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Larken Page 15

by S. G. Rogers

  “So…what have you been doing with yourself?” Rowe asked.

  “I changed my name and joined a company of actors, strangely enough,” Theo replied. “I rather thought my former life over until Brandon and his family appeared a few weeks ago. I can’t tell you how good it is to be at Graceling Hall again.”

  “How could you let us think you were dead?” Lady Clarissa’s eyelashes were still wet. “Forgive me for speaking out of turn, but you ought to have known better!”

  He gave her a sheepish look. “Lady Clarissa, I’d no idea people thought me dead. I’m distraught anyone would think I’d done it on purpose.”

  Somewhat mollified, she dabbed at her eyes. “My brother and I will let our mutual acquaintances know you’re back, forthwith.”

  “Yes, but you might want to stay home for a few days more until the news has made the rounds, or you will frighten everyone into thinking they’ve seen a ghost!” Rowe exclaimed.

  “Speaking of ghosts, there’s one matter yet to be resolved,” Theo said. “The identity of the poor chap buried in my grave.”

  “It does seem hard his family will never know what became of him,” Larken said.

  “The Liverpool authorities have reopened the case. There’s most certainly a missing persons report on the fellow somewhere, so hopefully his identity will be resolved soon,” Brandon said.

  Rowe raised his glass. “Well, here’s to the reunion of brothers and friends.”

  Brandon grinned as he lifted his glass in response. “Hear, hear.”

  Several weeks later, Brandon received word that his attorney would be arriving at Graceling Hall to speak with Larken. She was bewildered when he showed her the letter.

  “But why would your attorney want to see me?”

  “Mr. Waite writes that he has information regarding your inheritance.”

  “My what?”

  “Yes, it didn’t seem right to me that your parents would have left you nothing, so I asked him to look into it for you.”

  Larken’s knees gave way and she sank onto a chair. “Oh…Brandon, I can’t tell you how much this means to me. I daren’t imagine there is any money left, but I pray Wynstone Park is still mine. It’s been in my family for generations.”

  “I didn’t want you to get your hopes up too high, but I can’t imagine he’d come all this way to give you bad news.”

  The attorney arrived as promised the next afternoon. Brandon ushered him into his study, where Larken was pacing.

  “Hello, Mr. Waite,” she said. “Thank you for coming.”

  The attorney shook Larken’s hand and peered at her over the top of his glasses.

  “So you’re the Miracle Orphan, hmm? I never thought I would be meeting you, but it’s a pleasure.”

  After he was seated, Mr. Waite came straight to the point.

  “Mrs. King, your parents’ will established a trust to be managed on your behalf until you turned eighteen. Shortly after you went to live with the Howleys, they took over management of that trust. I believe they accomplished this by bribing your parents’ solicitor, but I can’t prove it. The man unfortunately drank himself into an early grave, and so he’s not available for comment.”

  “Why haven’t the Howleys turned over the assets to me?”

  “I think you can guess the answer to that. The scoundrels have been living off the trust and from the money they’ve collected for leasing Wynstone Park. There’s also a bank account which they plundered. Fortunately, they spent only the income and the bulk of the principal is still intact.”

  Brandon’s lips thinned in anger. “What can be done?”

  “I’ve contacted the authorities in Rugby and recommended the Howleys be brought up on criminal charges. The long and the short of it is, you’re a woman of some means, Mrs. King.” He produced a key ring. “These are the keys to Wynstone Park. The property is vacant at present, if you wish to inspect it.”

  Larken reached out a trembling hand for the keys. As her fingers closed around them, it felt almost as if her parents were there, reminding her she’d not been forgotten. She gulped back tears.

  “I-I can’t wait to go home.” She cast a guilty glance at Brandon. “My former home, that is.”

  “North Yorkshire is only about sixty miles from Newcastle. We can visit tomorrow, if you like.” Brandon paused. “It’ll mean a short journey by train.”

  “I can manage the train, I think, and I’d like to visit Wynstone Park very much.”

  The attorney stood. “That concludes my business. I’ll keep you abreast of the legal proceedings against the Howleys.”

  “I’m grateful to you, sir,” Larken managed.

  Brandon left to escort Mr. Waite to the door, and when he returned to the study, Larken was still clutching the keys in her hand.

  “So I’ve brought something to the marriage after all,” she said.

  “You brought far more to our marriage than an inheritance. You saved me from myself.”

  Larken gave a little wiggle as the cab turned into a long tree-lined driveway.

  “Thank you for bringing me. I’m very excited to be here.”

  Brandon laughed. “I noticed!”

  “The grounds have been neglected.” A sorrowful glance. “I’m sorry you’re to tour Wynstone Park when it’s not at its best.”

  “Don’t worry, I have a good imagination.” As he caught sight of something through the window, his expression changed. “Is that the house? Why, it’s splendid!”

  She followed his glance. “It is, isn’t it?”

  Returning to Wynstone Park after so many years truly felt like a homecoming. The carriage had barely stopped when she flung open the door and jumped down without assistance. Impatient to see inside the house, she dashed underneath the porte-cochère, but she was obliged to wait while Brandon brought the keys. He purposely blocked her path as he unlocked the door and threw it wide. In the next moment, he scooped her up and carried her through the opening.

  “What are you doing?” she exclaimed.

  “It’s tradition for a man to carry his blushing bride over the threshold of their new home.” He set her down on her feet.

  “But it’s not our new home.”

  “It is if you want it to be.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Graceling Hall was supposed to be Theo’s inheritance. As firstborn, it’s his birthright, but while I’m there he’ll never feel as if he’s the master of the house. I’m going to relinquish ownership of the estate, and I want you to consider whether you’d like to live here instead.”

  Stunned, Larken stared at him. “But…what about Myles!”

  “He’ll come with us, of course. Along with his pony and the new dog, too.”


  “Don’t decide now. Let me have a tour of the house and grounds and we’ll see how you feel.”

  “You may have noticed, it’s far less grand than Graceling Hall.”

  “Any home with you in it is a palace, in my estimation.”

  A soft smile. “You talk so sweetly, sir, you shall sweep me off my feet.”

  The growing spark in his eyes meant he’d caught her meaning full well. As Larken took him through the house, the furniture may have been covered with sheets but her memories of the place were laid gloriously bare. The more she thought about the idea of living in the home, the more she warmed to the notion. No ballroom existed, but the oriental rugs in the large drawing room could be rolled back for dancing, if need be. The dining room was also quite large, and the two-story library was lined with thousands of beautiful leather-bound volumes. Brandon actually gasped with pleasure when he saw it.

  When Larken entered her old bedroom, she was taken aback by its cozy size. “I hadn’t remembered it being so small.”

  Brandon came up behind her and wrapped her in his arms. “It’s perfect for a nursery.”

  As he trailed nibbling kisses down her bare neck, she closed her eyes and reveled in the delicious warmth
his lips aroused. When he finally pulled away, he was flushed.

  “Blazes! There I go, starting something I can’t finish again.”

  Equally flushed, Larken cleared her throat. “Let me show you the rest of the house. Then we can walk outside where the air is cooler.”

  After they’d examined every part of Wynstone Park, inside and out, they returned to the cab for the drive back to the train station.

  “Tell me your thoughts,” he said. “Does the notion of living in your family home appeal to you?”

  “I confess, it does. Graceling Hall is a grand estate, to be sure, but I never really saw myself as mistress of it.”

  “It’s settled then.” Brandon smiled, yet he seemed contemplative.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Now that we’ve decided, I’m beginning to realize how fond I’ve grown of Graceling Hall.”

  “We don’t have to leave, you know.”

  “Yes, we do. It’s the right thing for Theo.”

  “Mr. King, you possess the highest character of any man I’ve ever known.”

  When she leaned forward to kiss him, he pulled her onto his lap.

  “You have a marvelous knack for distracting me from my troubles, Mrs. King,” he said. “By all means, distract away.”

  For the remainder of the short drive, she did her best to divert his attention from anything other than her overwhelming need for him.

  “Let me come to you tonight,” he whispered. “Please.”

  His kisses had turned her blood to molten gold, and she wanted more…so much more.

  “Yes,” she said. “Oh, yes.”

  “Riding on the train feels like we’re flying on the magic carpet from Arabian Nights. Our visit to London was the best ever!”

  “It’s not every day a girl turns fourteen,” her mother said. “A few years from now we’ll go back for your first Season.”

  “I can’t wait!”

  Gentle force pressed Larken into her father’s shoulder.

  “What’s happening, Papa?”

  He glanced out the window. “The train is going around a curve, that’s all. And it looks like we’re about to pass over a bridge.”

  “I don’t like bridges.”

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart, nothing will happen. Trains cross bridges every day.”

  “It’s perfectly safe,” her mother added.

  Despite her parents’ soothing words, as the bridge drew closer, she clutched at her father’s arm. Her mother gave her a sympathetic smile, but Larken gritted her teeth nevertheless. After the train was on the other side of the bridge, she let out her breath.

  “We made it!”

  “See? I told you there was nothing to worry about,” her father said.

  Her mother laughed. “You’re safe now, and you always will be.”

  Larken’s eyes popped open. The sun was up and she was snuggled in Brandon’s arms. With a satisfied smile, she stirred to see if he was awake.

  “Is that my wildcat or my wife?” he murmured into her hair. “Oh, it’s both.”

  “You’d better sneak back to your room before we’re caught.”

  “I hope we are caught. The sooner everyone knows you’re mine, the better. By the way, you should know I’m not at all put off by your silly scars. I think you mentioned them just to inflame me.”

  “Were you inflamed?”

  “Exceedingly.” He paused. “I hope you’re not put off by mine?”

  She used her fingertip to trace the pink, puffy flesh where the épée had pierced Brandon’s shoulder.

  “As a matter of fact, your scar makes you far more dashing than ever.”

  “If that’s a pretty lie, I choose to believe it.”

  “Believe it.” A luxurious stretch. “I can’t remember when I’ve slept so well, with not a single nightmare.”

  He propped himself up on his elbow. “Perhaps I chased the bad dreams away.”

  A giggle. “Myles suggested you would.”

  “A smart lad.” He nuzzled her neck. “Have I told you yet this morning how much I love you?”

  She pretended to consider the matter. “Mmm…not in so many words.”

  “I love you, Larken Burke King.”

  “And I love you, Brandon King. Let’s hope my husband doesn’t find out.”

  “Oh…he already knows.”

  They spent several wonderful minutes saying good morning to one another, but finally it was time to greet the day. Brandon had no sooner donned his dressing gown when Nell knocked on the door and entered the room. She gasped and backed out immediately with a muttered, “Beg pardon!”

  As the door slammed shut, Larken laughed. “Well, you’ve done it now, Brandon. We’ve no secrets any longer.”

  He grinned, locked the door, and returned to bed with a wicked gleam in his eye. “In that case, another half hour won’t matter.”


  A Note From the Author

  Did you enjoy reading about the world of Larken Burke King? I’m busy working on two sequels, to be released in 2015. Here’s a peek…

  Lord Apollo & the Irish Colleen

  Theo King has returned to Graceling Hall five years after his supposed death, but a mystery remains. A stranger is buried in his grave, and nobody knows if his death was accidental…or murder. As Theo resumes his former life, the dead man’s sister shows up on his doorstep to hold him accountable. If he helps this Irish spitfire solve the mystery, will she finally leave him in peace?

  Redemption of Elysium Fields

  Actress Josie Wilkes helped rescue her friend Larken from kidnappers, but she’s now paying a heavy price. One of the men involved in the plot has threatened to kill her and she has no choice but to flee London and start her life over again. Can she hide her past long enough to catch a snobbish society gentleman, or should she look for a man who will love her as she is?

  About the Author

  Originally from Southern California, S.G. Rogers currently resides in beautiful Savannah, Georgia. She writes paranormal, historical romance, fantasy, and romantic fantasy stories, is owned by two hairless cats, Houdini and Nikita, and lives on an island populated by exotic birds, deer, and the occasional gator. Tab is her beverage of choice, but when she imbibes, a cranberry vodka martini doesn’t go amiss. To follow author S.G. Rogers:

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  Historical romance titles by S.G. Rogers include:

  A Gift for Lara (Love Letters series Book One)

  A Gift for Fiona (Love Letters series Book Two)


  Ruse & Romance

  Jessamine’s Folly

  Duke of a Gilded Age

  The Ice Captain’s Daughter

  Fantasy titles by S.G. Rogers include:

  Kira (Yden series Prequel)

  The Last Great Wizard of Yden (Yden series Book One)

  Children of Yden (Yden series Book Two)

  Secrets of Yden (Yden series Book Three)

  Clash of Wills

  Tournament of Chance: Dragon Rebel

  Dancing with Raven

  Magical Misperception

  If you enjoyed Larken, you might like other historical romance titles by S.G. Rogers:

  A Gift for Lara (Love Letters series Book One)

  Lara Robinson wrote a love letter four years ago, but received no reply. Now the man to whom she gave her heart will visit Blythe Manor for Christmas. How can she enjoy the holidays knowing Miles Greystoke must despise her for revealing her feelings in such an unguarded fashion?

  As an awkward youth, Miles fell in love with a kindred spirit…but his love was unrequited. Against his wishes, he’s now obliged to spend the holidays at Blythe Manor. Time has wrought changes in his physique, but his devotion to Lara Robinson has never wavered. He searches for the perfect present to sho
w her how he feels, but nothing seems quite right…until he realizes the best sort of gift will embrace the true meaning of Christmas.


  A Gift for Fiona (Love Letters series Book Two)

  With one sister married and another soon to be engaged, Fiona Robinson worries she’ll be on the shelf. She pins her hopes on a handsome viscount, but his unexpected proposal to another girl hands her a stinging and demoralizing defeat. A new acquaintance awakens all her senses—until she realizes he’s related to the girl who stole her beau. On the heels of her public humiliation, should Fiona instead consider marriage to a much older man whom she could never love?

  Fiona’s unconventional, earthy looks and mischievous personality appeal to Rory Braithwaite much more than any other woman he’s ever met. Unfortunately, his sister has been the means of ruining Fiona’s happiness. Can he convince Fiona of his sincerity before she makes a mistake she’ll regret for the rest of her life…and his?



  The sole survivor of a train accident, young Larken Burke is dubbed the Miracle Orphan. Four years later, however, her life is far from fortunate. Because of her emotional and physical scars, she believes she’s un-marriageable. With little hope for the future, she agrees to wed a gentleman she’s never met. Unfortunately, his aloof manner proves difficult to take.

  Marked by romantic tragedy and the loss of his brother, Brandon King has forsworn marriage. Obliged to take in a ward, he advertises for a mail-order bride to raise the boy. Since the union is to be a marriage in name only, his criteria are youthful age, a certain level of intellect, good breeding, and that the girl shouldn’t be so ill-favored she would embarrass him in society. To his dismay, he gets more than he’d bargained for.

  Will it take a miracle for Mr. and Mrs. King to fall in love, or is their marriage another accident waiting to happen?


  Ruse & Romance

  Unjustly labeled a flirt, Kitty Beaucroft is in need of a fiancé. Lord Philip Butler’s father wants him to settle down before he can become a landowner. With no intention of following through, Kitty and Philip enter into a temporary engagement as a means to an end. Unfortunately, someone knows the truth and is determined to expose them. Will the ruse turn into a romance before it’s too late?


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