Fatal Pursuit (The Aegis Series)

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Fatal Pursuit (The Aegis Series) Page 21

by Elisabeth Naughton

  Nerves kicked up in her belly. She’d been stupid to think she could come here and force some kind of emotion out of him. He wasn’t ready for that, and she didn’t want to push him. “Jake, I really need my phone back.”

  “This phone?” He pulled her cell from his back pocket and held it up. “Why?”

  “Because as sweet as this is, it’s not necessary. I’d rather sleep in my own bed. I only live across town.”

  Forty minutes across town, but still. He didn’t know that. She was sure he didn’t even know where she lived.

  “We’ve already been through this. You’re not leaving.” He turned for the door. “Just try to relax and get some sleep.”

  Panic rushed through her. She couldn’t stay here when every inch of her body wanted him. Not when he didn’t want her back. She’d be miserable, and she could just as easily be miserable in her own home. Stepping forward before he could reach the threshold of the room, she closed her fingers around the phone in his hand. “Give me that.”

  He jerked the phone out of her reach and twisted toward her. “You’re not getting this phone.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  She swiped at it. He moved it behind his back. Leaned toward her while he held it farther behind him so she couldn’t reach it. Heat radiated from him into her. She tried to move around him, but he stepped in her way and kept the phone out of her grasp.

  “Dammit, Jake.” She shoved one hand against his shoulder, knocking him into the wall at his back. All she wanted was to get away from his overheated body and that scent of sandalwood, citrus, and leather that always made her a little lightheaded. “I’m not fooling around anymore.”

  “No.” A smile twisted his lips—his plump, playful, way too tempting lips—as he switched hands and wiggled away from her so she still couldn’t reach the phone. “I can tell you’re not.”

  “Then stop being such a brat”—she maneuvered one hand around his back, tried to ignore the way that brought their hips and thighs into contact—“and give me my damn phone.”

  From the corner of her eye she could tell he was staring at her face as she struggled, that he was amused by this little game. And—dammit—she couldn’t even feign being irritated because she liked that he was watching her. Liked that they were touching. Liked that she amused him in any way, because most days she wasn’t sure he even noticed her.

  And that made her the biggest fool on the planet because this was Jake.

  “Okay, enough.” She put on her most serious face, pulled her hand back, and glared up at his dark, mischievous eyes. “Drop my phone.”

  The phone clattered to the ground at their feet. And even though it had fallen between their legs and now was her chance to grab it and run, she suddenly couldn’t move. Because she recognized that look in his eyes. The same look she’d seen from across that jungle village when she’d been dancing around the fire. One filled with heat, with yearning, with a lust that wasn’t just spontaneous, it was downright combustible.

  “I kinda like that tone,” he murmured, his voice rough and low.

  “Jake—” She’d meant to reprimand him, but his name came out more like an invitation than a warning.

  With one step, he closed the space between them, his hands capturing her face in warm, strong palms, the same way he had downstairs. But this time, instead of letting her go, he held her gaze, his own dark eyes glittering with fire and need. “Order me, the way you told me to drop the phone. This is your chance to boss me around. However you want. Take it. You never know when it will come around again.”

  Was he talking about . . . ? No, he couldn’t be. But when she saw the desire burning in his eyes, her resistance wavered. Suddenly, she was the one breathing hard. Her mind pinging between right and wrong, should and should-nots, actions and consequences.

  The corners of his lips tipped up, and those hot eyes slid to her mouth. The muscle in his jaw pulsed, like a tiger holding itself back from pouncing on its prey, waiting for the perfect moment. “Do it.”

  The dark, gritty order threaded heat and need down her chest, and straight between her legs. Pushed aside every last rational thought. “Kiss me, dammit.”

  A flicker of a grin, edgy and victorious, flashed across his handsome face before his mouth covered hers. The familiar feel of his lips brushing hers instantly relieved the tension pulling her body tight, and she swayed into his heat, into his support, into that delicious body she’d been dreaming about for way too long.

  As if he couldn’t help himself, as if it were ingrained in his DNA, he took control again, demanding with his mouth, the same way he had that night in the jungle. Like he couldn’t get enough. Like she was the only thing he wanted. Like he couldn’t live without this. Without her.

  And she let him. Gave herself over to the need that had been building between them ever since that night. She opened and slid her tongue along his, groaned at the warm wetness of his mouth. Knew it was wrong but didn’t care. She needed this. Needed him. He was right. This was an opportunity she might never get again.

  Her hands tightened in the denim at his hips, then stroked up, her fingers pushing the thick sweatshirt away, then the soft cotton of his T-shirt. Finally reaching skin. Heat. Muscle.

  He kissed her deeper, his tongue wild against hers. Greedy. Demanding. Heat flooded her body. Every inch of her skin tingled where they touched. All she could think about was more. More of his kiss, more of his hands, more of his warmth sinking in, grabbing on, never letting go.

  He pulled back long before she was ready. The room spun, and she gasped. Hung on to his sides. Tried not to fall over.

  “Shit,” he whispered. “I wasn’t going to do that again.”

  The sexual fog cleared, just enough so she could focus on the Notre Dame emblem across his wide chest.

  Right. They weren’t supposed to be doing this at all. They’d both agreed what had happened in the jungle wasn’t supposed to happen again. It didn’t matter how much she wanted it. She didn’t want it if he was already having regrets.

  Pulling out of his arms, she pressed the back of her hand against her mouth. Glanced around the room, and tried to remember where she was.

  His guest room. Her gaze shot to the dark window and the snow falling outside in an orange glow from the streetlight beyond. She needed to call a cab. Needed to get the hell out of here. Her gaze dropped to the phone on the floor between them.

  He stepped past her, toward the door, looking sheepish and guilty and—dammit—still sexier than any man had the right to look. “I’m just gonna go.”

  Go. Right. At the moment she was thinking that would be a good move for her too. But she knew he’d never let her leave with the snow falling outside. He was too protective for that. The only thing she could do would be to wait until he went to bed, then call a cab and sneak out before he could stop her.

  “Yeah,” she managed. “Probably a good idea.” But even to her the words sounded weak and disappointed.

  “Right.” He reached for the door handle and stepped out into the hallway. “Night, Marley.”

  She didn’t get the chance to answer. The door snapped closed before she could find the words, and alone, Marley dropped her face into her hands.

  God, she was pathetic. One crazy, impulsive kiss and she was right back where she’d vowed she’d never be. In love with a man who was more freaked out by what was happening between them than she was. Gray was right. This thing between her and Jake was never going to work. Not when they couldn’t even be in the same room without—

  The door creaked. Startled, Marley lowered her hands and looked up. Jake stepped back into the room and shut the door at his back.

  “I want it on record that I left.” His gaze was a little wild. Hot. Oh God . . . smoldering. “I actually walked out the door and left the room. I walked away.”

  Her pulse raced. All that heat and e
nergy splashed in her belly again, followed by a quiver of excitement. “You did.”

  “It’s just . . .” He stepped close, reached for her hips, and gently drew her toward him. “If there’s a chance you have a concussion, even a mild one, I don’t think you’re supposed to go to sleep.”

  A half laugh scraped out of her throat. Jake Ryder, for all his domineering, overbearing traits, had a wicked-sharp sense of humor. One that made her entire body sizzle.

  She bit her lip, lifted her hands, and laid them carefully on his chest. His warm, solid, chiseled chest that did crazy things to her libido. “Isn’t that an old wives’ tale?”

  The corner of his lips curled. Just a touch. Just enough to form a sexy little smirk that made her insides absolutely melt. “Sounds logical though, right?” His gaze swept over her face, trickled down to the top of her breasts just visible near the edge of her tank, then slowly returned to her eyes as if trying to decide where he wanted to start his feast. “I’m pretty sure we need to do something to keep you awake. It’s a medical emergency, after all.”

  Oh, holy God. Yes, yes, yes.

  “Right,” she whispered. A blistering desire rushed through her veins. One she knew she should squash but suddenly didn’t want to. “A medical emergency.” Her hands shifted to his shoulders. His strong, toned, muscular shoulders. “It’s the only thing we can do.”

  She lifted to her toes, slid her hands around his nape, and pressed her lips against his before he could change his mind. If he needed an excuse, fine, she’d let him have one. She just wanted—no, she needed—this. Needed to feel wanted, needed to feel desired, needed to feel beautiful, with him.

  He opened to her kiss, and his tongue stroked along hers, slowly, sensually, so very different from the way he’d kissed her only a moment before. Marley sank in, let him take the lead, forced herself not to overanalyze him or them or this. Forced herself to simply enjoy.

  She pushed her hands into his hair, let her fingers sift through the soft dark strands. Jake moaned deep in his throat and changed the angle of the kiss. One arm left her waist, and the light flipped off, then he walked her backward until her legs hit the mattress.

  He pulled away, grabbed the hem of her tank, and tugged it over her head. “God, Marley. You make me fucking crazy, you know that?”

  Excitement pulsed through her, the words stimulating something deep in the center of her chest that she hadn’t known was there. Before she could respond, his mouth covered hers again, his tongue sliding along hers, tasting, savoring, teasing. His hands stroked her ribs, creating an electric sizzle all across her skin that made her belly quiver.

  Impatient for more, she pushed his sweatshirt and the T-shirt he was wearing beneath higher, and ran her hands over the smooth skin of his back. Pulling away from the kiss, she murmured, “More. I need skin. Give me skin.”

  He groaned, released her, and reached behind his head, tugging both shirts off before tossing them aside. “Like this?”

  “Yes,” she exhaled, the word dripping with an almost evil pleasure. “This.”

  She touched him everywhere, memorizing the delicious feel of him beneath her fingertips, the intoxicating and unique scent of spice and skin, one hundred percent Jake. Pressing a kiss to the center of his chest, she inhaled deeply, savored the heady rush, and smiled. “Mmmm. The smell of you makes me higher than that freaky jungle juice.”

  His deep chuckle vibrated beneath her mouth as she laid a trail of kisses toward his nipple, then pulled the tight flesh between her lips.

  A low, animalistic sound rumbled through his throat. His fingers dug into her waist, and his head dropped back. “I know I shouldn’t, but I love your mouth on me.”

  She knew she shouldn’t too, but she loved the sound of her name on his lips. Wondered how she’d ever lived without it. She rolled her tongue around and around his nipple, thrilled with his pleasure. Wanted only to spend the night discovering every single thing that excited him. Hoped he’d give her the time.

  Lowering one hand, she slid it between their bodies and popped the button on his jeans. His head righted, his lips pressing hard to her brow, her temple, her cheek, then, using his forehead to nudge her head aside, his mouth dropped to her neck.

  Marley floated in lusty heaven, wishing it could last forever. Searching for the tag of his zipper, she nudged his erection, then pushed her hand lower, rubbing her palm along his length.

  “Ah, God, Marley.”

  She smiled, her chest full and light as she stroked him again. “I like it when you say my name.” Not her given name. Not her last name. Not that stupid nickname Gray used. This name. Her name. On his lips. “Do it again.”

  He growled first, then obeyed. “Marley.”

  She kissed his chest, stroked his cock through his pants. Brushed her lips across his neck, ran her hand up and down his steely length. “Again.”

  One hand fisted in her hair and pulled her head back until he was looking directly into her eyes, searching her face in the dim light. Tension hummed from his big body. Lust flamed in his gaze. But his expression was tight with something else. Something more. Affection. Unfulfilled desire. Longing. Something—

  “Marley,” he whispered. He kissed her forehead, slid the tip of his nose down hers. “Marley.” He touched her lips with his. “Marley.” Licked her lips. “Marley.” Pressed his mouth over hers and swept a long, slow stroke of his tongue along hers, kissing her until she was breathless, then pulling away with a soft, hungry, “Marley.”

  Need hit her low and hard. Urgency made her fingers shake. She fumbled with his zipper. Before she could free him from his jeans, though, he lowered his mouth to hers again, then captured her lips in a deep, heart-stopping kiss filled with passion and need. One that consumed her. Overwhelmed her. Made her absolutely dizzy with the thought of only him.

  God, he tasted good. Like a hint of the beer he must have had earlier, like sin and sex and oblivion. And she wanted all of that. Wanted to let go, wanted to feel. Wanted to forget everything else and just focus on this. On him. On a moment she could never get enough of.

  His strong, warm hands gripped her waist and lifted her off the floor. He laid her back on the bed, took her hands in his, and pushed them overhead. Wrapping her fingers around the wooden slats in the headboard, he covered hers with his own, then looked directly into her eyes.

  “My turn.” His voice was husky and breathless. So damn arousing it made her entire body tremble. “Say my name.”

  “Jake.” The word came out on a soft breath, and she worked her hands free, needing to touch him anywhere. Everywhere.

  “Uh-uh.” He held her hands in place. “I said it was my turn. I’m in control now.” His gaze rolled down over her body. “And you are still wearing way too much clothing to get that skin you wanted.”

  Yes. Oh, yes. “Definitely.”

  He eased the hold on her hands, then skimmed his fingers down her arms and over her breasts, sitting back, his thighs flanking hers.

  Streetlight washed over his bare skin. Over muscles carved from hours in the gym. Across scars from his years in the military. Highlighting the fine dusting of hair along his chest and the ripple of his ab muscles. And she wanted to lick every spot. Every muscle and scar and dip and plane. She wanted it all.

  Releasing the headboard, she swept her hands over his chest and down his abs.

  Jake grabbed her wrists and met her gaze with a hot, sharp look that pierced her belly with excitement. “No touching. Not until I say so.” He replaced her hands on the headboard. “Don’t move again.”

  Oh man, she liked this side of him. Liked it way more than she should. “Figures you’d get bossy.”

  His lips curved in that hot little grin that made her wet. One finger traced a line down the center of her chest, slipped beneath the clasp of her bra, and flicked it open. Marley sucked in a breath of surprise.

/>   “This bossy,” he said, his gaze hot on her breasts as they spilled from the parting fabric, “is in your best interest. I promise.”

  When he did nothing more than stare, running the back of his fingers across her exposed skin, she growled, planted her feet on the mattress, and lifted her hips, pressing them into his. His cock pushed against that sweet spot between her legs already aching for him. “Take control, Ryder, or I will.”

  He chuckled. “That’s an offer I’ll take you up on later.”

  Later . . . Later, tonight? Later, tomorrow? Later, next week? Her mind flitted to the future before she caught it and reined her thoughts in to the now. Just now.

  His head lowered, his lips kissing a path down the center of her chest and over the mound of one breast. She was already arching when he finally took her nipple into his mouth. Her head fell back, her eyes closed on a sound of pleasure that erupted from her throat.

  He pulled his mouth from hers for a husky, “Say my name.” Then covered the other breast.

  She whimpered with pleasure. “Jake. More, Jake.”

  He moaned against her, the sound vibrating her nipple, sending shockwaves straight to her core.

  Oh . . . She released the headboard and threaded her hands into his hair. “I can’t—”

  “Addison.” He pulled her hands from his hair and slammed her arms above her head. “What did I tell you?”

  Really? He was playing games now? Frustration and need coiled hot in her belly, making her tremble, making her sweat. “I’m feeling sleepy, Ryder. Step it up already and focus on the importance of this medical emergency.”

  His gaze snapped to hers, and something dangerous, something scorching brewed in their dark depths. “Sleepy, huh?” He reached between them and pulled her jeans open—button and zipper—in one hard tug. “I guess I’m gonna have to do something about that.”

  Oh yes, he would. She grinned. Held on to the headboard as he moved back and stripped her jeans and panties roughly over her hips and down her legs. Shook with excitement. But she didn’t care if he ripped them. Didn’t care about anything right now except taking him deep inside.


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