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Riot Page 8

by Heather Atkinson

  With Craig’s help he was going to give his family the shock of a lifetime. That would teach them to consider sending him away.

  While they were all outside he crept downstairs to the room Riley used as an office. The door was ajar and he peered inside, heart thumping with excitement when he saw the safe in the wall. Once he’d happened to pass by this door in time to see Riley stowing his gun in there. He was the only member of his family legally licensed to carry one as part of his security work. One day when Riley had been out he’d snuck in to examine it. The safe was hidden by a picture, which was why he’d never noticed it before. It was nothing heavy duty, he figured a crowbar would be enough to get at what was inside. Then he could start completing his dad’s work.

  Miller had watched Dwyer carefully ever since his return from Spain. There was an air of smugness hanging over him that, although a usual part of his character, seemed to be heightened even more than usual. He’d refused to share any information about how his trip had gone, which was disappointing as she was waiting for something to give to Jules. As she filled out some paperwork she was keeping one eye on him in his office. He kept staring at his computer, as though expecting something, looking disappointed then turning his attention back to the photos on his walls as though they could give him some answers. What was the weasel up to now?

  She watched as he picked up his phone and bawled something down the line before slamming down the handset. His head snapped up and he caught her looking. Hastily she looked back down at her paperwork, praying the inevitable wouldn’t happen.

  Her heart sank when she heard his office door open.

  “DS Miller,” his voice boomed across the room. “I require black coffee. Now.”

  His door slammed shut again and Miller felt her face burn as her male colleagues all started sniggering. It was infuriating because she was so much better at her job than they were, they were all thick bastards, apart from Stevie, the youngest of their unit. He was alright. He flashed her a sympathetic smile as she got to her feet and plodded over to the coffee machine.

  In his office Dwyer was fit for exploding. He’d been promised the DNA results from the sample that had been taken from that body in Spain by four o’clock today. Amber’s mother had given him a sample for comparison from a brush her daughter had left at her flat. It was three minutes to four and so far nothing. After bawling out the lab, five minutes later there was a ping and the email he’d been waiting for all day arrived.

  “At last,” he muttered. “Stupid useless bastards.”

  DS Miller walked in with his coffee and placed it on his desk. “Sir, you okay?” she said when she found him staring at his screen with his jaw hanging open.

  “It’s her,” he murmured more to himself than her.

  “Who is Sir?”

  He realised what he’d said and annoyance filled his eyes. “Never you mind. This coffee had better be stronger than the last one you gave me. You could have given that to a baby it was so weak.”

  “It is Sir,” she said through gritted teeth.


  As he took a sip she glanced at his screen and caught something about DNA results but nothing else.

  “That’s all DS Miller,” he barked.

  “Yes Sir,” she said before leaving.

  Dwyer regarded the email on his computer screen with triumph. By Christ that body in a Spanish mortuary was Amber Maguire. But what should his next move be? He was painfully aware that the forensic evidence along with the word of a convicted felon didn’t mean very much. In order to get a charge to stick he needed more witnesses. First of all he would talk to Amber’s parents. He turned to scan the faces on the wall behind him, smiling when his gaze settled on one particular photo. Then he would visit the person who had always been considered to be the weak link in the family - Declan Maguire.

  But first, he had some bad news to break to the parents.


  “How did the meet with the copper in Dwyer’s team go?” Jez asked Jules at their next meeting at The Manor.

  “Good. She’s keen to get rid of the bastard. There’s nothing more dangerous than a woman with ambition,” she grinned. “But she is labouring under the delusion that our relationship will end once Dwyer’s gone. I’ll let her think that, for now.”

  “Nice work sis.”

  “Miller did confirm how obsessed he is with our family. He has photos of us all over his office, which is pretty creepy. He’s definitely a danger. She also said he’s up to something. She booked him a flight to Spain.”

  “Spain?” said Mikey while Jez turned cold. “That’s where Amber went. I wonder if the cow’s working with him to set us up?”

  “Might not be her,” said Jules. “There’s plenty of old lags hiding out there who would jump at the chance to sell us out to save their own skins.”

  “Any movement on her passport?” said Mikey.

  “I checked last week,” said Mark. “Nothing.”

  “Then she’s still out there.”

  “Surely she wouldn’t be stupid enough to grass,” said Jez, stuffing down the rising panic. “She knows the score.”

  “She was stupid enough to side with our enemies.”

  “What can she tell Dwyer anyway?” said Mikey. “She knows nothing about our businesses and I can’t see her confessing to being in on the plot to kill us all.”

  “Then it’s probably someone else,” said Jules. “Or it might be nothing to do with us. It could be connected to another case.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. Let’s not panic yet.” Mikey looked to Jez. “You’re being pretty quiet. What’s your take on all this?”

  “I agree that we have no idea what’s going on. Let’s see how it plays out.”

  Jez was relieved when Mikey steered the conversation in another direction so he could think. Was this about Amber? But she’d been shoved off a cliff, there was nothing of her to find. He began to relax. Even if Dwyer did suspect Amber was dead he wouldn’t be able to prove it without a body. He had nothing.

  “DCI Dwyer,” said Joyce, opening the door of her poky flat to him. “You have some news?”

  “I do and I’m afraid it’s not good. Can I come in?”

  She regarded him fearfully, swallowing hard. “She’s dead, isn’t she?”

  “Perhaps we should discuss this inside…”

  “Just tell me.”

  “Yes Mrs Sweeney, she’s dead. I’m very sorry.”

  She stared at him in shock before bursting into tears. “Ken,” she cried.

  Her concerned husband appeared by her side and she leaned on him for support.

  “What on earth have you said to get her into this state?” he demanded of Dwyer.

  “Amber’s dead,” cried Joyce. “I knew he’d do it one day.”

  Ken paled. “Amber, dead? No, she can’t be.”

  “If I could please come in I’ll explain everything,” said Dwyer, noting the next door neighbour poking her nosy bastard head out of her flat.

  Ken nodded dumbly and opened the door wider for him to enter.

  “Thank you,” said Dwyer, stepping inside.

  Joyce had to be helped to the couch by her husband and they slumped down onto it together, shocked and holding hands, listening in mute horror as Dwyer explained his trip to Spain and Amber’s grisly fate.

  “He didn’t even have the courage to do it himself,” said Ken. “He had to pay some low order bastard to do it for him.”

  “That is Mikey’s way,” said Dwyer. “He doesn’t like getting his hands dirty.”

  “Because he’s a coward,” hissed Joyce. “I want to speak to this McGinnis man and hear exactly how he killed my little girl.”

  “I’m afraid that’s not possible Madam. He’s gone into protective custody.”

  “You’re protecting my daughter’s murderer,” she shrieked.

  “He was just the hired help. Mikey and Jez are her real killers.”

  “Jez? He was in on it to

  He nodded.

  She sighed and pressed a hand to her forehead. “We warned Amber about getting tangled up with that family, we knew it would go badly for her. Oh at first he was so charming, treated her like a princess. Then Jules came into his life and he forgot all about our little girl. I’m amazed he hasn’t been arrested for incest.”

  “Marriage between first cousins isn’t illegal Mrs Sweeney.”

  “Well it should be, it’s revolting. Amber was so beautiful and a loving wife and mother. She took Mikey dumping her with such dignity and she was very careful not to upset him, she was under no illusions as to what kind of man she’d married.”

  Joyce was blissfully unaware that Dwyer knew a lot about the Maguires’ lives and the Amber she was describing was totally at odds with the real one who had preferred drinking and partying to being a wife and mother and who had been a vain narcissist who had continually harassed Mikey after he’d eventually chucked her out. But he wasn’t about to mention that.

  “The thing is,” he continued. “It’s going to be very difficult to prove.”

  “But you’ve got her killer’s statement.”

  “The word of a criminal with a long string of convictions behind him isn’t enough. It’ll just be his word against theirs. If we can prove motive that would give us more of a fighting chance.”

  He sat back and waited for them to do the work for him. It was clear Joyce was furiously thinking.

  “What if we said Amber was going to fight Mikey for custody of the children?” Joyce eventually said.

  “Was she?”

  She hesitated before saying, “Yes.”

  “Did she file anything with a solicitor?”

  “No but…she was going to. She loved the bones of those boys.”

  Again this contradicted what he knew to be true but he wasn’t about to complain. It was more ammunition against Mikey Maguire. “Are you willing to give evidence in court that she was going for custody?”

  “Yes and so is Ken.”

  Her husband didn’t look as certain about that as she did, shrinking back in his seat. It was clear of the two of them who was more afraid of Mikey, as well as who wore the trousers.

  “Excellent. Now I know this is a very difficult time for you but you have intimate knowledge of Mikey and Amber’s marriage. If there’s anything else you can think of then please, contact me immediately. We’re going to need everything we can to get him convicted.”

  “We’ll make sure you get it, have no worries there DCI Dwyer. When Mikey’s sent to prison will Jules get custody of the boys?”

  “Yes, she’s their legal stepmother. Why, would you want custody?”

  “Absolutely. They’re our grandchildren and they deserve to be brought up decently. If they stay with her they’ll become criminals just like their father.”

  “If Mikey and Jez fall then Jules probably will too. If they’re convicted it will give us everything we need to tear apart their businesses and get them all sent down, meaning you would be the next natural guardians.”

  Joyce nodded and wiped the tears from her eyes, sitting up straighter in her seat. “Whatever you need and whatever it takes. We’re with you DCI Dwyer.”

  Ken shrank back into the couch even more, looking like a scared mouse. At least one of this pair had balls.

  “You’re sure?” Jules said into her phone. She sighed at Miller’s reply. “Right, thanks. I’ll be in touch.”

  “Something wrong babe?” said Mikey from the couch. It was a Saturday and they were at home with the boys, who were sat on the floor before the television playing computer games.

  “That was my little spy in Dwyer’s office,” she whispered so the boys wouldn’t hear. “She’s booked him on a flight to Dublin.”

  “To see Declan?”

  “It’s possible but I don’t like it. First Spain, now Dublin, both places our family has connections to.”

  “I don’t think it’s a coincidence and Declan has intimate knowledge of our operations.”

  “But nothing he can prove and we changed everything after he left.”

  “Maybe we should…remove him.”

  “It’s too late. Dwyer’s already left. He managed to get on a last minute flight.”

  Mikey considered the situation before shrugging. “It doesn’t matter. Declan can’t tell him anything useful.”

  “I agree but Dwyer’s up to something. I just hope my little spy will be able to tell us more soon. We’ll need to be prepared.”

  “It’ll be fine,” he said, kissing her. He turned his attention back to the boys. “Right you two, it’s time to switch off your game. We’re going to the park.”

  The television went off and they leapt to their feet. “I am so going to beat you this time at football Mum,” grinned Josh.

  “I don’t doubt it little man,” she grinned back.

  Although she was now in her forties she had the energy of teenager, which Mikey envied. He was younger than his wife but sometimes he felt slow and lethargic in comparison, despite how often he worked out.

  Dwyer knocked on the door of the small semi-detached house in the heart of Dublin, which was opened by a red haired woman wearing nothing but a t-shirt. For a moment he thought it was Amber Maguire, until he realised this woman was a little older and taller.

  “I’m looking for Declan Maguire,” said Dwyer.

  “Dec babe,” the woman called in a heavy southern Irish accent. “Visitor.”

  The woman disappeared back into the house and Declan, looking about a stone heavier than he had in Manchester, thick blond stubble coating his cheeks appeared at the door wearing a t-shirt and blue jeans with holes in the knees, a far cry from how smartly he’d used to dress. There was a lump on the bridge of his nose which hadn’t been there before, Dwyer assumed from a fight.

  “Jesus, you’re like a cockroach,” sighed Declan. “What the hell are you doing in Ireland?”

  “I’ve some news that you’ll really want to hear.”

  “Whatever you’re going to say I’m not interested.”

  “Amber Maguire’s dead.”

  Declan paused closing the door to regard him incredulously. “What? Dead?”

  “Can I come in?”

  Declan didn’t reply as he became lost in his own thoughts, eyes welling with tears. He walked back into the house, leaving the door open. Dwyer followed him inside. It seemed the woman had gone upstairs because there was no sign of her. Dwyer managed to find a seat on the cluttered couch by shoving aside some old newspapers.

  “Dead?” rasped Declan, voice cracking.

  “Her remains were found in Spain eight months ago.”

  The tears that had glittered in his eyes finally started to fall. “Eight months?” he exclaimed. “She’s been dead eight months?”

  Dwyer wondered if there had been more to Declan’s relationship with Amber Maguire than he’d first thought. It would explain the presence of the woman who resembled her so closely, as well as Declan’s obvious devastation. “I’m afraid so. She was walking along a cliff top in Galicia when someone pushed her off it on Mikey and Jez’s orders.”

  A sob escaped Declan’s lips and he buried his face in his hands. Dwyer was not a patient man but he forced himself to remain silent and let the man grieve. Something more was going on here and he wanted to know what.

  “I knew he’d do it to her one day,” he snarled through his tears. “He said he didn’t care that she was in a relationship with me because it meant he could be with Jules, it was my betrayal that hurt him the most but how could he not care for God’s sake? She was his wife. All the time the bastard was just biding his time and I bet he made damn sure his boys forgot all about her. He replaced her with Jules, he took everything from her and now he’s taken her life too.”

  “You were having a sexual relationship with Amber?”

  He nodded wearily. “For a few months. She needed a protector, he beat and abused her. It was only natural she turned
to me.”

  Dwyer laughed inwardly at how Mikey Maguire had been played for a sucker by his own wife and this complete drip. He thought it probably also explained Declan’s misshapen nose.

  “I take it you’re here because you want me to help you hurt him?” said Declan, eyes glittering with rage.

  “Well, I did wonder if there’s anything you can tell me to help get justice for Amber?”

  “Tell me what you need and I’ll make sure you get it. He will pay for what he’s done,” he bawled, getting to his feet.

  The door opened and the red-haired woman, now fully dressed, entered the room. “What’s going on baby?”

  “Nothing. Get out,” he yelled.

  Her eyes widened with surprise. “But baby…”

  “Shut the fuck up and get out,” he screamed. “You’re nothing to me. The only woman I could ever love is dead.”

  The woman’s lips pursed and she tossed back her hair. “I don’t know what’s going on but I don’t want any part of it, freak,” she added before storming out.

  Declan took in a deep breath and retook his seat. “I’m sorry you had to see that DCI Dwyer. Niamh didn’t deserve that, she’s a nice girl but…”

  “She’s not Amber?”

  Declan nodded and ground the heels of his palms against his eyes. “What do you need me to do?”

  “You’re willing to go up against your own cousin, who is also a very dangerous man?”

  He nodded. “Amber made out like she took me for a fool in front of him. She told him I was just a patsy that she used to get back at him for sleeping with Jules and at the time I believed her. But over the last few months I’ve thought back over her words and I think she only said that to protect me. If she hadn’t said those things Mikey would have killed me rather than just beat me up. Our love was special, she couldn’t have faked it. I let her down when she needed me. If I’d stuck by her she would be alive now. I won’t let her down again. I want to help you get justice for her. Whatever you need me to do I’ll do it. I don’t care what it costs me.”


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