The Legend of Elora: Book 1 A Queen's Quest

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The Legend of Elora: Book 1 A Queen's Quest Page 7

by K. M. Bonde

  “I’ll take care of it,” Eadric says. “Don’t worry, Elora.”

  “Thank you, Eadric,” she replies, grinning at him. With good people on my side, surely I’ll succeed, right? The crowd has started murmuring about the impending danger, and Elora puts a hand up to quiet them. “Everyone, please stay calm. If anything comes to this village, protect each other, and remember why we must fight.”

  The crowd applauds, shouting their thanks to her, before they go back to their work around the village. Elora scans the dispersing crowd, noticing her parents aren’t there.

  “If you’re looking for Bruce and Catherine,” Ryan says, “They’re in the house with Myrna. Your mom is resting.”

  Elora smiles. “How did you know I was going to ask that?”

  “Because I know you,” Ryan says, smiling.

  She presses a quick kiss to his lips. “Thank you. Now, I need to go back to the dragon and tell him what I’ve learned.”

  “I’ll see you soon,” Ryan calls after her.

  Elora calls to Felan, and they head toward the path leading to the dragon. After a short journey up the hill she gazes upon the majestic waterfall cave once more.

  Elora treads carefully, mindful of the wet floors. Soon, a familiar shadow appears.

  “I can feel that you have grown in power, you defeated Sheagrim. You have conquered your fears. What is my name?” it calls out to her.

  Elora looks at the dragon and answers confidently. “You are Sheanadria.”

  The dragon moves his head around, roars, and breaths fire in the cave, “I am one of the beasts, and my power is yours.”

  A light erupts from the dragon and hits Elora, lifting her mid-air just like before. The light covers her, and she screams as the power engulfs her. Her mind feels like it might explode, and her body is trying to adjust to the sudden influx of power and energy. A series of explosive visions appear before her, visions of ancient wars and heroes fighting on a vast battlefield. She sees the births and deaths of thousands, the tremendous knowledge and visions of the past bombarding her mind.

  I can’t… she thinks, the knowledge and pain invading her body faster than it can adjust. Screaming is no longer an option; even that is too much for her. It scares her, and at the same cleanses her. Her world expands, and her connection to the Sheastream swells like an untamed wave on an ocean.

  As she falls to the ground, the dragon speaks. “What you are feeling is the power of Sheastream. Your connection is even stronger, and soon, you will not need weapons. You will be a weapon, just like the old Queen Cornelia. I will tell you the story and what you must do.”

  The dragon continues, “A long time ago, the Great War tore these lands and people apart. A great evil laid waste to Kurbits Dale and slaughtered everyone who refused to obey. A few heroes emerged and eventually destroyed the evil. One of these heroes was to become king of Kurbits Dale, and his lineage ruled in peace for thousands of years, until now. He was the first King Lightheart.”

  “His daughter and heir, Cornelia, was very gifted with the Sheastream, and her connection was so strong that she could manipulate all things. She created a special council of gifted people, Elders, they kept the peace in all lands and was the truth and justice for all. They created a portal to a land more destructive than ours; this was the world you were taken to. It was created to forge balance in the lands and it worked, but it did not last. The connection between the worlds was soon forgotten, and so was the portal. Evil was vanquished, or so we thought.”

  “The lands blossomed and people were happy, until one day not that long ago when Grimdar Blackhand brought his army of despair to the kingdom. He came from the uninhabitable rocky slopes of the southeast. He had knowledge about the Sheastream that no one could compete with. He soon killed almost all of the council members, and no one left could threaten his power. It was foretold that one day a child would be born that would be of direct lineage from old Queen Cornelia, with all her powers dormant inside. The ancient beasts decided to hide the triggers for these powers within themselves so only the Chosen One could access them. Since then, we have waited and waited for this child to arrive.”

  The dragon pauses, the silence dragging on as he looks at Elora. “You now have two of your powers restored, strength from Sheagrim and knowledge from me,” he continues. “You must find the remaining powers and train to master them. I will send word to the Elders, who will send word to all the clans of Kurbits Dale to prepare for war again. The darkness brews in the east, beyond the Great Desert. It used to be a place of hope and light, but now, darkness grows and people are slaves to Grimdar.”

  “You must seek out the Mountain Clan high up in Silvburgh, in their home of Dal'Mora. Deep in the mountains beneath Dal'Mora lays the ancient beast Morg'hue. He holds access to your next power. You must choose your council wisely, as they will be your protection and guides on this journey. Be aware that the Dark Forces will try to stop you from reaching your goal.”

  Elora, still reeling from the power surge, can't believe that this is all happening. Just a few days ago, she was a young woman from a big city in search of an adventure. And now, she is a queen who must save a broken kingdom. She falls to her knees, wanting to cry, but she can't. Her head is filled with all this knowledge about this world; it hurts her and, it feels like her head will burst. She puts her hands over her head, trying to massage it, to make it feel better. How did I end up here? How could this happen to me, a city girl with little experience?

  The dragon continues, “Go, Elora, walk down to the village where your people awaits you and choose your travel party. May the Sheastream be strong with you and keep you connected to these lands.”

  Elora's shoulders sink as the dragon disappears into the shadows. She mutters to herself as she exits the cave. “So many questions and so few answers.”

  * * *

  Elsewhere, in a dark throne room, a man runs in through a pair of heavy doors and up toward the throne. He falls to the floor, bowing before the throne. The dark figure sitting on the throne stands and looks down at man.

  The man on the floor speaks, his voice shaking. “Master, we have disturbing news from the forests in the west. A girl has come to our lands, and she brings the prophecy.”

  The dark figure comes closer and raises his hand, almost as if he was to slap the man. “What are you doing about it?”

  “Master, we have sent our scouts to all the lands,” the servant whispers.

  Soon, a stream of dark rays erupts from the dark figure, and as they hit the man on the floor, he falls down in agony. His body seems to erupt from the inside and explodes in seconds, tainting the floor red with blood.

  “Now, where were we?” The dark figure looks at the other people in the room. “Ah yes. Leave at once and bring me answers. If this girl is a threat, then bring me her head.”

  Chapter 8: The Journey

  Elora slowly walks over the little bridge, pausing for a while looking at the water. The water is so clear, she can see her reflection. Next to her reflection, a wolf head suddenly appears, staring at her curiously. Elora grins and tilts her head to one side.

  “Felan, my friend, we have much to do, I am so happy that you came back to me.” She hugs the wolf, and then they continue walking toward the village center.

  In Flaxan, people are standing around chatting, and they smile when they see Elora approach. She walks through the mass to the middle of the center where Alric and Eadric are waiting. People are moving out of the way, pointing and whispering at Felan. Elora positions herself in front of them and turns to the crowd.

  Though she now has the power of ancient knowledge, this mission still has her nervous. The crowd stares at her expectantly, but when she opens her mouth to speak, no words come out.

  Bruce walks up to her and puts his hand on her shoulder. “People of Flaxan, please let me introduce Elora Lightheart, our queen. She is the true daughter of King and Queen Lightheart. Together with my wife, we were tasked to prot
ect her, and we took her away far from here for a long time. We were unaware of the events here, and we thought we did what was best for her, but in the end, this is her rightful place, among her people.”

  Elora smiles at Bruce for saving her. She has been able to gather her thoughts more and is straightening her shoulders a little and takes a deep breath before she starts to talk. “I grew up in a different world, but something called me back here. I have heard that there is a prophecy that a person will come to free this world from the evil. I have been told that I am this person, but I must find this path on my own. I don't know where to start.” She pauses, but the crowd remains quiet, waiting for her to continue. “I’m afraid of the unknown dangers and evil forces that will hunt us, but we must fight for our freedom, to regain what was once ours, what was once enjoyed by our ancestors. There is a whisper now, so fragile, like a soft song blowing in the wind. A whisper of a person coming to free you, this prophecy scares the evil and we must use this to our advantage. We must make this whisper grow into a powerful song sung by a thousand people. We must show unity and resolve as we gather our strength for the upcoming war. I will travel to find my destiny and the dormant powers given to me at birth. We must decide who will come with me on this journey. But you need to know that whoever comes may not return, as this will be a dangerous journey.”

  The crowd begins to whisper, and Eadric soon stands next to Elora. “I will follow you and protect you with my sword, Queen Elora.”

  Ryan joins next, standing on Elora’s other side. “I will always be with you and follow you to the end.

  Remus is trying to run to Elora when Myrna holds him back. “You are not going anywhere, Remus.”

  Remus looks at his mother, pouting. “I can fight too.” His mother holds him firmly in place.

  Bruce walks up to Elora next. “I will come with you. I have a friend in the city that can help us, and I will take you there and then return to protect your mother.”

  “I am more needed here to protect the village,” Alric says, “but I will send my apprentice in my place.”

  Elora looks curiously at Alric. “Who is your apprentice?”

  “My apprentice will be back soon from an important task that needed solving. Her name is Arddun, and she is gifted with the Sheastream. She will be able to help you understand your powers.”

  Elora smiles. “Thank you. We should go inside to discuss our next steps. Five of us is plenty to make a swift journey to the mountains.” Then, she turns her attention back to the crowd. “Thank you. Please be safe and continue protecting the village and each other.”

  Elora, Alric, Ryan, Bruce, and Eadric walk toward Alric's house. Felan strolls next to Elora, never leaving her sight, protecting her like he has always done. Ryan is close to Elora on the other side, lightly touching her hand as they walk with the group. She smiles at the gesture. I’m so glad he came with me, she thinks.

  Alric's house is at the end of the village near the water, providing a beautiful view over the water and the mountains. It’s a small house, and it surprises Elora that a wizard and Elder lives here. I thought he would have a bigger house considering how powerful he is. When Alric opens the wooden door, it groans on its hinges, and the party enters.

  Potions and pouches are strewn on various tables, robes on hooks near the door, and staffs against the wall near one of the tables. A fire in the corner casts a warm glow over the room. The team gathers around a table near the window while Alric tells Elora, “Come with me.” They walk through a door, climb a set of stairs, and step onto a balcony.

  Alric gazes toward the mountains. “Elora, the Elder of the Mountain Clan can be a little grumpy, at least until he has got his ale.” The wizard lights his pipe while viewing the mountains, puffing a ring of smoke. “They are not like us here in the valley. They’re dwarves. You know, miners and fighters, not as connected to the Sheastream as we, but strong-willed and honest. One of them should be able to follow you on this quest. I had a vision of you and him fighting together. But, you must take great caution beyond the mountains. The path is cold and treacherous.”

  “This is not going to be a short trip, is it?” Elora gazes out at the mountains, realizing now just how far away they are from Flaxan.

  Alric shakes his head. “I am sorry that you have to do this.”

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a medallion. It’s shiny and round, and a few waves decorate the top. Alric offers it to Elora, and when she takes it in her hand, it begins to glow. She raises her eyebrows.

  Alric puffs on his pipe again. “Always wear it, as it will protect you. The light you see and the power you feel from the medallion is your connection to the Sheastream. It talks to you. In time, you will learn what it says and draw power from it. According to legend, Cornelia could speak back to the Sheastream and draw power from all around her and manipulate everything to her will. In time, you will also be able to do this.”

  Elora looks at him, then fastens the medallion around her neck. “How will I know how to do that?”

  Alric points to the mountains. “Looks out toward the mountains. What do you see, Elora?”

  “Water, trees, mountains, the sun, bushes, and flowers.”

  “And what can you hear?”

  Elora listens and listens. “I can hear people and the wind and birds and...”

  Alric stops her. “You hear and see what everyone else hears and sees. Once you grow your power, you will see and hear things that others cannot. When that happens, you will know.” Then, he puts his pipe away and motions for Elora to follow him into the house.

  When they come back inside, Bruce and Ryan are standing at the table looking at a map. Eadric sits in one of the chairs. Ryan looks up from the map and waves Elora over. “Come and look. It is a map over Flaxan and the near surroundings.”

  Elora approaches the table. It’s beautiful map, highlighting the major attractions in the area like the waterfall, the cave, and the hill with the big tree. There’s no portal on this map, how odd, Elora thinks. She’s about to ask Alric about this when the front door creaks open and Arddun walks in.

  She is a slim woman wearing a big robe and staff in her hand. The staff has a red crystal stone at the top, wooden branches gripping it tightly. Her robe has a hood covering much of her face, and Elora can’t get a good look at her.

  She walks in, lowers her hood, and bows to Elora. “My Queen.”

  She’s not much older than me. “Hello,” Elora responds politely.

  Arddun takes off her robe and puts it on a chair, revealing several markings that look like tree branches on her arms.

  “Welcome back, Arddun,” says Alric. “I expect your mission was successful?”

  “It was.” She hands him some leaves.

  “Excellent, now my pipe can be refilled.”

  Elora looks at him, her mouth open in disbelief. “That important task was to obtain smokes for you?”

  Alric plops the leaves into a mortar, then turn and smiles at Elora. “These are no ordinary leaves. They are rare and only the brightest can find them.”

  Eadric rolls his eyes and stands up. “Enough of this! Let’s make a plan so we can move out.”

  “There were soldiers in a village far to the east,” Arddun says, pointing to the map. “A person I spoke to said they are going from village to village searching for Elora.”

  “It’s even more important to move soon,” says Bruce, frowning. “And we should not go south to the mountains, but west to the city of Bor'lansh to meet my friend.”

  “The roads to the city are full of bandits this time of the year!” Eadric exclaims. “Have you already forgotten how our world works?”

  “Not any worse than all the foul animals and beasts on the Southern Pass,” says Bruce coolly. “We can avoid this and get the help we need in the city.”

  Everyone looks at Elora. She looks between them, looking for a hint of what to do. How am I supposed to know what to do? She wants to make the right decision, but
she isn’t familiar enough with this world to know who is right. Still, something inside of her tells her that the city is where they need to go. Is it her gut? Or some other unknown force guiding her through her struggle? I guess it’s all I have to go on. “We'll go to the city first, even if it adds to the time. It’s important to get all the help we can get for the coming war.”

  Eadric picks up his sword and faces Elora. “I'll go get my equipment from home and meet you outside.”

  Bruce looks at the map one more time before he nods. “Alright. I'll go and say goodbye to Catherine. I'll be back soon.”

  As the two men leave, Arddun walks up to Elora and hands her a dagger. “Take this. It is made of the strongest steel ever created. It’s sharp enough to penetrate the heart of a Garbhan.”

  Elora holds the dagger steady in her hand and examines it. “What’s a Garbhan?”

  Alric holds out his hands. “It is a massive beast that lives in the Frosty Plains. It has a protected encased heart making it very difficult to kill. Normal swords can’t damage it.”

  Arddun nods. “If it can kill a Garbhan, it can kill anything we encounter. Please use it until your powers are stronger.” Then, the apprentice picks up her robe and staff, preparing to leave. “When you have your full powers, you won’t need any weapons.”

  That’s what the dragon said to me, too, Elora thinks as she watches Arddun leave.

  Ryan comes up next to Elora and takes her hand. “Everything will be okay,” he says, his voice soft. “We’ve made it this far.”

  “Safe journey,” Alric says. “Know that the Sheastream is always with you.”

  Elora and Ryan head outside, interlocking hands as they leave, and Elora sees Catherine walking toward them. Elora drops Ryan’s hand and runs to meet her mother. They meet in a warm hug, and Elora feels her mother’s tears soaking the shoulder of her shirt.


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