humanoid creatures with transparent flesh stretched over emaciated skeletons, giving them the appearance of being see-through, with their longs arms ending in pointed claws instead of fingers.

  Phrases and Terms:

  Shading – The ability to travel through the Shadowlands from one place to another while remaining shaded and hidden from the rest of the world.

  The Great Rift – A war started by the Darklings which divided Ovialell between good and evil, ending in a horrible loss of life and destruction.

  Shamanic Journey – A series of meditative journeys that a Witch is led through by her guide. The shamanic journeys start in Lower World, then up to Middle World, and finally to Upper World, where they meet the Goddess Diana. During these journeys they not only face trials, but are given instructions on what they should be studying in the real world in order to prepare them for the release of their magick.

  About the Author

  Bestselling and Award-Winning Author, Tish Thawer, writes paranormal romances for all ages. From her first paranormal cartoon, Isis, to the Twilight phenomenon, myth, magic, and superpowers have always held a special place in her heart.

  Tish is known for her detailed world-building and magic-laced stories. Her work has been compared to Nora Roberts, Sam Cheever, and Charlaine Harris. She has received nominations for a RONE Award (Reward of Novel Excellence), and Author of the Year (Fantasy, Dystopian, Mystery), as well as nominations and wins for Best Cover, and Reader’s Choice Award.

  Tish has worked as a computer consultant, photographer, and graphic designer, and is a columnist for Gliterary Girl media and has bylines in RT Magazine and Literary Lunes Magazine. She resides in Colorado with her husband and three wonderful children and is represented by Gandolfo, Helin, and Fountain Literary Management.

  You can find out more about Tish and her all titles by visiting: www.TishThawer.com and subscribing to her newsletter at www.tishthawer.com/subscribe

  Also by Tish Thawer

  The Rose Trilogy

  Scent of a White Rose - Book 1

  Roses & Thorns - Book 1.5

  Blood of a Red Rose - Book 2

  Death of a Black Rose - Book 3

  The Ovialell Series

  Aradia Awakens - Book 1

  Prophecy’s Child - Companion

  The Rise of Rae - Companion

  Shay and the Box of Nye - Companion

  Behind the Veil - Omnibus

  The Women of Purgatory

  Raven’s Breath - Book 1

  Dark Abigail - Book 2

  The Witches of BlackBrook

  The Witches of BlackBrook - Book 1

  The Daughters of Maine - Book 2

  The TS901 Chronicles

  TS901:Anomaly - Book 1


  Christmas Lites II

  Losing It: A Collection of V-Cards

  Fairy Tale Confessions

  Dance With Me




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